Items where Division is "School of Education" and Year is 2012

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Number of items: 85.


Rose, J and Rogers, S (2012) The role of the adult in early years settings. Open University Press, Maidenhead. ISBN 9780335242306

Book Chapter or Section

Barratt, R, Barratt-Hacking, E and Cutter-McKenzie, A (2012) 'Children as active researchers: the potential of environmental education research involving children.' In: Stevenson, R, Brody, M, Dillon, J and Wals, A, eds. International handbook of research on environmental education. AERA/ Routledge, New York, pp. 438-458. ISBN 9780415892384

Bennett, V and Henderson, N (2012) 'Young children learning: the importance of play.' In: Ward, S, ed. A student's guide to education studies. 3rd ed. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 168-177. ISBN 9780415809689

Bhatti, G (2012) 'Ethnographic and representational styles.' In: Arthur, J, Waring, M, Coe, R and Hedges, L.V, eds. Research methods and methodologies in education. Sage, London, pp. 80-84. ISBN 9780857020390

Bhatti, G (2012) 'Working with diversity.' In: Banks, J, ed. Encyclopedia of diversity in education. Sage, Thousand Oaks, California. ISBN 9781412981521

Bianchi, J (2012) 'Creative arts strategies for social participation with diverse learners: developing citizenship values and practice within a special school context.' In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Creative Education (CCE2012), May 20-22, 2012 in Shanghai, China. Scientific Research, Irvine, CA. ISBN 9781618960092

Bianchi, J (2012) 'Culture, creativity and learning: arts education for a changing world.' In: Ward, S, ed. A student's guide to education studies. 3rd ed. Routledge, London, pp. 200-209. ISBN 9780415809672

Davies, D and McMahon, K (2012) 'Literacy and numeracy in science.' In: Alsop, S and Hicks, K, eds. Teaching science: a handbook for primary and secondary school teachers. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 169-182. ISBN 9780749432843

Downes, G and Brown, S (2012) 'Information technology and learning in the global knowledge economy.' In: Ward, S, ed. A student's guide to education studies. 3rd Ed. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780415809672

Eden, C (2012) 'Child poverty and educational attainment.' In: Ward, S, ed. A student's guide to education studies. 3rd ed. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415809689

Eden, C (2012) 'Gender, educational achievement and the labour market.' In: Ward, S, ed. A student's guide to education studies. 3rd ed. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415809689

Gibson, H (2012) 'Education for democracy: political contexts for learning citizenship.' In: Ward, S, ed. A student's guide to education studies. 3rd ed. Routledge, London and New York. ISBN 9780415809672

Kincheloe, J.L and Steinberg, S (2012) 'Employing the bricolage as critical research in science education.' In: Fraser, B J, Tobin, K and McRobbie, C J, eds. Second International Handbook of Science Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education, 24 . Springer Publishing, Dordrecht, pp. 1485-1500. ISBN 978-1-4020-9041-7

Lawrence, S (2012) 'Inquiry based mathematics teaching and the history of mathematics in the English curriculum.' In: Bruneau, O, Grapi, P, Heering, P, Laube, S, Massa-Esteve, M-R and de Vittori, T, eds. Innovative methods for science education: history of science, ICT and inquiry based science teaching. Frank & Timme, Berlin. ISBN 9783865963543

Levinson, M.P (2012) 'Olanakları Genişletme ya da Asimilasyon: İngiltere’de Çingenelerin Karşılaştıkları Açmazlar.' In: Yildirin, O, ed. Gypsies. International Canakkale Biennial, Istanbul.

McInnes, K (2012) 'Opportunities for playful expressions of wellbeing.' In: Watson, D, Emery, C and Bayliss, P, eds. Children's social and emotional wellbeing in schools: a critical perspective. Policy, Bristol, pp. 143-156. ISBN 9781847425232

Mercier, E, Higgins, S, Burd, E and Joyce-Gibbons, A (2012) 'Multi-touch technology to support multiple levels of collaborative learning in the classroom.' In: 10th International Conference of the Learning Sciences: the Future of Learning, ICLS 2012 - proceedings. ISLS, pp. 187-191. ISBN 9780578107042

Mortimore, T (2012) 'Social and educational inclusion.' In: Ward, S, ed. A student's guide to education studies. 3rd Ed. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780415809672

Mortimore, T (2012) 'The big lottery: dyslexia and multilingualism project.' In: Stein, J and Saunders, K, eds. The dyslexia handbook 2012 : a compendium of articles and resources for dyslexic people, their families and the professionals who deal with them. British Dyslexia Association, Bracknell. ISBN 9781872653549

Paulson, J (2012) 'Commentary on memory, ritual and apology.' In: Palmer, N, Clark, P and Granville, D, eds. Critical perspectives in transitional justice. Intersentia, Cambridge, pp. 331-339. ISBN 9781780680354

Riddell, R (2012) 'Social mobility and education.' In: Ward, S, ed. A student's guide to education studies. 3rd ed. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780415809672

Rose, J, Gilbert, L and Smith, H (2012) 'Affective teaching and the affective dimensions of learning.' In: Ward, S, ed. A student's guide to education studies. 3rd ed. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780415809672

Salter-Dvorak, H (2012) '‘But I have no idea with my dissertation topic’: participation, language and identity in the experience of L2 students in Anglophone academia.' In: Angouri, J, Daller, M and Treffers-Daller, J, eds. The impact of applied linguistics: proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics. Scitsiugnil Press, London, pp. 59-62. ISBN 9780755953347

Simon, C.A (2012) 'Children, families, communities and the state.' In: Ward, S, ed. A student's guide to education studies. 3rd ed. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780415809672

Whitty, G (2012) 'Policy tourism and policy borrowing in education: a trans-Atlantic case study.' In: Steiner-Khamsi, G and Waldow, F, eds. World yearbook of education 2012 : policy borrowing and lending in education. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 354-370. ISBN 9780415615242


Bhatti, G, Rhamie, J and Bhopal, K (2012) 'Stick to your own kind: pupils’ experiences of identity and diversity in secondary schools.' British Journal of Educational Studies, 60 (2). pp. 171-191.

Bishop, D (2012) 'Firm size and skill formation processes: an emerging debate.' Journal of Education and Work, 25 (5). pp. 507-521.

Chadderton, C (2012) 'Problematising the role of the white researcher in social justice research.' Ethnography and Education, 7 (3). pp. 363-380.

Chadderton, C and Colley, H (2012) 'School-to-work transition services: marginalising 'disposable' youth in a state of exception?' Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 33 (3). pp. 329-343.

Coombs, S and Zhao, H. (2012) 'Intercultural teaching and learning strategies for global citizens: a Chinese EFL perspective.' Teaching in Higher Education, 17 (3). pp. 245-255.

Davies, D, Collier, C and Howe, A (2012) 'Assessing scientific and technological enquiry skills at age 11 using the e-scape system.' International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 22 (2). pp. 247-263.

Davies, D, Collier, C and Howe, A (2012) 'A matter of interpretation: developing primary pupils' enquiry skills using position-linked datalogging.' Research in Science & Technological Education, 30 (3). pp. 311-325.

Gibson, H (2012) 'Economic wellbeing: critical reflections upon policy and practice in English primary schools.' Journal of Curriculum Studies, 44 (5). pp. 631-658.

Higgins, S, Mercier, E, Burd, L and Joyce-Gibbons, A (2012) 'Multi-touch tables and collaborative learning.' British Journal of Educational Technology, 43 (6). pp. 1041-1054.

Hordern, J (2012) 'Embedding management knowledge: repertoires and reservoirs.' Industrial and Commercial Training, 44 (2). pp. 109-115.

Hordern, J (2012) 'Institutional strategies in response to higher skills policy in England.' Higher Education Management and Policy, 24 (1). pp. 125-143.

Hordern, J (2012) 'Policy-driven professionalism in the education workforce: England 2004-2010.' The New Educational Review, 27 (1). pp. 110-118.

Hordern, J (2012) 'The student as producer within a productive system.' Enhancing Learning in the Social Sciences, 4 (3).

Lewis, A (2012) 'International perspectives on play.' Playwords, 44. pp. 15-18.

McCree, M and McCree, J (2012) 'A brief history of forest school, part 1.' Horizons, 60. pp. 32-35.

McMahon, K (2012) 'Case studies of interactive whole-class teaching in primary science: communicative approach and pedagogic purposes.' International Journal of Science Education, 34 (11). pp. 1687-1708.

Niolaki, G.Z and Masterson, J (2012) 'Transfer effects in spelling from transparent Greek to opaque English in seven-to-ten-year-old children.' Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 15 (4). pp. 757-770.

Paulson, J and Hopwood, N (2012) 'Bodies in narratives of doctoral students' learning and experience.' Studies in Higher Education, 37 (6). pp. 667-681.

Paulson, J, McAlpine, L, Gonsalves, A and Jazvac-Martek, M (2012) ''Untold' doctoral stories: can we move beyond cultural narratives of neglect?' Higher Education Research & Development, 31 (4). pp. 511-523.

Preston, J and Chadderton, C (2012) 'Rediscovering ‘Race Traitor’: towards a Critical Race Theory informed public pedagogy.' Race Ethnicity and Education, 15 (1). pp. 85-100.

Rose, J and Rogers, S (2012) 'Principles under pressure: student teachers’ perspectives on final teaching practice in early childhood classrooms.' International Journal of Early Years Education, 20 (1). pp. 43-58.

Seale, J, Nind, M and Simmons, B (2012) 'Transforming positive risk-taking practices: the possibilities of creativity and resilience in learning disability contexts.' Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 15 (3). pp. 233-248.

Whitty, G (2012) 'A life with the sociology of education.' British Journal of Educational Studies, 60 (1). pp. 65-75.

Winlow, H, Simm, D ORCID: 0000-0002-0440-9546, Schaaf, R and Marvell, A (2012) 'Using focus group research to support teaching and learning.' Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 37 (2). pp. 292-303.

Yuan, T (2012) 'Does Western ‘aid’ work? Changing discourses and logics.' Academics in China, 2. pp. 257-275. Please click the title to check availability.

Conference or Workshop Item

Green, L (2012) Getting emotional: using sport to build emotional capital and overcome symbolic violence. In: Children, Young People and Adults: Extending the Conversation, 5-7 September 2012, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK.

Green, L (2012) How participatory is feminist participatory action research? In: Knowing Young People 2: Research Methods, Young People and Sexuality, 19 September 2012, Brunel University, London, UK.

Green, L (2012) Shifting subjectivities: the potential of feminist participatory action research for transforming gendered experiences of physical activity,. In: Gender and Education Association Conference, 11-13 April 2012, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Green, L (2012) These newspapers make me really angry! Girls analyses of the representation of sports women in Sport Observer Monthly. In: Women and Media:Representations Past and Present, 9-10 March 2012, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, UK.

Hay, P (2012) School without walls. In: School Without Walls: Breaking Down the Walls of Schools and Cultural Centres, 28 September 2012, The Egg Theatre, Bath.

Hay, P (2012) Schools without walls. In: Worlds Together Conference, 6 - 8 September 2012, Tate Modern.

Jones, P (2012) The cultural political economy of higher education. In: 56th annual conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), 22 - 27 April 2012, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Lawrence, S (2012) The changing fortunes: the development of mathematics education in the Balkan societies in the 19th century. In: 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education, 8-15 July 2012, COEX, Seoul, Korea.

Lawrence, S (2012) The historical thread: enhancing the subject knowledge with the history of mathematics for newly qualified teachers. In: 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education, 8-15 July 2012, COEX, Seoul, Korea.

McCree, M (2012) Generational changes and forest school practitioner identities. In: Outdoor Experiential Learning Research Network - Good From Woods Conference, 21 June 2012, Dartmoor National Park Authority, Newton Abbot, UK.

Muijs, D and Rumyantseva, N (2012) Coopetition in education? A case study of collaboration in a competitive environment. In: Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, 13 - 17 Apr 2012, Vancouver, Canada.

Ní Mhocháin, R (2012) Conversational difficulties in ESOL. In: International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) conference, 19-23 March, Glasgow, UK.

Ní Mhocháin, R (2012) Issues with conversation: a CL and CA analysis of ESOL focus group data. In: The sixth Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) Group International Conference, 21 - 22 June 2012, Leeds Metropolitan University.

Ní Mhocháin, R (2012) Learning on a collaborative provision project. In: Learning, Teaching & Research Conference, 2012, University of St Mark and St John, Plymouth.

Parker, R (2012) Giving voice to young people in care at school. In: 8th Annual British Education Studies Association Conference, 28-29 June 2012, University of Hull, Hull, UK.

Sorensen, N (2012) Understanding expert teaching: in search of ‘the improvising pedagogue’. In: BERA Annual Conference 2012, 4 - 6 Sep, University of Manchester.

Stakelum, M (2012) James Cooksey Culwick and the development of the teaching and learning of music in nineteenth-century Ireland. In: Documents of Irish Music History in the Long Nineteenth Century: National and International Contexts, 27 April 2012, University of Limerick, Ireland.

Yuan, T (2012) ‘Diploma’ serves ‘diplomacy’- a different donor logic by China? In: International Conference on the Re-emerging China and Its Impact on Asia and the United States, 12 - 13 January 2012, Hong Kong.


Riddell, R (2012) Educationalist working in urban areas. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University. doi: 10.17870/bathspa.00001578

Commissioned Report

Mortimore, T, Hansen, L, Hutchings, M, Northcote, A, Fernando, J, Horobin, L, Saunders, K and Everatt, J (2012) Dyslexia and multilingualism: identifying and supporting bilingual learners who might be at risk of developing SpLD/dyslexia. British Dyslexia Association.

Waycott, L, McInnes, K and Carbis, C (2012) Adult-child interactions assessment checklist. Stepping Stones.



Garside, D (2012) Socratic dialogue and teacher–pupil interaction [book review]. Journal of Education for Teaching: International research and pedagogy, 38 (4). pp. 516-518.

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