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Anderson, R (2015) 'John Foxe’s seely, poore women.' The Downside Review, 133 (467). pp. 4-40.


Cush, D (2008) Beyond the Big Six: using a broader range of religions and spiritualities (Jainism, Baha'i, Paganism and Humanism). In: 2020 Vision: Inspiring the New Generation - Annual Religious Education Conference, 2008, Staffordshire, UK.

Cush, D (1996) 'British Buddhism and the New Age.' Journal of Contemporary Religion, 11 (2). pp. 195-208.

Cush, D (1994) Buddhism. Hodder Education, London. ISBN 9780340546918

Cush, D (2008) Children of the goddess: Pagan theology, the spirituality of young Pagans and the implications for religious education. In: International Seminar on Religious Education and Values (ISREV), 27 July - 1 August 2008, University of Ankara, Turkey.

Cush, D (2014) Combatting sexism, homophobia, religionism and subjectism: equality and diversity in religious studies and religious education. In: The Nineteenth Session of the International Seminar on Religious Education and Values, 27 July - 1 August 2014, York St John University, York, UK.

Cush, D (2015) Encountering the new religious landscape. In: Challenges for Religious Education, 3 June 2015, Uppsala Religion and Society Research Centre, Uppsala University, Sweden.

Cush, D (2005) 'Engaged religious studies: some suggestions for the content, methods and aims of learning and teaching in the future study of religions.' Discourse: Learning and Teaching in Philosophical and Religious Studies, 4 (2). pp. 83-103.

Cush, D (2004) Engaged religious studies: teaching and learning in RS in higher education. In: BASR 50th Anniversary Conference, September 2004, Harris Manchester College, Oxford, UK.

Cush, D (2012) Equality and diversity in the treatment of religions and beliefs in religious education in England. In: Religion and (In)Equalities BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group Annual Conference, 28 - 30 March 2012, University of Chester, UK.

Cush, D (2015) Forest church or Anglican Druids? Developments at the interface of Christianity and Paganism. In: Foundations and Futures: British Sociological Association Sociology of Religion Study Group Annual Conference, 7 - 9 July 2015, Kingston University, UK.

Cush, D (1997) 'Paganism in the classroom.' British Journal of Religious Education, 19 (2). pp. 83-94.

Cush, D (2003) 'Should the State fund schools with a religious character? The recent debate about faith schools in England.' Resource: the Journal of the Professional Council for Religious Education, 25 (2). pp. 10-15.

Cush, D (2010) 'Teenage witchcraft in Britain.' In: Collins-Mayo, S and Dandelion, P, eds. Religion and youth. Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 81-88. ISBN 9780754667643

Cush, D (2004) Teenage witches: empowerment or exploitation? In: The Fourteenth Session of the International Seminar on Religious Education and Values (ISREV), 25 - 30 July 2004, Villanova University, Philadelphia, USA.

Cush, D (2012) What have we learned from forty years of non-confessional, multifaith RE in the UK? In: Lincolnshire SACRE Conference - Opening the Door: Raising Awareness of Faith and Cultures, 12 March 2012, Lincoln, UK.

Cush, D (2015) What works for religious education: issues, challenges and successes. In: Meeting the Challenge: NASACRE AGM & Conference, 21 May 2015, Birmingham, UK.

Cush, D (2008) Why teenage witchcraft? What can we learn about young people's spirituality from their interest in witchcraft and Paganism? In: BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group Conference: Religion and Youth, 8 - 10 April 2008, Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre, Birmingham, UK.

Cush, D (2007) 'Wise young women: beliefs, values and influences in the adoption of witchcraft by teenage girls in England.' In: Johnston, H.E and Aloi, P, eds. The new generation witches: teenage witchcraft in contemporary culture. Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 139-160. ISBN 9780754657842

Cush, D (2005) 'The faith schools debate.' British Journal of Sociology of Education, 26 (3). pp. 435-442.

Cush, D and Francis, D (2001) ''Positive pluralism' to awareness, mystery and value: a case study in RE curriculum development.' British Journal of Religious Education, 24 (1). pp. 52-67.

Cush, D and Francis, D (2005) 'Religion in education where there is no religious education: some reflections on a study visit to Mexico, the USA and Canada.' Resource: the Journal of the Professional Council for Religious Education, 28 (1).

Cush, D, Miles, C and Stylianides, M (1991) Christians in Britain today. Hodder & Stoughton, London. ISBN 9780340519479

Cush, D and Robinson, C (2016) 'Brian Bocking and the defence of study of religions as an academic discipline in universities and schools.' Journal of the Irish Society for the Academic Study of Religions, 3. pp. 27-41.

Cush, D and Robinson, C (2014) 'Developments in religious studies: towards a dialogue with religious education.' British Journal of Religious Education, 36 (1). pp. 4-17.


Deegalle, M (2014) 'The Buddhist traditions of south and southeast Asia.' In: Reichberg, G M and Syse, H, eds. Religion, war and ethics: a sourcebook of textual traditions. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 544-596. ISBN 9780521450386

Deegalle, M (2015) 'Buddhists on religious conversion: a critical issue.' In: Premawardhana, S, ed. Religious conversion: religion scholars thinking together. Wiley Blackwell, Malden, MA: USA, pp. 63-82. ISBN 9781118972373

Deegalle, M (2012) 'Contested religious conversions of Buddhists in Sri Lanka and India.' In: Shravak, L and Willemen, C, eds. Dharmapravicaya : aspects of Buddhist studies: essays in honour of N.H. Samtani. Buddhist World Press, New Delhi. ISBN 9789380852218

Deegalle, M (2009) 'Dialogue and Division: a Buddhist response to interfaith dialogue.' In: Dhammajoti, K and Karundasa, Y, eds. Buddhist and Pali Studies: in honour of the Venerable Professor Kakkapalliye Anuruddha. University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. ISBN 9789889929640

Deegalle, M (2013) '“Foremost among religions”: Theravada Buddhism’s affairs with the modern Sri Lankan state.' In: Kitiarsa, P and Whalen-Bridge, J, eds. Buddhism, modernity and the state in Asia: forms of engagement. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, pp. 41-61. ISBN 9781137332943

Deegalle, M (2015) 'Introduction: internationalization of Vesak.' In: Deegalle, M, ed. Vesak, peace and harmony: thinking of Buddhist heritage. Nagananda International Buddhist University, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, pp. 1-30. ISBN 9780692424513

Deegalle, M (2012) 'Jataka narratives in Buddhist preaching and their contested popular imagination in Sri Lanka.' In: Skilling, P and McDaniel, J, eds. Buddhist narratives in Asia and beyond. Institute of Thai Studies, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, pp. 127-146.

Deegalle, M (2017) 'Just ruler and statecraft.' In: Deegalle, M, ed. Justice and statecraft: Buddhist ideals inspiring contemporary world. Nagananda International Buddhist University, Bollegala, Sri Lanka, pp. 19-64. ISBN 9780998858401

Deegalle, M (2012) 'Multi-faceted Theravada Buddhism in the United Kingdom.' In: Shukla, H and Shravak, L, eds. Buddhism, Buddhists and Buddhist studies. Buddhist World, New Delhi. ISBN 9789380852164

Deegalle, M (2015) Nirvanaya saha sadacaraya. Contemporary Research in Buddhist Studies, 3 . Stamford Lake, Pannipitiya, Sri Lanka. ISBN 9789556584028

Deegalle, M (2009) 'Norms of war in Theravada Buddhism.' In: Popovski, V, Reichberg, G and Turner, N, eds. World religions and norms of war. United Nations University Press, Tokyo. ISBN 9789280811636

Deegalle, M (2017) ''Position statements: Theravada Buddhism' (pp 17-31) & 'First responses' (pp 83-87) & 'Second responses' (pp 116-124).' In: Oppy, G and Trakakis, N.N, eds. Interreligious philosophical dialogues: volume 3. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781138237216 Please click the title to check availability.

Deegalle, M (2012) 'Sinhala ethno-nationalisms and militarization in Sri Lanka.' In: Tikhonov, V and Brekke, T, eds. Buddhism and violence: militarism and Buddhism in modern Asia. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415536967

Deegalle, M (2013) 'Sri Lankan diaspora in the United Kingdom.' In: Reeves, P, ed. The encyclopedia of the Sri Lankan diaspora. Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore and Editions Didier Millet, Singapore, pp. 117-123.

Deegalle, M (2011) 'Sri Lankan interreligious contestations for the ‘True Religion’: implications of the Buddhist-Christian religious debates of the nineteenth century Ceylon on the revival of Buddhism.' In: Fernando, M and Crusz, R, eds. Theology Beyond neutrality: essays to honour Rev. Dr. S. Wesley Ariarajah on his 70th birthday 2nd December 2011. The Ecumenical Institute for Study and Dialogue, Columbo. ISBN 9789558497128

Deegalle, M (2008) 'Sustainable development and Buddhism.' In: Kimura, T, ed. Religion, science and sustainability. Union Press, Osaka. ISBN 9784946428357

Deegalle, M (2013) 'Warfare: Buddhism.' In: Sharma, A, ed. Encyclopedia of Indian religions. Springer, New Delhi.

Deegalle, M (2015) 'The analysis of social conflicts in three Pāli canonical discourses.' In: Vuddhikaro, P.S, Dhammahaso, P.H, Cittapalo, P.R and Peoples, D, eds. Buddhism and world crisis. Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Lamsai, Thailand, pp. 87-95.

Deegalle, M (2016) 'The 'army of Buddhist power' in Sri Lankan politics.' In: Kawanami, H, ed. Buddhism and the political process. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, pp. 121-144. ISBN 9781137573995

Deegalle, M (2017) 'An introduction: justice and statecraft.' In: Deegalle, M, ed. Justice and statecraft: Buddhist ideals inspiring contemporary world. Nagananda International Buddhist University, Bollegala, Sri Lanka, pp. 1-18. ISBN 9780998858401

Deegalle, M (2015) 'The significance of Vesak as public celebration.' In: Deegalle, M, ed. Vesak, peace and harmony: thinking of Buddhist heritage. Nagananda International Buddhist University, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, pp. 31-49. ISBN 9780692424513


Flavel, S (2014) Amor fati and emptiness: Nietzsche and Nishitani on the indifference of nature and the remedy of indifferent love. In: 20th International Conference Friedrich Nietzsche Society, 11-13 September 2014, University of Birmingham, UK..

Flavel, S (2015) Anti-essentialism in early Buddhist philosophy. In: Philosophy Society Guest Lecture Series, 15 January 2015, University of Warwick, Coventry.

Flavel, S (2016) Between solitude and communication in Nietzsche and the Zhuangzi. In: Inter-Religious and Inter-Cultural Dialogue in a Pluralistic World: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives, 1 - 2 June 2016, Oviidius University, Constanta, Romania.

Flavel, S (2016) Nihilism and comparative philosophy. In: International Seminar: Religious Dimensions of Man in the Horizon of Contemporary Challenges, 4-6 June 2016, Vatra Dornei, Romania.

Flavel, S (2015) 'Nishitani's Nietzsche: Will to Power and the Moment.' Journal of Nietzsche Studies, 46 (1). pp. 12-24.

Fuller, P (2016) 'The Idea of ‘blasphemy’ in the Pāli Canon and modern Myanmar.' Journal of Religion and Violence, 4 (2). pp. 159-181. Please click the title to check availability.

Fuller, P (2021) An introduction to engaged Buddhism. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781350129078


Gifford, T (2014) 'All souls’ day 2010, Sella.' In: North, C, ed. Red rock dreaming: evocations of life on the Levant coast. McFarlands Publishing, Isle of Man, p. 27.

Gifford, T (2010) 'Biosemiology and globalism in 'The rapture' by Liz Jensen.' English Studies, 91 (7). pp. 713-727.

Gifford, T (2019) 'Changing ideas of pastoral.' In: Haynes, K, ed. The Oxford history of classical reception in English literature. Volume 5: After 1880. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780199585106

Gifford, T (2002) 'Ein Mönch zwischen himmel und hölle.' In: Anker, D, ed. Monch: Mittelpunkt im Dreigestirn. AS Verlag, Zürich, Switzerland, p. 38. ISBN 9783905111743

Gifford, T (2014) 'Pastoral, anti-pastoral, post-pastoral.' In: Westling, L, ed. The Cambridge companion to literature and the environment. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 17-30. ISBN 9781107628960

Gifford, T (2019) Pastoral. 2nd ed. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781138124844

Gifford, T (1999) 'Teaching post-pastoral poetry of landscape in the mountains.' In: Turner, J, Broderick, D and Hartley, P, eds. Creative Writing Conference 1999: proceedings. Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, pp. 145-152.

Gifford, T (2012) What else is pastoral? Renaissance literature and the environment [book review]. Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism, 16 (1). pp. 91-105.


Hughes, W (1995) “For the blood is the life”: fin-de-siècle secularism in Bram Stoker’s 'Dracula'. In: Fins des Siècles: Writing and History, 1 July 1995, Bath College of Higher Education, Bath.

Hughes, W (2013) '“A strange kind of evil”: superficial paganism and false ecology in 'The wicker man'.' In: Hughes, W and Smith, A, eds. EcoGothic. Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 58-71. ISBN 9780719086571


Luzar, R (2016) Objectless faith through inaesthetics. In: Knowledge, Reality, Transcendence: A Dialogue Between East & West, 31 October - 6 November 2016, Constanta, Sinaia, Vatra Dornei, Romania.


Malik, I.H (2012) Islam in South Asia. In: 37th Spalding Symposium on Indian Religions, 23-25 March 2012, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.

Malik, I.H (2012) Islam in the context of Indian religions. In: 37th Spalding Symposium on Indian Religions, 23-25 March 2012, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.

Malik, I.H (2002) Religious minorities in Pakistan. Minority Rights Group International, London. ISBN 1897693699

Malik, I.H (2005) Religious minorities in Pakistan. In: Key Issues for Religious Minorities’ Rights in Asia, 7 - 9 June 2004, Colombo.

Millard, K (1999) 'Implicit religion: the spirituality of the secular?' In: Chrysiddes, G, ed. Unitarian perspectives on contemporary religious thought. Lindsey Press, London. ISBN 9780853190615

Millard, K (2002) 'Unitarian fellowship and the development of the community.' In: Smith, M, ed. Prospects for the Unitarian movement. Lindsey Press, London. ISBN 9780853190660

Millard, K (2006) The individualisation of a rite of passage. In: Religion and the Individual. Annual Conference of the British Sociological Association's Study of Religions Group, 3-5 April 2006, University of Manchester, Hulme Hall.

Millard, K (2001) 'The religion of Elizabeth Gaskell.' The Gaskell Society Journal, 15. pp. 1-13.


Newman, J and Ackah, W (2003) 'Ghanaian Seventh Day Adventists on and offline: problematising the virtual communities discourse.' In: Karim, K, ed. The media of diaspora: mapping the globe. Routledge Research in Transnationalism . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 203-214. ISBN 0415279305


Otele, O (2006) 'Ouganda et l'armée de Résistance du Seigneur ou les implications politiques et religieuses d'une "guerre sante" en Afrique noire.' In: Teulié, G, ed. Religious Writings and War in Britain, the Empire and the Commonwealth. Les carnets du Cerpac (3). Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier, pp. 369-389. ISBN 9782842697341

Otele, O (2007) Religion in slave narratives. In: The Promised Land Project: 1st General Symposium, 7 - 9 December 2007, Chatham-Kent, Ontario Canada.


Re Manning, R (2015) Absolute faith, correlation, and contemporary continental atheism. In: Ultimate Concern: Paul Tillich, Buddhism, Confucianism, 12-13 July 2015, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.

Re Manning, R (2016) 'From order to God.' In: Cartwright, N and Ward, K, eds. Rethinking order after the laws of nature. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 223-232. ISBN 9781474244060 Please click the title to check availability.

Re Manning, R (2015) 'Introduction: the real Tillich is the radical Tillich.' In: Re Manning, R, ed. Retrieving the radical Tillich: his legacy and contemporary importance. Radical theologies . Palgrave Macmillan, New York, pp. 1-19. ISBN 9781137380838

Re Manning, R (2017) 'Life, sex, and ambiguity.' In: Dumas, M, Richard, J and Wagoner, B, eds. Les ambiguïtés de la vie selon Paul Tillich. de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 39-50. ISBN 9783110486254 Please click the title to check availability.

Re Manning, R (2017) 'Natural theology reconsidered (again).' Theology and Science, 15 (3). pp. 289-301.

Re Manning, R (2015) 'Radical apologetics: Paul Tillich and radical philosophical atheism.' In: Re Manning, R, ed. Retrieving the radical Tillich: his legacy and contemporary importance. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, pp. 233-247. ISBN 9781137380838

Re Manning, R (2018) 'Theological currents.' In: Harrison, V.S, ed. The history of evil in the early twentieth century: 1900-1950ce. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 97-110. ISBN 9781138236844

Re Manning, R (2015) 'Unwritten theology: notes towards a natural theology of music.' In: Stone-Davis, F.J, ed. Music and transcendence. Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 65-74. ISBN 9781472415950

Re Manning, R (2015) Whither philosophy of religion? In: D Society Public Seminar Series, 20 February 2015, Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge, UK. (Unpublished)

Re Manning, R (2014) 'The arts leading theology: the case of Anselm Keiefer.' ARTS: The Arts in Religious and Theological Studies, 25 (2).

Re Manning, R (2016) '"The incompleteness of the completed": eternal God, eternal life, and the eternal now.' In: Ziegler, P.G, ed. Eternal God, eternal life. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 169-186. ISBN 9780567666833 Please click the title to check availability.

Re Manning, R (2016) 'The shape of British theology in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.' In: Hébert, M and Reijnen, A.M, eds. Paul Tillich et Karl Barth: accords et antagonismes théologiques. Tillich-Studien (23). LIT Verlag, Munster. ISBN 9783643900470

Re Manning, R and Byrne, M (2013) Science and religion in the twenty-first century: the Boyle Lectures, 2004-2013. SCM Press, London. ISBN 9780334045946

Rigby, K (2008) Common ground in creation. In: Towards Religious Harmony: Mentions of God in Poetry and Prose, 13 - 17 July 2008, St. Anne’s College, Oxford University, Oxford, UK.

Rigby, K (2005) Contra constructivism: answering to the agency of the other-than-human. In: Eco-Sophia Scholar’s Symposium, 1 October 2005, Drew University Theological College, New Jersey, USA.

Rigby, K (2012) Creation and catastrophe: an ecotheological challenge to the concept of 'natural disaster'. In: Creation and Catastrophe, 11 August 2012, St. Peter’s Eastern Hill, Melbourne, Australia.

Rigby, K (2000) Earth-sustaining spiritualities. In: Futures We're In, 28 - 29 July 2000, Augustine Centre, Melbourne, Australia.

Rigby, K (2007) Ecology and religion: drawing Christ into the conversation. In: Public Lecture Series, 2007, Treacy Centre, Melbourne, Australia.

Rigby, K (2008) '“Lifting our eyes from the page”: literature, religion and the earth [guest editor].' Religion and Literature, 40 (1). pp. 1-9.

Rigby, K (2000) On not eating the limb of a living animal. In: Public Forum: Religion and Animals, 29 February 2000, Glen Eira City Complex, Melbourne, Australia.

Rigby, K (2004) Reconciliation with the earthly. In: Australian Chaplains’ Association Annual Conference, 5 February 2004, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.

Rigby, K (2016) 'Religion and ecology: towards a communion of creatures.' In: Oppermann, S and Iovino, S, eds. Environmental humanities: voices from the Anthropocene. Rowman and Littlefield, London, pp. 273-294. ISBN 9781783489381

Rigby, K (2004) Topographies of the sacred: the poetics of place in European Romanticism. Under the sign of nature . University of Virginia Press, Charlottesville. ISBN 9780813922751

Rigby, K (2004) Whose body? In: Women Scholars in Religion and Theology Conference, 25 January 2004, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia.

Rigby, K and Boer, R (2004) Called into being: towards an ecotheology of election. In: Bible and Critical Theory Seminar, 26 June 2004, Melbourne, Australia.

Rigby, K, Elvey, A and Morgan, J (2011) Creation, incarnation and the fellowship of creatures. In: Ethos Environment Conference: Consuming Creation, 29 September - 2 October 2011, Drew University, NJ, USA.

Robinson, C (2017) 'At the going down of the sun and in the morning...': remembering the Indian Soldiers of empire. In: Religion Department Research Seminars, 8 March 2017, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales.

Robinson, C (2000) 'Druids and Brahmins: a case of mistaken identity?' DISKUS: the Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religions (BASR), 6.

Robinson, C (2007) 'From Bhagvat-Geeta to Bagger Vance.' Journal of Vaishnava Studies, 16 (1). pp. 3-21.

Robinson, C (2008) Haile Selassie in Bath. In: Celebrating Diversity Month, February 2008, University of Bath.

Robinson, C (2014) One hundred years on: Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims on the Western Front. In: 39th Spalding Symposium on Indian Religions 2014, 25 April - 27 April 2014, Luther King House, Manchester.

Robinson, C (2005) Sikhism: sant-sipahi (soldier saints): beliefs, martial ideals & military traditions. In: BRLSI Events, 9 May 2005, Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institute, Bath, UK.

Robinson, C (1999) Tradition and liberation: the Hindu tradition in the Indian women's movement. Routledge Studies in Asian Religion . Routledge. ISBN 9780700711437

Robinson, C and Cush, D (2007) ''Arthavada' - 'Punya' - Papa' - 'Svarga' -'Vidhi'.' In: Cush, D, Robinson, C and York, M, eds. Encyclopedia of Hinduism. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780700712670

Robinson, C and Cush, D (1997) 'The sacred cow: Hinduism and ecology.' Journal of Beliefs & Values, 18 (1). pp. 25-37.

Robinson, C, Cush, D and Wilshen, G (2011) Living religion [website].


Slade, C (2010) Religious broadcasting on mainstream channels: Al-Jazeera, MBC and Dubai. In: Religious Broadcasting in the Middle East, 30 - 31 January 2010, Møller Centre, Cambridge.

Slade, C (2006) Summer in the city: Islamic unrest in Paris and Sydney. In: The Journalist and Islam: Competing Agendas, Political Correctness and the War on Terror, 7 - 8 December 2006, Parliament House, Sydney, New South Wales.

Slade, C (2007) 'Tolerance and relativism: the case of pillarization.' In: van Eemeren, F.H., Blair, J.A., Willard, C.A. and Garssen, B, eds. Proceedings of the sixth conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation. SIC SAT, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 1295-1304. ISBN 9789051709162


Williamson, C (2012) 'The Church of England and the Falklands War.' In: Parker, S and Lawson, T, eds. God and war: the Church of England and armed conflict in the twentieth century. Ashgate, Burlington, VT, pp. 165-186. ISBN 9780754666929

Williamson, C (1998) ''An antidote to Communism': Catholic social action in Glasgow 1931-1939.' In: Boyle, R and Lynch, P, eds. Catholic community in modern Scotland. John Donald, pp. 11-41. ISBN 9780859764872

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