Number of items: 141.
Book Chapter or Section
Whitty, G
'My life with the sociology of education.'
Sadovnik, A.R and
Coughlin, R.W, eds.
Leaders in the sociology of education: intellectual self-portraits.
Sense, Rotterdam, pp. 287-300.
ISBN 9789463007153
Whitty, G, Hayton, A and Tang, S
'The growth of participation in higher education in England.'
Burke, P.J, ed.
Widening participation in higher education: international perspectives.
Centre of Excellence for Equity in Higher Education Occasional Paper
Centre of Excellence for Equity in Higher Education, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW, pp. 20-31.
Whitty, G
'Securing the future of postgraduate education.'
Coiffait, L, ed.
Blue skies: new thinking about the future of higher education - a collection of short articles by leading commentators.
Pearson, London, pp. 99-102.
ISBN 9780997863789
Whitty, G
'Marketization and post-marketization in contemporary education policy.'
Kauko, J,
Rinne, R and
Kynkäänniemi, H, eds.
Restructuring the truth of schooling : essays on discursive practices in the sociology and politics of education - a festschrift for Hannu Simola.
Research in educational sciences
Finnish Educational Research Association, Jyväskylä.
ISBN 9789525401509
Whitty, G
'Karl Mannheim (1893-1947).'
Matthew, H.C.G and
Harrison, B, eds.
Oxford dictionary of national biography : from the earliest times to the year 2000.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
ISBN 9780198614111
Whitty, G
'Quasi-markets in education.'
Levinson, D.L,
Cookson, P.W and
Sadovnik, A.R, eds.
Education and sociology : an encyclopedia.
RoutledgeFalmer, London, pp. 473-484.
ISBN 9780815316152
Whitty, G, Gewirtz, S and Edwards, T
'New schools for new times? Notes towards a sociology of recent education reform.'
Popkewitz, T.S, ed.
Educational knowledge : changing relationships between the state, civil society, and the educational community.
SUNY series, frontiers in education
State University of New York Press, Albany, pp. 111-129.
ISBN 9780791444030
Whitty, G
'Sociology of education and urban education policy.'
McClafferty, K.A,
Torres, C.A,
Mitchell, T.R and
Apple, M.W, eds.
Challenges of urban education : sociological perspectives for the next century.
State University of New York Press, Albany, pp. 79-96.
ISBN 9780791444337
Whitty, G, Furlong, J, Barton, L, Miles, S and Whiting, C
'Training in turmoil: researching initial teacher education in England in the 1990s.'
Scott, A and
Freeman-Moir, J, eds.
Tomorrow's teachers : international and critical perspectives on teacher education.
Canterbury University Press in association with Christchurch College of Education, Christchurch, pp. 11-42.
ISBN 9780908812684
Whitty, G, Aggleton, P, Gamarnikow, E and Tyrer, P
'Education and health inequalities.'
Gordon, D,
Shaw, M,
Dorling, D and
Smith, G.D, eds.
Inequalities in health : the evidence presented to the Independent Inquiry into Inequalities in Health, chaired by Sir Donald Acheson.
Studies in poverty, inequality and social exclusion
Policy, Bristol, pp. 138-147.
ISBN 9781861341747
Whitty, G, Power, S, Gamarnikow, E, Aggleton, P, Tyrer, P and Youdell, D
'Health, housing and education: tackling multiple disadvantage.'
Hayton, A, ed.
Tackling disaffection and social exclusion : education perspectives and policies.
The future of education from 14+
Kogan Page, London, pp. 67-79.
ISBN 978-0749428891
Whitty, G and Mortimore, P
'School improvement: a remedy for social exclusion?'
Hayton, A, ed.
Tackling disaffection and social exclusion : education perspectives and policies.
The future of education from 14+
Kogan Page, London, pp. 80-94.
ISBN 9780749428891
Whitty, G and Apple, M
'Structuring the postmodern in education policy.'
Hill, D,
McLaren, P,
Cole, M and
Rikowski, G, eds.
Postmodernism in educational theory : education and the politics of human resistance.
Tufnell, London, pp. 67-87.
ISBN 9781872767819
Whitty, G, Halpin, D and Power, S
'Self-managing schools in the marketplace: the experience of England, the USA and New Zealand.'
Bartlett, W,
Roberts, J.A and
Le Grand, J, eds.
A revolution in social policy : quasi-market reforms in the 1990s.
Policy, Bristol, pp. 95-108.
ISBN 9781861341112
Whitty, G and Torres, C.A
'[Interview with] Geoff Whitty.'
Torres, C.A, ed.
Education, power, and personal biography : dialogues with critical educators.
Routledge, London, pp. 241-262.
ISBN 9780415911795
Whiting, C
ORCID: 0000-0002-9963-426X, Whitty, G, Menter, I, Black, P, Hordern, J, Parfitt, A, Reynolds, K and Sorensen, N
'Diversity and complexity: becoming a teacher in England in 2015-16.'
Review of Education, 6 (1).
pp. 69-96.
Whitty, G, Weis, L, David, M and Apple, M
'Tributes to Jean Anyon.'
British Journal of Sociology of Education, 35 (3).
pp. 449-456.
Whitty, G, Furlong, J, Whiting, C, Miles, S, Barton, L and Barrett, E
'Re-defining partnership: revolution or reform in initial teacher education?'
Journal of Education for Teaching, 22 (1).
pp. 39-56.
Whitty, G, Barrett, E, Barton, L, Furlong, J, Galvin, C and Miles, S
'Initial teacher education in England and Wales: a survey of current practices and concerns.'
Cambridge Journal of Education, 22 (3).
pp. 293-306.
Whitty, G, Barrett, E, Barton, L, Furlong, J, Galvin, C and Miles, S
'New routes to qualified teacher status.'
Cambridge Journal of Education, 22 (3).
pp. 323-335.
Conference or Workshop Item
Commissioned Report
Whiting, C
ORCID: 0000-0002-9963-426X, Black, P, Hordern, J, Parfitt, A, Reynolds, K, Sorensen, N and Whitty, G
Towards a new topography of ITT: a profile of Initial Teacher Training in England 2015-16. An Occasional Paper from the IFE No.1.
Bath Spa University, Institute for Education, Bath.
ISBN 9780992633899
Whitty, G, Campbell, C, Gillborn, D, Lunt, I, Sammons, P, Vincent, C, Warren, S and Robertson, P
Review of developments in inclusive schooling (2001).
Scottish Executive Education Department.
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