Number of items: 427.
Almond, D
The savage.
Walker Books, London.
ISBN 9781406319859
Christopher, L
Chicken House, Frome.
ISBN 9781906427139
Davies, D, Towler, L, Scott, T, Collier, C, Howe, A and McMahon, K
Science 5-11: a guide for teachers. 2nd ed.
Routledge, London.
ISBN 9780415480468
English, L
Why I'm here.
Typical Mundy, Bristol.
ISBN 9780956315106
Etter, C
The son.
Oystercatcher Press, Norfolk.
ISBN 9781905885244
Etter, C
The tethers.
Seren, Bridgend.
ISBN 9781854114921
Gee, M
My driver.
Telegram Books, London.
ISBN 9781846590528
Hughes, W and Smith, A
Queering the Gothic.
Manchester University Press, Manchester.
ISBN 9780719078156
Voake, S
Blood hunters.
Faber & Faber, London.
ISBN 9780571230013
Book Chapter or Section
Bentham, R
Richardson, S and
Ashton, G, eds.
In the telling.
Cinnamon Press, Blaenau Ffestiniog.
ISBN 9781905614929
Deegalle, M
'Buddhist ethics in politics of religious conversion.'
Proceedings of the International Research Seminar on Buddhism: Truthful Knowledge and Quality of Life, Buddhist Research Institute, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Ayutthaya, Thailand, 2009.
Buddhist Research Institute MCU, Ayutthaya, pp. 153-161.
Deegalle, M
'Norms of war in Theravada Buddhism.'
Popovski, V,
Reichberg, G and
Turner, N, eds.
World religions and norms of war.
United Nations University Press, Tokyo.
ISBN 9789280811636
Fawcett, M and Hay, P
'5x5x5 = creativity in the early years.'
Herne, S,
Cox, S and
Watts, R, eds.
Readings in primary art education.
Readings in art & design education series
Intellect, Bristol, pp. 231-247.
ISBN 9781841502427
Gifford, T
James, D and
Tews, P, eds.
New versions of pastoral: post-Romantic, modern, and contemporary responses to the tradition.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, Madison, USA, pp. 245-257.
ISBN 9781611473988
Green, J
'Snow swan.'
Winter magic.
Stripes, London.
ISBN 9781847151070
Griffin, B
Griffin, B, ed.
New voices in Irish studies: essays on history and literature.
Bath Spa University Press, Bath, UK, pp. 9-14.
Hadjiafxendi, K and Plunkett, J
'The pre-history of the 'Little Magazine'.'
Brooker, P and
Thacker, A, eds.
The Oxford critical and cultural history of modernist magazines, volume I: Britain and Ireland 1880-1955.
Oxford University Press, pp. 33-50.
ISBN 9780199211159
Head, A, Glen, N and Thompson, S
'A 'hybrid space’ for peer review: can Facebook inspire new ways of thinking?'
Remenyi, D, ed.
The proceedings of the 8th European Conference on e-Learning : University of Bari, Italy, 29-30 October 2009.
Academic Publishing, Reading, pp. 732-741.
ISBN 9781906638528
Please click the title to check availability.
Heaton, R
'Reminder: a recording is not a performance.'
Clarke, E,
Cook, N,
Leech-Wilkinson, D and
Rink, J, eds.
The Cambridge companion to recorded music.
Cambridge Companions to Music
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 217-220.
ISBN 9780521684613
Ingram, G, Piazza, J and Bering, J
'The adaptive problem of absent third-party punishment.'
Høgh-Olesen, H,
Tønnesvang, J and
Bertelsen, P, eds.
Human characteristics: evolutionary perspectives on human mind and kind.
Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle, pp. 205-229.
ISBN 9781443802130
Ivic, C
'Spenser and interpellative memory.'
Beecher, D and
Williams, G, eds.
Ars reminiscendi: mind and memory in Renaissance culture.
Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, Toronto.
ISBN 9780772720481
Jones, O
'After nature: entangled worlds.'
Castree, N,
Demeritt, D,
Liverman, D and
Rhoads, B, eds.
A companion to environmental geography.
Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 294-312.
ISBN 9781405156226
Jones, O
Thrift, N and
Kitchin, R, eds.
International encyclopedia of human geography.
Elsevier, London, pp. 266-272.
ISBN 9780080449111
Jones, O
Thrift, N and
Kitchin, R, eds.
International encyclopaedia of human geography.
Elsevier, London, pp. 309-323.
ISBN 9780080449111
Jose, N
'After the show.'
Tuffield, A, ed.
New Australian stories.
Scribe, Melbourne, pp. 183-188.
ISBN 9781921372568
Jose, N
Jose, N, ed.
Macquarie PEN anthology of Australian literature.
Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, pp. 1-8.
ISBN 9781741754407
Jose, N
Jose, N, ed.
Contemporary art and philanthropy: private foundations - Asia Pacific focus.
Power, Sydney, pp. 1-15.
ISBN 9780957738232
Jose, N
'My China project.'
Xiaogang, Z and
Yang, W, eds.
The China project.
Queensland Art Gallery, South Brisbane, Qld.
ISBN 9781876509934
Jose, N
'The aunt's garden's story.'
Britton, G and
Lawrence, S, eds.
Small city tales of strangeness and beauty.
Wakefield Press, Adelaide, pp. 85-87.
ISBN 9781862548343
Kerridge, R
'Green pleasures.'
Soper, K,
Ryle, M and
Thomas, L, eds.
The politics and pleasures of consuming differently.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.
ISBN 9780230537286
Kovats, T
Griffiths, B, ed.
Toby Christian: new and used pianos.
Full Flag, London.
ISBN 9780956241313
MacVean, A
'Critical incidents.'
Harfield, C, ed.
Blackstone's police operational handbook: practice and procedure.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 743-750.
ISBN 9780199561018
MacVean, A
'Policing critical incidents.'
Harfield, C, ed.
Blackstone's operational handbook: practice and procedure.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 743-750.
ISBN 9780199561018
Malik, I.H
Forsythe, D, ed.
Encyclopedia of human rights.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
ISBN 9780195334029
Markopoulos, G, Richardson-Klavehn, A, Bergström, Z, Magno, E, Sweeney-Reed, C and Wimber, M
'On the intimate relationship between neurobiology and function in the theoretical analysis of human learning and memory.'
Neuroimaging of Human Memory: Linking cognitive process to neural systems.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
ISBN 9780199217298
Marshall, A
Jones, C, ed.
British politics in the age of Holmes: Geoffrey Holmes's "British Politics in the age of Anne" 40 years on.
Parliamentary History: Texts & Studies
ISBN 9781405193344
Newbutt, N, Flynn, R and Kinchington, F
'Can the use of supplementary video and audio materials support student understanding of 3D animation? Some results, analysis and conclusions.'
Uhomoibhi, J,
Ross, M and
Staples, G, eds.
INSPIRE XIV: technology supported education and process improvement.
British Computer Society, Swindon, pp. 21-32.
ISBN 9781906124229
Power, T
'Drag Kings.'
O'Brien, J., ed.
Encyclopedia of Gender and Society.
Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks CA.
ISBN 9781412909167
Reid-Bowen, P
''Durga/Amba', 'Kali/Canda', 'Matrikas', 'Parvati', 'Sati', 'Uma', 'Mahisa'.'
Cush, D,
Robinson, C and
York, M, eds.
Encyclopaedia of Hinduism.
Routledge, London.
ISBN 9780415556231
Rigby, K
'Romancing the gift.'
Manolopoulos, M, ed.
With gifted thinkers: conversations with Caputo, Hart, Horner, Kearney, Keller, Rigby, Taylor, Wallace, Westphal.
Peter Lang, Bern, pp. 165-197.
ISBN 9783034300988
Saunders, J
'Fourteen musicians.'
Saunders, J, ed.
The Ashgate Research Companion to Experimental Music.
Ashgate Research Companions
Ashgate, Farnham and Burlington VT, pp. 221-368.
ISBN 9780754662822
Saunders, J and Adlington, R
'Rebecca Saunders.'
Grove Music Online.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Saunders, J and Pace, I
'Christopher Fox.'
Grove Music Online.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Sorensen, N and Fisher, L
'Listening to vegetables.'
Friedland, S.R, ed.
Vegetables: proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery 2008.
Prospect, Totnes.
ISBN 9781903018668
Strachan, J
'Romantic literature.'
Birch, D, ed.
The Oxford companion to English literature. 7th ed.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
ISBN 9780192806871
Swenson, A
'Musées de moulages et protection du patrimoine.'
Rolland, A-S and
Murauskaya, H, eds.
Les musées de la nation: créations, transpositions, renouveau. Europe XIXe-XXe siècles.
Editions L’Harmattan, pp. 205-219.
ISBN 9782296074378
Winlow, H
'Darwinism (and Social Darwinism).'
Kitchin, R and
Thrift, N, eds.
International encyclopedia of human geography.
Elsevier, Amsterdam; Boston, Mass.
ISBN 9780080449111
Winlow, H
Kitchin, R and
Thrift, N, eds.
International encyclopedia of human geography.
Elsevier, Amsterdam; Boston, Mass.
ISBN 9780080449111
Winlow, H
'Mapping, race and ethnicity.'
Kitchin, R and
Thrift, N, eds.
International encyclopedia of human geography.
Elsevier, Amsterdam; Boston, Mass.
ISBN 9780080449111
Bishop, D, Felstead, A, Fuller, A, Jewson, N, Unwin, L and Kakavelakis, K
'Constructing learning: adversarial and collaborative working in the British construction industry.'
Journal of Education and Work, 22 (4).
pp. 243-260.
Bystrom, L.M, Lewis, B.A, Brown, D.L, Rodriguez, E and Obendorf, R.L
'Phenolics, sugars, antimicrobial and free-radical-scavenging Activities of Melicoccus bijugatus Jacq. fruits from the Dominican Republic and Florida.'
Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 64 (2).
pp. 160-166.
Dahn, J
Ceramics Technical, May-09 (28).
pp. 90-94.
Daykin, N, Irwin, R, Kimberlee, R, Orme, J, Plant, M, McCarron, L and Rahbari, M
'Alcohol, young people and the media: a study of radio output in six radio stations in England.'
Journal of Public Health, 31 (1).
pp. 105-112.
Etchells, P.J, Duensing, S, Heard, P, Perks, L, Haigh, S and Leonards, U
'Eye movements of science centre visitors.'
Perception, 38 (supp.).
p. 167.
Felstead, A, Fuller, A, Jewson, N, Unwin, L, Bishop, D and Kakavelakis, K
'Mind the gap: personal and collective identities at work.'
Studies in the Education of Adults, 41 (1).
pp. 6-20.
Gillmore, G, Coningham, R.A.E, Fazeli, H, Young, R.L, Magshoudi, M, Batt, C.M and Rushworth, G
'Irrigation on the Tehran Plain, Iran: Tepe Pardis - the site of a possible Neolithic irrigation feature?'
Catena, 78 (3).
pp. 285-300.
Snooks, H, Evans, A, Wells, B, Perconi, J, Thomas, M, Woollard, M, Guly, H, Jenkinson, E, Turner, J and Huntley-Sharpe, C
'What are the highest priorities for research in emergency prehospital care?'
Emergency Medical Journal, 26 (8).
pp. 549-550.
Stone, G, Graves, A and Miemcyck, J
International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 9 (1).
pp. 1-3.
Conference or Workshop Item
Allen, D
Convener's presentation.
In: The Go Between: Methodologies and taxonomies between museums, galleries, creative practices and learning, 9-11 September 2009, National Museum Wales, Cardiff, UK.
Hyland, P, Pace, D, Brawley, S, Booth, A, Erekson, K, T. Mills, K, Timmins, G and Richardson, S
Setting an agenda for the scholarship of teaching and learning history.
In: ISSOLTL 09: Solid Foundations, Emerging Knowledge, Shared Futures, 22 - 25 October 2009, Indiana University, Bloomington.
Kinloch, J.M, Foster, T.M and McEwan, J
The effect of the number of training trials and stimulus arrangement (linear, many-to-one, one-to-many) on the facilitation of derived equivalence relations in operant and associative procedures.
In: New Zealand Association for Behaviour Analysis, 6th Annual Conference, 28-30 August 2009, University of Auckland, New Zealand.
Lundskaer-Nielsen, M
Introduction and 'what next?'.
In: Putting it together: Teaching musical theatre in UK higher education, 27-28 March 2009, Newton Park, Bath Spa University..
Luzar, R and Collins, L
Pause records.
In: Making Sense: For an Effective Aesthetics, 25 September 2009, Little Hall, University of Cambridge, UK.
Malik, I.H
The United States and Pakistan.
In: Tower Center Conference on Security, 18 November 2009, Southern Methodist University, Dallas TX, USA.
Nixon, E
Vivien Leigh - the actress.
In: Vivien Leigh Symposium, September 2009, The University of Exeter and Topsham Museum, Exeter, UK.
Qi, B, Liu, L, Wang, C, Oliver, S and Zhang, R
Can ICT replace a traditional learning model? A case study.
In: First International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science, 7 - 8 March 2009, Wuhan, China.
Rigby, K
Changing the climate: imagining catastrophe.
In: The Global Environmental Changes and Human Security (GECHS) Synthesis Conference: Human Security in an Era of Global Change, 22 -24 June 2009, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.
Slade, C
Fractured citizenship.
In: ECREA Conference 2009, 11 November 2009, Ultrecht, The Netherlands.
Slade, C
Transnational television.
In: Journalism in the 21st Century: Between Globalization and National Identity, 16 - 17 July 2009, University of Melbourne, Australia.
Slade, C
The mediated cosmopolitan citizen.
In: The Idea of Cosmopolitanism: Interdisciplinary Dialogues, 5 December 2009, Centre for the Humanities, University of Utrecht.
Slade, C, Volkmer, I, Camauër, L, Georgiou, M, Najab, F and Ghanjaoui, C
Media and citizenship: transnational television cultures, reshaping political identities in the European Union.
In: EU Panel 2009, April 2009, Ultrecht, Holland.
Thebo, M, May, S, Albers, R, McNair, P and English, L
Teach a writer to fish.
In: Creative Writing In Education : NAWE Autumn Conference, 13 - 15 November 2009, Chilworth Manor, Southampton, UK.
Commissioned Report
Dalwood, D
Endless Night.
Gagosian Gallery, Beverley Hills CA, USA, 17 September - 7 November 2009.
Dutton, S and Swindells, S
Institute of Beasts.
In: Curating Knowledge, Alsager Art Centre Gallery, Manchester Metropolitan University, Alsager, UK, 2 - 6 February 2009.
Dutton, S and Swindells, S
The Institute of Beasts.
Kuando Museum of Fine Art, Taipei, Taiwan, 20 June - 8 August 2009.
Harrison, K
In: Possibilities and Losses: Transitions in Clay, Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, Middlesbrough, UK, 22 May - 16 August 2009.
Head, A
Jurassic Light Years.
Imaginalis, Chelsea Art Museum, New York, USA, 5 March - 4 April 2009.
Lax, A
In: British Ceramic Biennial Award, The Potteries Museum and Art Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent, UK, 3 October - 13 December 2009.
Medjesi-Jones, A
Exiled lines.
Ruskin Gallery, Cambridge, 05 - 12 November 2009.
Southall, A
Andrew Southall.
In: One, Stokes Croft, Bristol, 2-5 April 2009.
Taylor, A
Drawing Inferences.
Peter Pinson Gallery, Sydney, Australia, 28 October - 14 November 2009.
Vaughan, S
A Catfish Sleeps.
Djanogly Gallery, Nottingham, UK, 16 January - 28 February 2010.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
No Time.
Vera Cortês, Art Agency, Lisbon, Portugal, 29 May - 25 July 2009.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
Of knowing where you are.
In: Space Revised, Kunstlerhaus, Bremen, Germany, 17 May - 16 August 2009.
ISBN 9783941560376
Wood, J and Harrison, P
There or Thereabouts.
Von Bartha Gallery, Basel, Switzerland, November 2009.
Woods, C
Daddy witch.
In: The Dark Monarch: Magic and Modernity in British Art, Tate, St Ives, UK, 10 October 2009 - 10 January 2010.
Bryant, J and May, S
Higher 2: partners.
In: Afternoon Drama, BBC Radio 4, 20 August 2009.
Duddell, J and Elbow,
Elbow and the Halle Orchestra.
In: Manchester International Festival, The Bridgewater Hall, Manchester, UK, 8-9 July 2009.
Heaton, R, King, C, Potter, J and Friday, G
Nothing like the sun.
University of Lancaster, 26 November 2009.
Pollock, R
An ornery tale.
In: Shady Dolls Theatre Company, Blue Elephant Theatre, London, UK, 2009.
Power, T
Taming of the Shrew.
In: Bath Comedy Festival, Bath Spa University Theatre, Bath, UK, 2-4 April 2009.
Purcell-Gates, L
Touring event, 2009-2011.
Sarma, U
American Conservatory Theater, San Fransisco CA, USA, 5 March 2010.
Sarma, U
The dark things.
Traverse Theatre Company, Edinburgh, UK, 6-24 October 2009.
Biggs, A, Groenevelt, B and Brian, R
Be still.
Hughes, W
For Elaine [poetry].
Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society, 3 (1).
p. 111.
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