Number of items: 118.
Ares Fandiño, L, Trigo Miranda, M, Fernández Morante, C, Fraga Lago, B, Cebreiro López, B, Dwyer, C, Tuckwell, G, la Velle, L, Georgeson, J, Blandon, C and Horrell, J
Improving attitudes and learning in a second Language through the increased use of ICT - IALICT.
Xunta de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Austin, C, Knowles, Z, Richards, K, McCree, M, Sayer, J and Ridgers, N
'Play and learning outdoors: engaging with the natural world using forest school in the UK.'
Skelton, T,
Nairn, K and
Kraftl, P, eds.
Space, place, and environment.
Geographies of children and young people
ISBN 9789814585903
Craft, A, Cremin, T, Hay, P and Clack, J
'Creative primary schools: developing and maintaining pedagogy for creativity.'
Chappell, K,
Cremin, T and
Jeffrey, B, eds.
Creativity, education and society: writings of Anna Craft.
Trentham Books, London.
ISBN 9781858566665
Dalziel, J, Conole, G, Wills, S, Walker, S, Bennett, S, Dobozy, E, Cameron, L, Badilescu-Buga, E and Bower, M
'The Larnaca declaration on learning design – 2013.'
Dalziel, J, ed.
Learning design: conceptualizing a framework for teaching and learning online.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 1-41.
ISBN 9781138910966
Dalziel, J, Wills, S, Conole, G, Walker, S, Bennett, S, Dobozy, E, Cameron, L, Badilescu-Buga, E, Bower, M and Pegler, C
'Learning design: where do we go from here?'
Dalziel, J, ed.
Learning design: conceptualizing a framework for teaching and learning online.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 256-262.
ISBN 9781138910966
Davies, D, McMahon, K, Howe, A, Collier, C, Digby, R and Earle, S
ORCID: 0000-0002-6155-1098
Teacher assessment of science in English primary schools.
In: ESERA2015 : 11th Biannual Conference of the European Science Education Research Association, 31 August - 4 September 2015, Helsinki, Finland.
Earle, S
ORCID: 0000-0002-6155-1098, Davies, D, McMahon, K, Collier, C, Howe, A and Digby, R
Introducing the TAPS pyramid model.
Primary Science Teaching Trust, Primary Science Teaching Trust website.
Hay, P and Whitehouse, C
Being explorers.
In: ASE West of England November Conference, 14 November 2015, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK.
Horner, L.K, Kadiwal, L, Sayed, Y, Barrett, A, Durrani, N and Novelli, M
Literature review: the role of teachers in peacebuilding.
Jamison, N.M and Kirova, A
'Bridging home and (pre)school multiliteracy practices through the use of iPads.'
Gómez Chova, L,
López Martínez, A and
Candel Torres, I, eds.
EDULEARN15 Proceedings: 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies.
IATED Academy, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 3600-3609.
ISBN 9788460682431
McCree, M, Waters, S and Orton, D
Round-table discussion.
In: Performance, Ecology, Responsibility Symposium, 1 July 2015, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK.
McMahon, K, Howe, A, Davies, D, Collier, C and Earle, S
ORCID: 0000-0002-6155-1098
Creative pedagogies in early years science: thematic planning and sustained scientific dialogues.
In: ESERA2015 : 11th Biannual Conference of the European Science Education Research Association, 31 August - 4 September 2015, Helsinki, Finland.
Parker, R
Attachment Aware Schools.
In: Attachment Network Wales: Annual Conference, 17 June 2015, Christ Church Centre, Newport, Wales.
Parker, R
Attachment Aware Schools.
In: Engage 2015: Engaging with Impact, 2 -3 December 2015, Marriott Royal Hotel, Bristol, UK.
Rose, J
Attachment aware schools.
In: Attachment and Trauma Aware Schools Conference, 26 June 2015, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK.
Sorensen, N and Oddey, A
A gift for Eleonora.
Pazzi Chapel, Basilica di Santa Croce, Florence, 14-15 May 2015.
Waycott, L, Carbis, C and McInnes, K
'Developmental trauma and attachment: an integrative therapeutic approach.'
Archer, C,
Drury, C and
Hills, J, eds.
Healing the hidden hurts: transforming attachment and trauma theory into effective practice with families, children and adults.
Jessica Kingsley, London, pp. 102-117.
ISBN 9781849055482
Xolocotzin, U, Yeh, C.S.-H
ORCID: 0000-0002-8717-0568 and Erduran, S
'Emotional modulation of perspective taking: implications for computer-supported argumentation.'
Tettegah, S.Y and
Espelage, D.L, eds.
Emotions, technology, and behaviors.
Elsevier Academic Press, London, pp. 3-20.
ISBN 9780128018736
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