Items where Year is 1998

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Hughes, W and Smith, A, eds. (1998) Bram Stoker: history, psychoanalysis, and the Gothic. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9780333720462

Morrison, R and Baldick, C, eds. (1998) John Polidori: The vampyre and other tales of the macabre. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780192838940

Strachan, J and Stones, G, eds. (1998) Parodies of the Romantic age: poetry of the anti-Jacobin and other parodic writings. Pickering and Chatto, London. ISBN 9781851964758

Reid-Bowen, P, ed. (1998) Themes and issues in Hinduism. World religions, themes and issues . Cassell, London. ISBN 0304338516

Almond, D (1998) Skellig. Hodder Children's, London. ISBN 0340716002

Bizley, K (1998) PE matters 11-14. Heinemann, London. ISBN 9780435130565

Brayfield, C (1998) Getting home. Little Brown and Co, London. ISBN 9780316642460

Dombey, H, Moustafa, M and Nicholson, D (1998) Whole to part phonics: how children learn to read and spell. Centre for Language in Primary Education/Language Matters; Heinemann, London. ISBN 0325001200

English, L (1998) Selfish people. Fourth Estate, London. ISBN 9781857027631

Gifford, T (1998) Whale watching with a boy and a goat. Redbeck Press, Bradford. ISBN 9780946980598

Hensher, P (1998) Pleasured. Chatto & Windus, London. ISBN 0701167289

Hyland, P, Briggs, S and Sammells, N (1998) Reviewing Ireland: essays and interviews from Irish Studies Review. Sulis, Bath. ISBN 9780952685661

Kerridge, R and Sammells, N (1998) Writing the environment: ecocriticism and literature. Zed Books, London. ISBN 9781856494304

Liardet, T (1998) Competing with the piano tuner. Seren, Bridgend. ISBN 9781854112279

Marshall, A and Sammells, N (1998) Irish encounters: poetry, politics and prose since 1880. Sulis, Bath. ISBN 9780952685647

Moss, S and Cottridge, D (1998) Attracting birds to your garden. New Holland, London. ISBN 9781853685699

Neale, J (1998) Mutineers. Redwords, London. ISBN 9781872208091

Whittaker, E, Landrum, A and Minott, P (1998) Nonsite to Celebration Park: essays on art and the politics of space. Wunderkammer Press, Bath. ISBN 9781905200726

Whitty, G, Halpin, D and Power, S (1998) Devolution and choice in education: the school, the state, and the market. Open University Press, Buckingham. ISBN 0335197124

Book Chapter or Section

Chaffey, N, Barnett, J.R and Barlow, P.W (1998) 'Cortical microtubules and microfibril angle.' In: Butterfield, B.G, ed. Microfibril angle in wood : the proceedings of the IAWA/IUFRO International Workshop on the Significance of Microfibril Angle to Wood Quality ; Westport, New Zealand, November 1997. University of Canterbury for the International Association of Wood Anatomists and International Union of Forestry Research Organisations, Christchurch, New Zealand, pp. 253-271.

Chalus, E (1998) '"'My Minerva' at my elbow" - the political roles of women in 18th-century England.' In: Taylor, S, Connors, R and Jones, C, eds. Hanoverian Britain and empire : essays in memory of Philip Lawson. Boydell Press, Suffolk. ISBN 0851157203

Davies, D (1998) 'Scientific experience.' In: Edwards, G and Kelly, A, eds. Experience and education. Paul Chapman Publishers, London, pp. 46-62.

Gifford, T and Brandāo, I (1998) 'Introduction.' In: Espiral de fogo. Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Maceio, Brazil, p. 1. ISBN 9788571770300

Gifford, T and Roberts, N (1998) 'The idea of nature in English poetry.' In: Murphy, P.D, ed. Literature of nature: an international sourcebook. Fitzroy Dearborn, London, pp. 166-176. ISBN 9781579580100

Gregg, S.H (1998) ''Strange longing' and 'horror' in Robinson Crusoe.' In: Rowland, A, Liggins, E and Uskalis, E, eds. Signs of masculinity: men in literature, 1700 to the present. Rodopi Perspectives on Modern Literature . Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 37-63. ISBN 904200603X

Griffin, B (1998) 'Irish identity and the Crimean War.' In: Taithe, B and Thornton, T, eds. War: identities in conflict, 1300-2000. Themes in history . Sutton, Stroud, pp. 113-124. ISBN 9780750916837

Griffin, B (1998) '"Such varmint": The Dublin police and the public, 1838-1913.' In: Briggs, S, Hyland, P and Sammells, N, eds. Reviewing Ireland: essays and interviews from Irish Studies Review. Sulis Press, Bath, UK, pp. 57-65. ISBN 9780952685654

Hughes, W (1998) '"For Ireland's good": the reconstruction of rural Ireland in Bram Stoker's 'The snake's pass'.' In: Briggs, S, Hyland, P and Sammells, N, eds. Reviewing Ireland: essays and interviews from Irish Studies Review. Sulis Press, Bath, pp. 115-122. ISBN 9780952685654

Hughes, W (1998) '“It must be something mental”: Victorian medicine and clinical hysteria in Bram Stoker’s 'Dracula'.' In: Stewart, B, ed. That other world: the supernatural and fantastic in Irish literature and its contexts. The Princess Grace Irish library series, 2 . Colin Smythe, Gerrards Cross, pp. 52-64. ISBN 9780861404186

Hughes, W (1998) '‘M. R. James’; ‘Bram Stoker’, and ‘Vampire'.' In: Mulvey-Roberts, M, ed. The handbook to Gothic literature. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9780230008533

Hughes, W (1998) '“Terrors that I dare not think of”: masculinity, hysteria and empiricism in Bram Stoker’s 'Dracula'.' In: Miller, E, ed. Dracula: the shade and the shadow - a critical anthology. Desert Island Books, Westcliff-on-Sea, pp. 93-103. ISBN 9781874287100

Hughes, W (1998) 'The madness of King Laugh: hysteria, popular medicine and masculinity in Bram Stoker’s 'Dracula'.' In: Moody, N and Hallam, J, eds. Medical fictions. Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, pp. 226-235. ISBN 0952787803

Hughes, W and Smith, A (1998) 'Bram Stoker, the Gothic and the development of cultural studies.' In: Hughes, W and Smith, A, eds. Bram Stoker: history, psychoanalysis and the Gothic. Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 1-11. ISBN 9780333720462

Jose, N and Baohe, W (1998) 'The ape herd [translation of original work by Mang Ke].' In: Rothenburg, J and Joris, P, eds. Poems for the millennium, vol.2: from postwar to millennium. University of California Press, Berkeley CA and London. ISBN 9780520208643

Morrison, R (1998) 'Essayists of the Romantic period: De Quincey, Hazlitt, Hunt, and Lamb.' In: O'Neill, M, ed. Literature of the Romantic period: a bibliographical guide. Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp. 341-363. ISBN 9780198711209

Rigby, K (1998) 'Myth, memory, attunement: towards a sensuous semiotics of place.' In: Houston, C, Watson, A and Kurasawa, F, eds. Imagined places : the politics of making space. School of Sociology, Politics and Anthropology, La Trobe University, Bundoora, pp. 175-182. ISBN 9781864464719

Sammells, N (1998) 'Oscar Wilde, the fairy tale, and the critics.' In: Stewart, B, ed. That other world: the supernatural and the fantastic in Irish literature and its contexts, vol. 2. Colin Smythe, Gerrards Cross, pp. 228-39. ISBN 9780861404186

Slade, C (1998) 'From a critical point of view.' In: Hansen, H, Tindale, C and Coleman, A. V, eds. Argumentation and rhetoric. The Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation, Ontario.

Slade, C (1998) 'Reasoning about television on the net.' In: 1998 Communications Research Forum: papers. Communications Research Unit, Canberra, pp. 55-69.

Tooby, M (1998) 'Peter Randall-Page.' In: Whistling in the dark : Peter Randall-Page, drawings and prints 1983-98. Tivoli Gallery, Ljubljana.

Tooby, M (1998) 'The same subject: sources and origins.' In: Glennie, S, ed. William Scott: paintings and drawings. Merrell Publishers Ltd.

Whitty, G (1998) 'Citizens or consumers? Continuity and change in contemporary education policy.' In: Carlson, D and Apple, M.W, eds. Power, knowledge, pedagogy : the meaning of democratic education in unsettling times. The edge, critical studies in educational theory . Westview Press, Boulder, pp. 92-109. ISBN 9780813390260

Whitty, G, Halpin, D and Power, S (1998) 'Self-managing schools in the marketplace: the experience of England, the USA and New Zealand.' In: Bartlett, W, Roberts, J.A and Le Grand, J, eds. A revolution in social policy : quasi-market reforms in the 1990s. Policy, Bristol, pp. 95-108. ISBN 9781861341112

Whitty, G, Power, S and Youdell, D (1998) 'Refugees, asylum seekers and the housing crisis: no place to learn.' In: Jones, C and Rutter, J, eds. Refugee education: mapping the field. Trentham, Stoke-on-Trent. ISBN 9781858560557

Williamson, C (1998) ''An antidote to Communism': Catholic social action in Glasgow 1931-1939.' In: Boyle, R and Lynch, P, eds. Catholic community in modern Scotland. John Donald, pp. 11-41. ISBN 9780859764872


Allen, D (1998) 'Notes from the blue pottery.' Ceramic Review (170). pp. 22-23.

Cardwell, M and Humphreys, P (1998) 'Genocide: the many faces of human aggression.' Psychology Review, 4 (4).

Davies, D and Hansen, R (1998) 'Developing a disposition to teaching design and technology: a case study.' Journal Of Technology Education, 9 (3).

Davies, P, Taylor, M, Pedley, H and Wright, M (1998) 'Pollen and mollusc records for environmental change in central Spain during the mid- and late Holocene.' The Holocene, 8 (5). pp. 605-612.

Deegalle, M (1998) 'Buddha's Rock : Mahayana legacy at Buduruvagala.' Journal of Pali and Buddhist Studies, 12. pp. 103-115.

Deegalle, M (1998) 'Marathon preachers.' Asiatische Studien / Etudes Asiatiques, 52 (1). pp. 15-56.

Haslett, S.K, Davies, P, Curr, R.H.F, Davies, C.F.C, Kennington, K, King, C.P and Margetts, A.J (1998) 'Evaluating late-Holocene relative sea-level change in the Somerset Levels, southwest Britain.' The Holocene, 8 (2). pp. 197-207.

Hill, T (1998) 'Shakespeare, Spenser, and the crisis in Ireland.' Renaissance Forum, 3 (2).

Jose, N (1998) 'Diamond dog.' Meanjin, 57 (3).

Lee, A, Harris, J and Calvert, J (1998) 'Impairments of mental rotation in Parkinson's disease.' Neuropsychologia, 36 (1). pp. 109-114.

Morrison, R (1998) 'Red De Quincey.' The Wordsworth Circle, 29 (2). pp. 131-136.

Rickards, B, Rigby, S, Rickards, J and Swales, C (1998) 'Fluid dynamics of the graptolite rhabdosome recorded by laser doppler anemometry.' Palaeontology, 41 (4). pp. 737-752.

Simm, D ORCID: 0000-0002-0440-9546 and Walling, D (1998) 'Lateral variability of overbank sedimentation on a Devon flood plain.' Hydrological Sciences Journal, 43 (5). pp. 715-732.

Slade, C (1998) 'Find the poles in "Blue poles".' Analytic Teaching, 17 (2). pp. 49-56.

Slade, C (1998) 'Reasoning and children: the wide glare of the children’s day.' Thinking, 13 (2). pp. 2-8.

Slade, C (1998) 'Relativism and difference: speaking across communities.' Analytic Teaching, 17 (2). pp. 3-12.

Slade, C and MacColl, S (1998) 'The philosophy distinction course.' American Philosophical Association Newsletter, 97 (2). pp. 57-60.

Smith, A, Thomas, M, Kent, J and Nicholson, K (1998) 'Effects of the common cold on mood and performance.' Psychoneuroendocrinology, 23 (7). pp. 733-739.

Whitty, G, Aggleton, P, Gamarnikow, E and Tyrer, P (1998) 'Education and health inequalities Input Paper 10 to the 'Independent Inquiry into Inequalities in Health', January 1998.' Journal of Education Policy, 13 (5). pp. 641-652.

Whitty, G and Edwards, T (1998) 'School choice policies in England and the United States: an exploration of their origins and significance.' Comparative Education, 34 (2). pp. 211-227.

Whitty, G, Halpin, D, Gewirtz, S and Power, S (1998) 'The ‘Third Way’ starts off on a test drive.' Parliamentary Brief, 5 (7). pp. 21-22.

Whitty, G, Power, S and Edwards, T (1998) 'The Assisted Places Scheme: its impact and its role in privatization and marketization.' Journal of Education Policy, 13 (2). pp. 237-250.

Whitty, G, Power, S, Edwards, T and Wigfall, V (1998) 'Schoolboys and schoolwork: gender identification and academic achievement.' International Journal of Inclusive Education, 2 (2). pp. 135-153.

Whitty, G, Power, S, Edwards, T and Wigfall, V (1998) 'Schools, families and academically able students: contrasting modes of involvement in secondary education.' British Journal of Sociology of Education, 19 (2). pp. 157-176.

Whitty, G, Rivers, K and Aggleton, P (1998) 'Professional preparation and development for health promotion: a review of literature.' Health Education Journal, 57 (3). pp. 254-262.

Conference or Workshop Item

Hughes, W (1998) “A medical impasse”: sexuality and the vampire in Bram Stoker’s 'Dracula’. In: Victorian Gothic Colloquium, April 1998, University of East Anglia, Norwich.

Jones, O (1998) Bakhtin and the 'Best Kept Village'. In: Rural Economy and Society Study Group Annual Conference, 1998, University of Wales, Aberystwyth.

Jones, O and Cloke, P (1998) Arbori-culture in action and in place. In: Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, 1998, Boston, USA.

Sammells, N (1998) Pulp fictions: Oscar Wilde and Quentin Tarantino. In: International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures, 1998, Barcelona.

Sammells, N (1998) Wilde nature. In: American Conference for Irish Studies, 1998, Fordham University, NY.

Slade, C (1998) Creatividad y las nuevas tecnologías. In: Seminar Series (?), 20 - 29 May 1998, Universidad IberoAmericana, Mexico.

Slade, C (1998) Party of five : a study in ethical debate about television. In: Seminars for the Culture and Communication Graduate Program (?), March / April 1998, New York University, NY.

Slade, C (1998) Reasons to buy. In: 4th OSSA International Conference on Argumentation, 18 June 1998, University of Amsterdam.

Slade, C (1998) Regulation of the new media. In: Seminar Series (?), 2 February 1998, Universidad IberoAmericana, Mexico.

Slade, C (1998) Research methodology. In: Seminar Series (?), 20 March 1998, Universidad IberoAmericana, Mexico.

Slade, C (1998) Why not lie? In: World Congress of Philosophy, August 1998, Boston, MA.



Heijnen, J, Charalambou, S, Brea, J and Lalic, M (1998) De leugenaars: helder en verzadigd. Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, 14 March - 12 April 1998. ISBN 9072612256

Howard, R (1998) Rachael Howard. Ruthin Craft Centre. ISBN 1900941109

Snell, R (1998) Art 98. In: London Art Fair, Business Design Centre.

Turk, G (1998) Gavin Turk: Collected Works 1994-1998. South London Gallery, London, 9 September - 18 October 1998. ISBN 0952269031

Wilson, C (1998) Artfutures [group exhibition]. Contemporary Art Society, Barbican Centre, London, UK, January 1998.

Wilson, C (1998) Inside [group exhibition]. London EC2, London, UK, May 1998.

Wood, J and Harrison, P (1998) Selected Works. Gallerie Articule, Montreal, Canada, 1998.

Zoderer, B, Pinelli, P and Lalic, M (1998) Material, konzept, konstrukt. Touring exhibition, 1998-1999. ISBN 3852522145


Atkinson, N (1998) Wintersnight.

Moor, D (1998) Inside the ALF.

Saunders, J (1998) Like wool.

Saunders, J (1998) Preventing fluidity.

Saunders, J (1998) Two pieces.


Lewis-Smith, C (1998) Paper angels. In: TAN Dance, Theatre Taliesin, Swansea, UK, 1998.

Welsh, P (1998) Performance with 'Creature Feature'. In: Celebration of the 50th Birthday of the Prince of Wales, Buckingham Palace, London, UK, 1998.


Gittings, L (1998) Mates.

Gittings, L (1998) One true thing.

Gittings, L (1998) A mere marriage.

Hyde, J (1998) Zoetrope.

Purves, P (1998) The complex vision.


Bentham, R (1998) Poison garden.

Keep, A (1998) Dumbec.

Manley, S (1998) Bloom (Crustation).

Parfitt, R and Cole, M (1998) Joya magica (as 60ft Dolls).


Brown, A.R (1998) The black culture industry [book review]. Sociology, 32 (4). pp. 884-886.

Griffin, B (1998) The Royal Irish Constabulary: a short history and genealogical guide [book review]. Irish Studies Review, 6 (1). pp. 78-80.

McGuinness, M (1998) 'Production of culture/cultures of production' edited by Paul du Gay [book review]. Service Industries Journal, 18 (4). pp. 170-171.

Rigby, K (1998) 'Frauen auf Strassen : Topographien des Begehrens in Erzähltexten von Gegenwartsautorinnen' by Maria Kublitz-Kramer [book review]. Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association, 89 (1). pp. 137-138.

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