Number of items: 120.
Almond, D
Hodder Children's, London.
ISBN 0340716002
Brayfield, C
Getting home.
Little Brown and Co, London.
ISBN 9780316642460
Chaffey, N, Barnett, J.R and Barlow, P.W
'Cortical microtubules and microfibril angle.'
Butterfield, B.G, ed.
Microfibril angle in wood : the proceedings of the IAWA/IUFRO International Workshop on the Significance of Microfibril Angle to Wood Quality ; Westport, New Zealand, November 1997.
University of Canterbury for the International Association of Wood Anatomists and International Union of Forestry Research Organisations, Christchurch, New Zealand, pp. 253-271.
Davies, D
'Scientific experience.'
Edwards, G and
Kelly, A, eds.
Experience and education.
Paul Chapman Publishers, London, pp. 46-62.
English, L
Selfish people.
Fourth Estate, London.
ISBN 9781857027631
Gifford, T and Brandāo, I
Espiral de fogo.
Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Maceio, Brazil, p. 1.
ISBN 9788571770300
Gifford, T and Roberts, N
'The idea of nature in English poetry.'
Murphy, P.D, ed.
Literature of nature: an international sourcebook.
Fitzroy Dearborn, London, pp. 166-176.
ISBN 9781579580100
Gregg, S.H
''Strange longing' and 'horror' in Robinson Crusoe.'
Rowland, A,
Liggins, E and
Uskalis, E, eds.
Signs of masculinity: men in literature, 1700 to the present.
Rodopi Perspectives on Modern Literature
Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 37-63.
ISBN 904200603X
Griffin, B
'Irish identity and the Crimean War.'
Taithe, B and
Thornton, T, eds.
War: identities in conflict, 1300-2000.
Themes in history
Sutton, Stroud, pp. 113-124.
ISBN 9780750916837
Griffin, B
'"Such varmint": The Dublin police and the public, 1838-1913.'
Briggs, S,
Hyland, P and
Sammells, N, eds.
Reviewing Ireland: essays and interviews from Irish Studies Review.
Sulis Press, Bath, UK, pp. 57-65.
ISBN 9780952685654
Haslett, S.K, Davies, P, Curr, R.H.F, Davies, C.F.C, Kennington, K, King, C.P and Margetts, A.J
'Evaluating late-Holocene relative sea-level change in the Somerset Levels, southwest Britain.'
The Holocene, 8 (2).
pp. 197-207.
Hensher, P
Chatto & Windus, London.
ISBN 0701167289
Lewis-Smith, C
Paper angels.
In: TAN Dance, Theatre Taliesin, Swansea, UK, 1998.
Neale, J
Redwords, London.
ISBN 9781872208091
Rigby, K
'Myth, memory, attunement: towards a sensuous semiotics of place.'
Houston, C,
Watson, A and
Kurasawa, F, eds.
Imagined places : the politics of making space.
School of Sociology, Politics and Anthropology, La Trobe University, Bundoora, pp. 175-182.
ISBN 9781864464719
Sammells, N
'Oscar Wilde, the fairy tale, and the critics.'
Stewart, B, ed.
That other world: the supernatural and the fantastic in Irish literature and its contexts, vol. 2.
Colin Smythe, Gerrards Cross, pp. 228-39.
ISBN 9780861404186
Sammells, N
Wilde nature.
In: American Conference for Irish Studies, 1998, Fordham University, NY.
Slade, C
'From a critical point of view.'
Hansen, H,
Tindale, C and
Coleman, A. V, eds.
Argumentation and rhetoric.
The Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation, Ontario.
Slade, C
Reasons to buy.
In: 4th OSSA International Conference on Argumentation, 18 June 1998, University of Amsterdam.
Slade, C
Research methodology.
In: Seminar Series (?), 20 March 1998, Universidad IberoAmericana, Mexico.
Slade, C
Why not lie?
In: World Congress of Philosophy, August 1998, Boston, MA.
Snell, R
Art 98.
In: London Art Fair, Business Design Centre.
Tooby, M
'Peter Randall-Page.'
Whistling in the dark : Peter Randall-Page, drawings and prints 1983-98.
Tivoli Gallery, Ljubljana.
Whitty, G, Halpin, D and Power, S
'Self-managing schools in the marketplace: the experience of England, the USA and New Zealand.'
Bartlett, W,
Roberts, J.A and
Le Grand, J, eds.
A revolution in social policy : quasi-market reforms in the 1990s.
Policy, Bristol, pp. 95-108.
ISBN 9781861341112
Wood, J and Harrison, P
Selected Works.
Gallerie Articule, Montreal, Canada, 1998.
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