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Almond, D (2003) The fire-eaters. Hodder Children's, London. ISBN 0340773839


Barton, A (2003) Illicit drugs: use and control. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780415281720

Barton, A and James, Z (2003) '"Run to the sun": policing contested perceptions of risk.' Policing and Society, 13 (3). pp. 259-270.

Bentham, R (2003) 'Poem.' In: Swift, T, ed. 100 poets against the war. Salt, Cambridge. ISBN 9781876857981

Bhatti, G (2003) 'Ritornando sul 'campo': si possono avverare i sogni? Analisi preliminare dei risultati di un prosieguo di ricerca.' In: Gobbo, F, ed. Etnografia dell'educazione in Europa: soggetti, contesti, questioni metodologiche. Testi e studi (174). UNICOPLI, Milan. ISBN 9788840009063

Bhatti, G (2003) 'Social justice and non-traditional participants in higher education: a tale of 'border-crossing', instrumentalism and drift.' In: Vincent, C, ed. Social justice, education and identity. RoutledgeFalmer, London. ISBN 9780415296960

Bhatti, G (2003) 'A reply to Mo's essay 'On Empowerment'. So, are you the reader, empowered?' In: Griffiths, M, ed. Action for social justice in education: fairly different. Open University Press, Maidenhead. ISBN 9780335199013

Bianchi, J (2003) 'Get it off your chest: contexts in creative community working.' International Journal of Art and Design Education, 22 (1). pp. 23-35.

Black, P and Hughes, S (2003) 'Using narrative to support young children's learning in science and D&T.' In: Davies, D and Howe, A, eds. Teaching science and technology in the early years. David Fulton, London, pp. 38-50. ISBN 9781853468803

Brayfield, C (2003) 'Introduction.' In: The house on the strand [by Daphne du Maurier]. Virago, London, xi-xvii. ISBN 9781844080427

Brayfield, C (2003) Mister Fabulous and friends. Time Warner, London. ISBN 9780751531381

Brown, A.R (2003) Black marks: minority ethnic audiences and media [book review]. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 29 (3).

Brown, A.R (2003) British immigration policy under the Conservative government [book review]. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 29 (6). pp. 1099-1100.

Brown, A.R (2003) 'Heavy metal and subcultural theory: a paradigmatic case of neglect?' In: Muggleton, D and Weinzierl, R, eds. The post-subcultures reader. Berg, Oxford, pp. 209-222. ISBN 9781859736685

Brown, A.R (2003) The problem of ‘subcultural markets’: towards a critical political economy of the manufacture, marketing and consumption of subcultural products. In: Scenes, Subcultures and Tribes: Youth Cultures in the 21st Century - BSA Youth Study Group Conference, 11 - 13 September 2003, University College, Northampton, UK.

Brown, A.R (2003) The world is a ghetto: race and democracy since World War II [book review]. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 26 (1). pp. 177-178.


Caboni, T.C, McLendon, M.K and Rumyantseva, N (2003) Professionalization of faculty in Kazakh higher education: barriers and possibilities. In: Study of Higher Education Annual Meeting, 12 - 16 November 2003, Portland, USA.

Cardwell, M (2003) Complete A-Z psychology handbook. 3rd ed. Hodder & Stoughton, London. ISBN 9780340872697

Cardwell, M (2003) Schaum's A-Z psychology. McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, Columbus, Ohio. ISBN 9780071419383

Cardwell, M and Flanagan, C (2003) A2 psychology AQA (A)unit 5: module 5 individual differences. Student Unit Guides . Philip Allan, Deddington, Oxon. ISBN 9780860036838

Chalus, E (2003) 'The Rag plot : the politics of influence in Oxford, 1754.' In: Sweet, R and Lane, P, eds. Women and urban life in eighteenth-century England : on the town. Ashgate, Aldershot. ISBN 0754607305

Clayden, P (2003) Force of substance. Touring production, 2003.

Clayden, P (2003) Inertia reel. Touring production, Turkey, 2003.

Cloke, P and Jones, O (2003) 'Grounding ethical mindfulness for/in nature: trees in their places.' Ethics, Place and Environment, 6 (3). pp. 195-213.

Coombs, S and Ravindran, R (2003) 'Techno-pedagogy and the Conversational Learning Paradigm: Delivering the curriculum at the Centre for Individual Language Learning.' Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 23 (2). pp. 151-170.

Coombs, S and Smith, I (2003) 'The Hawthorne effect: Is it a help or hindrance in social science research?' Change: Transformations in Education, 6 (1). pp. 97-111.

Coulby, D (2003) Postcolonial education in a globalised economy and monopolar polity. In: UNESCO Conference on Intercultural Education, 15-18 June 2003, Jyväskylä, Finland.

Crewe, L, Gregson, N and Brooks, K (2003) 'Alternative retail spaces.' In: Leyshon, A, Lee, R and Williams, C.C, eds. Alternative economic spaces. SAGE, London, pp. 74-106. ISBN 9780761971290

Curtis, D, Turk, G and Marlow, T (2003) Gavin Turk in the house: a reader. Open House, London.

Curtis, K (2003) 'Sew cool: illustrations embroidered in style.' Embroidery (54). pp. 22-26.

Cush, D (2003) 'Should the State fund schools with a religious character? The recent debate about faith schools in England.' Resource: the Journal of the Professional Council for Religious Education, 25 (2). pp. 10-15.


Davies, D (2003) 'Pragmatism, pedagogy and philosophy: a model of thought and action in primary technology and science teacher education.' International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 13 (3). pp. 207-221.

Davies, D and Howe, A (2003) 'Citizenship in early years science and technology education.' In: Piew Loo, S, ed. Increasing the relevance of science and technology education for all in the 21st century: proceedings of ICASE 2003 World Conference on Science and Technology Education, Penang, 7-10 April 2003. Seameo Recsam, Pulau Pinang, pp. 657-664.

Davies, D and Howe, A (2003) Teaching science and design and technology in the early years. David Fulton, London.

Davies, D and Howe, A (2003) 'Unlocking creativity through technology education: the Young Designers on Location project.' In: Piew Loo, S, ed. Increasing the relevance of science and technology education for all in the 21st century: proceedings of ICASE 2003 World Conference on Science and Technology Education, Penang, 7-10 April 2003. Seameo Recsam, Pulau Pinang.

Davies, D and McMahon, K (2003) 'Building bridges between primary and secondary science - for children and for teachers.' Primary Science Review, 80. pp. 7-9.

Davies, D and McMahon, K (2003) Improving assessment and focussed teaching of scientific enquiry in primary schools. In: ICASE World Conference on Science and Technology Education, 7-10 April 2003, Penang, Malaysia.

Davies, D and McMahon, K (2003) The use of link projects within an industrial context to improve continuity and progression between primary and secondary science education. In: ICASE World Conference on Science and Technology Education, 7-10 April 2003, Penang, Malaysia.

Davies, P (2003) 'Chaos and patterns: reconstructing past environments using modern data.' In: Robson-Brown, K, ed. Archaeological sciences: proceedings of the Archaeological Sciences Conference, University of Bristol, 1999. BAR international series, 1111 . Archaeopress, Oxford, pp. 36-41. ISBN 9781841714899

Davies, P (2003) Mesolithic clearings: non-economic models. In: AEA Day Conference, September 2003, York.

Davies, P (2003) 'The interpretation of Mollusca from Holocene overbank alluvial deposits: progress and future directions.' In: Howard, A, Macklin, M and Passmore, D, eds. Alluvial archaeology in Europe: proceedings of an international conference, Leeds, 18-19 December 2000. CRC Press / Balkema, Lisse, pp. 291-302. ISBN 9789058095619

Deegalle, M (2003) 'Austerity as a virtue: spiritual practices in Japanese and South Asian Buddhist traditions.' In: Lakshman, W, ed. The distant neighbours: fifty years of Japan-Sri Lanka relations. University of Colombo, Colombo, pp. 164-190. ISBN 9559098640

Deegalle, M (2003) 'Buddhist heretics?' In: Wimalaratana, B and Wimalajothi, W, et al., eds. Pranamalekha: Essays in Honour of Ven. Dr. Medagama Vajiragnana. London Buddhist Vihara, London, pp. 141-144.

Deegalle, M (2003) 'Buddhist prayer?: a reflection.' In: Gross, R and Muck, T, eds. Christians talk about Buddhist meditation, Buddhists talk about Christian prayer. Continuum, New York, pp. 118-131. ISBN 9780826414380

Deegalle, M (2003) 'Education.' In: Buswell, R, ed. Encyclopedia of Buddhism. Macmillan Reference, New York. ISBN 0028657187

Deegalle, M (2003) 'Is violence justified in Theravada Buddhism?' The Ecumenical Review, 55 (2). pp. 122-131.

Deegalle, M (2003) 'Theravada monk as a Buddhist mystic: mystical attainments of a twentieth-century Sri Lankan monk.' In: Partridge, C and Gabriel, T, eds. Mysticisms East and West: studies in mystical experience. Paternoster, Carlisle, pp. 34-43. ISBN 1842270923

Duddell, J (2003) Freaky dancer.

Duddell, J (2003) Ruby.

Duddell, J (2003) Scattered black and whites.

Duddell, J (2003) Shadowplay.

Duddell, J (2003) Temporal keys.

Dupras, M, Hattosh-Nemeth, J and Verity Smith, P (2003) Beyond the mechanical stage-hand: towards an aesthetic of real-time interaction between musicians, dancers and performers and generative art in live performance. In: 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Generative Art, 10-13 December 2003, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy.

Dutton, S and Peacock, P (2003) ArtStar. In: Look To This Day, Castlefield Gallery, Manchester, UK, 3 October - 23 November 2003.

Dutton, S, Peacock, P and Swindells, S (2003) Entropic Gym Variation. Sheppard Contemporary Gallery, Reno, NV, USA, 2003.

Dutton, S and Swindells, S (2003) Brown-field site. In: Art Sheffield '03, Sheffield, UK, 24 March – 4 April 2003.


Edwards-Evans, C (2003) Arendt and Foucault’s critiques of sovereignty. In: Annual Conference of the Centre for Social and Political Thought, September 2003, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.

Emery, A (2003) 'The emerging UK law on the environment and the environmental auditing response.' Managerial Auditing Journal, 18 (8). pp. 666-672.

Emery, A and Watson, M (2003) 'Eco-auditing and environmental liability: an international perspective.' Managerial Auditing Journal, 18 (8). pp. 631-636.


Fawcett, M and Hay, P (2003) 5x5x5 = creativity in the early years. Arts Development, Bath and North East Somerset Council, Bath. ISBN 0954617606

Feasey, R (2003) 'Sex, controversy, box-office: from blockbuster to bonkbuster.' In: Stringer, J, ed. Movie blockbusters. Routledge, London, pp. 167-177. ISBN 9780415256094

Feasey, R (2003) 'Sharon Stone, screen diva: stardom, femininity and cult movie fandom.' In: Jancovich, M, Reboll, A, Stringer, J and Willis, A, eds. Defining cult movies: the cultural politics of oppositional taste. Manchester University Press, pp. 171-184. ISBN 071906631X

Francis, R (2003) Prospect Hill. Fourth Estate. ISBN 0-00-714109-2


Gifford, T (2003) 'John Muir (1838-1914).' In: Thompson, R and Scott Bryson, J, eds. Dictionary of literary biography: twentieth-century American nature writers: prose. Gale, Farmington Hills, MI, pp. 223-238. ISBN 9780787660192

Gifford, T (2003) 'Teaching environmental values through creative writing with school children.' In: Crimmel, H, ed. Teaching in the field: working with students in the outdoor classroom. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, UT, pp. 137-151. ISBN 9780874807622

Gifford, T (2003) The joy of climbing: a celebration of Terry Gifford's classic climbs. Whittles Publishing, Dunbeath. ISBN 9781904445067

Gifford, T (2003) The unreliable mushrooms: new and selected poems. Redbeck Press, Bradford. ISBN 9781904338024

Gittings, L (2003) Generations.

Green, J (2003) Blue moon. Puffin (Penguin Books). ISBN 0-141-31535-0

Gregg, S.H (2003) 'Representing the nabob: India, stereotypes, and eighteenth-century theatre.' In: Shakur, T and D'Souza, K, eds. Picturing South Asian culture in English: textual and visual representations. Open House, Liverpool, pp. 19-31. ISBN 0954446313

Griffin, B (2003) ''Dublin Metropolitan Police'; 'Royal Irish Constabulary'; 'James Stephens'; 'Thomas Clarke Luby' 'Irish involvement in the Crimean War'.' In: Lalor, B, ed. The encyclopedia of Ireland. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT. ISBN 9780300094428

Griffin, B (2003) The Irish Revolution, 1913-1923 [book review]. Irish Studies Review, 11 (3). pp. 353-354.

Griffin, B (2003) ''The Irish army'; 'Royal Irish Constabulary'; 'Policing in Ireland'.' In: Ruckenstein, L and O'Malley, J.A, eds. Everything Irish: the history, literature, art, music, people, and places of Ireland from A-Z. Ballantine Books, Westminster, MD. ISBN 9780345461100

Griffin, B (2003) Irish history: a research yearbook, number 1 [book review]. Irish Studies Review, 11 (1). pp. 93-94.


Hamilton, C, Gibbons, S, Haywood, S and McInnes, K (2003) Professional workbook: principles and practice in the foundation stage. Learning Matters, Exeter. ISBN 9781903300671

Harding, D (2003) 4th Egyptian International Print Triennale. The Palace of Art in Gezira; Centre of Arts in Gezira; Art Gallery of the Cairo Opera House; The Museum of Fine Art in Alexandria.

Harrison, K (2003) Gasworks/Arts Council International Artists Fellowship. KHOJ International Artists' AssociationS-17, Khirkee Extension,New Delhi - 110017 India.

Harrod, T (2003) 'Collecting the crafts at Shipley.' In: Joseph, Helen, ed. Contemporary Craft Collecting at Shipley Art Gallery, Gateshead. Tyne and Wear Museums, pp. 5-18. ISBN 0 905974 794

Haslett, S.K, Cundy, A.B, Davies, C.F.C, Powell, E.S and Croudace, I.W (2003) 'Salt marsh sedimentation over the past c. 120 years along the west Cotentin coast of Normandy (France): relationship to sea-level rise and sediment supply.' Journal of Coastal Research, 19 (3). pp. 609-620.

Haysom, I and Sharp, K (2003) 'The survival and recovery of bacteria in vacuum cleaner dust.' Perspectives in Public Health, 123 (1). pp. 39-45.

Heaton, R (2003) Gavin Bryars: a portrait.

Hill, T (2003) "Representing the awefull authoritie of soueraigne Maiestie": The triumphs of reunited Britannia, Anthony Munday's first Jacobean Lord Mayor's show. In: 1603: The Historical and Cultural Consequences of the Accession of James I, June 2003, Hull University.

Hirosawa, M and Parry-Williams, T (2003) Sozai: Materials. Textile design and techniques by Mika Hirosawa and Tim Parry Williams. Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation, Japan House, 13/14 Cornwall Terrace, London NW1 4QP.

Howe, A and McMahon, K (2003) 'Assessing young children's learning in science and D&T.' In: Davies, D and Howe, A, eds. Teaching science and design technology in the early years. David Fulton, London, pp. 51-69. ISBN 9781853468803

Hughes, W (2003) 'Habituation and incarceration: mental physiology and asylum abuse in two Gothic novels.' In: Sayer, K and Mitchell, R, eds. Victorian Gothic. Leeds centre working papers in Victorian studies, 6 . Trinity and All Saints College, Horsforth. ISBN 9780954015923

Hughes, W (2003) “Something secretly creeping along within it”: the origins and implications of J. S. Le Fanu’s 'Green tea'. In: GothicEx/Changes: The Sixth International Gothic Association Conference, 17 - 20 July 2003, Liverpool Hope University College, Liverpool.

Hughes, W and Smith, A (2003) 'Defining the relationships between Gothic and the postcolonial.' Gothic Studies, 5 (2). pp. 1-6.

Hughes, W and Smith, A (2003) 'Introduction: Enlightenment Gothic and postcolonialism.' In: Hughes, W and Smith, A, eds. Empire and the Gothic: the politics of genre. Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 1-12. ISBN 9780333984055

Hugill, A (2003) Nicholas through the mist.

Hugill, A (2003) On hundred thousand billion songs. French Institute, London, UK.

Hugill, A (2003) Pianolith.

Hutchinson, N and Smith, H (2003) Intervening early: promoting positive behaviour in young children. David Fulton, Abingdon. ISBN 9781843121350

Hyde, J (2003) Remember me. CB2 Cafe, Cambridge, UK, April 2003.

Hyde, J (2003) Vox mecanix. In: 20/20 Re:Vision, City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra Centre, Birmingham, UK, 7 March 2003.


Jeffers, J.M (2003) 'Dead or alive?: the fate of natural law in Irish constitutional jurisprudence.' Galway Student Law Review, 2. pp. 2-16.

Johnson, R.M and Warburton, J (2003) 'Regional assessment of contemporary debris flow activity in Lake District mountain catchments, northern England: occurrence, scale, and process.' In: Rickenmann, D and Chen, C, eds. Debris flow hazards mitigation: mechanics, production and assessment. MillPress, Rotterdam, pp. 965-976. ISBN 907701778X

Johnson, R.M, Warburton, J and Evans, M (2003) 'Discussion on 'the extent of soil erosion in upland England and Wales'.' Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 28 (2). pp. 219-223.

Jones, O (2003) 'Owain Jones on Chris Philo.' In: McKendrick, J, ed. First steps: a primer on the geographies of children and youth. Limited Life Working Party on Children, Young and Families of the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers, London, p. 8.

Jones, O (2003) ‘A new sense of place?’ Children, wearables and urban space. In: Mobile Bristol: Wearables Computing Devices seminar, 2003, Hewlett Packard, Bristol, UK.

Jones, O (2003) 'A new sense of place?’ Mobile technologies and the geographies of urban childhood. In: The Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, 2003, New Orleans.

Jones, O (2003) ''The restraint of beasts': rurality, animality, Actor Network Theory and dwelling.' In: Cloke, P, ed. Country visions. Prentice Hall, Harlow, pp. 283-307. ISBN 9780130896018

Jones, O and Cloke, P (2003) The square and the cemetery: trees, place and agency in the city. In: The Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, 2003, New Orleans.

Jones, O, Williams, M and Fleuriot, C (2003) Wearable computing and the geographies of urban childhood: working with children to explore the potential of new technology. In: Small Users – Big Ideas: Interaction Design and Childhood, 2003, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK.

Jones, O, Williams, M and Fleuriot, C (2003) ''A new sense of place?' Mobile 'wearable' information and communications technology devices and the geographies of urban childhood.' Children's Geographies, 1 (2). pp. 165-180.

Jose, N (2003) 'Compost and pollination.' Southerly, 63 (1). pp. 9-23.

Jose, N (2003) 'On reticence.' In: Indyk, I, ed. Heat 5: eggplant dreaming. Giramondo. ISBN 9780957831179

Jose, N (2003) 'The compliment men.' Meanjin, 62 (4). pp. 7-20.


Kampe, T (2003) Urban Rituals. St Pauli Football Stadium, Hamburg, Germany, 2003.

King, H (2003) 'Disseminating educational developments.' In: Baume, D and Kahn, P, eds. A guide to staff and educational development. SEDA Series . Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 79-94. ISBN 9780749438814

Kjennerud, T and Gillmore, G (2003) 'Integrated Palaeogene palaeobathymetry of the northern North Sea.' Petroleum Geoscience, 9 (2). pp. 125-132.

Koh, A, Fish, P, Moore, R and Trivedi, D (2003) 'Coastal change analysis: a quantitative approach using digital maps, aerial photographs and LiDAR.' In: McInnes, R.G, ed. Proceedings of the International Conference on Coastal Management 2003. Thomas Telford, London, pp. 197-212. ISBN 0727732552


Lalic, M (2003) Seeing red part II: contemporary nonobjective painting. Hunter College/Times Square Gallery, 450 West 41st Street, New York, NY 10036. ISBN 3897701944

Lee, A, Barnes, J, Harris, J, Boubert, L and David, A (2003) 'Reality monitoring and visual hallucinations in Parkinson's disease.' Neuropsychologia, 41 (5). pp. 565-574.

Lee, A, Harris, J, Atkinson, E, Nithi, K and Fowler, M (2003) 'Hemispace differences in the visual perception of size in left hemi-Parkinson’s disease.' Neuropsychologia, 41 (7). pp. 795-807.

Lee, S (2003) 'Benchmarking charity fundraising costs: a new UK initiative.' International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 8 (1). pp. 5-11.

Lee, S (2003) 'The regulation of fundraising: in search of the ‘public good’ or an intractable problem of vested interest?' International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 8 (4). pp. 307-314.

Lee, S and Sargeant, A (2003) 'Towards a model of donor trust: implications for H.E. fundraising practice in the United Kingdom.' The CASE International Journal of Educational Advancement, 3 (3). pp. 213-225.

Lees, N (2003) 53rd International Ceramics Biennale. Museo Internazionale Delle Ceramiche, Faenza.

Lees, N (2003) 'Natural selection.' Ceramic Review (204). p. 45.

Levinson, M.P and Sparkes, A.C (2003) 'Gypsy masculinities and the school–home interface: exploring contradictions and tensions.' British Journal of Sociology of Education, 24 (5). pp. 587-603.

Levis-Fitzgerald, M, Rhoads, R and Anderson, J (2003) 'Democratic learning and global citizenship: the contribution of one-unit seminars.' Journal of General Education, 52 (2). pp. 84-107.

Lewis-Smith, C (2003) Echo. In: TAN Dance, Margham Park, Port Talbot, UK, 2003.

Liardet, T (2003) To the god of rain. Seren, Bridgend. ISBN 9781854113351

Liardet, T (2003) The uses of pepper. Smith/Doorstop, Huddersfield. ISBN 9781902382562


MacVean, A (2003) 'Web of deceit.' Police Review, 101 (5740).

Malik, I.H (2003) Islam and modernity: Muslims in Europe and the United States. Pluto Press, London. ISBN 9780745316116

Malik, I.H (2003) Jihad, Hindutva and Talebanisation: religion and majoritarian nationalisms in South Asia. In: British Association of South Asian Studies Conference, 7 - 9 April 2003, Balliol College, University of Oxford.

Marshall, A (2003) Intelligence and espionage in the reign of Charles II, 1660–1685. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9780521521277

Marshall, A (2003) 'Killing no murder.' History Today, 53 (2). pp. 20-25.

Marshall, A (2003) Sir Samuel Morland and Stuart espionage. Friends of King Charles the Martyr Church, Tunbridge Wells.

May, S (2003) Facing the mirror.

McGuinness, M (2003) Landscapes of mobility: geographies of culture. In: Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, September 2003, London.

McGuire-Snieckus, R, McCabe, R and Priebe, S (2003) 'Patient, client or service user? A survey of patient preferences of dress and address of six mental health professions.' Psychiatric Bulletin, 27 (8). pp. 305-308.

McInnes, K (2003) Reframing the early childhood curricula [book review]. Early Years, 23 (2).

McInnes, K and Williams, J (2003) 'Science and D&T beyond the classroom.' In: Davies, D and Howe, A, eds. Teaching science and design technology in the early years. David Fulton, London, pp. 25-37. ISBN 9781853468803

McLaren, G (2003) 'Bernard Leach : one view.' Ceramics Art and Perception (53). pp. 102-105.

McLaren, G (2003) Clay, stories and the global: the impact of the internet on clay education. In: NCECA Conference, March 2003, San Diego, CA.

McMahon, K and Davies, D (2003) 'Assessment for inquiry: supporting teaching and learning in primary science.' Science Education International, 14 (4). pp. 29-39.

Medjesi-Jones, A (2003) New British painting. John Hansard Gallery, Southampton, 17 February 2004 - 07 April 2004. ISBN 0854328033

Middleton, J (2003) The ultimate strategy library : the 50 most influential strategic ideas of all time. Capstone reference . Capstone, Oxford. ISBN 9781841121802

Middleton, T (2003) Modernism: critical concepts in literary and cultural studies. Critical concepts in literary and cultural studies . Routledge, London. ISBN 0415242371

Morgan, C (2003) 'The figurational imagination and international relations.' Figurations: Newsletter of the Norbert Elias Foundation (20). pp. 3-6.

Moss, S (2003) How to birdwatch. New Holland, London. ISBN 9781843301547

Moss, S (2003) Understanding bird behavior. New Holland, London. ISBN 9781843301516


Neale, J (2003) 'Afghanistan.' In: Reza, F, ed. Anti-imperialism: a guide for the movement. Bookmarks, London. ISBN 9781898876960

Neale, J (2003) 'Afghanistan: lo que nos no contaron.' In: Stobart, L, ed. Resistencias de la guerra global. Ediciones de La Tempestad, Barcelona.

Neale, J (2003) 'Cultural alternatives' and 'Trade unionism and social movements'. In: World Social Forum, January 2003, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Neale, J and Bello, W (2003) Life after capitalism. In: European Social Forum, November 2003, Paris, France.

Neudecker, M (2003) Mariele Neudecker: Between Us. Chapter/Howard Gardens Gallery, Cardiff, February 2003 - September 2004. ISBN 19000290703

Newman, E and Foster, V (2003) ''They won't do that; it's not macho enough': overcoming stereotypes when recruiting men into primary teaching.' Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education, 31 (3). pp. 22-27.

Newman, J and Ackah, W (2003) 'Ghanaian Seventh Day Adventists on and offline: problematising the virtual communities discourse.' In: Karim, K, ed. The media of diaspora: mapping the globe. Routledge Research in Transnationalism . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 203-214. ISBN 0415279305

Newman, J and Molloy, C (2003) 'How the elephant forgot its politics.' In: Shakur, T and D'Souza, K, eds. Picturing South Asian culture in English: textual and visual representations. Open House Press, Liverpool, pp. 176-191. ISBN 9780954446307


Peters, F (2003) 'The contraction of the heart: radical evil and proximity in Patricia Highsmith's Ripley novels.' In: Waddell, T, ed. Cultural expressions of evil and wickedness: sex, wrath and crime. Rodopi, pp. 189-206. ISBN 9042010150


Riddell, R (2003) Schools for our cities: urban learning in the 21st century. Trentham Books, Stoke-on-Trent. ISBN 9781858562933

Riddell, R (2003) 'The curriculum and pedagogy of bottom strata schools.' Improving Schools, 6 (1). pp. 12-19.

Rigby, K (2003) Earthly attunement: towards an ecological aesthetics of nature. In: Aesthetics Now, 24 September 2003, Monash City Centre, Melbourne, Australia.

Rigby, K (2003) 'Tuning in to spirit of place.' In: Cameron, J, ed. Changing places: re-imagining Australia. Longueville Books, Double Bay, N.S.W., pp. 107-115. ISBN 9781920681067

Rodgers, T (2003) 'The Right Book Club: text wars, modernity and cultural politics in the late thirties.' Literature and History, 12 (2). pp. 1-15.


Slade, C (2003) Critical and creative argumentation: argumentation in Grade 5 philosophy of mathematics classrooms. In: 5th OSSA Conference: Informal Logic @ 25, 14 - 17 2003, University of Windsor, Toronto.

Slade, C (2003) 'Seeing reasons: visual argumentation in advertisement.' Argumentation, 17 (2). pp. 145-160.

Slade, C (2003) '‘Seeing reasons’, and ‘Response to Jackie Davis’ "Analogy and narrative: caring about the foregone and the repressed"’.' In: Tindale, C and Hansen, H.V, eds. The Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation. OSSA, Ontario.

Slade, C (2003) Telenovelas and soap operas: crossing borders. In: 53rd Annual ICA Conference: Communication in Borderland, 23 - 27 May 2003, San Diego, California.

Slade, C (2003) 'Telenovelas and soap operas: negotiating reality from the periphery.' Media International Australia (106).

Slade, C and Kayrooz, C (2003) International education: a neo-colonialist interpretation. In: International Education, June 2003, University of Canberra.

Slade, C, Marie-France, D, de la Garza, T, Lafortune, L, Pallascio, R and Mongeau, P (2003) 'Qué es el pensiamento critico y dialogico?' Perfiles Educativos, 25 (102). pp. 22-40.

Smart, A (2003) 'Reporting the dawn of the post-genomic era: who wants to live forever?' Sociology of Health and Illness, 25 (1). pp. 24-49.

Snell, R (2003) Everyday is like Sunday. Vertigo Gallery, London, 2004. ISBN 1903771110

Snell, R (2003) Realism. Venue: Flowers East, 82 Kingsland Rd, London E2 8DP.

Spring, M (2003) A minstrel's musicke.

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