Number of items: 397.
Harfield, C,
MacVean, A,
Grieve, J.G.D and
Phillips, D, eds.
The handbook of intelligent policing: consilience, crime control, and community safety.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
ISBN 9780199533138
Allen, D
Fireworks. Clay Studios ten years on.
In: Touring exhibition, Black Swan Arts, Eton, Oriel Myrddin, Oriel y Bont, llantarnam Grange Arts Centre, 5 November - 7 December 2007.
Almond, D
Jackdaw summer.
Hodder Children's Books, London.
ISBN 9780340881989
Bayley, A and Clarke, M
Interactive strategies for analysing music.
In: Eighth Congress of the Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie (GMTH), Music Theory and Interdisciplinarity, 9-12 October 2008, University of Music and the Dramatic Arts, Graz, Austria.
Bennett, V and Henderson, N
'Young children learning.'
Ward, S, ed.
A student's guide to education studies. 2nd ed.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 152-161.
ISBN 9780415465373
Bradley, S
Soft 3.
Barcelona, Toledo and Madrid, Spain, 2008.
Brain, T
Wish I had a Sylvia Plath.
In: Oxford Literary Festival after-performance discussion, 4 April 2008, Oxford Playhouse, Oxford, UK.
Bryant, J and May, S
In: Afternoon Drama, BBC Radio 4, 12 May 2008.
Bystrom, L.M, Lewis, B.A, Brown, D.L, Rodriguez, E and Obendorf, R.L
'Characterisation of phenolics by LC–UV/Vis, LC–MS/MS and sugars by GC in Melicoccus bijugatus Jacq. ‘Montgomery’ fruits.'
Food Chemistry, 111 (4).
pp. 1017-1024.
Cockayne, A
Museum of the History of Science, Oxford, UK, 1 April - 1 June 2008.
Crawley, J, Holt, N and Walker, I
Dafydd, S.M
'Hand of a giant.'
MacNamee, J, ed.
In her element.
Honno, Dinas Powys.
ISBN 9781870206969
Dafydd, S.M
'Yellow ribbons on a pear tree.'
Oakley, C, ed.
Coming up roses: short stories by women from Wales.
Honno, Dinas Powys.
ISBN 9781870206938
Davies, P, Hosfield, R, Straker, V and Gardiner, P
'Palaeolithic and Mesolithic.'
Webster, C, ed.
The Archaeology of South West England: South West Archaeological Research Framework: resource assessment and research agenda.
Somerset Heritage Service, Taunton, pp. 23-62.
ISBN 9780861833924
Dutton, S and Swindells, S
Institute of Beasts.
In: Writing Encounters, 11 -13 September 2008, York St. John University, York, UK.
Dutton, S and Swindells, S
'Loss of irony.'
Erdmann, C and
Lee, M.H.H, eds.
Preoccupations : things artists do anyway - 111 artists reveal their obsessions.
Laiyan Projects & Studio Bibliothèque, Hong Kong.
ISBN 9789881763518
Dutton, S and Swindells, S
Post-conceptual artists’ practices.
In: Writing Encounters: Curating the Encounter Between Writing and Performance, 11 - 13 September 2008, St John University, York, UK.
Evans, P
In: Afternoon Drama, BBC Radio 4, 17 October 2010.
Gifford, T
'America in Spain.'
McCarthy, J.M, ed.
Contact: mountain climbing and environmental thinking.
University of Nevada Press, Reno, NV, pp. 213-219.
ISBN 9780874177466
Gifford, T
'Critiques of ecocriticism.'
Zhenzhao, N and
Chen, H, eds.
Proceedings of [the] International Conference on Literature and Environment, Wuhan, 2008.
Huazhong Normal University Press, Wuhan, China, pp. 15-26.
ISBN 9787562247340
Gifford, T
'John Muir.'
Baird Callicott, J and
Frodeman, R, eds.
Encyclopedia of environmental ethics and philosophy.
Macmillan Reference USA, Michigan, USA, pp. 76-78.
ISBN 9780028661407
Gifford, T
Ted Hughes.
Routledge, London.
ISBN 9780415311892
Green, J
'One more step.'
Bradman, T, ed.
My kind of school.
A&C Black, London.
ISBN 9781408100905
Green, J
'Reindeer girl.'
Winter tales.
Stripes, London.
ISBN 9781847150691
Grimshaw, R, Malek, M, Oldfield, M, Smith, R, Davies, Z, Downes, C, Gavin, P and Smith, A
Young people who sexually abuse.
Centre for Crime and Justice Studies.
Harrison, K
Brighton, 2 February - 2 March 2008.
Jones, O
Opening space: walking the common.
In: 12th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Commons, 14-18 July 2008, University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, UK.
Jose, N
Heiss, A and
Minter, P, eds.
Macquarie PEN anthology of Aboriginal literature.
Allen & Unwin.
ISBN 9781741754384
Laurier, E, Lorimer, H, Brown, B, Jones, O, Juhlin, O, Noble, A, Perry, M, Pica, D, Sormani, P, Strebel, I, Swan, L, Taylor, A.S, Watts, L and Weilenmann, A
'Driving and 'passengering': notes on the ordinary organization of car travel.'
Mobilities, 3 (1).
pp. 1-23.
MacVean, A
'Introduction to Part IV: the future of intelligence.'
Harfield, C,
MacVean, A,
Grieve, J.G.D and
Phillips, D, eds.
The handbook of intelligent policing: consilience, crime control, and community safety.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 207-210.
ISBN 9780199533138
MacVean, A
'The governance of intelligence.'
Harfield, C,
MacVean, A,
Grieve, J.G.D and
Phillips, D, eds.
The handbook of intelligent policing: consilience, crime control, and community safety.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 63-74.
ISBN 9780199533138
MacVean, A and Harfield, C
'Science or sophistry: issues in managing analysts and their products.'
Harfield, C,
MacVean, A,
Grieve, J.G.D and
Phillips, D, eds.
The handbook of intelligent policing: consilience, crime control, and community safety.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 93-104.
ISBN 9780199533138
Markopoulos, G, Wimber, M, Bäuml, K, Bergström, Z, Heinze, H and Richardson-Klavehn, A
'Neural markers of inhibition in human memory retrieval.'
The Journal of Neuroscience, 28 (50).
pp. 13419-13427.
Martin, M
Three jumpers.
PaperBooks, London.
ISBN 9781906558482
May, S
In: Afternoon Drama, BBC Radio 4, 19 May 2008.
Medjesi-Jones, A
In: Jerwood contemporary painters 2008, Jerwood Space, London, 9 April – 18 May 2008.
Meyer, P
What love.
Telegram, London.
ISBN 9781846590443
Middleton, J, Bevan, R, Wright, T and Leong, S
Be creative.
Manga life series
Infinite Ideas, Oxford.
ISBN 9781907518997
Middleton, T
Locative media.
In: Solstice 2008 eLearning and Learning Environments for the Future, 5 June 2008, Edge Hill University.
Moss, S
Barlow, J and
Paul, M, eds.
Wing beats: British birds in haiku.
Natural History Book Service, Totnes, pp. 9-12.
ISBN 9781903543245
Newbutt, N, Flynn, R and Penwill, G
'Creating a suitable and successful solution for the integration of podcasting and vidcasting in a higher education e-learning environment.'
Bonk, C, ed.
Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2008.
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Chesapeake, pp. 3028-3033.
ISBN 9781880094662
Pollock, R
In: Shady Dolls Theatre Company, The Barn Theatre, Rose Bruford College, Sidcup, UK, 2008.
Rigby, K
Common ground in creation.
In: Towards Religious Harmony: Mentions of God in Poetry and Prose, 13 - 17 July 2008, St. Anne’s College, Oxford University, Oxford, UK.
Rigby, K
Negative ecopoetics and the prophetic imagination.
In: Activism, Apocalypse and the Avant-Garde : The Fifth Bi-Annual Conference for the Association for Study of Literature and the Environment (ASLE), 10 - 13 July 2008, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh.
Rigby, K
What is ecopoetry?
In: Public Lecture Series, 24 April 2008, Melbourne Poets’ Union, Melbourne, Australia.
Sammells, N
'The Irish Wilde.'
Smith, P, ed.
Approaches to teaching the works of Oscar Wilde.
Modern Language Association of America, New York, N.Y, pp. 35-42.
ISBN 9781603290098
Saunders, J
'Modular music.'
Perspectives of New Music, 46 (1).
pp. 152-193.
Smart, A, Ellison, G, Tutton, R, Outram, S and Martin, P
'An interdisciplinary perspective on the impact of genomics on the meaning of 'race', and the future role of racial categories in biomedical research.'
NTM. Journal of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, 16 (3).
pp. 378-386.
Smart, A, Tutton, R, Ashcroft, R, Martin, P, Balmer, A, Elliot, R and Ellison, G
'Social inclusivity vs analytical acuity? A qualitative study of UK researchers regarding the inclusion of minority ethnic groups in biobanks.'
Medical Law International, 9 (2).
pp. 169-190.
Smart, A, Tutton, R, Martin, P, Ashcroft, R and Ellison, G
'Genotyping the future: scientists' expectations about race/ ethnicity after BiDil.'
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 36 (3).
pp. 464-470.
Swenson, A
'Zwischen Region, Nation und Internationalismus. Kulturerbekonzepte in Frankreich, Deutschland und England um die Jahrhundertwende.'
Altenburg, D,
Ehrlich, L and
John, J, eds.
Im Herzen Europas : nationale Identitäten und Erinnerungskulturen.
Böhlau, Köln, pp. 81-103.
ISBN 9783412200947
Taylor, A
'Foreword - Re: Positioning Drawing.'
Garner, S, ed.
Writing on Drawing: Essays of Drawing Practice and Research.
Intellect Books, Bristol, pp. 9-12.
ISBN 9781841502540
Taylor, A
Jerwood Drawing Prize 2008.
Jerwood Space, London (then touring), 17 September 2008 - 25 April 2009.
ISBN 9780955664670
Thomas, M, Evans, A, Snooks, H, Well, B, Turner, J and Wollard, M
What are the highest priorities for research in prehospital care: the results of a review and consultation exercise.
In: Health Services Research Network and National Institute for Health Research Service Delivery and Organisation (NIHR SDO) Programme Joint Annual Conference, 5 - 6 June 2008, Manchester University, Manchester, UK.
Thomas, M, Snooks, H, Evans, A, Gaze, S and Thomson, C
Involving people in an emergency and un-scheduled care research network: the challenges and successes to date.
In: INVOLVE 6th National Conference: Public Involvement in Research - Getting it Right and Making a Difference, 11 - 12 November 2008, East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, UK.
Thomas, M, Stewart-Brown, S, Snooks, H and Simkiss, D
Using mixed methods to evaluate a complex public health family intervention in a community based setting: study design.
In: AWARD Conference, 2008, Swansea Grand Theatre, Swansea, Wales.
Tooby, M
'The master printer.'
Hughes, S,
Clark, M and
Fitch, A, eds.
Hugh Stoneman: master printer.
Tate Publishing, London, pp. 14-24.
ISBN 9781854378118
Unwin, L, Fuller, A, Bishop, D, Felstead, A, Jewson, N and Kakavelakis, K
'Exploring the dangers and benefits of the UK’s permissive competence-based approach: the use of vocational qualifications as learning artefacts and tools for measurement in the automotive sector.'
Learning as Work Research Papers (15).
Vaughan, S
Ultima Thule.
Impressions Gallery, Bradford, UK, 13 February - 13 April 2008.
Wilson, C and Maclean, M
Unit 2 Gallery, London, UK, December 2009 - January 2010.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
PICA, Perth, Australia, 4 December 2008 - 1 February 2009.
Woodward, G
'The underhouse.'
Eyre, S and
Page, R, eds.
The new uncanny.
Comma Press, Manchester.
ISBN 9781905583188
Yang, H, Chen, F, Zhou, Y, Zhao, M, Wang, Y and Guo, H
'Software evolution for evolving China.'
Ordonez de Pablos, P and
Lytras, M. D, eds.
The China information technology handbook.
Springer, pp. 1-33.
ISBN 9780387777429
Yang, H, Guo, H, Fu, X, Chen, F, Wang, Y and Li, H
'As-rigid-as-possible shape deformation and interpolation.'
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 19 (4).
pp. 245-255.
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