Number of items: 100.
Book Chapter or Section
Crockett, R.G.M and Gillmore, G
'Radon as an anthropogenic indoor air pollutant as exemplified by radium-dial watches and other uranium- and radium-containing artefacts.'
Gillmore, G,
Perrier, F.E. and
Crockett, R.G.M, eds.
Radon, health and natural hazards.
Geological Society, London, pp. 49-62.
ISBN 9781786203083
Diduck, A.P, Johnson, R.M, Edwards, E, Sinclair, A.J, Gardner, J.S and Patel, K
'Impact assessment, small hydro and environmental justice in India.'
IAIA18 Conference Proceedings - Environmental Justice in Societies in Transition: 38th Annual Conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment, 16-19 May 2018, Durban, South Africa.
Please click the title to check availability.
Gillmore, G, Crockett, R.G.M and Phillips, P.S
'Radon as a carcinogenic built-environmental pollutant.'
Gillmore, G,
Perrier, F.E. and
Crockett, R.G.M, eds.
Radon, health and natural hazards.
Geological Society, London, pp. 7-34.
ISBN 9781786203083
Gillmore, G, Perrier, F.E and Crockett, R.G.M
'Radon, health and natural hazards: a signpost for assessment and protection in the 21st century.'
Gillmore, G,
Perrier, F.E. and
Crockett, R.G.M, eds.
Radon, health and natural hazards.
Geological Society, London, pp. 1-6.
ISBN 9781786203083
Hodge, S.E
ORCID: 0000-0001-5007-8429, McAlaney, J, Gatzidis, C, Anderson, E.F, Melacca, D and Taylor, J
'Applying psychological theory to in-game moral behaviors through the development of a purpose-made game.'
Bowman, D.B, ed.
Video games: a medium that demands our attention.
Routledge, New York, pp. 108-125.
ISBN 9780815376897
Holt, Y, Martin-Jones, D and Jones, O
Holt, Y,
Martin-Jones, D and
Jones, O, eds.
Visual culture in the northern British archipelago: imagining islands.
Routledge, Abingdon.
ISBN 9780815374275
Jones, O
'“Wer melkt die Kühe in Maesgwyn?” Animalische Landschaften und Affekte.'
Gesing, F,
Knecht, M,
Flitner, M and
Amelang, K, eds.
NaturenKulturen: Denkräume und Werkzeuge für neue politische Ökologien.
transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, pp. 287-320.
ISBN 9783837640076
Pocock, M.J.O, Chandler, M, Bonney, R, Thornhill, I, Albin, A, August, T, Bachman, S, Brown, P.M.J, Fernandes Cunha, D-G, Grez, A, Jackson, C, Peters, M, Rabarijaon, N.R, Roy, H.E, Zaviezo, T and Danielsen, F
'A vision for global biodiversity monitoring with citizen science.'
Bohan, D.A,
Dumbrell, A.J,
Woodward, G and
Jackson, M, eds.
Next generation biomonitoring: part 2.
Advances in Ecological Research series
Elsevier, pp. 169-223.
ISBN 9780128143179
Please click the title to check availability.
Wallbridge, C.D, Lemaignan, S, Senft, E, Edmunds, C.E.R
ORCID: 0000-0002-0524-8756 and Belpaeme, T
'Spatial referring expressions in child-robot interaction: let’s be ambiguous!'
Johal, W,
Kennedy, J,
Charisi, V,
Park, H.W,
Castellano, G and
Dillenbourg, P, eds.
Proceedings of R4L @ HRI 2018: Robots for Learning - Inclusive Learning.
Robots for Learning, Lausanne.
Wallbridge, C.D, van den Berghe, R, Hernández Garcia, D, Kanero, J, Lemaignan, S, Edmunds, C.E.R
ORCID: 0000-0002-0524-8756 and Belpaeme, T
'Using a robot peer to encourage the production of spatial concepts in a second language.'
HAI '18: proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction.
ACM, New York, NY, pp. 54-60.
ISBN 9781450359535
Boero, G, Pisu, M.G, Biggio, F, Muredda, L, Carta, G, Banni, S, Paci, E
ORCID: 0000-0002-6202-2825, Follesa, P, Concas, A, Porcu, P and Serra, M
'Impaired glucocorticoid-mediated HPA axis negative feedback induced by juvenile social isolation in male rats.'
Neuropharmacology, 133.
pp. 242-253.
Crone, A, Cavers, G, Allison, E, Davies, K.L
ORCID: 0000-0002-1748-9442, Hamilton, D, Henderson, A, Mackay, H, McLaren, D, Robertson, J, Roy, L and Whitehouse, N
'Nasty, brutish and short?; the life cycle of an Iron Age roundhouse at Black Loch of Myrton, SW Scotland.'
Journal of Wetland Archaeology, 18 (2).
pp. 138-162.
Duffy, A, Heffer, N
ORCID: 0000-0002-6597-0134, Goodday, S.M, Weir, A, Patten, S, Malhi, G.S and Cipriani, A
'Efficacy and tolerability of lithium for the treatment of acute mania in children with bipolar disorder: a systematic review.'
Bipolar Disorders, 20 (7).
pp. 583-593.
Gooddy, D.C, Bowes, M.J, Lapworth, D.J, Lamb, A.L, Williams, P.J, Newton, R.J, Davies, C.L and Surridge, B.W.J
'Evaluating the stable isotopic composition of phosphate oxygen as a tracer of phosphorus from waste water treatment works.'
Applied Geochemistry, 95.
pp. 139-146.
Hill, M.J, Biggs, J, Thornhill, I, Briers, R.A, Ledger, M.E, Gledhill, D.G, Wood, P.J and Hassall, C
'Community heterogeneity of aquatic macroinvertebrates in urban ponds at a multi-city scale.'
Landscape Ecology, 33 (3).
pp. 389-405.
Pauly, M, Helle, G, Miramont, C, Büntgen, U, Treydte, K, Reinig, F, Guibal, F, Sivan, O, Heinrich, I, Riedel, F, Kromer, B, Balanzategui, D, Wacker, L, Sookdeo, A and Brauer, A
'Subfossil trees suggest enhanced Mediterranean hydroclimate variability at the onset of the Younger Dryas.'
Scientific Reports, 8 (1).
Reinig, F, Gärtner, H, Crivellaro, A, Nievergelt, D, Pauly, M, Schweingruber, F, Sookdeo, A, Wacker, L and Büntgen, U
'Introducing anatomical techniques to subfossil wood.'
Dendrochronologia, 52.
pp. 146-151.
Reinig, F, Nievergelt, D, Esper, J, Friedrich, M, Helle, G, Hellmann, L, Kromer, B, Morganti, S, Pauly, M, Sookdeo, A, Tegel, W, Treydte, K, Verstege, A, Wacker, L and Büntgen, U
'New tree-ring evidence for the Late Glacial period from the northern pre-Alps in eastern Switzerland.'
Quaternary Science Reviews, 186.
pp. 215-224.
Richardson, L-J, Law, M
ORCID: 0000-0002-6127-5353, Dufton, J.A, Ellenberger, K, Eve, S, Goskar, T, Ogden, J, Pett, D and Reinhard, A
'Day of Archaeology 2011–2017: Global Community, Public Engagement, and Digital Practice.'
Internet Archaeology, 47.
Thornhill, I, Biggs, J, Hill, M, Briers, R, Gledhill, D, Wood, P, Gee, J and Hassall, C
'The functional response and resilience in small waterbodies
along land-use and environmental gradients.'
Global Change Biology, 24 (7).
pp. 3079-3092.
Please click the title to check availability.
Wooller, M.J, Saulnier-Talbot, É, Potter, B.A, Belmecheri, S, Bigelow, N, Choy, K, Cwynar, L.C, Davies, K.L
ORCID: 0000-0002-1748-9442, Graham, R.W, Kurek, J, Langdon, P, Medeiros, A, Rawcliffe, R, Wang, Y and Williams, J.W
'A new terrestrial palaeoenvironmental record from the Bering Land Bridge and context for human dispersal.'
Royal Society Open Science, 5 (6).
van Hardenbroek, M, Chakraborty, A, Davies, K.L
ORCID: 0000-0002-1748-9442, Harding, P, Heiri, O, Henderson, A.C.G, Holmes, J.A, Lasher, G.E, Leng, M.J, Panizzo, V.N, Roberts, L, Schilder, J, Trueman, C.N and Wooller, M.J
'The stable isotope composition of organic and inorganic fossils in lake sediment records: current understanding, challenges, and future directions.'
Quaternary Science Reviews, 196.
pp. 154-176.
Conference or Workshop Item
Reinig, F, Gäertner, H, Crivellaro, A, Nievergelt, D and Pauly, M
Using anatomical techniques to describe subfossil wood decay.
In: EGU General Assembly, 2018, Vienna, Austria.
Commissioned Report
Davies, C.L, Greshon, S, MacIntyre, L, Thomas, L, Thornhill, I, Watson, D, Watts, D and Wickman, R
Wetland creation in limestone quarries: enabling colonisation and enriching biodiversity. Quarry Life Award final project report.
Groot, A, Singh, T, Pandey, A, Gioli, G, Ahmed, B, Ishaq, S, Raza, N, Hassan, M, Tanvir Hassan, S.M, Abu Syed, Md, Mamnun, N and Eijrond, V
Literature review of critical climate-stress moments in the Hindu Kush Himalaya: a resource kit.
Kathmandu: HI-AWARE.
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