Number of items: 167.
Book Chapter or Section
Jones, O
'From ‘smart city’ to wise city? Thinking with ecology, water, and hydrocitizenship.'
Heitlinger, S,
Foth, M and
Clarke, R, eds.
Designing more-than-human smart cities: beyond sustainability, towards cohabitation.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 37-54.
ISBN 9780192884169
Pigott, A, Jones, O and Parry, B
Pigott, A,
Jones, O and
Parry, B, eds.
Art and creativity in an era of ecocide: embodiment, performance and practice.
Bloomsbury, London, pp. 1-24.
ISBN 9781350237223
Jones, O
Kobayashi, A, ed.
International encyclopaedia of human geography, 2nd ed.
Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 399-405.
ISBN 9780081022955
Jones, O, Gorell Barnes, L and Lyons, A
'Voicing waters: (co-)creative reflections on sound, water, conversations and hydrocitizenship.'
Doherty, K,
Duffy, M and
Harada, T, eds.
Sounding places: more-than-representational geographies of sound and music.
Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 76-96.
ISBN 9781788118927
Jones, O
'“Wer melkt die Kühe in Maesgwyn?” Animalische Landschaften und Affekte.'
Gesing, F,
Knecht, M,
Flitner, M and
Amelang, K, eds.
NaturenKulturen: Denkräume und Werkzeuge für neue politische Ökologien.
transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, pp. 287-320.
ISBN 9783837640076
Holt, Y, Martin-Jones, D and Jones, O
Holt, Y,
Martin-Jones, D and
Jones, O, eds.
Visual culture in the northern British archipelago: imagining islands.
Routledge, Abingdon.
ISBN 9780815374275
Bastian, M, Jones, O, Moore, N and Roe, E
'Introduction: more-than-human participatory research: contexts, challenges, possibilities.'
Bastian, M,
Jones, O,
Moore, N and
Roe, E, eds.
Participatory research in more-than-human worlds.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 1-16.
ISBN 9781138957350
Jones, O and Jones, K
'On narrative, affect and threatened ecologies of tidal landscapes.'
Thorpe, J,
Rutherford, S and
Sandberg, L.A, eds.
Methodological challenges in nature-culture and environmental history research.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 147-165.
ISBN 9781138956032
Garde-Hansen, J, McEwen, L and Jones, O
'Towards a memo-techno-ecology: mediating memories of extreme flooding in resilient communities.'
Hajek, A,
Lohmeier, C and
Pentzold, C, eds.
Memory in a mediated world: remembrance and reconstruction.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 55-73.
ISBN 9781137470119
Payne, T, Jones, K and Jones, O
'The Hydrocitizenship Project celebrates World Water Day 2015.'
Condie, J.M and
Cooper, A.M, eds.
Dialogues of sustainable urbanisation: social science research and transitions to urban contexts.
University of Western Sydney, Penrith, N.S.W., pp. 236-240.
ISBN 9781741083606
Jones, K, Payne, T and Jones, O
'An invitation to the Hydrocitizens online community.'
Condie, J.M and
Cooper, A.M, eds.
Dialogues of sustainable urbanisation: social science research and transitions to urban contexts.
University of Western Sydney, Penrith, N.S.W., pp. 321-324.
ISBN 9781741083606
Jones, O
'8 (urban) places of trees: affective embodiment, politics, identity and materiality.'
Sandberg, L.A,
Bardekjian, A and
Butt, S, eds.
Urban forests, trees and greenspace: a political ecology perspective.
Routledge, London, pp. 111-131.
ISBN 9780415714105
Jones, O, Kirwan, J, Morris, C, Buller, H, Dunn, R, Hopkins, A, Whittington, F and Wood, J
'On the alternativeness of alternative food networks: sustainability and the co-production of social and ecological wealth.'
Fuller, D,
Jonas, A.E.G and
Lee, R, eds.
Interrogating alterity : alternative economic and political spaces.
Ashgate, Oxford, pp. 95-109.
ISBN 9780754673415
Jones, O
'After nature: entangled worlds.'
Castree, N,
Demeritt, D,
Liverman, D and
Rhoads, B, eds.
A companion to environmental geography.
Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 294-312.
ISBN 9781405156226
Jones, O
Thrift, N and
Kitchin, R, eds.
International encyclopedia of human geography.
Elsevier, London, pp. 266-272.
ISBN 9780080449111
Jones, O
Thrift, N and
Kitchin, R, eds.
International encyclopaedia of human geography.
Elsevier, London, pp. 309-323.
ISBN 9780080449111
Jones, O
Oakes, T and
Price, P.L, eds.
The cultural geography reader.
Routledge, London, pp. 232-240.
ISBN 9780415418737
Dunn, R.M, Hopkins, A, Buller, H, Jones, O, Morris, C, Wood, J.D, Whittington, F.M and Kirwan, J
'Can biological diversity act as an input into sustainable rural development? A case-study using salt marsh-raised lamb.'
Hopkins, J.J, ed.
High value grasslands: providing biodiversity a clean environment and premium products.
British Grassland Society, Cirencester, pp. 158-166.
ISBN 9780905944364
Jones, O
'Non-human rural studies.'
Cloke, P,
Marsden, T and
Mooney, P.H, eds.
The handbook of rural studies.
Sage, London, pp. 185-200.
ISBN 9780761973324
Jones, O
'Owain Jones on Chris Philo.'
McKendrick, J, ed.
First steps: a primer on the geographies of children and youth.
Limited Life Working Party on Children, Young and Families of the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers, London, p. 8.
Morris, W, Facer, K, Fleuriot, C and Jones, O
'Mobile Bristol: a new sense of place.'
Ljungstrand, P and
Holmquist, L.E, eds.
Ubicomp2002: adjunct proceedings.
Viktoria Institute, Göteborg, pp. 27-29.
The River Severn Estuary, UK, Bahía Adair, Sonora, Mexico, Jones, O and Green, H
'Rivers—mouths—tides—memories: a creative, inter-deep-mapping of two river/tidal places. Love of place, memory and affect; movements, patterns, marks, and practices of care.'
River Research and Applications, 38 (3).
pp. 453-469.
McEwen, L, Garde-Hansen, J, Holmes, A, Jones, O and Krause, F
'Sustainable flood memories, lay knowledges and the development of community resilience to future flood risk.'
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 42 (1).
pp. 14-28.
Laurier, E, Lorimer, H, Brown, B, Jones, O, Juhlin, O, Noble, A, Perry, M, Pica, D, Sormani, P, Strebel, I, Swan, L, Taylor, A.S, Watts, L and Weilenmann, A
'Driving and 'passengering': notes on the ordinary organization of car travel.'
Mobilities, 3 (1).
pp. 1-23.
Jones, O
'Places of trees.'
Trees: Journal of the International Tree Foundation, 64.
pp. 18-19.
Conference or Workshop Item
Brice, J, Dudley, M and Jones, O
Public talk.
In: Landscaping Change: Water, 19 November 2015, Arnolfini, Bristol, UK.
Jones, O
Losing ground: belonging and breakdown through ecologies of affect, emotion, memory, and the materialities of place.
In: Blood in the Soil: Approaches to Identity, Belonging, Attachment and Emotions in Family Farming, 22 January 2015, Institute for Collaborative Humanities, Queen's University, Belfast.
Jones, O
UK rural culture and art.
In: Inland International Conference: Art, Agricultures and Countryside, October 2010, Reina Sofia Museum, Madrid, Spain.
Jones, O and Lyons, A
Traces of time and tide in Bristol.
In: A Second City Remembered: Rethinking Bristol's History, 1400-2000, 23-24 July 2010, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK.
Jones, O
Opening space: walking the common.
In: 12th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Commons, 14-18 July 2008, University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, UK.
Jones, O, Buller, H, Morris, C, Kirwan, J, Wood, J, Whittingham, F, Hopkins, A and Dunn, R
Tasty science: interdisciplinarity within and beyond geography.
In: RGS-IBG Annual Conference, 29 - 31 August 2007, London.
Dunn, R.M, Hopkins, A, Buller, H, Jones, O, Morris, C, Wood, J.D, Whittington, F and Kirwan, J
Eating biodiversity: a means of meeting the ecological challenges of agriculture.
In: British Ecological Society Annual Conference, September 2006, University of Oxford, UK.
Jones, O
Place, memory and emotion.
In: Emotional Geographies International Conference, 2002, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.
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