Items where Subject is "HT Communities. Classes. Races"

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Brooks, K (2019) 'Barbarous custom: discursively deconstructing The Prevent Duty.' Educationalfutures, 10 (1). pp. 58-82. Please click the title to check availability.


Davies, L, Bell, J.N.B, Bone, J, Head, M, Hill, I, Howard, C, Hobbs, S.J, Jones, D.T, Power, S.A, Rose, N, Ryder, C, Seed, L, Stevens, G, Toumi, R, Voulvoulis, N and White, P.C.L (2011) 'Open Air Laboratories (OPAL): a community-driven research programme.' Environmental Pollution, 159 (8-9). pp. 2203-2210.

Duggan, M (2011) How might a children's centre contribute to community cohesion? In: Centre for Learner Identity Studies' (CLIS) third annual conference on “learner identity”, Thursday 7 July to Friday 8 July, 2011, Edge Hill University, Ormskirk Campus.


Edwards, E and Johnson, R.M (2014) Catastrophic flooding and community resilience in the Indian Himalaya. In: Environmental Science Conference Series, April 2014, Academic Staff College, Himachal Pardesh University, Shimla, India.

Edwards, E and Johnson, R.M (2014) Natural hazards, vulnerability and risk in northern India. In: RGS-IBG Public Lecture at BRLSI, 19 June 2014, BRLSI, Bath, UK.


Gifford, T (2010) 'Está muerta la escritura pastoril.' Nerter (15-16). pp. 87-89.

Gifford, T (2011) 'Ted Hughes's social ecology.' In: Gifford, T, ed. The Cambridge companion to Ted Hughes. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 81-93. ISBN 9780521145763

Goodman, H (2015) Artful dodgers: poverty, performance, and physical disability in Victorian London. In: Victorian Popular Fiction Association (VPFA) Annual Conference: Victorian Authenticity and Artifice, 13 - 15 July 2015, Institute for English Studies, University of London, UK.

Goodman, H (2015) Mourning masculinities: death, Dickens, and pathological melancholia. In: British Association for Victorian Studies (BAVS) Annual Conference: Victorian Age(s), 27 - 29 August 2015, Leeds Trinity University, UK.

Goodman, H (2016) Revolutionary anxiety and violent masculinities: political psychopathy, trauma, and crisis in 'A Tale of Two Cities' and 'Barnaby Rudge'. In: Anxious Forms 2016: Masculinities in Crisis in the Long Nineteenth Century, 28 October 2016, University of Glasgow, UK.

Goodman, H (2015) 'A dream of demon heads and savage eyes': traumatic violence and the body in Dickens's 'Barnaby Rudge'. In: Postgraduate Medical Humanities Conference 2015, 20 - 21 July 2015, University of Exeter, UK.

Goodman, H (2013) 'The "green-eyed monster": jealousy and erotic monomania in 'He Knew He Was Right' and 'The Forsyte Saga'.' In: Goodman, H, Russo, B.V and Zózimo, J, eds. Beyond these walls: confronting madness in society, literature and art. Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, pp. 81-92. ISBN 9781848882034

Goodman, H (2019) '‘A story of treasure, war, and wild adventure’: hero-worship, imperial masculinities, and inter-generational ideology in H. Rider Haggard’s 1880s fiction.' In: Brown, M, Barry, A.M and Begiato, J, eds. Martial masculinities: imagining and experiencing the military in the long nineteenth century. Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 232-254. ISBN 9781526135629


Hackett, S (2016) 'The politics of race and immigration in Britain since 1945: an assessment of national and transnational influences.' In: Kostner, S, ed. Migration und Integration: Akzeptanz und Widerstand im transnationalen Nationalstaat: Deutsche und internationale Perspektiven. LIT Verlag, Berlin, pp. 161-181. ISBN 9783643118769

Hayes, S ORCID: 0000-0001-8633-0155, Jopling, M, Connor, S, Johnson, M and Riordan, S (2024) '‘Making you aware of your own breathing’: human data interaction, disadvantage and skills in the community.' Postdigital Science and Education. doi: 10.1007/s42438-023-00446-0

Hobbs, S.J and White, P.C.L (2016) 'Achieving positive social outcomes through participatory urban wildlife conservation projects.' Wildlife Research, 42 (7). pp. 607-617.

Hobbs, S.J and White, P.C.L (2012) 'Motivations and barriers in relation to community participation in biodiversity recording.' Journal for Nature Conservation, 20 (6). pp. 364-373.


Jandrić, P, Tolbert, S, Hayes, S ORCID: 0000-0001-8633-0155 and Jopling, M (2023) '​Postdigital citizen science: mapping the field.' Postdigital Science and Education. doi: 10.1007/s42438-023-00443-3

Johnson, R.M and Edwards, E (2014) A re-evaluation of the 1994 Phojal Nalla flood: physical & societal impacts. In: Riddell Faculty Seminar Series, 25 November 2014, University of Manitoba, Canada.


Kerpen, S.D ORCID: 0000-0002-5365-5268 (2024) 'The need for inclusive relationships and sex education (RSE) to respond to ‘risky’ youth online practices: groomed with cisheteronormativity.' In: Bustillos Morales, J.A, ed. Questioning gender politics: contextualising educational disparities in uncertain times. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 199-214. ISBN 9781032502298 Please click the title to check availability.


Levinson, M.P (2010) 'Accountability to research participants: unresolved dilemmas and unravelling ethics.' Ethnography and Education, 5 (2). pp. 193-207.

Levinson, M.P (2009) 'Cultural difference or subversion among Gypsy Traveller youngsters in schools in England: a question of perspective.' In: Danaher, P.A, Kenny, M and Leder, J.R, eds. Traveller, nomadic and migrant education. Routledge, New York, pp. 59-73. ISBN 9780415963565

Levinson, M.P (2007) 'Gypsy Traveller children in schools.' Into Teaching, 19. pp. 13-18.

Levinson, M.P (2004) 'Gypsy identity and orientations to space.' Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 33 (6). pp. 704-734.

Levinson, M.P (2013) 'Integration of Gypsy Roma children in schools: Trojan or pantomime horse?' In: Miskovic, M, ed. Roma education in Europe: practices, policies and politics. Routledge, London, pp. 100-110. ISBN 9780415535984

Levinson, M.P (2008) 'Issues of empowerment and disempowerment: Gypsy children at home and school.' Citizenship Teaching & Learning, 4 (2). pp. 70-78.

Levinson, M.P (2007) 'Literacy in English Gypsy communities: cultural capital manifested as negative assets.' American Educational Research Journal, 44 (1). pp. 5-39.

Levinson, M.P (2008) 'Not just content, but style: Gypsy children traversing boundaries.' Research in Comparative and International Education, 3 (3). pp. 235-249.

Levinson, M.P (2008) 'Researching groups that are hidden and/or marginalized.' Research Intelligence, 102. pp. 16-17.

Levinson, M.P (2005) 'The role of play in the formation and maintenance of cultural identity: Gypsy children in home and school contexts.' Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 34 (5). pp. 499-532.

Levinson, M.P and Hooley, N (2014) 'Investigating networks of culture and knowledge: a critical discourse between UK Roma Gypsies, Indigenous Australians and education.' The Australian Educational Researcher, 41 (2). pp. 139-153.

Levinson, M.P and Silk, A (2007) Dreams of the road = Sune le dromenge: Gypsy life in the West Country. Birlinn, Edinburgh. ISBN 9781841585055

Levinson, M.P and Sparkes, A.C (2006) 'Conflicting value systems: Gypsy females and the home‐school interface.' Research Papers in Education, 21 (1). pp. 79-97.

Levinson, M.P and Sparkes, A.C (2005) 'Gypsy children, space, and the school environment.' International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 18 (6). pp. 751-772.

Levinson, M.P and Sparkes, A.C (2003) 'Gypsy masculinities and the school–home interface: exploring contradictions and tensions.' British Journal of Sociology of Education, 24 (5). pp. 587-603.


Malik, I.H (2010) After the floods: the future of Pakistan's economy and democracy. In: Oxford University Pakistan Society: Mini Conference, 30 October 2010, Oriel College, Oxford.

Malik, I.H (2011) Understanding the civic sentiments and movements in Pakistan: stalemated cycle, or a way forward? In: The State of Pakistan, 24 - 25 February 2011, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India.

McGuire-Snieckus, R and Holt, N (2011) 'How has Facebook changed romantic relationships?' Psychology Review, 17 (2). pp. 2-5.

McKechnie, R and Körner, B (2008) Carrying the flame forward: tracing the inter- and intragenerational Legacies of '68 through the routes of activist life stories. In: 1968: Impact and Implications BSA Theory Study Group Conference, 3 - 4 July 2008, Birkbeck Institute for Social Research, London.


Opara, V ORCID: 0000-0002-5148-3204 (2024) 'Women’s leadership experiences: examining the intersectionality of race and gender.' In: Akande, A, ed. Leadership and politics: new perspectives in business, government and society. Springer, Cham, pp. 297-328. ISBN 9783031564147

Otele, O (2008) 'Multiculturalisme et régionalisme : les apories d’une identité britannique au pays de Galles.' In: Whitton, T, ed. Le New Labour et l'identite britannique. Observatoire de la société britannique, pp. 49-64. ISBN 2-9526-375-4-7


Palmer, A.K, Riley, M, Clement, S, Evans, K.L, Brockett, B.F.T and Opara, V ORCID: 0000-0002-5148-3204 (2025) 'In and out of place: diverse experiences and perceived exclusion in UK greenspace settings.' Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space. doi: 10.1177/25148486251316124


Riddell, R (2007) Developing social capital for working class students: aspirations and identity. In: BERA Annual Conference, 8 September 2007, Institute of Education, University of London, UK.

Riddell, R (2006) 'Education inequalities and social structures.' Race Equality Teaching, 24 (3). pp. 44-47.

Riddell, R (2006) 'Understanding learning disadvantage.' Primary Leadership Today, 1 (2). pp. 15-17.

Rigby, K (1999) Women, community and care: some hidden conditions of community. In: Public Panel Presentation, 14 July 1999, Melbourne, Australia.


Simkiss, D.E, Snooks, H.A, Stallard, N, Davies, S, Thomas, M, Anthony, B, Winstanley, S, Wilson, L and Stewart-Brown, S (2010) 'Measuring the impact and costs of a universal group based parenting programme: protocol and implantation of a trial.' BMC Public Health, 10. pp. 364-375.

Simon, C.A (2012) 'Children, families, communities and the state.' In: Ward, S, ed. A student's guide to education studies. 3rd ed. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780415809672

Simon, C.A (2011) Schools and community: implications of New Labour's extended schools agenda in England. In: BERA Annual Conference, 3-6 September 2011, Institute of Education, University of London.

Slade, C (2010) Cosmopolitan challenges: community and biculturalism. In: 60th Annual ICA Conference: Matters of Communication, 22 - 26 June 2010, Suntec Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Singapore.

Slade, C (2006) Don Dunstan and multiculturalism. In: Flinders University 40th Anniversary Symposium, 15 July 2006, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia.

Slade, C (2004) Fandom: sites, discourses and practices. In: 54th Annual ICA Conference: Communication Research in the Public Interest, 27 - 31 May 2004, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Slade, C (2009) Fractured citizenship. In: ECREA Conference 2009, 11 November 2009, Ultrecht, The Netherlands.

Slade, C (2008) From migrant to citizen: new landscapes of citizenship testing. In: 4th Annual CRESC Conference 2008: Cultural Citizenship, 3 - 5 September 2008, St Hugh’s College, Oxford.

Slade, C (2013) Media and citizenship. In: Pre-Conference of the 63rd Annual ICA Conference - Global Communications and National Policies: The Return of the State, Hilton London Metropole Hotel, London, 14 - 16 June 2013.

Slade, C (2007) Methodologies of comparative media research in a global sphere: paradigms-critique-methods, researching citizenship. In: 57th Annual ICA Conference - Creating Communication: Content, Control & Critique, 24 - 28 May 2007, Hilton, San Francisco.

Slade, C (2010) Problematic citizenship: Arab speakers in the European Union, constructing civic identity in communicative spheres of belonging. In: 60th Annual ICA Conference: Matters of Communication, 22 - 26 June 2010, Suntec Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Singapore.

Slade, C (1998) 'Relativism and difference: speaking across communities.' Analytic Teaching, 17 (2). pp. 3-12.

Slade, C (1996) 'Relativism and difference: speaking across communities.' Critical and Creative Thinking : the Australasian Journal of Philosophy for Children, 4. pp. 15-27.

Slade, C (2007) 'Tolerance and relativism: the case of pillarization.' In: van Eemeren, F.H., Blair, J.A., Willard, C.A. and Garssen, B, eds. Proceedings of the sixth conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation. SIC SAT, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 1295-1304. ISBN 9789051709162

Slade, C (2014) Watching Arabic television in Europe : from diaspora to hybrid citizens. Palgrave pivot . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781137352422

Slade, C and Volkmer, I (2012) 'Media research and satellite cultures: comparative research among Arab communities in Europe.' In: Volkmer, I, ed. The handbook of global media research. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, pp. 397-410. ISBN 9781405198707


Turnbull, O (2001) Changing faces: from Indian to American. In: Far West Popular Culture Association conference, February 2001, Nevada.


Winlow, H (2019) 'Mapping, race and ethnicity.' In: Kobayashi, A, ed. International encyclopedia of human geography. 2nd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 309-321. ISBN 9780081022955

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