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Alderman, N (2018) Disobedience [producer].

Alderman, N (2018) 'The intestines.' In: Beneath the skin: great writers on the body. Wellcome Collection/Profile Books, London, pp. 7-18. ISBN 9781788160957

Almond, D (2018) The colour of the sun. Hodder Children's Books, London. ISBN 9781444919554

Almond, D (2018) The dam. Walker Books, London. ISBN 9781406304879

Amos, J (2018) 'Take a lemon.' Writing in Education, 76. pp. 59-60. Please click the title to check availability.


Binckes, F (2018) 'Modernist magazines.' In: Maude, U and Nixon, M, eds. The Bloomsbury companion to modernist literature. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781780936413

Borodale, S (2018) Asylum. Jonathan Cape, London. ISBN 9781911214021

Bracking, S, Fredriksen, A, Sullivan, S and Woodhouse, P (2018) 'Conclusion: the limits of economic valuation.' In: Bracking, S, Fredriksen, A, Sullivan, S and Woodhouse, P, eds. Valuing development, environment and conservation: creating values that matter. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781138080515

Bracking, S, Fredriksen, A, Sullivan, S and Woodhouse, P (2018) 'Introducing values that matter.' In: Bracking, S, Fredriksen, A, Sullivan, S and Woodhouse, P, eds. Valuing development, environment and conservation: creating values that matter. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 1-17. ISBN 9781138080515

Bracking, S, Fredriksen, A, Sullivan, S and Woodhouse, P (2018) 'Value(s) and valuation in development, conservation and environment.' In: Bracking, S, Fredriksen, A, Sullivan, S and Woodhouse, P, eds. Valuing development, environment and conservation: creating values that matter. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 18-42. ISBN 9781138080515


Carver, L and Sullivan, S (2018) 'Creating conservation values under DEFRA’s biodiversity offsetting pilot and the pragmatics of a using a calculative device.' In: Bracking, S, Fredriksen, A, Sullivan, S and Woodhouse, P, eds. Valuing development, environment and conservation: creating values that matter. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781138080515

Christopher, L (2018) Storm-wake. Chicken House, Frome. ISBN 9781906427733

Christopher, L (2018) 'The darkness.' In: Christopher, L, Ellis, K and Ivory, R, eds. Three strikes. Firefly Press, Cardiff, pp. 3-142. ISBN 9781910080863

Clark, S (2018) Is Anna okay?

Clark, S (2018) Mortar. Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, UK, 7 June 2018.

Clark, S (2018) What framed exposure. Bristol Old Vic, Bristol, UK, 2018.

Coast, D (2018) 'Secrecy, counsel and public opinion during the Spanish and French matches.' In: Caldari, V and Wolfson, S.J, eds. Stuart marriage diplomacy: dynastic politics in their European context, 1604-1630. Boydell & Brewer, Suffolk, pp. 189-202. ISBN 9781783271436 Please click the title to check availability.

Cologne-Brookes, G (2018) American lonesome: the work of Bruce Springsteen. Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge. ISBN 9780807169469

Cottine, C, Hannis, M and Sullivan, S (2018) 'Dialogue.' In: Hartman, L.M, ed. That all may flourish: comparative religious environmental ethics. Oxford University Press, New York, NY, pp. 297-300. ISBN 9780190456030

Cush, D (2018) Championing the underdog: a positive pluralist approach to equality and diversity in religious education. In: AREIAC Conference: REflecting plurality in RE, 2 - 3 July 2018, Bristol, UK.

Cush, D (2018) 'Teaching about Buddhism: some points to bear in mind.' RE Today, 35 (3). pp. 60-64.

Cush, D (2018) Time for a change? A provisional analysis of the major issues in English religious education emerging from the work of the Commission on Religious Education 2016-2018. In: The Twenty First Session of the International Seminar on Religious Education and Values, 29 July - 3 August 2018, Friedrich Alexander University, Nuremburg, Germany.


Dafydd, S.M and Thampi, A (2018) A different water. Poetrywala, Mumbai, India. ISBN 9789382749691

Deegalle, M (2018) 'Foreword.' In: de Silva, Padmasiri, The psychology of emotions and humour in Buddhism. Palgrave Pivot, Cham, ix-xi. ISBN 9783030073640

Deegalle, M (2018) 'Śrī Pāda sacred to many: Sufi mystics on pilgrimage to Adam’s Peak.' In: Yusuf, I, ed. Multiculturalism in Asia: peace and harmony. College of Religious Studies, Mahidol University and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Nakhorn Prathom / Bangkok, pp. 40-69. ISBN 9786164432413

Dunn, L (2018) It's only skin [essay]. Granta, Mar.


Edney, S (2018) Natural economy: poems [book review]. Green Letters, 21 (3). pp. 323-325.

English, L (2018) The book of hours. Burning Eye Books, Portishead. ISBN 9781911570370

Etter, C (2018) 'Selection of poems.' In: Boast, R, Ching, A and Hamilton, N, eds. The caught habits of language: an entertainment for W.S. Graham for him having reached one hundred. Donut Press, Bristol. ISBN 9780956644589

Etter, C (2018) The weather in Normal. Seren, Bridgend. ISBN 9781781724590


Filer, N (2018) The Heartland. In: Engaging Empathy Through Creativity Conference, 30 November 2018, Pound Arts Centre, Corsham, UK.

Filer, N (2018) 'Untitled.' In: Cannon, J, ed. Three things I’d tell my younger self. The Borough Press, London. ISBN 9780008318673

Flavel, S (2018) '独处中的陪伴:论尼采与庄子的独处、友谊与修养 [Companionships in solitude: solitude, friendship and self-cultivation in Nietzsche and the Zhuangzi].' In: Guying, C, ed. 道家文化研究 [Taoist Cultural Studies], 31. Zhuonghua Book Company, Beijing. ISBN 9787101129984 Please click the title to check availability.

Forna, A (2018) Happiness: a novel. Grove Press, New York, NY. ISBN 9780802127556

Forna, A (2018) 'Walking.' In: Freeman, J, ed. Freeman's: the best new writing on power. Freeman's (5). Grove/Atlantic, New York, NY, pp. 53-68. ISBN 9780802128201 Please click the title to check availability.

Fuller, P (2018) 'The narratives of ethnocentric Buddhist identity.' Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religion, 20. pp. 19-44.


Gee, L (2018) Hayleyworld: a zoeography of William Hayley (1745-1820). PhD thesis, Bath Spa University.

Geen, E (2018) Stories in the skin: empathy, embodiment and the novel. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University. doi: 10.17870/bathspa.00012228

Gifford, T (2018) Dark nature: anti-pastoral essays in American literature and culture [book review]. Green Letters, 22 (4). pp. 452-454.

Gifford, T (2018) 'From countryside to environment: reaching common ground.' In: McLoughlin, K, ed. British literature in transition, 1960-1980: flower power. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 152-166. ISBN 9781107129573

Gifford, T (2018) Gale Researcher guide for: nature poetry. Gale. ISBN 9781535853576

Gifford, T (2018) 'Hughes and nature.' In: Gifford, T, ed. Ted Hughes in context. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781108425551

Gifford, T (2018) Literature as cultural ecology [book review]. Green Letters, 22 (2). pp. 225-227.

Gifford, T (2018) 'Liz Jensen’s 'The rapture'.' In: Goodbody, A and Johns-Putra, A, eds. Cli-fi: a reader. Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, Oxford. ISBN 9781788740722

Gifford, T (2018) 'The “Moony” chapter of 'Women in love' revisited: an ecofeminist reading.' Journal of D.H. Lawrence Studies, 5 (1).

Gifford, T (2018) 'Six stages in the greening of Ted Hughes.' In: Gifford, T, Robertson, N and Womald, M, eds. Ted Hughes, nature and culture. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK. ISBN 9783319975733

Gifford, T (2018) 'Ted Hughes’s ‘Greening’ and the environmental humanities.' In: Roberts, N, Wormald, M and Gifford, T, eds. Ted Hughes, nature and culture. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire, pp. 3-20. ISBN 9783319975733

Gifford, T (2018) A feast of fools. Cinnamon Press, Blaenau Ffestiniog, Wales.

Gifford, T (2018) A global history of literature and environment [book review]. Green Letters, 22 (3). pp. 326-328.

Glaser, E (2018) Anti-politics: on the demonization of ideology, authority and the State. Repeater, London. ISBN 9781912248117

Grainger, A (2018) In your light. Simon & Schuster, London. ISBN 9781471122941

Green, J (2018) To the edge of the world. Oxford University Press, London. ISBN 9780192758453

Gregory, K (2018) Skylarks. Bloomsbury YA, London. ISBN 9781408883617

Griffin, B (2018) Before the high wheel: hobby-horses, quadricycles, tricycles and velocipedes in Ireland, 1819-1869. In: The Future from the Past: 29th International Cycle History Conference, 15 June 2018, City of London Guildhall, UK.

Griffin, B (2018) Cycling: a Canterbury pilgrimage/an Italian pilgrimage [book review]. Sport in History, 38 (2). pp. 246-248.

Griffin, B (2018) 'Robert Cromie's writings in the cycling press in the 1880s.' Lecale Review, 16. pp. 47-52.

Griffin, B (2018) Sport in Ireland during the Great Famine. In: Annual Lecture Series of Meath Archaeological and Historical Society, 8 July 2018, Trim Library, Trim, Co. Meath, Ireland.

Griffin, B (2018) 'William Millar Woodside (1860-1890): Coleraine's forgotten cycling champion.' Bann Disc: The Journal of the Coleraine Historical Society, 24. pp. 25-34.

Griffin, B (2018) The country house and sport and leisure during the Great Famine. In: The Country House and Leisure: The 16th Annual Historical Houses Conference, 9 June 2018, Maynooth University, Ireland.

Griffin, B (2018) '"The more sport the merrier, say we": sport in Ireland during the Great Famine.' Irish Economic and Social History, 45 (1). pp. 90-114.


Hackett, S (2018) '“Breaking point”? Brexit, the burkini ban, and debates on immigration and minorities in Britain and France.' European Yearbook of Minority Issues Online, 15 (1). pp. 169-181.

Hackett, S (2018) 'Learning from history: city governance of migration and diversity in Britain and Germany.' In: Scholten, P, Caponio, T and Zapata-Barrero, R, eds. Routledge handbook on the governance of migration and diversity in cities. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781351108461

Hackett, S (2018) Rethinking Muslim integration in Britain: a rural perspective. In: European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC), 4 - 7 April 2018, Queen's University, Belfast.

Hannis, M and Sullivan, S (2018) 'Relationality, reciprocity and flourishing in an African landscape.' In: Hartman, L.M, ed. That all may flourish: comparative religious environmental ethics. Oxford University Press, New York, NY, pp. 279-296. ISBN 9780190456030

Harris, C (2018) SCRUB management handbook, No.1 Mere. Singing Apple Press, Penselwood.

Harris, C (2018) SCRUB: a management handbook. In: Apples & Other Languages: A Language Art Exhibition, The Beaumont Gallery, Mere, UK, 6 - 14 Oct 2018.

Harvey, S (2018) The western wind. Jonathan Cape, London. ISBN 9781787330597

Hems, A (2018) 'Heritage interpretation.' In: López Varela, S.L, ed. The encyclopedia of archaeological sciences. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 9780470674611 doi: 10.1002/9781119188230.saseas0295

Hensher, P (2018) The friendly ones. Fourth Estate, London. ISBN 9780008175641

Hitchman, B (2018) Julia Lindqvist: a novel, and writing the unhappy queer ending. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University. doi: 10.17870/bathspa.00012230

Hughes, W (2018) Key concepts in the Gothic. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474405539

Hughes, W (2018) 'The uncanny space of regionality: Gothic beyond the metropolis.' In: Hughes, W and Heholt, R, eds. Gothic Britain: dark places in the provinces and margins of the British Isles. University of Wales Press, Cardiff. ISBN 9781786832337

Hyde, J, Stamp, R, Dickinson, J and Head, A (2018) Seeing Sound [organisers].


Ivic, C (2018) 'Bitter memories: Spenser’s 'A view of the present state of Ireland'.' Éire-Ireland, 53 (3 & 4). pp. 9-35.

Ivic, C (2018) 'Making and remaking the British kingdoms - 'Henry V', then and now.' In: Cottegnies, L and Britland, K, eds. Henry V: a critical reader. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 156-179. ISBN 9781474280105

Ivic, C and Maley, W (2018) 'Gendering the archipelago: nation, state and empire in the prophetic writings of Lady Eleanor Davies.' In: Orgis, R and Heim, M, eds. Fashioning England and the English: literature, nation, gender. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 97-118. ISBN 9783319921259 Please click the title to check availability.


Kerridge, R (2018) 'Environmentalism and creative writing.' In: Castree, N, Hulme, M and Proctor, J.D, eds. Companion to environmental studies. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 379-382. ISBN 9781138192201


Liardet, T (2018) Address to the Bethlehem Female Seminary, Germantown, Pennsylvania, 1742. New Statesman, 12 Jan. Please click the title to check availability.

Liardet, T (2018) Arcimboldo’s bulldog: new and selected poems. Carcanet, Manchester. ISBN 9781784105709

Liardet, T (2018) Empath to the punctured Kevlar helmet; Ugly world to empath. London Review of Books, 40 (9). Please click the title to check availability.

Little, L, Arthur, S, Tonks, H and Pauwelijn, G (2018) Publishing picturebooks: design and editorial decision-making for a global industry. In: Synergy and Contradiction: How Picturebooks and Picture Books Work, 6 - 8 September 2018, University of Cambridge, UK.

Low, C (2018) 'Hunter-gatherer cosmologies.' In: Callan, H, ed. The international encyclopedia of anthropology. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 9780470657225 doi: 10.1002/9781118924396.wbiea2185


Malik, I.H (2018) 'Political Islam in South Asia.' In: South Asia 2019. 16th ed. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781857439397

Marcinkowski, M (2018) 'Methodological nearness and the question of computational literature.' Digital Humanities Quarterly, 12 (2). Please click the title to check availability.

Marshall, A (2018) ''Plots' and dissent: the abortive Northern rebellion of 1663.' In: Clare, J, ed. From republic to Restoration: legacies and departures. Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 85-101. ISBN 9780719089688

May, S (2018) 'Fit or faint?' New Writing, 15 (2). pp. 273-297.

McCormack, A-M (2018) Hot in here [director].

McCormack, A-M (2018) Tell Me About... [director].

Meade, C (2018) Nearlywriting nearlyology. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University. doi: 10.17870/bathspa.00011562

Morton, S (2018) Materiality, memory and mourning: the material and symbolic agency of repatriated human remains. In: All Things Considered… Material Culture and Memory, 9 - 10 November 2018, University College Cork, Ireland.

Morton, S (2018) Multiple and mobile: mapping the repatriation archive. In: Digital Dilemma, 6 October 2018, University College London, UK.

Morton, S (2018) Place, practice and meaning: the museum as a deathscape. In: Skeletons, Stories and Social Bodies Conference, 20 - 22 March 2018, University of Southampton, UK.

Morton, S and Plumbe, R (2018) Life after death: the post excavation biography of the Lowbury Hill skeleton. In: Object Biographies: II International Artefacta Conference, 2 - 3 March 2018, House of Science and Letters, Helsinki, Finland.

Moss, S (2018) Dynasties: the rise and fall of animal families. BBC Books, London. ISBN 9781785943010

Moss, S (2018) Mrs Moreau's warbler: how birds got their names. Guardian Faber, London. ISBN 9781783350902

Moss, S (2018) 'The birds of Somerset.' In: Burkhalter, G and Workman, A, eds. Beyond the town: conversations of art and land. Hauser & Wirth, Bruton. ISBN 9783906915180

Moss, S (2018) The wren: a biography. Square Peg, London. ISBN 9781910931936

Mukherjee, R (2018) Hetty Feather (series 4, ep. 2).


Nadin, J (2018) The queen of bloody everything. Macmillan, London. ISBN 9781509853120

Newsinger, J (2018) Hope lies in the proles: George Orwell and the Left. Pluto Press, London. ISBN 9780745399287

Nita, M (2018) 'Balneoterapia in Europa [Hydrotherapy in Europe].' Techirghiol, IV (12). pp. 72-76.

Nita, M (2018) Humour, concealment and death mindfulness in Romanian funerals [blog post]. Contemporary Religion in Historical Perspective.


Otele, O (2018) Afro-European experiences: from the third century to the third millennium. In: Centre for Imperial and Global History Annual Lecture, 4 May 2018, University of Exeter, UK.

Otele, O (2018) 'Colston: what can Britain learn from France?' In: Chantiluke, R, Kwoba, B and Nkopo, A, eds. Rhodes Must Fall: the struggle to decolonise the racist heart of empire. Written by the Rhodes Must Fall Movement, Oxford. Zed Books, London. ISBN 9781786993908

Otele, O (2018) '“Liberté, égalité, fraternité”: debunking the myth of egalitarianism in French education.' In: Cupples, J and Grosfoguel, R, eds. Unsettling Eurocentrism in the westernized university. Routledge, London. Please click the title to check availability.


Peters, F (2018) 'Domestic noir: literary antecedents.' In: Joyce, L and Sutton, H, eds. Domestic noir: the new face of 21st century crime fiction. Palgrave Macmillan, London. ISBN 9783319693378 Please click the title to check availability.

Presley, N (2018) Cyber Ireland: text, image, culture [book review]. Irish Studies Review, 26 (3). pp. 429-430.

Presley, N (2018) '"A buried land and a blazing source": Ted Hughes and William Golding.' Ted Hughes Society Journal, 7 (1). pp. 77-88. Please click the title to check availability.

Pullinger, K (2018) Breathe. Ambient Literature.


Re Manning, R (2018) 'Theological currents.' In: Harrison, V.S, ed. The history of evil in the early twentieth century: 1900-1950ce. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 97-110. ISBN 9781138236844

Reeve, K (2018) Reimagining the university press commissioning editor for the 21st century. In: University Press Redux Conference, 13 - 14 February 2018, British Library, London, UK. Please click the title to check availability.

Rigby, K (2018) 'Feathering the multispecies nest: green cities, convivial spaces.' RCC Perspectives: Transformations in Environment and Society, 2018 (1). pp. 73-80.

Rigby, K (2018) '"So ist’s mit aller Bildung": Bildung als kommunikatives 'Mit-Werden'.' In: Bartosch, R and Grimm, S, eds. Der 'material turn' im Kontext von Bildungs- und Literaturgeschichte um 1800. Universitätsverlag Winter, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 101-120. ISBN 9783825365011 Please click the title to check availability.


Schiller, M and Hackett, S (2018) 'Continuity and change in local immigrant policies in times of austerity.' Comparative Migration Studies, 6 (2).

Skuse, C.J (2018) In bloom. HQ, London. ISBN 9780008216726

Sullivan, S (2018) 'Bonding nature(s)? Funds, financiers and values at the impact investing edge in environmental conservation.' In: Bracking, S, Fredriksen, A, Sullivan, S and Woodhouse, P, eds. Valuing development, environment and conservation: creating values that matter. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 101-121. ISBN 9781138080515

Sullivan, S (2018) Dissonant sustainabilities? Politicising and psychologising antagonisms in the conservation-development nexus. In: The Politics of Sustainability: Re-thinking Resources, Values and Justice, 15 - 16 February 2018, Helsinki, Finland.

Sullivan, S (2018) 'Making nature investable: from legibility to leverageability in fabricating 'nature' as 'natural capital'.' Science and Technology Studies, 31 (3). pp. 47-76. Please click the title to check availability.

Sullivan, S (2018) Making nature investable? Considering some outcomes of coupling 'nature' with 'capital'. In: Valuing Nature Keynote Lecture, 11 January 2018, University of Exeter, UK.

Sullivan, S (2018) 'On possibilities for salvaged polyphonic ecologies in a ruined world.' Dialogues in Human Geography, 8 (1). pp. 69-72.

Sweetman, L (2018) Resisting the straitjacket: reasserting creative writing as a radical practice in the academy. In: Creative Writing Studies Organization Conference, 17 - 18 October 2018, Montreat, North Carolina, USA.

Sweetman, L (2018) Wrestling Joan Retallack, passing notes to Marion Milner: creative-critical writing and the PhD proposal. In: Bath Spa University Early Stage Researcher Conference, 14 June 2018, Bath Spa University, Corsham, UK.

Swenson, A (2018) 'Conserving Europeanness.' Context, 157. pp. 26-28. Please click the title to check availability.

Swenson, A (2018) 'Historic preservation, the state and nationalism in Britain.' Nations and Nationalism, 24 (1). pp. 43-63.


Walton, J.L and Walton, S (2018) 'Introduction to Green Letters: crime fiction and ecology.' Green Letters, 22 (1). pp. 2-6.

Walton, S (2018) 'Ecopoetry.' In: Castree, N, Hulme, M and Proctor, J.D, eds. Companion to environmental studies. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 393-398. ISBN 9781138192201

Walton, S (2018) 'Framing the crisis.' Green Letters, 22 (3). pp. 231-235.

Walton, S (2018) Self heal. Boiler House Press, Norwich. ISBN 9781911343462

Walton, S (2018) 'Studies in green: teaching ecological crime fiction.' In: Beyer, C, ed. Teaching crime fiction. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 115-130. ISBN 9783319906072

Weldon, F (2018) After the peace. Head of Zeus, London. ISBN 9781784082109

Weldon, F (2018) Why will no-one publish my novel? A handbook for the rejected writer. Apollo, New York, NY. ISBN 9781788544610

Williamson, C (2018) '"Hope I die before I get old": social rebellion and social diseases.' In: Nash, D.S and Kilday, A-M, eds. Murder and mayhem: crime in twentieth century Britain. Palgrave, London, pp. 177-212. ISBN 9781137290441

Wilson, A (2018) Fang-tastic friends. Stripes, London. ISBN 9781847159144

Witcombe, M (2018) Sarah Imhoff, masculinity and the making of American Judaism [book review]. Gender & History, 30 (2). pp. 548-549.

Woodward, G (2018) The paper lovers. Picador, London. ISBN 9781509847983

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