Number of items: 162.
Bentham, R and
Hallett, A, eds.
Project boast.
Triarchy Press, Axminster.
ISBN 9781911193418
Almond, D
The dam.
Walker Books, London.
ISBN 9781406304879
Borodale, S
Jonathan Cape, London.
ISBN 9781911214021
Christopher, L
Chicken House, Frome.
ISBN 9781906427733
Dafydd, S.M and Thampi, A
A different water.
Poetrywala, Mumbai, India.
ISBN 9789382749691
Grainger, A
In your light.
Simon & Schuster, London.
ISBN 9781471122941
Gregory, K
Bloomsbury YA, London.
ISBN 9781408883617
Pullinger, K
Ambient Literature.
Skuse, C.J
In bloom.
HQ, London.
ISBN 9780008216726
Walton, S
Self heal.
Boiler House Press, Norwich.
ISBN 9781911343462
Book Chapter or Section
Alderman, N
'The intestines.'
Beneath the skin: great writers on the body.
Wellcome Collection/Profile Books, London, pp. 7-18.
ISBN 9781788160957
Binckes, F
'Modernist magazines.'
Maude, U and
Nixon, M, eds.
The Bloomsbury companion to modernist literature.
Bloomsbury, London.
ISBN 9781780936413
Bracking, S, Fredriksen, A, Sullivan, S and Woodhouse, P
'Conclusion: the limits of economic valuation.'
Bracking, S,
Fredriksen, A,
Sullivan, S and
Woodhouse, P, eds.
Valuing development, environment and conservation: creating values that matter.
Routledge, Abingdon.
ISBN 9781138080515
Bracking, S, Fredriksen, A, Sullivan, S and Woodhouse, P
'Introducing values that matter.'
Bracking, S,
Fredriksen, A,
Sullivan, S and
Woodhouse, P, eds.
Valuing development, environment and conservation: creating values that matter.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 1-17.
ISBN 9781138080515
Bracking, S, Fredriksen, A, Sullivan, S and Woodhouse, P
'Value(s) and valuation in development, conservation and environment.'
Bracking, S,
Fredriksen, A,
Sullivan, S and
Woodhouse, P, eds.
Valuing development, environment and conservation: creating values that matter.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 18-42.
ISBN 9781138080515
Carver, L and Sullivan, S
'Creating conservation values under DEFRA’s biodiversity offsetting pilot and the pragmatics of a using a calculative device.'
Bracking, S,
Fredriksen, A,
Sullivan, S and
Woodhouse, P, eds.
Valuing development, environment and conservation: creating values that matter.
Routledge, Abingdon.
ISBN 9781138080515
Christopher, L
'The darkness.'
Christopher, L,
Ellis, K and
Ivory, R, eds.
Three strikes.
Firefly Press, Cardiff, pp. 3-142.
ISBN 9781910080863
Cottine, C, Hannis, M and Sullivan, S
Hartman, L.M, ed.
That all may flourish: comparative religious environmental ethics.
Oxford University Press, New York, NY, pp. 297-300.
ISBN 9780190456030
Deegalle, M
de Silva, Padmasiri, The psychology of emotions and humour in Buddhism.
Palgrave Pivot, Cham, ix-xi.
ISBN 9783030073640
Etter, C
'Selection of poems.'
Boast, R,
Ching, A and
Hamilton, N, eds.
The caught habits of language: an entertainment for W.S. Graham for him having reached one hundred.
Donut Press, Bristol.
ISBN 9780956644589
Filer, N
Cannon, J, ed.
Three things I’d tell my younger self.
The Borough Press, London.
ISBN 9780008318673
Forna, A
Freeman, J, ed.
Freeman's: the best new writing on power.
Grove/Atlantic, New York, NY, pp. 53-68.
ISBN 9780802128201
Please click the title to check availability.
Gifford, T
'Hughes and nature.'
Gifford, T, ed.
Ted Hughes in context.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
ISBN 9781108425551
Gifford, T
'Liz Jensen’s 'The rapture'.'
Goodbody, A and
Johns-Putra, A, eds.
Cli-fi: a reader.
Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, Oxford.
ISBN 9781788740722
Gifford, T
'Six stages in the greening of Ted Hughes.'
Gifford, T,
Robertson, N and
Womald, M, eds.
Ted Hughes, nature and culture.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK.
ISBN 9783319975733
Gifford, T
'Ted Hughes’s ‘Greening’ and the environmental humanities.'
Roberts, N,
Wormald, M and
Gifford, T, eds.
Ted Hughes, nature and culture.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire, pp. 3-20.
ISBN 9783319975733
Ivic, C and Maley, W
'Gendering the archipelago: nation, state and empire in the prophetic writings of Lady Eleanor Davies.'
Orgis, R and
Heim, M, eds.
Fashioning England and the English: literature, nation, gender.
Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 97-118.
ISBN 9783319921259
Please click the title to check availability.
Moss, S
'The birds of Somerset.'
Burkhalter, G and
Workman, A, eds.
Beyond the town: conversations of art and land.
Hauser & Wirth, Bruton.
ISBN 9783906915180
Otele, O
'Colston: what can Britain learn from France?'
Chantiluke, R,
Kwoba, B and
Nkopo, A, eds.
Rhodes Must Fall: the struggle to decolonise the racist heart of empire. Written by the Rhodes Must Fall Movement, Oxford.
Zed Books, London.
ISBN 9781786993908
Peters, F
'Domestic noir: literary antecedents.'
Joyce, L and
Sutton, H, eds.
Domestic noir: the new face of 21st century crime fiction.
Palgrave Macmillan, London.
ISBN 9783319693378
Please click the title to check availability.
Re Manning, R
'Theological currents.'
Harrison, V.S, ed.
The history of evil in the early twentieth century: 1900-1950ce.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 97-110.
ISBN 9781138236844
Sullivan, S
'Bonding nature(s)? Funds, financiers and values at the impact investing edge in environmental conservation.'
Bracking, S,
Fredriksen, A,
Sullivan, S and
Woodhouse, P, eds.
Valuing development, environment and conservation: creating values that matter.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 101-121.
ISBN 9781138080515
Walton, S
Castree, N,
Hulme, M and
Proctor, J.D, eds.
Companion to environmental studies.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 393-398.
ISBN 9781138192201
Amos, J
'Take a lemon.'
Writing in Education, 76.
pp. 59-60.
Please click the title to check availability.
Conference or Workshop Item
Filer, N
The Heartland.
In: Engaging Empathy Through Creativity Conference, 30 November 2018, Pound Arts Centre, Corsham, UK.
Commissioned Report
Harris, C
SCRUB: a management handbook.
In: Apples & Other Languages: A Language Art Exhibition, The Beaumont Gallery, Mere, UK, 6 - 14 Oct 2018.
Clark, S
Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, UK, 7 June 2018.
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