Items where Division is "School of Writing, Publishing and the Humanities" and Year is 2006

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Number of items: 107.

Deegalle, M, ed. (2006) Buddhism, conflict and violence in modern Sri Lanka. Routledge critical studies in Buddhism . Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415359207

Anderson, R and Bellenger, D, eds. (2006) Medieval religion: a sourcebook. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415370271

Morrison, R, ed. (2006) Thomas De Quincey: on murder. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780192805669

Anderson, R (2006) 'Diplomatic representatives from the Hapsburg Monarchy to the court of James VI and I.' In: The Spanish match: Prince Charles's journey to Madrid, 1623. Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 209-226. ISBN 9780754640875

Bentham, R (2006) Cast in stone.

Brain, T (2006) 'Dangerous confessions: the problem of reading Sylvia Plath biographically.' In: Gill, Jo, ed. Modern Confessional Writing. Routledge, pp. 11-32. ISBN 0-415-33969-3

Brain, T (2006) 'Sylvia Plath's letters and journals.' In: Gill, Jo, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Sylvia Plath. Cambridge University Press, pp. 139-155. ISBN 0-521-60685-3

Chilcott, C (2006) Maintaining the British army : 1793 to 1820. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University. doi: 10.17870/bathspa.00001461

Cologne-Brookes, G (2006) Lie there my art: memoir and performance in travels with Charley. In: American Literature Association 17th Annual Conference, 25 - 28 May 2006, San Francisco.

Cox, L and Robinson, C (2006) 'The living words of the living master: Sants, Sikhs, Sachkhand Nanak Dham and the academy.' Journal of Contemporary Religion, 21 (3). pp. 373-387.

Curth, L (2006) 'Medical advertising in the popular press: almanacs and the growth of proprietary medicines.' In: Curth, L Hill, ed. From Physick to Pharmacology: Five Hundred Years of British Drug Retailing. Ashgate, pp. 29-48. ISBN 075463597X

Dafydd, S.M (2006) Infinite longing: artists from Wales [exhibition catalogue]. ABC Gallery, Moscow.

Dafydd, S.M (2006) 'The moss between us.' In: Cowan, A, ed. UEA creative writing anthology 2006: tessellate. Pen & Inc Press, Norwich. ISBN 9781902913278

Deegalle, M (2006) 'Buddhist monks as foot soldiers in political activism in Sri Lanka.' In: Broadhead, P and Keown, D, eds. Can faiths make peace? Tauris, pp. 138-156. ISBN 1845112768

Deegalle, M (2006) 'Introduction: Buddhism, conflict and violence.' In: Deegalle, M, ed. Buddhism, conflict and violence in modern Sri Lanka. Routledge Critical Studies in Buddhism . Routledge, London, pp. 1-21. ISBN 0415359201

Deegalle, M (2006) 'JHU politics for peace and a righteous state.' In: Deegalle, M, ed. Buddhism, conflict and violence in modern Sri Lanka. Routledge Critical Studies in Buddhism . Routledge, London, pp. 233-254. ISBN 0415359201

Deegalle, M (2006) Popularizing Buddhism: preaching as performance in Sri Lanka. SUNY Press, New York. ISBN 9780791468975

Edwards, P (2006) 'The Imagery of Hulme's Poems and Notebooks.' In: Gasiorek, Andrzej and Ashgate, Ed Comentale, eds. T. E. Hulme and the Question of Modernism. Ashgate, pp. 23-38. ISBN 0-7546-4088-4

English, L (2006) Exposed. Touring show, August - November 2006.

English, L (2006) Poetry performance. In: Buzz Festival, Sri Lanka and India, February - March 2006.

English, L (2006) Poetry performance. In: WordFest, Banff and Calgary, Canada, 15 October 2006.

Forna, A (2006) Ancestor stones. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9780747584728

Gadd, I ORCID: 0000-0002-6154-5990 (2006) 'From printing type to BlackboardTM: teaching the history of the early modern book to literary undergraduates in a ‘new’ UK university.' In: Hawkins, A, ed. Teaching bibliography, textual criticism, and book history. Pickering & Chatto, London; Brookfield, VT. ISBN 9781851968343

Gadd, I ORCID: 0000-0002-6154-5990 and Wallis, P (2006) Guilds and association in Europe, 900-1900. University of London, London. ISBN 9781905165131

Gee, M (2006) The blue. Telegram, London. ISBN 9781846590139

Gifford, T (2006) Green Shakespeare: from ecopolitics to ecocriticism [book review]. ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, 13 (2). pp. 272-273.

Gifford, T (2006) 'Post-pastoral as a tool for ecocriticism.' In: Skoie, M and Bjornstad-Velasquez, S, eds. Pastoral and the humanities: arcadia re-inscribed. Bristol Phoenix Press, Exeter, pp. 14-247. ISBN 9781904675587

Gifford, T (2006) Reconnecting with John Muir: essays in post-pastoral practice. University of Georgia Press, Athens, GA. ISBN 9780820327969

Gifford, T (2006) 'What is ecocriticism for? Some personal reflections in response to two recent critiques.' Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism, 7 (1). pp. 6-13.

Gifford, T (2006) 'The ecology of Ted Hughes: 'Wolfwatching' – the final poetic statement.' In: Schuchard, R, ed. "Fixed stars govern a life": transforming poetics and memory with Emory’s Ted Hughes Archive. The Academic Exchange, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, pp. 37-45.

Green, J (2006) 'Make friends, make friends, never never break friends.' In: Hollyer, B, ed. You're the best. Kingfisher, London. ISBN 9780753413326

Green, J (2006) Taking flight. A&C Black, London. ISBN 9780713675948

Griffin, B (2006) Belfast's unholy war: the Troubles of the 1920s [book review]. Irish Studies Review, 14 (2). pp. 281-282.

Griffin, B (2006) 'Cycling and gender in Victorian Ireland.' Eire-Ireland, 41 (1&2). pp. 213-241.

Griffin, B (2006) Cycling in Victorian Ireland. Nonsuch Publishing, Dublin. ISBN 1845885627

Griffin, B (2006) 'Prevention and detection of crime in nineteenth-century Ireland.' In: Dawson, N.M, ed. Reflections on law and history : Irish Legal History Society discourses and other papers, 2000-2005. Four Courts Press, Dublin, pp. 99-125. ISBN 9781851829378

Griffin, B (2006) Sport and the Irish: histories, identities, issues [book review]. Irish Studies Review, 14 (3). pp. 390-392.

Hems, A and Blockley, M (2006) Heritage interpretation: theory and practice. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780415237963

Hill, T (2006) 'Putting London centre-stage.' The Cambridge Quarterly, 35 (1). pp. 94-97.

Hughes, W (2006) 'Gothic criticism: a survey.' In: Powell, A and Smith, A, eds. Teaching the Gothic. Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 10-28. ISBN 9781403949301

Hughes, W (2006) Vathek: a Gothic journey to the Orient. In: Bath Preservation Trust Lecture Series, 30 October 2006, Beckford’s Tower, Bath.

Ivic, C (2006) The production, circulation, and reception of Jacobean Union ideas. In: The Modern Language Association Convention, 27-30 December 2006, Philadelphia.

Jose, N (2006) 'Adam Aitken.' In: Samuels, S, ed. Dictionary of literary biography: Australian writers, 1975-2000. Gale, Detroit, pp. 10-15. ISBN 9780787681432

Jose, N (2006) 'Citizens of the world.' In: Thwaites, V, Eagle, M, Jose, N and Kean, J, eds. Writing a painting : March 2006. University of South Australia, Adelaide, pp. 14-16. ISBN 9780646451572

Jose, N (2006) Paper nautilus. Wakefield. ISBN 9781862547339

Jose, N (2006) 'Writers in prison.' Wet Ink, 4. pp. 20-21.

Kerridge, R (2006) Ecocriticism, romanticism, consumerism. In: Countering Consumerism: Religious and Secular Responses, 20-22 April 2006, London Metropolitan University.

Kerridge, R (2006) 'Environmentalism and Ecocriticism.' In: Waugh, Patricia, ed. Literary Theory and Criticism: An Oxford Guide. Oxford University Press, pp. 530-543. ISBN 9780199258369

Liardet, T (2006) The blood choir. Seren, Bridgend. ISBN 9781854114143

Malik, I.H (2006) British Islam, discourse and the politics of identity. In: 1001 Newsflashes - Western and Eastern Images, Understanding and Misunderstandings in Media and Politics, 24 - 25 November 2006, University of Zurich.

Malik, I.H (2006) Crescent between cross and star : Muslims and the West after 9/11. Oxford University Press, Karachi. ISBN 9780195472868

Malik, I.H (2006) Culture and customs of Pakistan. Greenwood Press, Westport, Conn. ISBN 9780313331268

Malik, I.H (2006) 'Punjab, partition and Pakistan.' Seminar (567).

Malik, I.H (2006) 'Strangers in our midst: in search of seven pillars of wisdom - response.' In: Tunstall, K, ed. Displacement, asylum, migration: the Oxford amnesty lectures 2004. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 127-137. ISBN 9780192807243

Malik, I.H (2006) Syed Ahmed Khan and Muslim modernism in India. In: Sir Syed Ahmad Khan: Vision and Mission, 5 - 7 November 2006, Aligarh Muslim University, India.

Martin, M (2006) Baber's apple. PaperBooks, Wendens Ambo. ISBN 9780955109416

May, S (2006) Schach dem system.

May, S (2006) 'Scriptwriting for radio.' In: Harper, G, ed. Teaching creative writing. Continuum, London, pp. 91-101. ISBN 9780826477279

Middleton, T (2006) Joseph Conrad. Routledge Guides to Literature . Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415268523

Middleton, T (2006) 'New or updated entries on contemporary Irish writers.' In: Head, Dominic, ed. The Cambridge guide to literature in English. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9780521831796

Millard, K (2006) The individualisation of a rite of passage. In: Religion and the Individual. Annual Conference of the British Sociological Association's Study of Religions Group, 3-5 April 2006, University of Manchester, Hulme Hall.

Morrison, R (2006) 'William Blackwood and the dynamics of success.' In: Finkelstein, D, ed. Print culture and the Blackwood tradition, 1805-1930. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, pp. 21-48. ISBN 9780802087119

Moss, S (2006) This birding life: the best of The Guardian's "Birdwatch". Aurum Press, London. ISBN 9781845131807

Moss, S (2006) The private life of birds. New Holland, London. ISBN 9781845374228

Neale, J (2006) 'War on climate change' and 'Climate change and social justice'. In: European Social Forum, May 2006, Athens, Greece.

Otele, O (2006) Great Britain and France: the dilemma of remembering and forgetting. In: Crossroads in cultural studies, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey.

Otele, O (2006) 'Ouganda et l'armée de Résistance du Seigneur ou les implications politiques et religieuses d'une "guerre sante" en Afrique noire.' In: Teulié, G, ed. Religious Writings and War in Britain, the Empire and the Commonwealth. Les carnets du Cerpac (3). Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier, pp. 369-389. ISBN 9782842697341

Peters, F (2006) Little love affairs. In: Sexualities: bodies, desires, practices, 29 Nov - 2 Dec 2006, Krakow, Poland.

Peters, F (2006) 'Looking in the mirror: vampires, the symbolic and the thing.' In: Day, P, ed. Vampires: myths and metaphors of enduring evil. Rodopi, pp. 179-189. ISBN 9042016698

Presley, N (2006) That story: the fairy tale family romance in the work of Anne Sexton. In: Kicking Daffodils, UWE, Bristol, UK.

Reeve, K (2006) Jane Austen in Bath: walking tours of the writer's city. Little Bookroom, New York. ISBN 9781892145321

Reid-Bowen, P (2006) "Goddess is good business": commodification and global activism in the contemporary goddess movement. In: BASR Conference, 4th -6th September, 2006, Bath Spa University.

Rieser, M (2006) Hosts. Bath Abbey.

Rigby, K (2006) 'Ecocriticism' by Greg Garrard [book review]. Altitude: An E-journal of Emerging Humanities Work, 7 (4).

Rigby, K (2006) 'Introduction: be true to the Earth [guest editor].' Colloquy, 12. pp. 5-9.

Rigby, K (2006) 'Minding (about) matter: on the eros and anguish of earthly encounter.' Australian Humanities Review, 38.

Rigby, K (2006) '(Not) by design: utopian moments in the creation of Canberra.' Arena Journal, 25-26. pp. 155-177.

Rigby, K (2006) 'Our common dwelling: Henry Thoreau, transcendentalism, and the class politics of nature' by Lance Newman [book review]. ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, 13 (1). pp. 278-279.

Rigby, K (2006) Utopian attunement: atmospheric ecopoetics. In: Biannual ASLE-UK conference: Discordant Harmonies: Ecocriticism in the 21st Century, 8 - 10 September 2006, University of Lincoln, Lincoln, UK.

Rigby, K (2006) 'Writing after nature.' Australian Humanities Review, 39-40.

Sullivan, S (2006) Conceptualising glocal organisation: from rhizome to E=mc 2 in becoming post-human. In: Metaphors of Globalization: Mirrors, Magicians and Mutinies, 19 - 20 March 2006, Munk Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, Canada.

Sullivan, S (2006) 'On dance and difference: bodies, movement and experience in Khoesān trance-dancing – perceptions of a ‘raver’.' In: Haviland, W.S, Gordon, R and Vivanco, L, eds. Talking about people : readings in contemporary cultural anthropology. 4th ed. McGraw-Hill, Boston, pp. 234-241. ISBN 9780072994810

Swenson, A (2006) Heritage on display: exhibitions and congresses for the protection of ancient monuments at the World’s Fairs 1855-1915. In: IWM Junior Visiting Fellows Conference, 2006, Vienna, Austria.

Thebo, M (2006) 'Employability and creative writing.' English Subject Centre Newsletter, 11.

Voake, S (2006) The web of fire. Faber. ISBN 9780571223497

Wilson, A (2006) Best friends. Nina Fairy Ballerina (3). Macmillan Children's Books, London. ISBN 9780330439879

Wilson, A (2006) Daisy shoes. Nina Fairy Ballerina (2). Macmillan Children's Books, London. ISBN 9780330439862

Wilson, A (2006) Double trouble. Nina Fairy Ballerina (6). Macmillan Children's Books, London. ISBN 9780330446204

Wilson, A (2006) Flying colours. Nina Fairy Ballerina (5). Macmillan Children's Books, London. ISBN 9780330446228

Wilson, A (2006) New girl. Nina Fairy Ballerina (1). Macmillan Children's Books, London. ISBN 9780330439855

Wilson, A (2006) Show time. Nina Fairy Ballerina (4). Macmillan Children's Books, London. ISBN 9780330439886

Wright, E.H (2006) "Ee um fah um so": the primitive underscoring of Virginia Woolf's fiction. In: Sound Effects: the Oral/Aural Dimensions of Literatures in English, 5-8 July 2006, University of St. Andrews, UK.

Wright, E.H (2006) Histories of pregnancy [book review]. Women: A Cultural Review, 17 (3). pp. 381-384.

Wright, E.H (2006) Woolf as actress and audience. In: Woolfian Boundaries: 16th Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf, 22-25 June 2006, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Birmingham, England.

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