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Number of items: 36.

Shahvaroughi, A, Bahrami Ehsan, H, Hatami, J, Monajem, A and Paulo, R.M (2021) 'Testing a modified cognitive interview with category clustering recall in Iran.' Applied Cognitive Psychology, 35 (1). pp. 148-159.

Paulo, R.M, Jones, E and Mendes, R (2021) 'Testing two retrieval strategies to enhance eyewitness memory: category and location clustering recall.' Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 27 (1). pp. 140-149.

Bull, R, Paulo, R.M and Albuquerque, P.B (2019) 'The impact of the cognitive interview in the UK and recent research in Portugal.' In: Dickinson, J.J, Compo, N.S, Carol, R, Schwartz, B.L and McCauley, M.R, eds. Evidence-based investigative interviewing: applying cognitive principles. Routledge, New York, NY, pp. 29-41. ISBN 9781138064690

Paulo, R.M and Albuquerque, P.B (2019) 'Detecting memory performance validity with DETECTS: a computerized performance validity test.' Applied Neuropsychology: Adult, 26 (1). pp. 48-57.

Paulo, R.M (2019) 'Dissimulação.' In: Nunes, L, Fonte, C, Alves, S, Sani, A, Estrada, R and Caridade, S, eds. Dicionário enciclopédico comportamento e saúde mental. Pactor, Lisboa.

Paulo, R.M (2019) 'Mentira.' In: Nunes, L, Fonte, C, Alves, S, Sani, A, Estrada, R and Caridade, S, eds. Dicionário enciclopédico comportamento e saúde mental. Pactor, Lisboa.

Paulo, R.M, Albuquerque, P.B and Bull, R (2018) Category clustering recall: a new recall strategy to enhance eyewitnesses’ memory during investigative interviews. In: Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, 15 - 18 November 2018, Hyatt Regency, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Paulo, R.M, Albuquerque, P.B and Bull, R (2018) 'Técnicas de entrevista com crianças e adolescentes em contexto policial e forense.' In: Oliveira, M and Pinto, P, eds. Da infância à terceira idade: intervenção em contextos de violência e crime. Guia prático para estudantes e profissionais. Mais Leituras Editora, Porto. ISBN 9789897300608

Paulo, R.M, Albuquerque, P.B, Vitorino, F and Bull, R (2017) 'Enhancing the cognitive interview with an alternative procedure to witness-compatible questioning: category clustering recall.' Psychology, Crime & Law, 23 (10). pp. 967-982.

Paulo, R.M, Albuquerque, P.B and Bull, R (2016) 'Improving the enhanced cognitive interview with a new interview strategy: category clustering recall.' Applied Cognitive Psychology, 30 (5). pp. 775-784.

Paulo, R.M, Albuquerque, P.B and Bull, R (2016) The cognitive interview: new procedures to enhance witnesses’ report and evaluate report accuracy. In: International Conference on Memory (ICOM6), 17 - 22 July 2016, ELTE University, Budapest, Hungary.

Paulo, R.M, Albuquerque, P.B and Bull, R (2016) The cognitive interview: new procedures to further enhance report size and evaluate accuracy. In: International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, 5 - 8 May 2016, Congress Palace, Granada, Spain.

Paulo, R.M, Albuquerque, P.B and Bull, R (2016) 'The enhanced cognitive interview: expressions of uncertainty, motivation and its relation with report accuracy.' Psychology, Crime & Law, 22 (4). pp. 366-381.

Paulo, R.M (2016) 'Confissões [Confessions].' In: Maia, R, Nunes, L, Caridade, S, Sani, A, Estrada, R, Nogueira, C, Fernandes, H and Afonso, L, eds. Dicionário crime justiça e sociedade. Edições Sílabo, Lisbon.

Paulo, R.M (2016) 'Entrevista investigativa [Investigative interview].' In: Maia, R, Nunes, L, Caridade, S, Sani, A, Estrada, R, Nogueira, C, Fernandes, H and Afonso, L, eds. Dicionário crime justiça e sociedade. Edições Sílabo, Lisbon.

Paulo, R.M (2016) 'Mentira [Lie].' In: Maia, R, Nunes, L, Caridade, S, Sani, A, Estrada, R, Nogueira, C, Fernandes, H and Afonso, L, eds. Dicionário crime justiça e sociedade. Edições Sílabo, Lisbon.

Paulo, R.M, Albuquerque, P.B and Bull, R (2016) The cognitive interview: new procedures to further enhance report size and evaluate accuracy. In: 11th Meeting of the Portuguese Experimental Psychology Society, 2016, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, Portugal.

Paulo, R.M, Albuquerque, P.B and Bull, R (2016) 'É possível obter um bom testemunho? A entrevista cognitiva melhorada: investigação com uma amostra portuguesa [Is it possible to obtain a good report? The enhanced cognitive interview: research with a Portuguese population].' In: Nunes, L, Sani, A and Caridade, S, eds. Crime justiça e sociedade: visões interdisciplinares. Edições CRIAP, Porto, pp. 159-179.

Paulo, R.M, Albuquerque, P.B and Bull, R (2015) The cognitive interview: new procedures to further enhance report size and evaluate accuracy. In: International Conference on Psychology & Law, 4 - 7 August 2015, Arts and Crafts Museum, Nuremberg, Germany.

Paulo, R.M, Albuquerque, P.B, Saraiva, M and Bull, R (2015) 'The Enhanced Cognitive Interview: testing appropriateness perception, memory capacity and error estimate relation with report quality.' Applied Cognitive Psychology, 29 (4). pp. 536-543.

Paulo, R.M, Albuquerque, P.B and Bull, R (2015) Investigative interviewing of children and adolescents. In: International Congress: Children and the Law, 11 -13 June 2015, Fernando Pessoa University, Porto, Portugal.

Ribeiro, I, Dias, O, Oliveira, I.M, Miranda, P, Ferreira, G, Saraiva, M, Paulo, R.M and Cadime, I (2015) 'Adaptação e validação da escala Reading Strategy Use para a população Portuguesa = Adaptation and validation of the Reading Strategy Use scale for the Portuguese population.' Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación – e Avaliação Psicológica, 40 (2). pp. 25-36.

Paulo, R.M, Albuquerque, P.B and Bull, R (2015) Is it possible to obtain a good testimony? Study about the efficacy of the cognitive interview with a Portuguese sample. In: 2nd International Congress on Crime, Justice, and Society, 2015, Fernando Pessoa University, Porto, Portugal.

Paulo, R.M, Albuquerque, P.B and Bull, R (2015) The cognitive interview: new procedures to enhance report size and accuracy. In: 10th Meeting of the Portuguese Experimental Psychology Society, 2015, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal.

Paulo, R.M (2014) DETECTS: teste de deteção da simulação de problemas de memória [DETECTS: a memory performance validity test]. Novas Edições Acadêmicas, Saarbrücken. ISBN 9783639740394

Paulo, R.M, Albuquerque, P.B and Bull, R (2014) The Cognitive Interview: evaluating its efficacy with portuguese population and studying other important variables. In: 9th Meeting of the Portuguese Experimental Psychology Society, 2014, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal.

Paulo, R.M, Albuquerque, P.B and Bull, R (2014) How to interview a crime witness? Using the Cognitive Interview with Portuguese population. In: Symposium on Psychological Research, 2014, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal.

Paulo, R.M, Albuquerque, P.B and Bull, R (2013) 'The Enhanced Cognitive Interview: towards a better use and understanding of this procedure.' International Journal of Police Science & Management, 15 (3). pp. 190-199.

Ribeiro, I, Ferreira, G, Oliveira, I, Saraiva, M, Miranda, P and Paulo, R.M (2010) Adaptation of the RSU scale for the portuguese population. In: First International Congress of Psychology in Educational Contexts, 2010, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal.

Ferreira, G, Oliveira, I, Saraiva, M, Miranda, P and Paulo, R.M (2010) Using the RSU with elementary school students. In: Jornadas de Iniciação à Investigação em Psicologia, October 2010, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal.

Ribeiro, I, Ferreira, G, Oliveira, I, Saraiva, M, Miranda, P and Paulo, R.M (2010) 'Adaptation of the RSU scale for the Portuguese population.' In: Almeida, L.S, Silva, B.D and Caires, S, eds. Actas do I seminário internacional 'Contributos da Psicologia em Contextos Educativos'. University of Minho, Braga.

Albuquerque, P.B, Resende, A, Paulo, R.M and Capelo, M.C (2010) Producing false memories through the DRM paradigm: the role of theme identifiability and word strength association. In: 1st Joint Conference of the Experimental Psychology Society (EPS) and the Spanish Experimental Psychological Society (SEPEX), 2010, University of Granada, Granada, Spain.

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