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Whiting, C ORCID: 0000-0002-9963-426X, Whitty, G, Menter, I, Black, P, Hordern, J, Parfitt, A, Reynolds, K and Sorensen, N (2018) 'Diversity and complexity: becoming a teacher in England in 2015-16.' Review of Education, 6 (1). pp. 69-96.

Yan, F and Whitty, G (2017) 'Politics and policy changes in minority education in China: the case of Xin Yang.' In: Race, R, ed. Advancing multicultural dialogues in education. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 313-333. ISBN 9783319605579

Whitty, G (2017) 'Taking subject knowledge out and putting it back in again? A journey in the company of Michael Young.' In: Guile, D, Lambert, D and Reiss, M.J, eds. Sociology, curriculum studies and professional knowledge: new perspectives on the work of Michael Young. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 17-30. ISBN 9781138675834

Whitty, G and Gore, J (2017) Improving teaching: some lessons for the UK from Australia [blog post]. International Education News.

Whitty, G (2017) Knowledge and the study of education: an international exploration. In: BESA 13th Annual Conference, 29 - 30 June 2017, Liverpool, UK.

Whitty, G and Furlong, J, eds. (2017) Knowledge and the study of education: an international exploration. Symposium, Didcot. ISBN 9781873927977

Furlong, J and Whitty, G (2017) 'Knowledge traditions in the study of education.' In: Whitty, G and Furlong, J, eds. Knowledge and the study of education: an international exploration. Symposium, Didcot, pp. 13-60. ISBN 9781873927977

Whitty, G and Gore, J (2017) Improving teaching: some lessons for the UK from Australia. In: Professorial Lecture Series 2016-17, 17 May 2017, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK.

Whitty, G and Anders, J (2017) '‘Closing the achievement gap’ in English cities and towns in the twenty-first century.' In: Pink, W.T and Noblit, G.W, eds. Second international handbook of urban education. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 1079-1101. ISBN 9783319403175 Please click the title to check availability.

Atherton, G, Dumangane, C and Whitty, G (2016) Charting equity in higher education: drawing the global access map. Pearson, London. ISBN 9780992425746

Whitty, G (2016) 'My life with the sociology of education.' In: Sadovnik, A.R and Coughlin, R.W, eds. Leaders in the sociology of education: intellectual self-portraits. Sense, Rotterdam, pp. 287-300. ISBN 9789463007153

Whiting, C ORCID: 0000-0002-9963-426X, Black, P, Hordern, J, Parfitt, A, Reynolds, K, Sorensen, N and Whitty, G (2016) Towards a new topography of ITT: a profile of Initial Teacher Training in England 2015-16. An Occasional Paper from the IFE No.1. Bath Spa University, Institute for Education, Bath. ISBN 9780992633899

Whitty, G and Wisby, E (2016) 'Education in England – a testbed for network governance?' Oxford Review of Education, 42 (3). pp. 316-329.

Whitty, G, Hayton, A and Tang, S (2016) 'The growth of participation in higher education in England.' In: Burke, P.J, ed. Widening participation in higher education: international perspectives. Centre of Excellence for Equity in Higher Education Occasional Paper (1). Centre of Excellence for Equity in Higher Education, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW, pp. 20-31.

Yan, F and Whitty, G (2016) 'Towards inter-cultural education in Xinjiang, Northwest China?' In: Bash, L and Coulby, D, eds. Establishing a culture of intercultural education: essays and papers in honour of Jagdish Gundara. Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 121-153. ISBN 781443890021

Whitty, G (2016) Research and policy in education: evidence, ideology and impact. Bedford Way Papers . UCL IOE Press, London. ISBN 9781782770848

Whitty, G and Clement, N (2015) 'Getting into Uni in England and Australia: who you know, what you know or knowing the ropes?' International Studies in Widening Participation, 2 (2). pp. 44-55.

Whitty, G and Power, S (2015) 'Selective, comprehensive and diversified secondary schooling in England: a brief history.' In: de Waal, A, ed. The ins and outs of selective secondary schools: a debate. Civitas, London, pp. 9-28. ISBN 9781906837716

Whitty, G, Weis, L, David, M and Apple, M (2014) 'Tributes to Jean Anyon.' British Journal of Sociology of Education, 35 (3). pp. 449-456.

Whitty, G and Anders, J (2014) '(How) did New Labour narrow the achievement and participation gap?' LLAKES Research Paper, 46. pp. 1-57.

Whitty, G and Anders, J (2013) 'Narrowing the achievement gap: policy and practice in England, 1997–2010.' In: Clark, J.V, ed. Closing the achievement gap from an international perspective: transforming STEM for effective education. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 163-191. ISBN 9789400743564

Whitty, G and Mullan, P (2013) 'Postgraduate education: overlooked and forgotten?' In: Callender, C and Scott, P, eds. Browne and beyond: modernizing English higher education. Bedford Way papers (42). IOE Press, London, pp. 173-194. ISBN 9781782770237

Whitty, G (2012) 'Policy tourism and policy borrowing in education: a trans-Atlantic case study.' In: Steiner-Khamsi, G and Waldow, F, eds. World yearbook of education 2012 : policy borrowing and lending in education. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 354-370. ISBN 9780415615242

Whitty, G (2012) 'A life with the sociology of education.' British Journal of Educational Studies, 60 (1). pp. 65-75.

Whitty, G (2011) 'Pupil empowerment in schools: limits and possibilities.' In: Panikkar, K.N and Bhaskaran Nair, M, eds. Emerging trends in higher education in India : concepts and practices. Longman Pearson, Delhi, pp. 93-103. ISBN 9788131758014

Whitty, G (2011) 'Securing the future of postgraduate education.' In: Coiffait, L, ed. Blue skies: new thinking about the future of higher education - a collection of short articles by leading commentators. Pearson, London, pp. 99-102. ISBN 9780997863789

Whitty, G (2010) 'Marketization and post-marketization in contemporary education policy.' In: Kauko, J, Rinne, R and Kynkäänniemi, H, eds. Restructuring the truth of schooling : essays on discursive practices in the sociology and politics of education - a festschrift for Hannu Simola. Research in educational sciences (48). Finnish Educational Research Association, Jyväskylä. ISBN 9789525401509

Whitty, G, Power, S, Curtis, A and Edwards, T (2010) 'Private education and disadvantage: the experiences of Assisted Place holders.' International Studies in Sociology of Education, 20 (1). pp. 23-38.

Whitty, G (2010) 'Revisiting school knowledge: some sociological perspectives on new school curricula.' European Journal of Education, 45 (1). pp. 28-45.

Whitty, G and Leaton Gray, S (2010) 'Social trajectories or disrupted identities? Changing and competing models of teacher professionalism under New Labour.' Cambridge Journal of Education, 40 (1). pp. 5-23.

Whitty, G (2009) 'Quality and impact in educational research: some lessons from England under New Labour.' In: Besley, T.A.C, ed. Assessing the quality of educational research in higher education : international perspectives. Educational futures (29). Sense, Rotterdam, pp. 137-156. ISBN 9789087907068

Whitty, G (2009) 'The legacy of neo-liberal school reform in England.' Comparative Education, 39. pp. 3-28.

Whitty, G (2008) 'Changing modes of teacher professionalism: traditional, managerial, collaborative and democratic.' In: Cunningham, B, ed. Exploring professionalism. Bedford Way papers (33). Institute of Education, University of London, London, pp. 28-49. ISBN 9780854738052

Whitty, G (2008) 'Twenty years of progress?: English education policy 1988 to the present.' Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 36 (2). pp. 165-184.

Whitty, G, Snook, I, Bates, R, Dale, R and Peters, M (2008) 'The contribution of John Codd to education: a commentary.' New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 43 (1). pp. 145-156.

Whitty, G and Wisby, E (2007) 'Whose voice? An exploration of the current policy interest in pupil involvement in school decision‐making.' International Studies in Sociology of Education, 17 (3). pp. 303-319.

Whitty, G (2006) 'Education(al) research and education policy making: is conflict inevitable?' British Educational Research Journal, 32 (2). pp. 159-176.

Whitty, G and Wisby, E (2006) 'Moving beyond recent education reform - and towards a democratic professionalism.' Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies, 38. pp. 43-61.

Whitty, G, Agalianos, A and Noss, R (2006) 'The social shaping of Logo.' Social Studies of Science, 36 (2). pp. 241-267.

Whitty, G, Halpin, D, Gewirtz, S, Dickson, M and Power, S (2005) 'The deployment of social capital theory in educational policy and provision: the case of Education Action Zones in England.' British Educational Research Journal, 31 (6). pp. 651-673.

Whitty, G, Halpin, D, Dickson, M, Power, S and Gewirtz, S (2004) 'Area-based approaches to educational regeneration.' Policy Studies, 25 (2). pp. 75-85.

Whitty, G (2004) 'Karl Mannheim (1893-1947).' In: Matthew, H.C.G and Harrison, B, eds. Oxford dictionary of national biography : from the earliest times to the year 2000. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780198614111

Whitty, G, Power, S and Wigfall, V (2003) Education and the middle class. Open University Press, Buckingham. ISBN 0335205569

Whitty, G and Power, S (2002) 'Bernstein and the middle class.' British Journal of Sociology of Education, 23 (4). pp. 595-606.

Whitty, G (2002) Making sense of education policy: studies in the sociology and politics of education. Paul Chapman, London. ISBN 9780761974512

Whitty, G (2002) 'Quasi-markets in education.' In: Levinson, D.L, Cookson, P.W and Sadovnik, A.R, eds. Education and sociology : an encyclopedia. RoutledgeFalmer, London, pp. 473-484. ISBN 9780815316152

Whitty, G and Power, S (2001) 'Devolution and choice in education: the research evidence to date.' In: Oelkers, J, ed. Futures of education: essays from an interdisciplinary symposium. Peter Lang AG, Bern, pp. 153-178. ISBN 9783906758695

Whitty, G (2001) 'Education, social class and social exclusion.' Journal of Education Policy, 16 (4). pp. 287-295.

Whitty, G, Agalianos, A and Noss, R (2001) 'Logo in mainstream schools: the struggle over the soul of an educational innovation.' British Journal of Sociology of Education, 22 (4). pp. 479-500.

Whitty, G, Campbell, C, Gillborn, D, Lunt, I, Sammons, P, Vincent, C, Warren, S and Robertson, P (2001) Review of developments in inclusive schooling (2001). Scottish Executive Education Department.

Whitty, G (2001) 'Vultures and third ways : recovering Mannheim's legacy for today.' In: Demaine, J, ed. Sociology of education today. Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 206-222. ISBN 9780333778289

Whitty, G and Mortimore, P (2000) 'Can school improvement overcome the effects of disadvantage?' In: Cox, T, ed. Combating educational disadvantage : meeting the needs of vulnerable children. Falmer, London, pp. 156-176. ISBN 9780750709019

Whitty, G and Power, S (2000) 'Marketization and privatization in mass education systems.' International Journal of Educational Development, 20 (2). pp. 93-107.

Whitty, G, Edwards, T and Power, S (2000) 'Moving back from comprehensive education?' In: Demaine, J, ed. Education policy and contemporary politics. Palgrave Macmillan, Gordonsville, pp. 30-43. ISBN 9780333682500

Whitty, G, Gewirtz, S and Edwards, T (2000) 'New schools for new times? Notes towards a sociology of recent education reform.' In: Popkewitz, T.S, ed. Educational knowledge : changing relationships between the state, civil society, and the educational community. SUNY series, frontiers in education . State University of New York Press, Albany, pp. 111-129. ISBN 9780791444030

Whitty, G (2000) 'Sociology of education and urban education policy.' In: McClafferty, K.A, Torres, C.A, Mitchell, T.R and Apple, M.W, eds. Challenges of urban education : sociological perspectives for the next century. State University of New York Press, Albany, pp. 79-96. ISBN 9780791444337

Whitty, G and Furlong, J (2000) Teacher education in transition: re-forming professionalism? Developing teacher education . Open University Press, Buckingham. ISBN 0335200400

Whitty, G, Furlong, J, Barton, L, Miles, S and Whiting, C (2000) 'Training in turmoil: researching initial teacher education in England in the 1990s.' In: Scott, A and Freeman-Moir, J, eds. Tomorrow's teachers : international and critical perspectives on teacher education. Canterbury University Press in association with Christchurch College of Education, Christchurch, pp. 11-42. ISBN 9780908812684

Whitty, G (1999) 'Diversity, choice and markets in education: benefits and costs.' Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies, 31 (2). pp. 53-68.

Whitty, G (1999) 'Education reform and civic identity: global and national influences.' Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies, 31 (1). pp. 1-18.

Whitty, G, Power, S, Edwards, T and Wigfall, V (1999) 'Destined for success? Educational biographies of academically able pupils.' Research Papers in Education, 14 (3). pp. 321-339.

Whitty, G, Power, S and Youdell, D (1999) 'Doubly disadvantaged: education and the homeless child.' In: Vostanis, P and Cumella, S, eds. Homeless children : problems and needs. Jessica Kingsley, London, pp. 130-141. ISBN 9781853025952

Whitty, G, Aggleton, P, Gamarnikow, E and Tyrer, P (1999) 'Education and health inequalities.' In: Gordon, D, Shaw, M, Dorling, D and Smith, G.D, eds. Inequalities in health : the evidence presented to the Independent Inquiry into Inequalities in Health, chaired by Sir Donald Acheson. Studies in poverty, inequality and social exclusion . Policy, Bristol, pp. 138-147. ISBN 9781861341747

Whitty, G, Power, S, Gamarnikow, E, Aggleton, P, Tyrer, P and Youdell, D (1999) 'Health, housing and education: tackling multiple disadvantage.' In: Hayton, A, ed. Tackling disaffection and social exclusion : education perspectives and policies. The future of education from 14+ . Kogan Page, London, pp. 67-79. ISBN 978-0749428891

Whitty, G, Power, S and Youdell, D (1999) 'Homelessness and education in England: toward a social reaction mode.' Journal for Just and Caring Education, 5 (1). pp. 108-125.

Whitty, G, Douglas, N, Warwick, I, Aggleton, P and Kemp, S (1999) 'Homophobic bullying in secondary schools in England and Wales: teachers' experiences.' Health Education, 99 (2). pp. 53-60.

Whitty, G and Power, S (1999) 'Making sense of education reform: global and national influences.' International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, 36 (2). pp. 144-162.

Whitty, G and Power, S (1999) 'Market forces and school cultures.' In: Prosser, J, ed. School culture. Sage, pp. 15-30. ISBN 9781853963773

Whitty, G and Power, S (1999) 'New Labour's education policy: first, second or third way?' Journal of Education Policy, 14 (5). pp. 535-546.

Whitty, G (1999) 'New Right and New Labour: continuity and change in education policy.' In: Kastendiek, H, Stinshoff, R and Sturm, R, eds. The return of Labour : a turning point in British politics? Veröffentlichung / Arbeitskreis Deutsche England-Forschung (42). Philo, Bodenheim, pp. 191-206. ISBN 9783825701383

Whitty, G and Mortimore, P (1999) 'School improvement: a remedy for social exclusion?' In: Hayton, A, ed. Tackling disaffection and social exclusion : education perspectives and policies. The future of education from 14+ . Kogan Page, London, pp. 80-94. ISBN 9780749428891

Whitty, G and Apple, M (1999) 'Structuring the postmodern in education policy.' In: Hill, D, McLaren, P, Cole, M and Rikowski, G, eds. Postmodernism in educational theory : education and the politics of human resistance. Tufnell, London, pp. 67-87. ISBN 9781872767819

Whitty, G, Douglas, N, Warwick, I and Aggleton, P (1999) 'An impact evaluation study of a community mobilisation and HIV prevention programme among gay men.' Health Education Journal, 58 (3). pp. 280-289.

Whitty, G, Halpin, D, Gewirtz, S and Power, S (1998) 'The ‘Third Way’ starts off on a test drive.' Parliamentary Brief, 5 (7). pp. 21-22.

Whitty, G, Power, S and Edwards, T (1998) 'The Assisted Places Scheme: its impact and its role in privatization and marketization.' Journal of Education Policy, 13 (2). pp. 237-250.

Whitty, G (1998) 'Citizens or consumers? Continuity and change in contemporary education policy.' In: Carlson, D and Apple, M.W, eds. Power, knowledge, pedagogy : the meaning of democratic education in unsettling times. The edge, critical studies in educational theory . Westview Press, Boulder, pp. 92-109. ISBN 9780813390260

Whitty, G, Halpin, D and Power, S (1998) Devolution and choice in education: the school, the state, and the market. Open University Press, Buckingham. ISBN 0335197124

Whitty, G, Aggleton, P, Gamarnikow, E and Tyrer, P (1998) 'Education and health inequalities Input Paper 10 to the 'Independent Inquiry into Inequalities in Health', January 1998.' Journal of Education Policy, 13 (5). pp. 641-652.

Whitty, G, Rivers, K and Aggleton, P (1998) 'Professional preparation and development for health promotion: a review of literature.' Health Education Journal, 57 (3). pp. 254-262.

Whitty, G, Power, S and Youdell, D (1998) 'Refugees, asylum seekers and the housing crisis: no place to learn.' In: Jones, C and Rutter, J, eds. Refugee education: mapping the field. Trentham, Stoke-on-Trent. ISBN 9781858560557

Whitty, G and Edwards, T (1998) 'School choice policies in England and the United States: an exploration of their origins and significance.' Comparative Education, 34 (2). pp. 211-227.

Whitty, G, Power, S, Edwards, T and Wigfall, V (1998) 'Schoolboys and schoolwork: gender identification and academic achievement.' International Journal of Inclusive Education, 2 (2). pp. 135-153.

Whitty, G, Power, S, Edwards, T and Wigfall, V (1998) 'Schools, families and academically able students: contrasting modes of involvement in secondary education.' British Journal of Sociology of Education, 19 (2). pp. 157-176.

Whitty, G, Halpin, D and Power, S (1998) 'Self-managing schools in the marketplace: the experience of England, the USA and New Zealand.' In: Bartlett, W, Roberts, J.A and Le Grand, J, eds. A revolution in social policy : quasi-market reforms in the 1990s. Policy, Bristol, pp. 95-108. ISBN 9781861341112

Whitty, G (1997) 'Education policy and the sociology of education.' International Studies in Sociology of Education, 7 (2). pp. 121-135.

Whitty, G and Power, S (1997) 'Education reform in Great Britain: an interim review.' Educational Administration Quarterly, 33 (2). pp. 136-139.

Whitty, G and Torres, C.A (1997) '[Interview with] Geoff Whitty.' In: Torres, C.A, ed. Education, power, and personal biography : dialogues with critical educators. Routledge, London, pp. 241-262. ISBN 9780415911795

Whitty, G, Halpin, D and Power, S (1997) 'Managing the state and the market: 'new' education management in five countries.' British Journal of Educational Studies, 45 (4). pp. 342-362.

Whitty, G and Power, S (1997) 'Quasi-markets and curriculum control: making sense of recent education reform in England and Wales.' Educational Administration Quarterly, 33 (2). pp. 219-240.

Whitty, G (1997) 'Recent education reform: is it a postmodern phenomenon?' In: Farnen, R.F and Sünker, H, eds. The politics, sociology and economics of education: interdisciplinary and comparative perspectives. Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 252-270. ISBN 9780333683774

Whitty, G (1997) 'School autonomy and parental choice: consumer rights versus citizen rights in education policy in Britain.' In: Bridges, D, ed. Education, autonomy and democratic citizenship : philosophy in a changing world. Routledge international studies in the philosophy of education (2). Routledge, London, pp. 87-98. ISBN 9780415153348

Whitty, G (1997) 'Social theory and education policy: the legacy of Karl Mannheim.' British Journal of Sociology of Education, 18 (2). pp. 149-163.

Whitty, G and Edwards, T (1997) 'Specialisation and selection in secondary education.' Oxford Review of Education, 23 (1). pp. 5-15.

Whitty, G, Furlong, J, Whiting, C, Miles, S, Barton, L and Barrett, E (1996) 'Re-defining partnership: revolution or reform in initial teacher education?' Journal of Education for Teaching, 22 (1). pp. 39-56.

Whitty, G and Power, S (1996) 'Teaching new subjects? The hidden curriculum of marketised education systems.' Melbourne Studies in Education, 37 (2). pp. 1-21.

Whitty, G (1996) The crisis in teacher education: a European concern? [book review]. Teachers College Record, 97 (3). pp. 486-488.

Whitty, G, Magee, C and Warwick, I (1994) 'Positive feedback.' Health Service Journal, 104. p. 21.

Whitty, G, Rowe, G and Aggleton, P (1994) 'Discourse in cross-curricular contexts: limits to empowerment.' International Studies in Sociology of Education, 4 (1). pp. 25-42.

Whitty, G, Furlong, J, Barrett, E, Barton, L and Miles, S (1994) 'Integration and partnership in initial teacher education: dilemmas and possibilities.' Research Papers in Education, 9 (3). pp. 281-301.

Whitty, G, Aggleton, P, Rivers, K and Warwick, I (1994) Learning about AIDS: scientific and social issues. Churchill Livingstone, in association with the Health Education Authority, Edinburgh. ISBN 044305178X

Whitty, G, Rowe, G and Aggleton, P (1994) 'Subjects and themes in the secondary‐school curriculum.' Research Papers in Education, 9 (2). pp. 159-181.

Whitty, G, Barton, L, Barrett, E, Miles, S and Furlong, J (1994) 'Teacher education and teacher professionalism in England: some emerging issues.' British Journal of Sociology of Education, 15 (4). pp. 529-543.

Whitty, G (1993) 'Education reform and teacher education in England in the 1990s.' Journal of Education for Teaching, 19 (4). pp. 263-275.

Whitty, G, Edwards, T and Gewirtz, S (1993) Specialisation and choice in urban education: the city technology college experiment. Routledge, London. ISBN 0415085276

Whitty, G, Gewirtz, S and Edwards, T (1992) 'City technology colleges: schooling for the Thatcher generation?' British Journal of Educational Studies, 40 (3). pp. 207-217.

Whitty, G, Barton, L and Pollard, A (1992) 'Experiencing CATE: the impact of accreditation upon initial training institutions in England.' Journal of Education for Teaching, 18 (1). pp. 41-57.

Whitty, G, Barrett, E, Barton, L, Furlong, J, Galvin, C and Miles, S (1992) 'Initial teacher education in England and Wales: a survey of current practices and concerns.' Cambridge Journal of Education, 22 (3). pp. 293-306.

Whitty, G, Barrett, E, Barton, L, Furlong, J, Galvin, C and Miles, S (1992) 'New routes to qualified teacher status.' Cambridge Journal of Education, 22 (3). pp. 323-335.

Whitty, G and Edwards, T (1992) 'Parental choice and educational reform in Britain and the United States.' British Journal of Educational Studies, 40 (2). pp. 101-117.

Whitty, G (1992) 'Quality control in teacher education.' British Journal of Educational Studies, 40 (1). pp. 38-50.

Whitty, G, Edwards, T and Gewirtz, S (1992) 'Researching a policy in progress: the city technology colleges initiative.' Research Papers in Education, 7 (1). pp. 79-104.

Whitty, G and Willmott, E (1991) 'Competence‐based teacher education: approaches and issues.' Cambridge Journal of Education, 21 (3). pp. 309-318.

Whitty, G (1990) 'Creeping privatization and its implications for schooling in the inner city.' The Urban Review, 22 (2). pp. 101-114.

Whitty, G (1990) Learning to teach [book review]. Sociology, 24 (3). pp. 534-535.

Whitty, G, Fitz, J and Edwards, T (1989) 'The Assisted Places Scheme: an ambiguous case of privatization.' British Journal of Educational Studies, 37 (3). p. 222.

Whitty, G (1989) Different by design: the context and character of three magnet schools [book review]. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 21 (3). pp. 281-284.

Whitty, G (1989) 'The New Right and the national curriculum: state control or market forces?' Journal of Education Policy, 4 (4). pp. 329-341.

Whitty, G and Bowe, R (1989) 'The reopening of the GCSE ‘Settlement’: recent developments in the politics of school examinations.' British Journal of Sociology of Education, 10 (4). pp. 403-415.

Whitty, G, Edwards, A.D and Fitz, J (1989) The state and private education: an evaluation of the Assisted Places Scheme. Falmer, London. ISBN 1850005672

Whitty, G and Menter, I (1988) 'Lessons of Thatcherism: education policy in England and Wales 1979-88.' Journal of Law and Society, 16 (1). pp. 42-64.

Whitty, G (1987) 'Curriculum research and curricular politics.' British Journal of Sociology of Education, 8 (2). pp. 109-117.

Whitty, G, Fitz, J and Edwards, T (1986) 'Beneficiaries, benefits and costs: an investigation of the Assisted Places Scheme.' Research Papers in Education, 1 (3). pp. 169-193.

Whitty, G (1986) 'Radical theory and practice in urban education.' The Review of Education, 12 (3). pp. 172-176.

Whitty, G (1986) 'Recent American and Australian approaches to the sociology and politics of education.' Educational Theory, 36 (1). pp. 81-85.

Whitty, G (1985) Theory and resistance in education: a pedagogy for the opposition [book review]. Harvard Educational Review, 55 (2). pp. 233-235.

Whitty, G, Edwards, T and Fitz, J (1985) 'Private schools and public funding: a comparison of recent policies in England and Australia.' Comparative Education, 21 (1). pp. 29-45.

Whitty, G and Aggleton, P.J (1985) 'Rebels without a cause? Socialization and subcultural style among the children of the new middle classes.' Sociology of Education, 58 (1). p. 60.

Whitty, G (1985) Sociology and school knowledge: curriculum theory, research and politics. Education paperbacks . Methuen, London. ISBN 041636960X

Whitty, G and Arnot, M (1982) 'From reproduction to transformation: recent radical perspectives on the curriculum from the USA.' British Journal of Sociology of Education, 3 (1). pp. 93-103.

Whitty, G and Arnot, M (1982) 'School texts, the hidden curriculum and the curriculum-in-use.' Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 3 (1). pp. 1-21.

Whitty, G (1981) 'Society, social justice, and social/political education.' Teaching Political Science, 8 (3). pp. 261-280.

Whitty, G (1981) 'A context for critical education?' Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 2 (1). pp. 53-62.

Whitty, G and Young, M.F.D (1977) Society, state and schooling: readings on the possibilities for radical education. Politics and education series . Falmer Press, Ringmer. ISBN 0905273028

Whitty, G and Gleeson, D (1976) Developments in social studies teaching. The changing classroom . Open Books, London. ISBN 0729100995

Whitty, G and Young, M.F.D (1976) Explorations in the politics of school knowledge. Issues in sociology, politics and education . Studies in Education, Driffield. ISBN 0905484002

Whitty, G and Gleeson, D (1976) Sociology: the choice at A level. Issues in sociology, politics and education . Studies in Education, Driffield. ISBN 090548407X

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