Number of items: 611.
Harvey, S
All is song.
Jonathan Cape, London.
ISBN 9780224096324
MacVean, A and Neyroud, P
Police ethics and values.
Policing matters
SAGE/Learning Matters, Los Angeles, Calif. ; London.
ISBN 9780857258311
Woodward, G
The seacunny.
Picador, London.
ISBN 9781447217428
Book Chapter or Section
Barratt, R, Barratt-Hacking, E and Cutter-McKenzie, A
'Children as active researchers: the potential of environmental education research involving children.'
Stevenson, R,
Brody, M,
Dillon, J and
Wals, A, eds.
International handbook of research on environmental education.
AERA/ Routledge, New York, pp. 438-458.
ISBN 9780415892384
Bhatti, G
'Ethnographic and representational styles.'
Arthur, J,
Waring, M,
Coe, R and
Hedges, L.V, eds.
Research methods and methodologies in education.
Sage, London, pp. 80-84.
ISBN 9780857020390
Bhatti, G
'Working with diversity.'
Banks, J, ed.
Encyclopedia of diversity in education.
Sage, Thousand Oaks, California.
ISBN 9781412981521
Brown, A.R
'The speeding bullet, the smoking gun: tracing metal trajectories, from Sabbath to Satyricon.'
Brown, A.R and
Fellezs, K, eds.
Heavy metal generations: (re)generating the politics of age, race, and identity in metal music culture.
Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, pp. 3-13.
ISBN 9781848881471
Brown, A.R and Fellezs, K
'Heavy metal (re)generation.'
Brown, A.R and
Fellezs, K, eds.
Heavy metal generations: (re)generating the politics of age, race, and identity in metal music culture.
Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, vii-xxvi.
ISBN 9781848881471
Dafydd, S.M
'Sex in another city.'
Tillotson, S and
Thomas, P, eds.
All shall be well: 25 at 25: a quarter of a century's great writing from the women of Wales.
Honno, Dinas Powys.
ISBN 9781906784461
Dafydd, S.M
'The moss between us.'
Srdić, S, ed.
Peta strana sveta: priča.
Kikinda Short, Kikinda.
Davies, D and McMahon, K
'Literacy and numeracy in science.'
Alsop, S and
Hicks, K, eds.
Teaching science: a handbook for primary and secondary school teachers.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 169-182.
ISBN 9780749432843
Dutton, S
'Catalogue essay.'
McLeer, B, ed.
One + One - Brigid McLeer.
Highlanes Gallery, Wexford.
ISBN 978095543114
Evans, J, Kerridge, C, Loon, M, Carr, J and Kendry, D
'Strategic management simulation as a blended learning dimension: campus based students' perspectives.'
European Business Research Conference Proceedings 2012.
Social Science Electronic Publishing, Rochester, NY.
ISBN 9781922069092
Feasey, R
'Beekeeper suits, plastic casings, rubber gloves and cling film: examining the importance of no-sex sex in Pushing Daisies.'
Johnson, B,
Aston, J and
Glynn, B, eds.
Television, sex and society: analysing contemporary representations.
Continuum, London.
ISBN 9780826434982
Forna, A
'Haywards Heath.'
Habila, H, ed.
The Granta book of the African short story.
Granta, London.
ISBN 9781847083333
Hughes, W
'‘Blackwood, Algernon’; Blood’; ‘Criticism’; ‘Hypnotism’; Kipling, Rudyard’; ‘Lovecraft, H. P.’; ‘Medicine and the Gothic’; Stoker, Bram’; and ‘Village Gothic’.'
Hughes, W,
Punter, D and
Smith, A, eds.
The encyclopedia of the Gothic.
Blackwell, Oxford.
ISBN 9781405182904
Hughes, W
'Victorian medicine and the Gothic.'
Hughes, W and
Smith, A, eds.
The Victorian Gothic: an Edinburgh companion.
Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 186-201.
ISBN 9780748642496
Jose, N
'On the way.'
Jose, N and
Morrell, T, eds.
Stewart MacFarlane: Paintings.
Wei-Ling Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 13-26.
ISBN 9789670147185
Kampe, T
'Spinning the web.'
Kohn, K.G, ed.
Die Mühle = The mill.
Luftschiff, Brauschweig, pp. 12-15.
ISBN 9783942792127
Please click the title to check availability.
Kincheloe, J.L and Steinberg, S
'Employing the bricolage as critical research in science education.'
Fraser, B J,
Tobin, K and
McRobbie, C J, eds.
Second International Handbook of Science Education.
Springer International Handbooks of Education, 24
Springer Publishing, Dordrecht, pp. 1485-1500.
ISBN 978-1-4020-9041-7
Lawrence, S
'Inquiry based mathematics teaching and the history of mathematics in the English curriculum.'
Bruneau, O,
Grapi, P,
Heering, P,
Laube, S,
Massa-Esteve, M-R and
de Vittori, T, eds.
Innovative methods for science education: history of science, ICT and inquiry based science teaching.
Frank & Timme, Berlin.
ISBN 9783865963543
Markopoulos, G, Rutherford, A, Bruno, D and van den Bos, M
'Long-term memory: encoding to retrieval.'
Braisby, N and
Gellatly, A, eds.
Cognitive Psychology. 2nd edition.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 229-265.
ISBN 978-0199236992
Morrison, R
'John Galt’s angular magazinity.'
Hewitt, R, ed.
John Galt: observations and conjectures on literature, history, and society.
Bucknell University Press, Lewisburg, PA, pp. 257-280.
ISBN 9781611484342
Mortimore, T
'The big lottery: dyslexia and multilingualism project.'
Stein, J and
Saunders, K, eds.
The dyslexia handbook 2012 : a compendium of articles and resources for dyslexic people, their families and the professionals who deal with them.
British Dyslexia Association, Bracknell.
ISBN 9781872653549
Parry, B
'Introduction: rethinking intervention.'
Parry, B,
Tahir, M and
Medlyn, S, eds.
Cultural hijack: rethinking intervention.
Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, pp. 10-39.
ISBN 9781846317514
Pullinger, K
'A serious arteriopath.'
Van Luven, L and
Page, K, eds.
In the flesh: twenty writers explore the body.
Brindle & Glass.
ISBN 9781926972091
Rigby, K
''Das Erdbeben in Chili' and the romantic reframing of natural disaster.'
Lü, Y,
Stephens, A,
Lewis, A and
Voßkamp, W, eds.
Wissensfiguren im Werk Heinrich von Kleists.
Rombach, Freiburg, pp. 137-50.
ISBN 9783793096856
Smart, A, Tutton, R, Martin, P and Ellison, G
'‘Race’ as a social construction in genetics.'
Schramm, K,
Skinner, D and
Rottenburg, R, eds.
Identity politics and the new genetics: re/creating categories of difference and belonging.
Studies of the Biosocial Society
Berghahn, New York.
ISBN 9780857452535
Strachan, J
'Whelan's, the Sinn Fein depot and the selling of Irish sport.'
Mayer, S,
Novak, J and
Rubik, M, eds.
Ireland in drama, film and popular culture: festschrift for Werner Huber.
Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, Trier, pp. 171-182.
ISBN 9783868213850
Sullivan, S
'Green: an activist film.'
Blewitt, J, ed.
The Media, Animal Conservation and Environmental Education.
Routledge, London.
ISBN 978-0-415-52208-3
Taylor, A
Taylor, A and
Harris, P, eds.
Jerwood Drawing Prize 2012.
Jerwood Visual Arts, London.
Taylor, A
'What makes a good drawing.'
Farthing, S,
Chorpening, K and
Wiggins, C, eds.
The good drawing.
CCW, London.
ISBN 9781908339010
Thompson, M, Nordin, A.I and Cairns, P.A
'Effect of touch-screen size on game immersion.'
BCS-HCI '12 proceedings of the 26th Annual BCS Interaction Specialist Group Conference on People and Computers.
BCS, Swindon, pp. 280-285.
Please click the title to check availability.
Tooby, M
'Look closely.'
Kurt Jackson: A New Genre of Landscape Painting.
Lund Humphries.
ISBN 9781848221024
Turney, J
'Men in cardigans.'
Ferré, G,
Figus, A and
Poletti, F, eds.
MAGLIFICO! Italian Sublime Knitscape 50 anni di straordinaria maglieria Made in Italy.
Skira, Milan.
ISBN 9788857216171
Vyner, T
'Case study: Tim Vyner.'
Zeegen, L, ed.
The Fundamentals of Illustration (second edition).
AVA, Lausanne.
ISBN 9782940411481
Williamson, C
'The Church of England and the Falklands War.'
Parker, S and
Lawson, T, eds.
God and war: the Church of England and armed conflict in the twentieth century.
Ashgate, Burlington, VT, pp. 165-186.
ISBN 9780754666929
Wright, E.H
'Woolf and theatre.'
Randall, B and
Goldman, J, eds.
Virginia Woolf in context.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
ISBN 9781107003613
Gifford, T
'La Pileta.'
ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, 19 (3).
pp. 582-583.
Gillmore, G, Crockett, R, Denman, T, Flowers, A and Harris, R
'Radium dial watches, a potentially hazardous legacy?'
Environment International, 45.
pp. 91-98.
Hadjiafxendi, K, Smith, O, James, F, O'Brien, E, Stewart, D, Whittaker, J, Machell, C and Davies, J
'XII * Literature 1780-1830: The Romantic Period.'
The Year's Work in English Studies, 91 (1).
pp. 624-714.
Ingram, G, Campos, J, Hondrou, C, Vasalou, A, Martinho, C and Joinson, A
'Applying evolutionary psychology to a serious game about children’s interpersonal conflict.'
Evolutionary Psychology, 10 (5).
pp. 884-898.
Kanai, R, Bahrami, B, Duchaine, B, Janik McErlean, A.B, Banissy, M.J and Rees, G
'Brain structure links loneliness to social perception.'
Current Biology, 22 (20).
pp. 1975-1979.
Khattab, A.D, Wertheim, D., Ali, I.S, Petford, N., Allen, S, Lewarne, T and Wijesinghe, L
'Assessment of blood flow and 3D microstructure of atherosclerotic carotid plaque using confocal microscopy.'
Cerebrovascular Diseases, 33 (Sup. 2).
pp. 435-422.
Mayyas, A, Stern, B, Gillmore, G, Coningham, R and Nashli, H.F
'Beeswax preserved in a Late Chalcolithic bevelled-rim bowl from the tehran plain, Iran.'
Iran - Journal Of The British Institute Of Persian Studies, 50 (1).
pp. 13-25.
Morton, S.M.B, Grant, C.C, Atatoa-Carr, P.E, Robinson, E.M, Kinloch, J.M, Fleming, C.J, Kingi, T.R, Perese, L.M and Liang, R
'How do you recruit and retain a pre-birth cohort? Lessons learnt from Growing up in New Zealand.'
Evaluation and the Health Professions.
Mudd, S.A
Pegasus: the Journal of the Department of Classics and Ancient History at the University of Exeter, 55.
Wilkinson, T.J, Boucharlat, R, Ertsen, M.W, Gillmore, G, Kennet, D, Magee, P, Rezakhani, K and De Schacht, T
'From human niche construction to imperial power: long-term trends in ancient Iranian water systems.'
Water History, 4 (2).
pp. 155-176.
Conference or Workshop Item
Brindley, L.M, Thomas, M, Gibbon, F.M, Kirby, A, Peters, L, te Water Naudé, J, Williams, N, Singh, K.D, Jones, D.K and Hamandi, K
Motor circuit tractography predicts motor performance in children with rolandic epilepsy.
In: ILAE 10th European Congress on Epileptology, 30 September - 3 October 2012, ICC, London, UK.
Brindley, L.M, Thomas, M, Perry, G, Muthukumaraswamy, S, Gibbon, F.M, Kirby, A, Peters, L, te Water Naudé, J, Williams, N, Jones, D.K, Singh, K.D and Hamandi, k
Motor cortex oscillations, motor pathways and motor control in rolandic epilepsy.
In: 18th International Conference on Biomagnetism, 26 - 30 August 2012, Maison de la Chimie, Paris, France.
Dahn, J
Space Place Practice.
In: Symposium and Show of Work, 12 September 2012, University of the West of England, Bristol.
Dickinson, J
Building the Imperfect Beast.
In: Leeds International Songwriting Conference (LISC 2012), 8-9 March 2012, Leeds College of Music, Leeds, UK.
Hay, P
School without walls.
In: School Without Walls: Breaking Down the Walls of Schools and Cultural Centres, 28 September 2012, The Egg Theatre, Bath.
Hughes, W
The romantic hero.
In: European Romanticism: the Arts in Europe 1780-1840, 20 - 21 October 2012, Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution, Bath, UK.
Johnson, R.M, Skellern, A, Edwards, E, Brunning, R and Cooke, S
Scanning the past, Iron Age dwellings near Glastonbury, Somerset.
In: Knowledge exchange workshop on terrestrial laser scanning, 2 April - 3 April 2012, University of Leicester, Leicester, England.
Johnson, R.M, Skellern, A, Edwards, E, Johns, T, Williams, P and Wood, M
Application of repeat terrestrial laser scanning for river asset management, Seagry Weir, River Avon, Wiltshire.
In: Knowledge exchange workshop on terrestrial laser scanning, 2 April - 3 April 2012, University of Leicester, Leicester, England.
Keyte, J
Possessions unlimited.
In: Sperkstret International Jewellery Conference, 10-12 October 2012, Bratislava, Slovakia.
Lewis-Smith, C
Inside the Looking Glass.
In: 8th Annual TaPRA Conference, 5-7 September 2012, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK.
Luzar, R and Giunta, C
Keynote address.
In: A Breath for Nothing… Approaching the Limit, 26 June 2012, Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design, University of the Arts, London.
Malik, I.H
Islam in South Asia.
In: 37th Spalding Symposium on Indian Religions, 23-25 March 2012, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
McCarney, D, Peters, L, Jackson, S, Thomas, M and Kirby, A
The relationship between gender and handwriting performance.
In: Handwriting in the UK Conference, 23 June 2012, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, UK.
Ní Mhocháin, R
Conversational difficulties in ESOL.
In: International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) conference, 19-23 March, Glasgow, UK.
Parfitt, R
Sleepless in the New Seattle.
In: International Association for the Study of Popular Music (UK & Ireland) 2012 conference. Imagining Communities Musically: Putting Popular Music in its Place, 5-7 September 2012, University of Salford, Manchester, UK.
Pullinger, K
Having my cake.
In: Books in Browsers, October 2012, San Fransisco, CA, USA.
Purves, P
Don't Forget the Future.
In: MIX. Merging Intermedia Conference, 16-18 July 2012, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK.
Reeve, K
Teaching digital.
In: Bath Digital Festival, 15-25 March 2012, Bath, UK.
Sullivan, S
Resistance to environmental interventions.
In: NSU Conference 2012: Development for a Finite Planet: Grassroots Perspectives and Responses to Climate Change, Resource Extraction and Economic Development, 26 - 27 November 2012, CIENS, Oslo, Norway.
Thebo, M, Vanderslice, S, McNair, P.A, English, L and Etter, C
Project and event work for undergraduate creative writing student development.
In: AWP Conference and Bookfair, 29 February - 3 March 2012, Chicago, IL, USA.
Commissioned Report
Buckley, K, Clapham, D, Mackie, P, Orford, S, Thomas, I, Atherton, I and McAnulty, U
Housing options and solutions for young people in 2020.
Mortimore, T, Hansen, L, Hutchings, M, Northcote, A, Fernando, J, Horobin, L, Saunders, K and Everatt, J
Dyslexia and multilingualism: identifying and supporting bilingual learners who might be at risk of developing SpLD/dyslexia.
British Dyslexia Association.
Morton, S.M.B, Atatoa-Carr, P.E, Grant, C.C, Lee, A.C, Bandara, D.K, Kinloch, J.M, Schmidt, J.M, Hedges, M.R, Ivory, V.C, Kingi, T.R, Liang, R, Perese, L.M, Peterson, E, Pryor, J.E, Reese, E, Robinson, E.M, Waldie, K.E and Wall, C.R
Growing up in New Zealand: a longitudinal study of New Zealand children and their families. Report 2: now we are born.
Christie, C
In: Form and Malfunction, Fieldgate Gallery, London, 20 January - 12 February 2012.
Dalwood, D
De Gaulle's Moment (2003).
In: Le Serment de Résistance, Charles de Gaulle Memorial in Colombey-les-Deux-Eglises, France, 7 September - 30 December 2012.
Dalwood, D
David Risley Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark, 12 May - 23 June 2012.
Dutton, S
One minute hare chase (2006).
In: Modern Times – Episode 2: Faster-Slower, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands (and others), 2012.
Dutton, S and Webb, N
End of ends.
In: Bend In The River, x-church, Gainsborough, UK, 19 -26 May 2012.
Harman, W.H
Chicken ceremony.
In: World Event: Young Artists 2012, Nottingham, UK, 7 - 16 September 2012.
Harman, W.H
Happy chicken.
In: Great Summer Exhibition, Butetown History & Arts Centre, Cardiff, UK, 3 July - 5 August 2012.
Head, A
Illuminate Bath 2012.
In: Circle of Light Moscow International Festival, Central House of Artists, Moscow, 28 September-2 October 2012.
Howard, R
Lost and Found.
National Trust Quarry Bank Mill, Cheshire, 1 April - 24 June 2012.
Hyde, J and Glowacki, D. R.
danceroom Spectroscopy.
In: Shambala Arts Festival, Northamptonshire, UK, 27 - 28 August 2011.
Kidd, N
Bag trails.
In: The Devil Finds Work for Idle Hands, Toomey Tourell Fine Art, San Francisco, CA, 1 November – 15 December 2012.
Kidd, N
In: Uncommon Ground, Meinblau Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 11 February - 31 March 2012.
Kidd, N
In: Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, Royal Academy, London, UK, 4 June - 12 August 2012.
Kovats, T
In: Galápagos, The Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh, UK, 2 November 2012 - 13 January 2013.
Medjesi-Jones, A
Sir John Cass Gallery, London, UK, 10 February - 9 March 2012.
Medjesi-Jones, A
What will the community think?
BSU Gallery, Bath School of Art and Design & CASS Gallery, London Metropolitan University, 23 October 2012 - 14 November 2012 & 11 January - 02 February 2013.
Taylor, A
Jerwood Drawing Prize 2012.
JVA at Jerwood Space, London (then touring), 12 September 2012 - 26 April 2013.
ISBN 9781908331076
Turk, G
Rotor rings.
In: What Marcel Duchamp Taught Me, The Fine Art Society Contemporary, New Bond Street, London, 10 October-5 November 2014.
Vaughan, S
In: European Geosciences Union Assembly, Austria Center, Vienna, Austria, 22 - 27 April 2012.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
Things That Happen.
Carroll/Fletcher Gallery, London, UK, 24 February - 30 March 2012.
Woods, C
The Dark Matter.
Southampton City Art Gallery, UK, 24 May - 2 September 2012.
Parry, B and Bardsley, G
Parry, B and Bardsley, G
Bryant, J and May, S
Higher 7: clearing.
In: Afternoon Drama, BBC Radio 4, 30 July 2012.
Demetriou, P.A
Love Letters.
In: Performance and Live Art Platform, Foundation of Cultural Creativity for Children and Young People, Larnaca, Cyprus, 21 - 22 July 2012.
Enright, H
Under pressure.
Belltable Arts Centre, Limerick, Ireland, 16 September 2012.
Enright, H, Beck, J and Carfrea, A
Tin girls.
The Bike Shed Theatre, Exeter, UK, 8 -10 March 2012.
Heaton, R
Titanic (forma).
In: The Sinking of the Titanic - Centenary Project, Birmingham Town Hall, 13 April 2012.
Jeune, N
From Page to Screen.
Bridport Arts Centre/Electric Palace, Bridport, UK, 11-15 April 2012.
Kampe, T
Die Mühle/The Mill.
Kunstmühle Braunschweig, Germany, 5 & 11 May, 23 & 24 November 2012.
Robertson, M, Upton, L and Apak, A
Writers Forum Workshop, 5 May 2012.
Sarma, U
The ripple effect.
In: The London Festival, Locations across the UK, 21 June - 9 September 2012.
Steadman, M
The Traffic of Clothes.
In: Les Fêtes Internationales du Théâtre, Valleyfield QC, Canada, 16-22 April 2012.
Steadman, M
The Hen and Chickens Theatre, London, UK, October-November 2012.
Steadman, M
Trying to be Tom Waits.
In: The Oxjam Bedford Takeover, Bedford Theatre, Bedford, UK, October 2012.
Steadman, M and Price, A
Divine nights.
In: Famous and Divine, The Bierkeller Theatre, Bristol, UK, March 2012.
Lewis-Smith, C
Addison, J and Kidd, N
Tate Modern Learning.
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