Items where Division is "School of Sciences" and Year is 2017

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Number of items: 108.


Al-Khudairi, O, Hadavinia, H, Little, C, Gillmore, G, Greaves, P and Dyer, K (2017) 'Full-scale fatigue testing of a wind turbine blade in flapwise direction and examining the effect of crack propagation on the blade performance.' Materials, 10 (10). e1152.

Anderson, L.G, Chapman, J.K, Escontrela, D and Gough, C.L.A (2017) 'The role of conservation volunteers in the detection, monitoring and management of invasive alien lionfish.' Management of Biological Invasions, 8 (4). pp. 589-598.

Attridge, N, Eccleston, C, Noonan, D, Wainwright, E and Keogh, E (2017) 'Headache impairs attentional performance: a conceptual replication and extension.' The Journal of Pain, 18 (1). pp. 29-41.


Barton, A, Johns, N and Magee, S (2017) 'Looking beyond tasks to develop flexible leadership.' British Journal of Healthcare Management, 23 (2). pp. 56-61.

Barton, A and Magee, S (2017) An evaluation of the i-2-i programme evaluation for the SWLA. University of Winchester.

Bengry, A (2017) 'Accessing the research field.' In: Flick, U, ed. The Sage handbook of qualitative data collection. Sage, London, pp. 99-117. ISBN 9781473952133 Please click the title to check availability.

Bettini, G, Nash, S.L and Gioli, G (2017) 'One step forward, two steps back? The fading contours of (in)justice in competing discourses on climate migration.' Geographical Journal, 183 (4). pp. 348-358.

Booth, N (2017) 'Maternal imprisonment: a family sentence.' In: Hudson, J, Needham, C and Heins, E, eds. Social policy review 29: analysis and debate in social policy, 2017. Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 105-126. ISBN 9781447336211

Booth, N (2017) 'Prisoners’ children and families.' Criminal Law and Justice Weekly, 181 (15). pp. 246-248.

Brookman, F, Jones, H and Pike, S (2017) 'Homicide in Britain.' In: Brookman, F, Maguire, E.R and Maguire, M, eds. The handbook of homicide. Wiley Blackwell, Chichester, pp. 320-344. ISBN 9781118924471


Caulfield, L.S, Simpson, E and Jacobs, C (2017) Improving resilience and well-being through the arts: exploring methodologies using an example of research in youth justice. In: Culture, Health and Wellbeing International Conference, 19 - 21 June 2017, Bristol, UK.

Chaffey, N (2017) Plant cuttings: January - November [10 entries]. Annals of Botany.

Cresswell, M (2017) 'Truth and reconciliation in psychiatry: a response to Spandler and McKeown.' Mental Health Review Journal, 22 (4). pp. 324-331.

Cresswell, M and Brock, T (2017) 'Social movements, historical absence, and the problematisation of self-harm in the UK, 1980-2000.' Journal of Critical Realism, 16 (1). pp. 7-25.

Cresswell, M and Karimova, Z (2017) 'Ken Loach, 'Family life' and socialist realism: some historical and theoretical aspects.' Journal of British Cinema and Television, 14 (1). pp. 19-38.

Cunha, D.G.F, Casali, S.P, de Falco, P.B, Thornhill, I and Loiselle, S.A (2017) 'The contribution of volunteer-based monitoring data to the assessment of harmful phytoplankton blooms in Brazilian urban streams.' Science of the Total Environment, 584. pp. 586-594. Please click the title to check availability.

Czibor, A, Szabo, Z.P, Jones, D.N, Zsido, A.N, Paal, T, Szijjarto, L, Carre, J.R and Bereczkei, T (2017) 'Male and female face of Machiavellianism: opportunism or anxiety?' Personality and Individual Differences, 117. pp. 221-229.


Devadason, R (2017) 'Transnational repertoires: making yourself at home on the move.' In: Eade, J and Rumford, C, eds. Re-living the global city: global/local processes. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 80-96. ISBN 9781315717586 Please click the title to check availability.

Devadason, R (2017) 'The golden handcuffs? Choice, compliance and relocation amongst transnational professionals and executives.' Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43 (13). pp. 2265-2282.

Digby, R, West, E, Temple, S, McGuire-Snieckus, R, Vatmanides, O, Davey, A, Richardson, S, Rose, J and Parker, R (2017) Somerset Emotion Coaching Project evaluation report: phase two. Institute for Education, Bath Spa University.

Duffy, A, Patten, S, Goodday, S, Weir, A, Heffer, N ORCID: 0000-0002-6597-0134 and Cipriani, A (2017) 'Efficacy and tolerability of lithium in treating acute mania in youth with bipolar disorder: protocol for a systematic review.' International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, 5. art. 2.


Edmunds, C.E.R ORCID: 0000-0002-0524-8756, Wills, A.J and Fraser, M (2017) 'Due process in dual process: A model-recovery analysis of Smith et al. (2014).' Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 39. pp. 1979-1984.

Edwards, E and Johnson, R.M (2017) ‘Science’- of value to hazard & disaster challenges; an exposé on interdisciplinary research. In: IISER Mohali Workshop Series, 25 April 2017, Mohali Punjab, India.

Ellison, G.T.H, Aspinall, P.J, Smart, A and Salway, S (2017) 'The ambiguities of "race" in UK science, social policy and political discourse.' Journal of Anthropological Sciences = Rivista di antropologia : JASS, 95. pp. 299-306.


Frohlich, D.M, Ely, P, Moore, H, Golsteijn, C, Egglestone, P, Mills, J, Rogers, J, Metcalf, T, Stone, K and Menicou, M (2017) 'Designing interactive newsprint.' International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 104. pp. 36-49.


Garde-Hansen, J, McEwen, L.J, Holmes, A and Jones, O (2017) 'Sustainable flood memory: remembering as resilience.' Memory Studies, 10 (4). pp. 384-405.

Gillmore, G, Wertheim, D and Crust, S (2017) 'Effects of etching time on alpha tracks in solid state nuclear track detectors.' Science of the Total Environment, 575. pp. 905-909.

Gioli, G (2017) 'Remittances as self-insured life: on migration, flood and conflict in North-Western Pakistan.' In: Irudaya Rajan, S and Bhagat, R.B, eds. Climate change, vulnerability and migration. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 94-118. ISBN 9780415790727

Griffin, C and Bengry-Howell, A (2017) 'Ethnography.' In: Willig, C and Stainton Rogers, W, eds. The Sage handbook of qualitative research in psychology. 2nd ed. Sage, London, pp. 38-54. ISBN 9781473925212 Please click the title to check availability.

Groot, A, Werners, S, Regmi, B, Biemans, H, Gioli, G, Hassan, T, Mamnun, N, Shah, H, Ahmad, B, Siderius, C, Singh, T, Bhadwal, S and Wester, P (2017) Critical climate-stress moments and their assessment in the Hindu Kush Himalaya: conceptualization and assessment methods : HI-AWARE Working Paper 10. HI-AWARE, Kathmandu. ISBN 9789291155361

Grunfeld, E.A, Hunter, M.S and Yousaf, O (2017) 'Men's experience of a guided self-help intervention for hot flushes associated with prostate cancer treatment.' Psychology, Health & Medicine, 22 (4). pp. 425-433.


Hadj-Hammou, J, Loiselle, S, Ophof, D and Thornhill, I (2017) 'Getting the full picture: assessing the complementarity of citizen science and agency monitoring data.' PLoS ONE, 12 (12). e0188507. Please click the title to check availability.

Helle, G, Balting, B, Pauly, M and Slotta, F (2017) Particular geoscientific perspectives on stable isotope analysis in the aboreal system. In: EGU General Assembly, 2017, Vienna, Austria.

Hill, M.J, Biggs, J, Thornhill, I, Briers, R.A, Gledhill, D.G, White, J.C, Wood, P.J and Hassall, C (2017) 'Urban ponds as an aquatic biodiversity resource in modified landscapes.' Global Change Biology, 23 (3). pp. 986-999.

Hill, M.J, Heino, J, Thornhill, I, Ryves, D.B and Wood, P.J (2017) 'Effects of dispersal mode on the environmental and spatial correlates of nestedness and species turnover in pond communities.' Oikos, 126 (11). pp. 1575-1585.

Hill, T, Whittaker, J, Brunning, R, Law, M ORCID: 0000-0002-6127-5353, Bell, M, Bronk Ramsey, C, Dunbar, E, Marshall, P and Reimer, P (2017) 'Palaeoenvironmental investigations of a Mesolithic–Neolithic sedimentary sequence from Queen’s Sedgemoor, Somerset.' In: Williams, M, Hill, T, Boomer, I and Wikinson, I.P, eds. The archaeological and forensic applications of microfossils: a deeper understanding of human history. The Geological Society, Bath. ISBN 9781786203052 Please click the title to check availability.


Irwin, R and Pullen, C (2017) 'Brief psychosexual therapy: reflections on the provision of a time-limited therapy service in a sexual health clinic.' Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 32 (2). pp. 131-145.


Janik McErlean, A.B and Banissy, M.J (2017) 'Assessing individual variation in personality and empathy traits in self-reported Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response.' Multisensory Research, 30 (6). pp. 601-613.

Janik McErlean, A.B and Banissy, M.J (2017) 'Color processing in synesthesia: what synesthesia can and cannot tell us about mechanisms of color processing.' Topics in Cognitive Science, 9 (1). pp. 215-227.

Jeffers, J.M (2017) Disruptive hazards and climates: making sense of ambiguity. In: Conference of Irish Geographers, 4 - 6 May 2017, University College Cork.

Jeffers, J.M (2017) Living with contradictions: messy and ambiguous interpretations of climate change by decision-makers and stakeholders in Ireland’s coastal cities. In: Environment & Sustainability Research Group Seminar Series, 9 March 2017, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK.

Jeffers, J.M (2017) Public consultation and community opposition in flood risk management: the case of the ‘Save Cork City’ campaign. In: UK-Ireland Planning Research Conference, 11 - 13 September 2017, Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Johnson, R.M (2017) Changing landscapes research group Indian Himalayas research. In: Global Challenges Research Fund Global Engagement Meeting, 7 - 9 November 2017, Delhi, India.

Jones, O (2017) 'Rethinking rural nature in the era of ecocide.' In: Choné, A, Hajek, I and Hamman, P, eds. Rethinking nature: challenging disciplinary boundaries. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 145-157. ISBN 9781138214927

Jones, S.P, Dwyer, D.M and Lewis, M.B (2017) 'The utility of multiple synthesised views in the recognition of unfamiliar faces.' Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70 (5). pp. 906-918.


Karim, A.K.M.R, Proulx, M.J, de Sousa, A.A ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894, Karmaker, C, Rahman, A, Karim, F and Nigar, N (2017) 'The right way to kiss: directionality bias in head-turning during kissing.' Scientific Reports, 7. e5398.

Kirby, A, Williams, N, Koelewijn, L, Brindley, L.M, Muthukumaraswamy, S.D, te Water Naudé, J, Thomas, M, Gibbon, F, Singh, K.D and Hamandi, K (2017) 'Benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (BECTS) and developmental co-ordination disorder.' Epilepsy & Behavior, 72. pp. 122-126. Please click the title to check availability.


Law, M ORCID: 0000-0002-6127-5353 (2017) 'Numerical approaches to land snail palaeoecology.' In: Allen, M.J, ed. Molluscs in archaeology: methods, approaches and applications. Oxbow, Oxford. ISBN 9781785706080

Law, M ORCID: 0000-0002-6127-5353 and Thew, N (2017) 'Molluscs from dune-machair systems in the Western Isles: archaeological site formation processes and environmental change.' In: Allen, M.J, ed. Molluscs in archaeology: methods, approaches and applications. Oxbow, Oxford. ISBN 9781785706080 Please click the title to check availability.

Lodwick, L and Law, M ORCID: 0000-0002-6127-5353 (2017) Camilla Dickson [blog post]. Trowelblazers.

Loiselle, S.A, Frost, P.C, Turak, E and Thornhill, I (2017) 'Citizen scientists supporting environmental research priorities.' Science of the Total Environment, 598. p. 937.


MacVean, A and Read, C (2017) An evaluation of three One Team initiatives: Halcon, North Taunton and Wellington. Bath Spa University and Somerset County Council, Bath. Please click the title to check availability.

Malins, M and Oliver, P (2017) 'Alternatives to steel and lead.' Chartered Forester, Winter. pp. 18-19.

McAleese, S, Simpson, E and Hughes, N (2017) The Voluntary Sector in Criminal Justice: Setting the Research Agenda: conference report. Centre for Criminological Research, University of Sheffield.

McEwen, L, Garde-Hansen, J, Holmes, A, Jones, O and Krause, F (2017) 'Sustainable flood memories, lay knowledges and the development of community resilience to future flood risk.' Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 42 (1). pp. 14-28.

McMurray, I, Rafferty, C, Sutton, C and Patel, S (2017) 'Using dissertation projects to facilitate transitions to university and employment: an exploratory case study.' Journal of Further and Higher Education, 41 (3). pp. 273-285.

Medina-Perucha, L, Yousaf, O, Hunter, M.S and Grunfeld, E.A (2017) 'Barriers to medical help-seeking among older men with prostate cancer.' Journal of Psychosocial Oncology. doi: 10.1080/07347332.2017.1312661

Mizrahi, M, Chapman, J.K, Gough, C.L.A, Humber, F and Anderson, L.G (2017) 'Management implications of the influence of biological variability of invasive lionfish diet in Belize.' Management of Biological Invasions, 8 (1). pp. 61-70.

Muir, K, Joinson, A, Cotterill, R and Dewdney, N (2017) 'Linguistic style accommodation shapes impression formation and rapport in computer-mediated communication.' Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 36 (5). pp. 525-548.

Mustafa, D, Gioli, G, Karner, M and Khan, I (2017) Contested waters: subnational scale of water and conflict in Pakistan. United States Institute of Peace, Washington, DC. ISBN 9781601276490


Paulo, R.M, Albuquerque, P.B, Vitorino, F and Bull, R (2017) 'Enhancing the cognitive interview with an alternative procedure to witness-compatible questioning: category clustering recall.' Psychology, Crime & Law, 23 (10). pp. 967-982.

Pauly, M, Helle, G and Treydte, K (2017) A 500-year dual stable isotope tree ring chronology of a Late Glacial cooling event. In: EGU General Assembly, 2017, Vienna, Austria.


Ramke, J, Kuper, H, Limburg, H, Kinloch, J.M, Zhu, W, Lansingh, V.C, Congdon, N, Foster, A and Gilbert, C.E (2017) 'Avoidable waste in ophthalmic epidemiology: a review of blindness prevalence surveys in low and middle income countries 2000–2014.' Ophthalmic Epidemiology, 25 (1). pp. 13-20.

Ravalier, J.M (2017) Evidence review - what works at work? In: Mental Health at Work, 17 February, 2017, London, UK.

Ravalier, J.M, Fidalgo, A.R, Morton, R and Russell, L (2017) 'The influence of zero-hours contracts on care worker well-being.' Occupational Medicine, 67 (5). pp. 344-349.

Reinig, F, Nievergelt, D, Esper, J, Friedrich, M, Helle, G, Hellmann, L, Kromer, B, Morganti, S, Pauly, M and Sookdeo, A (2017) On the paleoenvironmental potential of 253 newly discovered pine stumps from Zurich, Switzerland. In: EGU General Assembly, 2017, Vienna, Austria.

Rose, J, Gilbert, L, McGuire-Snieckus, R, Gus, L, McInnes, K and Digby, R (2017) 'Attachment Aware Schools: working with families to enhance parental engagement and home-school relationships.' Open Family Studies Journal, 9 (Supp-1). pp. 160-171. Please click the title to check availability.


Schaaf, R, Worrall-Hood, J and Jones, O (2017) 'Geography and art: encountering place across disciplines.' Cultural Geographies, 24 (2). pp. 319-327.

Schollaen, K, Baschek, H, Heinrich, I, Slotta, F, Pauly, M and Helle, G (2017) 'A guideline for sample preparation in modern tree-ring stable isotope research.' Dendrochronologia, 44. pp. 133-145.

Simm, D ORCID: 0000-0002-0440-9546 and Marvell, A (2017) The emotional geographies of place: developing effective learning and teaching strategies for international fieldwork. In: RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, 29 August - 1 September 2017, London.

Simpson, E (2017) Authoring desistance: the role of practitioners in creative interventions. In: The Second Narrative Criminology Symposium, 14 - 15 June 2017, University of Oslo, Norway.

Simpson, E (2017) Bad stories making good: creative writing in prison. In: Guest Lecture Series, 2017, Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution, Bath, UK.

Smart, A (2017) Colour-coded prescribing. In: Race, Ethnicity and Medicine - Dr. Andy Smart, Dr Jon Røyne Kyllingstad and Dr Øivind Michelsen, 7 November 2017, Norsk Teknisk Museum, Oslo, Norway.

Smart, A, Bolnick, D.A and Tutton, R (2017) 'Health and genetic ancestry testing: time to bridge the gap.' BMC Medical Genomics, 10 (3).

Smart, A and Harrison, E (2017) 'The under-representation of minority ethnic groups in UK medical research.' Ethnicity & Health, 22 (1). pp. 65-82.

Szmigin, I, Bengry-Howell, A, Morey, Y, Griffin, C and Riley, S (2017) 'Socio-spatial authenticity at co-created music festivals.' Annals of Tourism Research, 63 (March). pp. 1-11.


Thomas, M and Christopher, G (2017) 'Fatigue in developmental coordination disorder: an exploratory study in adults.' Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior, 6 (1). pp. 41-51.

Thornhill, I, Batty, L, Death, R.G, Friberg, N.R and Ledger, M.E (2017) 'Local and landscape scale determinants of macroinvertebrate assemblages and their conservation value in ponds across an urban land-use gradient.' Biodiversity and Conservation, 26 (5). pp. 1065-1086.

Thornhill, I, Batty, L, Hewitt, M, Friberg, N.R and Ledger, M.E (2017) 'The application of graph theory and percolation analysis for assessing change in the spatial configuration of pond networks.' Urban Ecosystems, 21 (2). pp. 213-225.

Thornhill, I, Ho, J.G, Zhang, Y, Li, H, Ho, K.C, Miguel-Chinchilla, L and Loiselle, S.A (2017) 'Prioritising local action for water quality improvement using citizen science; a study across three major metropolitan areas of China.' Science of the Total Environment, 584. pp. 1268-1281. Please click the title to check availability.

Todorov, O.S and de Sousa, A.A ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894 (2017) 'Evolution of the occipital lobe.' In: Bruner, E, Ogihara, N and Tanabe, H, eds. Digital endocasts. Springer, Tokyo, pp. 259-273. ISBN 9784431565802

Tomlinson, E.R, Yousaf, O, Vittersø, A.D and Jones, L (2017) 'Dispositional mindfulness and psychological health : a systematic review.' Mindfulness. doi: 10.1007/s12671-017-0762-6

Turner, P (2017) Hip hop versus rap: the politics of droppin' knowledge. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781138679757

Tzani-Pepelasi, C, Ioannou, M, Synnott, J and Fumagalli, A (2017) 'Cyber-bullying and children’s unmonitored media violence exposure.' Assessment and Development Matters Journal, 9 (4). pp. 2-6.


Vij, S, Moors, E, Ahmad, B, Arfanuzzaman, Md, Bhadwal, S, Biesbroek, R, Gioli, G, Groot, A, Mallick, D, Regmi, B, Saeed, B.A, Ishaq, S, Thapa, B, Werners, S.E and Wester, P (2017) 'Climate adaptation approaches and key policy characteristics: cases from South Asia.' Environmental Science & Policy, 78. pp. 58-65.

Vitale, A (2017) The effectiveness of creative arts in the recovery of individuals affected by trauma. In: Culture, Health and Wellbeing International Conference, 19 - 21 June 2017, Bristol, UK.

Vitale, A and El-Warari, A (2017) The effect of prolonged violence in male and female refugees’ mental health and on their integration in the host country. In: International Conference on Interpersonal Violence Interventions: Social and Cultural Perspectives, 14 -16 June 2017, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland.


Wainwright, E, Attridge, N, Wainwright, D, Alcock, L and Inglis, M (2017) 'Support with caveats: advocates’ views of the Theory of Formal Discipline as a reason for the study of advanced mathematics.' Research in Mathematics Education, 19 (1). pp. 20-41.

Wainwright, E, Fox, F, Breffni, T, Taylor, G and O’Connor, M (2017) 'Coming back from the edge: a qualitative study of a professional support unit for junior doctors.' BMC Medical Education, 17 (142).

Walker, M and Winton, A (2017) 'Towards a theory of the discordant border.' Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 38 (2). pp. 245-257.

Walsh, J, Eccleston, C and Keogh, E (2017) 'Sex differences in the decoding of pain-related body postures.' European Journal of Pain, 21 (10). pp. 1668-1677.

Warburton, J, Johnson, R.M and Kincey, M (2017) The impact of extreme floods on steep upland catchments. In: Environment Agency: Cumbria Floods Partnership Workshop, 11 January 2017, Penrith, UK.

Wertheim, D, Gillmore, G, Gill, I and Petford, N (2017) 'High resolution 3D confocal microscope imaging of volcanic ash particles.' Science of the Total Environment, 590-1. pp. 838-842.

Wilkinson, D.J and Caulfield, L.S (2017) 'Delusional ideation, cognitive processes and crime based reasoning.' Europe's Journal of Psychology, 13 (3). pp. 503-518.

Wilkinson, D.J and Caulfield, L.S (2017) 'The perceived benefits of an arts project for health and wellbeing of older offenders.' Europe's Journal of Psychology, 13 (1). pp. 16-27.

Wills, A.J, O'Connell, G, Edmunds, C.E.R ORCID: 0000-0002-0524-8756 and Inkster, A.B (2017) 'Progress in modeling through distributed collaboration: concepts, tools and category-learning examples.' In: Ross, B.H, ed. Psychology of learning and motivation. Volume 66 . Elsevier, pp. 79-115. ISBN 9780128121184

Woiwode, C, Beckford, C, Kuttler, T, Coelho, K and Struss, P (2017) Political frameworks and governance. In: Conference on Peri-Urban Development, 27 January 2017, Chennai, India.

Woiwode, C and Bienge, K (2017) Indo German dialogue on green urban practices: social innovation and change agents towards sustainable lifestyles and consumption. Wuppertal Institute / Indo-German Centre for Sustainability, Chennai. Please click the title to check availability.

Woiwode, C and Hill, C (2017) 'Peri-urban dynamics and sustainability in Chennai: the case of Sriperumbudur.' TRIALOG: A Journal for Planning and Building in a Global Context, 122 (3/2015). pp. 8-12.


Yousaf, O and Gobet, F (2017) 'Hypocrisy paradigm.' In: Moghaddam, F.M, ed. The Sage encyclopedia of political behavior. Sage, Los Angeles. ISBN 9781483391168

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