Number of items at this level: 298.
Book Chapter or Section
Addison, J, Dunseath, J, Kidd, N, Large, K and Quaife, M
'THIS IS NOT A POSITION: rethinking productivity: as art / as pedagogy / as research.'
Kauppila, H and
Rouhiainen, L, eds.
Taidealojen yliopistopedagoginen koulutus 10 vuotta : näkökulmia taide - ja taiteilijapedagogiikkaan = 10 years of university pedagogy in the arts: perspectives on arts and artist pedagogy.
University of the Arts Helsinki, Helsinki, pp. 135-142.
ISBN 9789523530850
Dunseath, J and Wilsher, M
'Artist boss.'
Dunseath, J and
Wilsher, M, eds.
Artist boss: Anthony Caro's studio assistants and issues of legacy in British sculpture.
Wunderkammer Press, Bath, pp. 19-27.
ISBN 9780993551109
Ghosh, S
'Our nation, their nation: Premchand, Satyajit Ray and the Indian state.'
Dattaray, D,
Halder, E and
Das, S, eds.
Literature and the other arts.
Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India.
Please click the title to check availability.
Gifford, T
Real : an exhibition by three of Cumbria's leading figurative painters.
Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery, Carlisle, p. 4.
Gifford, T
''Fiber': a post-pastoral Georgic.'
Weltzien, O.A, ed.
The literary art and activism of Rick Bass.
University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, UT, pp. 248-263.
ISBN 9780874806977
Gifford, T
'Six stages in the greening of Ted Hughes.'
Gifford, T,
Robertson, N and
Womald, M, eds.
Ted Hughes, nature and culture.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK.
ISBN 9783319975733
Kampe, T
'Displaced/Displayed - surviving dance in exile.'
Kampe, G and
Kampe, T, eds.
Beyond forgetting - persecution/exile/memory: transdisciplinary perspectives on design, performance and education.
Cuvillier Verlag, Goettingen, pp. 128-143.
ISBN 9783736973107
Please click the title to check availability.
Kampe, T
'The Feldenkrais Method® and a theater of enaction.'
Elgelid, S and
Kresge, C, eds.
The Feldenkrais Method®: learning through movement and the brain.
Handspring, Fountainhall.
ISBN 9781912085699
Please click the title to check availability.
Kampe, T
'Punti di Fuga / Fluchtpunkte - enacting empathy.'
Kampe, G and
Kampe, T, eds.
Beyond forgetting - persecution/exile/memory: transdisciplinary perspectives on design, performance and education.
Cuvillier Verlag, Goettingen, pp. 198-207.
ISBN 9783736973107
Please click the title to check availability.
Medjesi-Jones, A
'The absence of myth.'
Günther Herbst: the absence of myth.
AOP Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa, pp. 3-7.
ISBN 9780620663885
Parry, B
'Theses on urban art intervention.'
Davis, T, ed.
Changing metropolis III.
Kobenhavns International Teater, Copenhagen, pp. 102-106.
ISBN 9788799422920
Please click the title to check availability.
Parry, B and Wodiczko, K
'War veteran vehicle.'
Wodiczko, K, ed.
Transformative avant-garde and other writings.
Black Dog Press, London, pp. 254-262.
ISBN 9781910433270
Slade, C
'Reason to buy: teaching reasoning through television.'
van Eemeren, F.H.,
Grootendorst, R,
Blair, J.A. and
Willard, C.A., eds.
Proceedings of the fourth international conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation.
SIC SAT, Amsterdam, pp. 746-750.
ISBN 9789074049047
Tooby, M
'Iwan Bala.'
Offerings and reinventions.
ISBN 9781854112804
Tooby, M
'Simplicity and subject.'
William Scott: simplicity and subject.
Bath & North East Somerset Council, Bath, pp. 14-23.
Tooby, M
'Towards a study of Terry Setch.'
Tooby, M and
Holman, M, eds.
Terry Setch: a retrospective.
Howard Gardens Gallery, pp. 9-33.
ISBN 9780951577790
Tweed, C
'Fictioning the third space.'
Barranha, H and
Henriques, J.S, eds.
Art, museums and digital cultures: rethinking change.
IHA/NOVA FCSH and maat, Lisbon, pp. 123-135.
ISBN 9789895440542
Withers, R
'Bringing things down to Earth.'
Giusti, L, ed.
Roman Signer : a step towards the sea = un passo verso il mare.
Humboldt Books, Milan, pp. 121-135.
ISBN 9788899385132
Please click the title to check availability.
Withers, R
'Slow movement.'
Roman Signer: slow movement.
Ridinghouse, London, pp. 13-19.
ISBN 9781909932081
Withers, R
'A matter of life and death.'
Neudecker, M,
Lambert, S and
McClean, V, eds.
Plastic vanitas: Mariele Neudecker.
text + work, Bournemouth, pp. 22-28.
ISBN 9780901196675
Please click the title to check availability.
Withers, R and Channer, A
'Alice Channer.'
Burlington Contemporary, 22 Feb.
Please click the title to check availability.
Conference or Workshop Item
Addison, J, Dunseath, J, Kidd, N and Large, K
Pauses (by Inventory of Behaviours).
In: Symposium - The Work of the Head, the Heart, the Hands, 17 October 2024, University of Lapland, Arktikum, Rovaniemi, Finland.
Crosby, C, Hartley, G, Medjesi-Jones, A, Ryan, D and Turner, A
Panel discussion.
In: At the Point of Gesture, 23 January - 11 February 2015, Wimbledon College of Art, London, UK.
Dunseath, J
About making.
In: Artist's Talk, 15 September 2015, Spike Island, Bristol, UK.
Dunseath, J
What is a studio and how do we use one?
In: What Is A Studio And How Do We Use One? A One Day Symposium In Conjunction With Inventory Of Behaviours, 6 February 2017, blip blip blip, East Street Arts Patrick Studios, Leeds, UK.
Dunseath, J, Ayling, N, Bax, O, Black, H and Wallbank, J
Making sculpture: views from the studio.
In: Collaborating with Caro, 10 October 2014, Central St Martins, London.
Dunseath, J and Squires, K
As seen.
In: Issues in Creative Practice Research: Creativity and Crisis Symposium, 9 February 2021, Bath Spa University, UK [online].
Dunseath, J and Squires, K
In: On Not Knowing: How Artists Teach, 9 - 10 June 2023, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, UK.
Dunseath, J and Squires, K
Touch Type.
In: CreaTech, 22 September 2023, Fabrication Lab and Ambika P3, University of Westminster, London, UK.
Farrar, R
From Bristol to Brooklyn: in search of soundmarks.
In: The Noises of Art: Audiovisual Practice in History, Theory and Culture. Aberystwyth University in collaboration with the Courtauld Institute of Art, 4 - 6 September 2013, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, UK.
Head, A and Sujir, L
Elastic 3D Space: international workshop.
In: Elastic 3D Space: Embodied Virtual Space Observable Through the Use of Stereoscopic Techniques, 3 - 5 October 2015, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
Irvine, K
The new entrepreneur.
In: Artist Anonymous Self Help Conference, 7 July 2007, Middlesex University, London, UK.
Irvine, K, Simpson, R, Dickson, K and Edwards, B
Passion, professionalism and performance: small scale theatre and entrepreneurial identity.
In: Dare to Care: Passion and Compassion in Management Practice and Research. Conference of the American Academy of Management, 6-10 August 2010, Montreal, Canada.
Kidd, N, Addison, J and Dunseath, J
About making.
In: Noticing Making Summer School, July 2014, Tate Modern, London.
Kidd, N, Dunseath, J, Addison, J and Large, K
Pauses - Inventory of Behaviours.
In: Doing Together 2024, 4 - 5 April 2024, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK.
Sargent, N
How the tiger got its trunk.
In: Creative Enterprise in Higher Education Conference, 16 November 2005, Lancaster University.
Slade, C
Cartoons and educating.
In: The Fifth Congress of the Americas, 18 - 20 October 2001, University of the Americas, Cholula, Mexico.
Slade, C
In: CIRADE 2001 Conference, 21 May 2001, Université de Québec, Montréal.
Slade, C
Global media generations 2000.
In: ICA: 50 Years of Research in Communication, Culture, and Cognition, 1 - 5 June 2000, Acapulco Princess Hotel, Acapulco, Mexico.
Slade, C
Media and citizenship.
In: Pre-Conference of the 63rd Annual ICA Conference - Global Communications and National Policies: The Return of the State, Hilton London Metropole Hotel, London, 14 - 16 June 2013.
Slade, C
Media and citizenship.
In: Media and Citizenship (?), 1 - 7 May 2007, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Slade, C
Telenovelas and moral realism.
In: Telenovelas & Soap Opera: Negotiating Reality, 19 March 2002, Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University, Canberra.
Slade, C
Transnational television.
In: Journalism in the 21st Century: Between Globalization and National Identity, 16 - 17 July 2009, University of Melbourne, Australia.
Slade, C
Visual argumentation.
In: 4th OSSA Conference 2001: Argumentation and It's Applications, 17 - 19 May 2001, University of Windsor, Toronto.
Slade, C
The mediatic turn.
In: 57th Annual ICA Conference - Creating Communication: Content, Control & Critique, 24 - 28 May 2007, Hilton, San Francisco.
Slade, C
The paradoxes of popular culture.
In: Confederation of Australasian Teachers of Media Conference: Joining the Dots, 19 April 2002, University of Canberra, Australia.
Slade, C and Volkmer, I
Behind the veil.
In: IAMCR Conference: Cities, Creativity, Connectivity, 13 - 17 July 2011, Kadir Has University, Istanbul.
Slade, C, Volkmer, I, Camauër, L, Georgiou, M, Najab, F and Ghanjaoui, C
Media and citizenship: transnational television cultures, reshaping political identities in the European Union.
In: EU Panel 2009, April 2009, Ultrecht, Holland.
Sowden, T, Mason, D and Partington, M
Interrogating the unspoken.
In: Research Through Design, 21 - 24 March 2017, National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh, UK.
Taylor, A
A place for drawing.
In: Art School Educated, 11-12 September 2014, Tate Britain, London.
Thebo, M
Destination garret? Employability and the arts.
In: 9th Quality In Higher Education International Seminar: Enhancing Student Employablity Higher Education And Workforce Development, 27 - 28 January 2005, Hyatt Regency Birmingham.
Tweed, C
Artist's talk: Charlie Tweed.
In: LifeSpace Science Art Research Gallery Artist Talks Series, 30 September 2016, LifeSpace Science Art Research Gallery, Dundee, UK.
White, R
Crying at the bus stop.
In: REMORA: Contextualising Creative Research at Bath Spa, 23 February 2017, Bath Spa University, Corsham, UK.
Please click the title to check availability.
White, R
Walking boots.
In: Research Now: 'Objects of Research’, 4 May 2017, Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution, Bath, UK.
Please click the title to check availability.
White, R
An invitation to walk.
In: Protestival, 14 May 2017, Bath, UK.
Please click the title to check availability.
Commissioned Report
Herrema, R, Armitage, G, Kirves, M and Clark, G
Kampe, T, Pascal, J, Goldstein, S, Kozokaro, R, Kraft Levene, S, Mijit, S, Emeny, M, Beech, N, Sassoon, A and Morris, F
Addison, J and Dunseath, J
Head game.
In: The Work of the Head, the Heart, the Hands, Galleria Valo, Arktikum, Rovaniemi, Finland, 17 October - 14 December 2024.
Addison, J, Dunseath, J, Kidd, N and Large, K
Inventory of behaviours.
In: The Work of the Head, the Heart, the Hands, Galleria Valo, Arktikum, Rovaniemi, Finland, 17 October - 14 December 2024.
Allen, D
Fireworks. Clay Studios ten years on.
In: Touring exhibition, Black Swan Arts, Eton, Oriel Myrddin, Oriel y Bont, llantarnam Grange Arts Centre, 5 November - 7 December 2007.
Bonnell, M, Fairman, E, McCracken Peck, R, Duggins, M and Burnett, D
Of green leaf, bird, and flower: artists' books and the natural world.
Yale Centre for British Art, New Haven, 15 May - 10 August 2014.
ISBN 9780300204247
Bradley, S
Material Actions.
Centre for Contemporary Art and the Natural World, Exeter, UK, 27 November 2010 - 27 February 2011.
Bradley, S
Soft 3.
Barcelona, Toledo and Madrid, Spain, 2008.
Clarke, R
Accidents will happen.
In: We Could Not Agree, QPark, Cavendish Square, London, 13 -19 October 2014.
Dunseath, J
Bored game.
In: The Imaginary App, Museum London, Ontario, Canada, 28 September - 20 October 2013.
Dunseath, J
In: Moving Image 2023, Southwark Park Galleries, London, UK, 11 November - 9 December 2023.
Dunseath, J
Pasta real.
In: Work Work, Tintype Gallery, London, UK, 2 November - 2 December 2017.
Dunseath, J, Dawson, I, Heath, C, Minkin, L, Thomas, N, Greenwood, J, Colegate, M and Vari, M
C&C Gallery, London, 5 September – 4 October 2015.
Dunseath, J and Squires, K
As seen.
In: In Touch, CICA Museum, Gimpo, South Korea, 24 November – 12 December 2021.
Dunseath, J and Squires, K
Touch Type.
Skelf [online], 4 May 2022 - 1 October 2022.
Please click the title to check availability.
Dunseath, J and Squires, K
Touch Type.
In: Ludic Territories, Das LOT, Vienna, Austria, 30 May - 2 June 2024.
Dunseath, J and Squires, K
‘ave a look!
Six Second Gallery, London, UK, 6 - 21 November 2021.
Please click the title to check availability.
Dutton, S, Xu, A, Liu, C, Xu, F, Xiaohong, Z and Hongtao, Z
A Share of a Future [curators].
China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing, China, 9 March - 30 April 2019.
Please click the title to check availability.
Hong, Y
A Fire That Never Dies.
Cecilia Hillstrom Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden, 14 January - 20 February 2016.
Hong, Y
The Moon's Trick.
Korean Cultural Centre, London, UK, 21 November - 29 December 2017.
Hyde, J
Remember me.
CB2 Cafe, Cambridge, UK, April 2003.
Kidd, N
Three screen prints.
In: Work Work, Tintype Gallery, London, UK, 2 November - 2 December 2017.
Luzar, R
In: London International, KKKC, Klaipėda, Lithuania, June 2011.
Sowden, T
Fortynine coach seats travelling along the M4 (2003).
In: RUKSSIAN Artists’ Books: Artists’ Books from the UK and Russia, Tsaritsyno State Historical, Architectural, Art and Landscape Museum-Reserve, Moscow, Russia, March - May 2014 & August – September 2014.
Sowden, T
In: Redesigning the Medieval Book, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 1 December 2017 - 11 March 2018.
Squires, K and Dunseath, J
As seen.
In: Ways and Means, Skelf [online], 22 July - 20 October 2020.
Please click the title to check availability.
Turk, G
Ben Brown Gallery, Hong Kong, China, 13 September - 15 November 2014.
Turk, G
Identity crisis (1994).
In: Paparazzi! Photographers, Stars and Artists, Centre Pompidou Metz, France, 28 February - 9 June 2014.
Turk, G
Pense Bête.
LARM Galleri, Copenhagen, Denmark, 11 April - 17 May 2014.
Turk, G
In: Futurkammer, The Holburne Museum, Bath, 7 June - 15 June 2014.
Turk, G
Fondation Frances, Senlis, France, 7 February - 17 May 2014.
Turk, G
We Are One.
New Art Centre Park & Gallery, Roche Court, UK, 8 November 2014 - 8 February 2015.
Hong, Y
5100: Pentagon.
In: Block Universe, Royal Academy of Arts, London, UK, 4 June 2017.
Hong, Y
In: Venice Agendas 2017: The Contract, Campo Santa Margherita, Venice, Italy (and touring), 10 -12 May 2017.
Hong, Y
In her dream.
In: fig 2, ICA, London, 9 - 15 February 2015.
Hong, Y
Let us dance.
In: South Korea Guest of Honour at Art Paris Art Fair, Grand Palais, Paris, France, 3 - 5 March 2016.
Kampe, T and Belem, L
In: Ouro Preto Festival, Ouro Preto, Brasil, 2002.
Luzar, R and Gagliardi, F
Two seen, one un-seeing.
In: Legs, Too, Artscape Sandbox, Toronto, Canada, 3 October 2015.
Steadman, M
The Strange Geometry of Time.
In: Dreams Before Dawn Festival of New European Theatre, Theatre de Menilmontant Paris, France, 3-8 July 2018.
Walton, S
In: Poetry in Collaboration, Southbank centre, London, 20 May 2014.
Addison, J and Kidd, N
Tate Modern Learning.
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