Items where Division is "School of Sciences" and Year is 2018

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Gillmore, G, Perrier, F.E. and Crockett, R.G.M, eds. (2018) Radon, health and natural hazards. Geological Society, London, pp. 49-62. ISBN 9781786203083

Holt, Y, Martin-Jones, D and Jones, O, eds. (2018) Visual culture in the northern British archipelago: imagining islands. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780815374275

Fröhlich, C, Gioli, G, Cremades, R and Myrttinen, H, eds. (2018) Water security across the gender divide. Springer, Cham. ISBN 9783319640440

Cardwell, M and Flanagan, C (2018) Psychology A Level Year 1 and AS: the complete companion student book for AQA. 5th ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780198436324

Lee, A and Irwin, R (2018) Psychopathology: a social neuropsychological perspective. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9780521279024

Thomas, M (2018) “Tired all the time”: persistent fatigue and healthcare. Palgrave Pivot, Cham. ISBN 9783319939131

Book Chapter or Section

Booth, N (2018) 'Maintaining family ties: the disparities between policy and practice following maternal imprisonment in England and Wales.' In: Gordon, L, ed. Contemporary research and analysis on the children of prisoners: invisible children. Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 155-171. ISBN 9781527503595

Crockett, R.G.M and Gillmore, G (2018) 'Radon as an anthropogenic indoor air pollutant as exemplified by radium-dial watches and other uranium- and radium-containing artefacts.' In: Gillmore, G, Perrier, F.E. and Crockett, R.G.M, eds. Radon, health and natural hazards. Geological Society, London, pp. 49-62. ISBN 9781786203083

Diduck, A.P, Johnson, R.M, Edwards, E, Sinclair, A.J, Gardner, J.S and Patel, K (2018) 'Impact assessment, small hydro and environmental justice in India.' In: IAIA18 Conference Proceedings - Environmental Justice in Societies in Transition: 38th Annual Conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment, 16-19 May 2018, Durban, South Africa. IAIA. Please click the title to check availability.

Gillmore, G, Crockett, R.G.M and Phillips, P.S (2018) 'Radon as a carcinogenic built-environmental pollutant.' In: Gillmore, G, Perrier, F.E. and Crockett, R.G.M, eds. Radon, health and natural hazards. Geological Society, London, pp. 7-34. ISBN 9781786203083

Gillmore, G, Perrier, F.E and Crockett, R.G.M (2018) 'Radon, health and natural hazards: a signpost for assessment and protection in the 21st century.' In: Gillmore, G, Perrier, F.E. and Crockett, R.G.M, eds. Radon, health and natural hazards. Geological Society, London, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9781786203083

Gioli, G and Milan, A (2018) 'Gender, migration and (global) environmental change.' In: McLeman, R and Gemenne, F, eds. Routledge handbook of environmental displacement and migration. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 135-150. ISBN 9781138194465

Hodge, S.E ORCID: 0000-0001-5007-8429, McAlaney, J, Gatzidis, C, Anderson, E.F, Melacca, D and Taylor, J (2018) 'Applying psychological theory to in-game moral behaviors through the development of a purpose-made game.' In: Bowman, D.B, ed. Video games: a medium that demands our attention. Routledge, New York, pp. 108-125. ISBN 9780815376897

Holt, Y, Martin-Jones, D and Jones, O (2018) 'Introduction.' In: Holt, Y, Martin-Jones, D and Jones, O, eds. Visual culture in the northern British archipelago: imagining islands. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780815374275

Jones, O (2018) '“Wer melkt die Kühe in Maesgwyn?” Animalische Landschaften und Affekte.' In: Gesing, F, Knecht, M, Flitner, M and Amelang, K, eds. NaturenKulturen: Denkräume und Werkzeuge für neue politische Ökologien. transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, pp. 287-320. ISBN 9783837640076

Jones, O and Denning, L (2018) 'Views over the Sound: imagining (Northern) isles as grounds for alternative narratives of becoming non-modern.' In: Holt, Y, Martin-Jones, D and Jones, O, eds. Visual culture in the Northern British archipelago: imagining islands. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 169-188. ISBN 9780815374275

Law, M ORCID: 0000-0002-6127-5353 and Davies, P (2018) 'Land and freshwater molluscs.' In: López Varela, S.L, ed. The encyclopedia of archaeological sciences. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 9780470674611 doi: 10.1002/9781119188230.saseas0339

Paulo, R.M, Albuquerque, P.B and Bull, R (2018) 'Técnicas de entrevista com crianças e adolescentes em contexto policial e forense.' In: Oliveira, M and Pinto, P, eds. Da infância à terceira idade: intervenção em contextos de violência e crime. Guia prático para estudantes e profissionais. Mais Leituras Editora, Porto. ISBN 9789897300608

Pocock, M.J.O, Chandler, M, Bonney, R, Thornhill, I, Albin, A, August, T, Bachman, S, Brown, P.M.J, Fernandes Cunha, D-G, Grez, A, Jackson, C, Peters, M, Rabarijaon, N.R, Roy, H.E, Zaviezo, T and Danielsen, F (2018) 'A vision for global biodiversity monitoring with citizen science.' In: Bohan, D.A, Dumbrell, A.J, Woodward, G and Jackson, M, eds. Next generation biomonitoring: part 2. Advances in Ecological Research series (59). Elsevier, pp. 169-223. ISBN 9780128143179 Please click the title to check availability.

Rojas Wiesner, M.L and Winton, A (2018) 'Precarious mobility in Central America and southern Mexico: crises and the struggle to survive.' In: Menjívar, C, Ruiz, M and Ness, I, eds. The Oxford handbook of migration crises. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 245-260. ISBN 9780190856908

Vitale, A and Ryde, J (2018) 'Conducting individual semi-structured interviews with male refugees on their mental health and integration.' In: SAGE Research Methods Cases. Sage. Please click the title to check availability.

Wallbridge, C.D, Lemaignan, S, Senft, E, Edmunds, C.E.R ORCID: 0000-0002-0524-8756 and Belpaeme, T (2018) 'Spatial referring expressions in child-robot interaction: let’s be ambiguous!' In: Johal, W, Kennedy, J, Charisi, V, Park, H.W, Castellano, G and Dillenbourg, P, eds. Proceedings of R4L @ HRI 2018: Robots for Learning - Inclusive Learning. Robots for Learning, Lausanne.

Wallbridge, C.D, van den Berghe, R, Hernández Garcia, D, Kanero, J, Lemaignan, S, Edmunds, C.E.R ORCID: 0000-0002-0524-8756 and Belpaeme, T (2018) 'Using a robot peer to encourage the production of spatial concepts in a second language.' In: HAI '18: proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction. ACM, New York, NY, pp. 54-60. ISBN 9781450359535

Woiwode, C and Bhati, L.K (2018) 'Enabling transformative urban development for integral sustainability: a case for tapping the potential of Sri Aurobindo's philosophy in planning practice and theory.' In: Leal Filho, W and Consorte McCrea, A, eds. Sustainability and the humanities. Springer, Cham, pp. 35-55. ISBN 9783319953359


Bidzan, M, Yousaf, O, Lipowski, M and Lipowska, M (2018) 'How health-related behaviors predict body-esteem in men.' American Journal of Men's Health, 12 (6). pp. 1901-1907.

Boero, G, Pisu, M.G, Biggio, F, Muredda, L, Carta, G, Banni, S, Paci, E ORCID: 0000-0002-6202-2825, Follesa, P, Concas, A, Porcu, P and Serra, M (2018) 'Impaired glucocorticoid-mediated HPA axis negative feedback induced by juvenile social isolation in male rats.' Neuropharmacology, 133. pp. 242-253.

Boichat, C, Eccleston, C and Keogh, E (2018) 'The tripartite structure of pain-related affect: a confirmatory factor analysis.' Psychology, Health & Medicine, 23 (10). pp. 1211-1222.

Booth, N, Masson, I and Baldwin, L (2018) 'Promises, promises: can the Female Offender Strategy deliver?' Probation Journal, 65 (4). pp. 429-438.

Chetty, D and Turner, P (2018) 'Toward a hip hop pedagogy of discomfort.' Journal of World Popular Music, 5 (1). pp. 71-87.

Cresswell, M, Karimova, Z and Ward, J (2018) 'Women, self-harm, and the moral code of the prison.' Ethical Human Psychology & Psychiatry, 20 (1). pp. 27-42.

Crone, A, Cavers, G, Allison, E, Davies, K.L ORCID: 0000-0002-1748-9442, Hamilton, D, Henderson, A, Mackay, H, McLaren, D, Robertson, J, Roy, L and Whitehouse, N (2018) 'Nasty, brutish and short?; the life cycle of an Iron Age roundhouse at Black Loch of Myrton, SW Scotland.' Journal of Wetland Archaeology, 18 (2). pp. 138-162.

Duffy, A, Heffer, N ORCID: 0000-0002-6597-0134, Goodday, S.M, Weir, A, Patten, S, Malhi, G.S and Cipriani, A (2018) 'Efficacy and tolerability of lithium for the treatment of acute mania in children with bipolar disorder: a systematic review.' Bipolar Disorders, 20 (7). pp. 583-593.

Fumagalli, A, Synnott, J, Ioannou, M and Tzani-Pepelasi, C (2018) 'The use of the polygraph as post-conviction sex offenders testing.' Assessment and Development Matters Journal, 10 (1). pp. 22-25.

Gavin, P and MacVean, A (2018) 'Police perceptions of restorative justice: findings from a small‐scale study.' Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 36 (2). pp. 115-130.

Gooddy, D.C, Bowes, M.J, Lapworth, D.J, Lamb, A.L, Williams, P.J, Newton, R.J, Davies, C.L and Surridge, B.W.J (2018) 'Evaluating the stable isotopic composition of phosphate oxygen as a tracer of phosphorus from waste water treatment works.' Applied Geochemistry, 95. pp. 139-146.

Griffin, C, Bengry-Howell, A, Riley, S, Morey, Y and Szmigin, I (2018) '‘We achieve the impossible’: discourses of freedom and escape at music festivals and free parties.' Journal of Consumer Culture, 18 (4). pp. 477-496.

Haslett, S.K and Usei, C.B (2018) 'Research-teaching links in Wales: an editorial.' Wales Journal of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, 1 (1). pp. 3-4.

Henry, D.G, Jarvis, I, Gillmore, G, Stephenson, M and Emmings, J.F (2018) 'Assessing low-maturity organic matter in shales using Raman spectroscopy: effects of sample preparation and operating procedure.' International Journal of Coal Geology, 191. pp. 135-151.

Hill, M.J, Biggs, J, Thornhill, I, Briers, R.A, Ledger, M.E, Gledhill, D.G, Wood, P.J and Hassall, C (2018) 'Community heterogeneity of aquatic macroinvertebrates in urban ponds at a multi-city scale.' Landscape Ecology, 33 (3). pp. 389-405.

Hollinrake, A and Law, M ORCID: 0000-0002-6127-5353 (2018) 'Further Neolithic wooden structures at Walpole Landfill Site, Somerset, UK.' PAST (88). pp. 15-16. Please click the title to check availability.

Ináncsi, T, Pilinszki, A, Paal, T and Láng, A (2018) 'Perceptions of close relationship through the Machiavellians' dark glasses: negativity, distrust, self-protection against risk and dissatisfaction.' Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 14 (4). pp. 806-830.

Janik McErlean, A.B and Michael, B (2018) 'Increased misophonia in self-reported Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response.' PeerJ, 6.

Johnson, R.M, Edwards, E, Gardner, J.S and Diduck, A.P (2018) 'Community vulnerability and resilience in disaster risk reduction: an example from Phojal Nalla, Himachal Pradesh, India.' Regional Environmental Change, 18 (7). pp. 2073-2087.

Jones, O (2018) '‘Bear necessities’: toys, settings and emotional becoming.' Children's Geographies, 16 (4). pp. 459-460.

Kleinschmidt, R, Watson, D, Janik, M and Gillmore, G (2018) 'The presence and dosimetry of radon and thoron in a historical, underground metalliferous mine.' Journal of Sustainable Mining, 17 (3). pp. 120-130.

Lemaignan, S, Edmunds, C.E.R ORCID: 0000-0002-0524-8756, Senft, E and Belpaeme, T (2018) 'The PInSoRo dataset: supporting the data-driven study of child-child and child-robot social dynamics.' PLoS ONE, 13 (10). e0205999.

Masson, I and Booth, N (2018) 'Examining prisoners’ families: definitions, developments and difficulties.' Howard League for Penal Reform ECAN Bulletin, 39. pp. 15-20.

McGuire-Snieckus, R and Caulfield, L.S (2018) 'An evaluation of Talent 4… : a programme to identify talent and skills for prisoners, disadvantaged, unemployed, and vulnerable groups.' International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 62 (11). pp. 3460-3484.

Navarro, K, Wainwright, E, Rodham, K and Jordan, A (2018) 'Parenting young people with complex regional pain syndrome: an analysis of the process of parental online communication.' PAIN Reports, 3 (7). e681.

Pauly, M, Helle, G, Miramont, C, Büntgen, U, Treydte, K, Reinig, F, Guibal, F, Sivan, O, Heinrich, I, Riedel, F, Kromer, B, Balanzategui, D, Wacker, L, Sookdeo, A and Brauer, A (2018) 'Subfossil trees suggest enhanced Mediterranean hydroclimate variability at the onset of the Younger Dryas.' Scientific Reports, 8 (1). e13980.

Ravalier, J.M (2018) 'Psycho-social working conditions and stress in UK social workers.' British Journal of Social Work, 49 (2). pp. 371-390.

Ravalier, J.M (2018) 'The influence of work engagement in social workers in England.' Occupational Medicine, 68 (6). pp. 399-404.

Ravalier, J.M and Walsh, J (2018) 'Working conditions and stress in the English education system.' Occupational Medicine, 68 (2). pp. 129-134.

Reinig, F, Gärtner, H, Crivellaro, A, Nievergelt, D, Pauly, M, Schweingruber, F, Sookdeo, A, Wacker, L and Büntgen, U (2018) 'Introducing anatomical techniques to subfossil wood.' Dendrochronologia, 52. pp. 146-151.

Reinig, F, Nievergelt, D, Esper, J, Friedrich, M, Helle, G, Hellmann, L, Kromer, B, Morganti, S, Pauly, M, Sookdeo, A, Tegel, W, Treydte, K, Verstege, A, Wacker, L and Büntgen, U (2018) 'New tree-ring evidence for the Late Glacial period from the northern pre-Alps in eastern Switzerland.' Quaternary Science Reviews, 186. pp. 215-224.

Richardson, L-J, Law, M ORCID: 0000-0002-6127-5353, Dufton, J.A, Ellenberger, K, Eve, S, Goskar, T, Ogden, J, Pett, D and Reinhard, A (2018) 'Day of Archaeology 2011–2017: Global Community, Public Engagement, and Digital Practice.' Internet Archaeology, 47.

Roberts, D et al (2018) 'Recent investigations at two long barrows and reflections on their context in the Stonehenge World Heritage Site and environs.' Internet Archaeology, 47. Please click the title to check availability.

Sengupta, R, Marzo-Ortega, H, McGonagle, D, Wadeley, A and Bennett, A (2018) 'Short-term repeat magnetic resonance imaging scans in suspected early axial spondyloarthritis are clinically relevant only in HLA-B27-positive male subjects.' Journal of Rheumatology, 45 (2). pp. 202-205.

Simola, N, Paci, E ORCID: 0000-0002-6202-2825, Serra, M, Costa, G and Morelli, M (2018) 'Modulation of rat 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations by glucocorticoid signaling: possible relevance to reward and motivation.' International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 21 (1). pp. 73-83.

Smart, A and Weiner, K (2018) 'Racialised prescribing: enacting race/ethnicity in clinical practice guidelines and in accounts of clinical practice.' Sociology of Health and Illness, 40 (5). pp. 843-858.

Thornhill, I, Biggs, J, Hill, M, Briers, R, Gledhill, D, Wood, P, Gee, J and Hassall, C (2018) 'The functional response and resilience in small waterbodies along land-use and environmental gradients.' Global Change Biology, 24 (7). pp. 3079-3092. Please click the title to check availability.

Thornhill, I, Chautard, A and Loiselle, S (2018) 'Monitoring biological and chemical trends in temperate still waters using citizen science.' Water, 10 (7).

Vitale, A and Ryde, J (2018) 'Exploring risk factors affecting the mental health of refugee women living with HIV.' International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15 (10). p. 2326.

Wadeley, A, Clarke, E, Leverment, S and Sengupta, R (2018) 'Sleep in ankylosing spondylitis and non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis: associations with disease activity, gender and mood.' Clinical Rheumatology, 37 (4). pp. 1045-1052.

Wainwright, D, Buckingham, A and Wainwright, E (2018) 'Why do people use food banks? A qualitative study of food bank users in an English city.' Voluntary Sector Review, 9 (3). pp. 311-329.

Wegrzynek, P, Wainwright, E and Ravalier, J.M (2018) 'BJP ASM Poster Abstracts 2018 - Tertiary return to work interventions for chronic pain: a systematic literature review.' British Journal of Pain, 12 (2 Supp). pp. 24-25.

Winstanley-Chesters, R (2018) 'Fish, subterfuge and security in North Korean and Soviet institutional interactions in the 1970s.' Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia, 31. pp. 7-25. Please click the title to check availability.

Winstanley-Chesters, R (2018) 'Rare earth minerals, technology metals and extractive landscapes in North Korea's web of political life.' The Extractive Industries and Society, 5 (1). 44 - 51. Please click the title to check availability.

Wooller, M.J, Saulnier-Talbot, É, Potter, B.A, Belmecheri, S, Bigelow, N, Choy, K, Cwynar, L.C, Davies, K.L ORCID: 0000-0002-1748-9442, Graham, R.W, Kurek, J, Langdon, P, Medeiros, A, Rawcliffe, R, Wang, Y and Williams, J.W (2018) 'A new terrestrial palaeoenvironmental record from the Bering Land Bridge and context for human dispersal.' Royal Society Open Science, 5 (6). e180145.

van Hardenbroek, M, Chakraborty, A, Davies, K.L ORCID: 0000-0002-1748-9442, Harding, P, Heiri, O, Henderson, A.C.G, Holmes, J.A, Lasher, G.E, Leng, M.J, Panizzo, V.N, Roberts, L, Schilder, J, Trueman, C.N and Wooller, M.J (2018) 'The stable isotope composition of organic and inorganic fossils in lake sediment records: current understanding, challenges, and future directions.' Quaternary Science Reviews, 196. pp. 154-176.

van Rooij, A.J et al (2018) 'A weak scientific basis for gaming disorder: let us err on the side of caution.' Journal of Behavioural Addictions, 7 (1). pp. 1-9. Please click the title to check availability.

Conference or Workshop Item

Edwards, E and Johnson, R.M (2018) Indian Himalayan flood research: applications for hydro-electric power development & disaster risk reduction, Kullu Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India. In: Open Geography Lecture, 11 April 2018, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India. Please click the title to check availability.

Jeffers, J.M (2018) Complex conflicts in hazards management: insights from the Cork flood defences dispute. In: Conference of Irish Geographers, 10 -12 May 2018, Maynooth University, Ireland.

Jeffers, J.M (2018) Developing historically informed adaptation research: reflections on challenges and opportunities. In: Climate Change Adaptation and History: An Interdisciplinary Conversation, 11 September 2018, Bielefeld University, Germany.

Moore, H (2018) The in/visibility of Eastern European migrants in the English countryside. In: Joint BSA Race & Ethnicity and Ageing, Body & Society Study Group Conference - Invisible Bodies: Race, Embodiment and the Life-Course, 7 September 2018, University of Kent, UK.

Paulo, R.M, Albuquerque, P.B and Bull, R (2018) Category clustering recall: a new recall strategy to enhance eyewitnesses’ memory during investigative interviews. In: Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, 15 - 18 November 2018, Hyatt Regency, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Ravalier, J.M (2018) Care work, zero-hours contracts and employee wellbeing. In: Institute of Work Psychology International Conference 2018, 19 - 21 June 2018, University of Sheffield, UK.

Ravalier, J.M (2018) Life beyond the PhD: preparing for academia. In: 12th Annual Research Student Conference, 27 July 2018, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK.

Ravalier, J.M and Walsh, J (2018) Working conditions & stress in the UK public sector. In: International Congress of Applied Psychology, 26 - 30 June 2018, Montreal, Canada.

Reinig, F, Gäertner, H, Crivellaro, A, Nievergelt, D and Pauly, M (2018) Using anatomical techniques to describe subfossil wood decay. In: EGU General Assembly, 2018, Vienna, Austria.

Simm, D ORCID: 0000-0002-0440-9546 and Marvell, A (2018) Communities of/for learning: enhancing student engagement in changing HE environments. In: RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2018, 28 - 31 August 2018, Cardiff University, UK.

Simpson, E (2018) Being the change you want to see: the importance of frontline practitioners' stories in understanding the penal voluntary sector. In: The Criminal Justice Voluntary Sector: Emerging Scholarship, 9 January 2018, British Academy, London, UK.


Commissioned Report

Begeny, C, Ryan, M and Bongiorno, R (2018) Motivation, satisfaction, and retention: understanding the importance of vets' day-to-day work experiences. British Veterinary Association Workforce Report.

Caulfield, L.S, Curtis, K and Simpson, E (2018) Making for change - an independent evaluation of Making for Change: skills in a Fashion Training & Manufacturing Workshop. London College of Fashion, UAL. Please click the title to check availability.

Davies, C.L, Greshon, S, MacIntyre, L, Thomas, L, Thornhill, I, Watson, D, Watts, D and Wickman, R (2018) Wetland creation in limestone quarries: enabling colonisation and enriching biodiversity. Quarry Life Award final project report. HeidelbergCement.

Winton, A (2018) Desplazamiento por violencia en el Norte de Centroamérica: historias de supervivencia. Informe 23, OBIMID, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid.


Albertson, D.N, Du Preez, A, Kepa, A and Tracy D, D.K (2018) Antipsychotic effectiveness: the numbers don’t lie, check the scoreboard [blog post]. National Elf Service.

Chaffey, N (2018) Plant cuttings: January - September [10 entries]. Annals of Botany.

Groot, A, Singh, T, Pandey, A, Gioli, G, Ahmed, B, Ishaq, S, Raza, N, Hassan, M, Tanvir Hassan, S.M, Abu Syed, Md, Mamnun, N and Eijrond, V (2018) Literature review of critical climate-stress moments in the Hindu Kush Himalaya: a resource kit. Kathmandu: HI-AWARE.

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