Items where Division is "School of Sciences" and Year is 2020

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Number of items: 78.


Allen, C, Viola, T, Irvine, E, Sedgmond, J, Castle, H, Gray, R and Chambers, C.D (2020) 'Causal manipulation of feed-forward and recurrent processing differentially affects measures of consciousness.' Neuroscience of Consciousness, 2020 (1). niaa015.


Bain, P.G and Bongiorno, R (2020) 'It's not too late to do the right thing: moral motivations for climate change action.' WIREs Climate Change, 11 (1). e615.

Barton, A (2020) 'Intoxication and harm reduction.' In: Hutton, F, ed. Cultures of intoxication: key issues and debates. Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 311-333. ISBN 9783030352837

Bettini, G, Gioli, G and Felli, R (2020) 'Clouded skies: how digital technologies could reshape "Loss and Damage" from climate change.' WIREs Climate Change, 11 (4). e650.

Bongiorno, R, Langbroek, C, Bain, P.G, Ting, M and Ryan, M.K (2020) 'Why women are blamed for being sexually harassed: the effects of empathy for female victims and male perpetrators.' Psychology of Women Quarterly, 44 (1). pp. 11-27.

Booth, N (2020) 'Maintaining family ties: how family practices are renegotiated to promote mother-child contact.' In: Lockwood, K, ed. Mothering from the inside: research on motherhood and imprisonment. Emerald, Bingley, pp. 31-48. ISBN 9781789733440

Booth, N (2020) Maternal imprisonment and family life: from the caregiver's perspective. Policy Press, Bristol. ISBN 9781447352297

Booth, N (2020) Staying in touch [blog post]. Sensory Criminology: Exploring Sensory Experience of the Criminological, Feb 3.

Brelsford, V.L., Dimolareva, M, Gee, N.R. and Meints, K (2020) 'Best practice standards in animal-assisted interventions: how the LEAD risk assessment tool can help.' Animals, 10 (6). e974.


Cardwell, M (2020) 'Nonviolent protest: can it really make a difference?' Psychology Review, 26 (1). pp. 2-5.

Clabburn, O, Groves, K.E and Jack, B (2020) 'Virtual learning environment (‘Ivy Street’) for palliative medicine education: student and facilitator evaluation.' BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 10 (3). pp. 318-323. Please click the title to check availability.

Clarke, N ORCID: 0000-0003-2375-4510, Pechey, E, Mantzari, E, Blackwell, A.K.M, De-loyde, K, Morris, R.W, Munafò, M.R, Marteau, T.M and Hollands, G.J (2020) 'Impact of health warning labels on snack selection: an online experimental study.' Appetite, 154. e104744.

Clarke, N ORCID: 0000-0003-2375-4510 and Rose, A.K (2020) 'Impact of labeled glasses in a bar laboratory setting: no effect on ad libitum alcohol consumption.' Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 44 (8). pp. 1666-1674.

Cresswell, M (2020) 'Self-harm and moral codes in emergency departments in England.' Social Theory & Health, 18. pp. 257-269.

Cresswell, M (2020) 'Sharon LeFevre (1953-1999): self-harm and the ethics of testimony.' Journal of Ethics in Mental Health, 11. Please click the title to check availability.


Dennis, A, Choak, C, Edwards-Evans, C and Elhaggagi, E (2020) 50 Narratives @50: An exploration of if, when and how a short learning episode may lead to positive outcomes. PRAXIS: Open University.

Dimolareva, M (2020) Animal-assisted interventions in special needs schools: what works? PhD thesis, University of Lincoln.


Edmunds, C.E.R ORCID: 0000-0002-0524-8756, Inkster, A.B, Jones, P.M, Milton, F and Wills, A.J (2020) 'Absence of cross-modality analogical transfer in perceptual categorization.' Open Journal of Experimental Psychology and Neuroscience, 1. pp. 3-13.

Etchells, P.J (2020) Lost in a good game: why we play video games and what they can do for us. Icon Books, London. ISBN 9781785786143


Fumagalli, A and Johnson, C (2020) 'The role of geography and time in property crime.' In: Burrell, A and Tonkin, M, eds. Property crime: criminological and psychological perspectives. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 95-114. ISBN 9781138632479


Gavin, P (2020) 'Irish ex-prisoner reflections on their psychological wellbeing whilst in prison in England and Wales.' Advancing Corrections Journal, 9 (1). pp. 101-118.

Gavin, P and Kawałek, A (2020) 'Viewing the Dublin Drug Treatment Court through the lens of therapeutic jurisprudence.' International Journal for Court Administration, 11 (1). 05.

Gilchrist, H, Rocliffe, S, Anderson, L.G and Gough, C.L.A (2020) 'Reef fish biomass recovery within community-managed no take zones.' Ocean & Coastal Management, 192. e105210.


Haas, J, Hass, R, Spocter, M.A and de Sousa, A.A ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894 (2020) 'Human visual neurobiology.' In: Shackelford, T and Weekes-Shackelford, V, eds. Encyclopedia of evolutionary psychological science. Springer, Cham. ISBN 9783319169996 Please click the title to check availability.

Halle, C, Tzani-Pepelasi, C, Pylarinou, N-R and Fumagalli, A (2020) 'The link between mental health, crime and violence.' New Ideas in Psychology, 58. e100779.

Harris, M, Wainwright, D and Wainwright, E (2020) 'What influences young doctors in their decision-making about general practice as a possible career? A qualitative study.' Education for Primary Care, 31 (1). pp. 15-23.

Haslett, S.K (2020) 'Editorial - Refocusing the links between research, teaching and learning in higher education: a case for a ‘research-learning nexus’?' Wales Journal of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, 2. pp. 3-5.

Haslett, S.K (2020) Somerset landscapes: geology and landforms. 3rd ed. Blackbarn Books, Llandysul. ISBN 9781910244043

Hills, P.J, Seib, E, Pleva, M, Smythe, J, Gosling, M-R and Cole, T (2020) 'Consent, wantedness, and pleasure: three dimensions affecting the perceived stress of and judgements of rape in sexual encounters.' Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 26 (1). pp. 171-197.


Janik McErlean, A.B and Lim, L.X.C (2020) 'Relationship between parenting style, alexithymia and aggression in emerging adults.' Journal of Family Issues, 41 (6). pp. 853-874.

Janik McErlean, A.B and Osborne-Ford, E.J (2020) 'Increased absorption in autonomous sensory meridian response.' PeerJ, 8. e8588.

Johnson, R.M and Edwards, E (2020) Accelerating Disaster Risk Reduction in the Indian Himalayan Region. In: GB Pant NIHE Webinar - Adaptation & Resilience Building Challenges for the Himalayan Communities: Climate Change & Covid-19, 4 September 2020, Almora, India [online].

Johnson, R.M and Edwards, E (2020) Pathways to Resilience [webpage].

Johnson, R.M, Kuniyal, J.C, Chand, K, Diduck, A, Edwards, E, Gardner, J, Pandey, B.W, Sharma, D.D and Singh, P (2020) Accelerating change: engaging local communities in disaster risk reduction in the Indian Himalayan region. Science Policy Brief,.

Johnson, R.M, Kuniyal, J.C, Chand, K and Edwards, E (2020) 'Accelerating Disaster Risk Reduction: policy & practice change to empower local community partnerships.', 186. p. 9. Please click the title to check availability.

Jones, G, Justice, L.V, Cabiddu, F, Lee, B.J, Iao, L-S, Harrison, N and Macken, B (2020) 'Does short-term memory develop?' Cognition, 198. e104200.

Jones, O (2020) 'Pragmatism, anti-representational theory, and local methods for critical-creative ecological action.' In: Wills, J and Lake, B, eds. The power of pragmatism: knowledge production and social inquiry. Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 9781526134943 Please click the title to check availability.


Kinnear, F.J, Wainwright, E, Bourne, J.E, Lithander, F.E, Hamilton-Shield, J and Searle, A (2020) 'The development of a theory informed behaviour change intervention to improve adherence to dietary and physical activity treatment guidelines in individuals with familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH).' BMC Health Services Research, 20. e27.


Lau, T, Harbourne, N and Oruña‐Concha, M.J (2020) 'Optimization of enzyme‐assisted extraction of ferulic acid from sweet corn cob by response surface methodology.' Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 100 (4). pp. 1479-1485.

Law, M ORCID: 0000-0002-6127-5353 (2020) 'Molluscs.' In: Young, A, ed. Eckweek, Peasedown St John, Somerset: survey and excavations at a shrunken medieval hamlet 1988-90. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 233-236. ISBN 9780367860318 Please click the title to check availability.

Law, M ORCID: 0000-0002-6127-5353 (2020) 'Thinking about variable preservation within land snail assemblages.' Archaeo+Malacology Newsletter, 33. pp. 7-9. Please click the title to check availability.


Mackay, H, Davies, K.L ORCID: 0000-0002-1748-9442, Robertson, J, Roy, L, Bull, I.D, Whitehouse, N.J, Crone, A, Cavers, G, McCormick, F, Brown, A.G and Henderson, A.C.G (2020) 'Characterising life in settlements and structures: incorporating faecal lipid biomarkers within a multiproxy case study of a wetland village.' Journal of Archaeological Science, 121. e105202.

Maharjan, A, Kochhar, I, Chitale, V.S, Hussain, A and Gioli, G (2020) 'Understanding rural outmigration and agricultural land use change in the Gandaki Basin, Nepal.' Applied Geography, 124. e102278.

Marazzi, L, Loiselle, S, Anderson, L.G, Rocliffe, S and Winton, D.J (2020) 'Consumer-based actions to reduce plastic pollution in rivers: a multi-criteria decision analysis approach.' PLoS ONE, 15 (8). e0236410.

McAlaney, J and Hills, P.J (2020) 'Understanding phishing email processing and perceived trustworthiness through eye tracking.' Frontiers in Psychology, 11. e1756.

McGuire-Snieckus, R (2020) 'Presenting the self in online relationships.' In: Curtis, A and Satchwell, M, eds. Psychology review: A-level exam skills and practice. Hodder Education, London, pp. 85-93. ISBN 9781398308015

Meso, A.I, De Vai, R.L, Mahabeer, A and Hills, P.J (2020) 'Evidence of inverted gravity‐driven variation in predictive sensorimotor function.' European Journal of Neuroscience, 52 (12). pp. 4803-4823.

Muir, K and Joinson, A (2020) 'An exploratory study into the negotiation of cyber-security in the family home.' Frontiers in Psychology, 11. e424.

Muir, K, Joinson, A, Collins, E, Cotterill, R and Dewdney, N (2020) 'When asking ‘what’ and ‘how’ helps you win: mimicry of interrogative terms facilitates successful online negotiations.' Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. doi: 10.1111/ncmr.12179 Please click the title to check availability.


Nind, M, Holmes, M, Insenga, M, Lewthwaite, S and Sutton, C (2020) 'Student perspectives on learning research methods in the social sciences.' Teaching in Higher Education, 25 (7). pp. 797-811.


Pauly, M, Helle, G, Büntgen, U, Wacker, L, Treydte, K, Reinig, F, Turney, C, Nievergelt, D, Kromer, B, Friedrich, M, Sookdeo, A, Heinrich, I, Riedel, F, Balting, D and Brauer, A (2020) 'An annual-resolution stable isotope record from Swiss subfossil pine trees growing in the Late Glacial.' Quaternary Science Reviews, 247. e106550.

Pike, S, Allsop, C and Brookman, F (2020) 'Homicide in context.' In: Loucks, N, Smith Holt, S and Adler, J.R, eds. Why we kill: understanding violence across cultures and disciplines. 2nd ed. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 19-33. ISBN 9780367271664

Proulx, M.J, Brown, D.J, Lloyd-Esenkaya, T, Barnett Levenson, J, Todorov, O, Watson, S and de Sousa, A.A ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894 (2020) 'Visual-to-auditory sensory substitution alters language asymmetry in both sighted novices and experienced visually impaired users.' Applied Ergonomics, 85. e103072. Please click the title to check availability.


Ravalier, J.M, McVicar, A and Boichat, C (2020) 'Work stress in NHS employees: a mixed-methods study.' International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (18). e6464.

Ravalier, J.M, Wainwright, E, Smyth, N, Clabburn, O, Wegrzynek, P and Loon, M (2020) 'Co-creating and evaluating an app-based well-being intervention: the HOW (Healthier Outcomes at Work) Social Work project.' International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (23). e8730.

Reinig, F, Sookdeo, A, Esper, J, Friedrich, M, Guidobaldi, G, Helle, G, Kromer, B, Nievergelt, D, Pauly, M, Tegel, W, Treydte, K, Wacker, L and Büntgen, U (2020) 'Illuminating IntCal during the Younger Dryas.' Radiocarbon, 62 (4). pp. 883-889.

Rowe, E.M and Hills, P.J (2020) 'The effect of passively viewing a consent campaign video on attitudes toward rape.' Frontiers in Psychology, 11. e1741.

Ryan, M.K, Begeny, C.T, Bongiorno, R, Kirby, T.A and Morgenroth, T (2020) 'Editorial: Understanding barriers to workplace equality: a focus on the target's perspective.' Frontiers in Psychology, 11. e1279.


Sedgmond, J, Chambers, C.D, Lawrence, N.S and Adams, R.C (2020) 'No evidence that prefrontal HD-tDCS influences cue-induced food craving.' Behavioral Neuroscience, 134 (5). pp. 369-383.


Thomas, M. (2020) Getting on to get out. In: SOCSCI Doctoral Conference, 27 July 2020, Cardiff University, UK [online].

Thomas, M. (2020) Should schools be colorblind? [book review]. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 6 (3). pp. 431-432.

Thomas, M. (2020) Unlocking stories and conducting race conscious research. In: Migration, Ethnicity, Race and Diversity Research Group (MEAD) Webinar Series, 8 April 2020, Cardiff University, UK [online].

Tracy, D.K, Joyce, D.W, Albertson, D.N and Shergill, S.S (2020) Kaleidoscope: January - ongoing [multiple entries]. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 216 (1-12).


Walsh, J, Eccleston, C and Keogh, E (2020) 'Gender differences in attention to pain body postures in a social context.' PAIN, 161 (8). pp. 1776-1786.

Wegrzynek, P, Wainwright, E and Ravalier, J.M (2020) 'Return to work interventions for chronic pain: a systematic review.' Occupational Medicine, 70 (4). pp. 268-277.

Williams, T, Wadeley, A, Bond, D, Cavill, C, Freeth, M and Sengupta, R (2020) 'Real-world experience of secukinumab treatment for ankylosing spondylitis at the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, Bath.' Clinical Rheumatology, 39. pp. 1501-1504.

Winstanley-Chesters, R (2020) Fish, fishing and community in North Korea and neighbours: vibrant matter(s). Springer, Singapore. ISBN 9789811500411 doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-0042-8 Please click the title to check availability.

Winstanley-Chesters, R (2020) New goddess on Mount Paektu: myth and transformation in North Korean landscape. Black Halo, Sheffield. ISBN 9781838070205 Please click the title to check availability.

Winton, D.J, Anderson, L.G, Rocliffe, S and Loiselle, S (2020) 'Macroplastic pollution in freshwater environments: focusing public and policy action.' Science of the Total Environment, 704. 0135242.


Yeh, C.S.-H ORCID: 0000-0002-8717-0568 and Ravalier, J.M (2020) Teacher wellbeing and resilience building. In: Universities' Council for the Education of Teachers (UCET) Annual Conference, 3 - 4 November 2020, London, UK [online].

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