Number of items: 263.
Brayfield, C
Wild weekend.
Time Warner, London.
ISBN 9780751535280
Green, J
Baby blue.
Puffin (Penguin Books).
ISBN 0-141-31679-9
Hensher, P
The fit.
Fourth Estate, London.
ISBN 007174810
Moss, S
Garden birds.
Collins gem
HarperCollins, London.
ISBN 9780007176144
Neale, J
Houghton Mifflin.
ISBN 061841200X
Turk, G and Barrett, B
Gavin Turk.
New art up-close
Royal Jelly Factory, London.
ISBN 0954636511
Book Chapter or Section
Bentham, R
Johnson, D and
Hunter, P, eds.
City: Bristol today in poems and pictures.
Paralalia, Bristol.
ISBN 9780954811709
Bentham, R
Santosh, K, ed.
Symphonies: anthology of poems., Allahabad, India.
ISBN 9788190136631
Bhatti, G
'Good, bad and normal teachers.'
Gillborn, D and
Laddis-Billings, G, eds.
The RoutledgeFalmer reader in multicultural education.
Readers in education
RoutledgeFalmer, London.
ISBN 9780415336635
Chaffey, N
'Microtubules and microfilaments: immunofluorescent techniques for examining aspects of the cell biology of wood-fibres.'
Schmitt, U,
Ander, P,
Barnett, J.R,
Emons, A.M.C,
Jeronomidis, G,
Sararanpää, P and
Tschegg, S, eds.
Wood fibre cell walls: methods to study their formation, structure and properties.
COST Action E20
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 11-25.
ISBN 9789157668035
Dafydd, S.M
'Sex in another city.'
Merriman, C, ed.
Laughing, not laughing.
Honno, Dinas Powys.
ISBN 9781870206624
Deegalle, M
Jestice, P, ed.
Holy people of the world: a cross-cultural encyclopedia.
ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara CA, pp. 818-819.
ISBN 1576073556
Gadd, I
ORCID: 0000-0002-6154-5990 and Ferguson, M.G
'Stow and the Stationers.'
Gadd, I and
Gillespie, A, eds.
John Stow (1525-1605) and the making of the English past: essays in early modern culture and the history of the book.
British Library, pp. 37-44.
ISBN 712348646
Gifford, T
'Death of a cat.'
Ramsden, J, ed.
Cat kist: the Redbeck anthology of contemporary cats.
Redbeck Press, Bradford, p. 68.
ISBN 9781904338277
Gregg, S.H
'Defoe, hedges, fences, and the boundaries of Britannia.'
Ingram, A and
Detis, E, eds.
Defining nations in Enlightenment Europe: the European spectator.
Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur les Iles Britannique et l'Europe des Lumières, pp. 43-57.
ISBN 2842695852
Griffin, B
'Luby, Thomas Clarke.'
Matthew, H and
Harrison, B, eds.
Oxford dictionary of national biography.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 659-660.
ISBN 9780198614111
Hughes, W
Horowitz, M, ed.
The new dictionary of the history of ideas.
Charles Scribner's Sons, Detroit, MI, pp. 912-918.
ISBN 9780684313771
Hughes, W
'A biography of Bram Stoker.'
Miller, E, ed.
Dictionary of literary biography: Bram Stoker's Dracula: a documentary volume.
Gale, New York, NY, pp. 7-16.
ISBN 9780787668419
Ivic, C
'Reassuring fratricide in '1 Henry IV'.'
Ivic, C and
Williams, G, eds.
Forgetting in early modern English literature and culture: Lethe's legacies.
Routledge studies in renaissance literature and culture
Routledge, London, pp. 99-109.
ISBN 0415310466
Jose, N
'The Mungo excursion.'
Carrazza, D and
Kane, P, eds.
Vintage: celebrating ten years of the Mildura Writers' Festival.
Hardie Grant, South Yarra, pp. 25-37.
ISBN 9781740661898
Jose, N
'Pammie's queen of puddings.'
Addison-Smith, H and
Papaellinas, G, eds.
Mumma's kitchen: recipes and stories.
ABC Books, Sydney, pp. 114-121.
ISBN 9780733314186
Jose, N
'The compliment men.'
Dessaix, R, ed.
The best Australian essays 2004.
Black, Melbourne.
ISBN 9781863952378
Rigby, K
'The rebirth of nature in Romantic thought.'
Heinze, H and
Weller, C, eds.
Die Lektüre der Welt: Zur Theorie, Geschichte und Soziologie kultureller Praxis - Festschrift für Walter Veit = Worlds of reading: on the theory, history and sociology of cultural practice - Festschrift in honour of Walter Veit.
Peter Lang, Frankfurt, pp. 387-397.
ISBN 9783631522257
Rodgers, T
'Sir Allan MacGregor Smith.'
Matthew, H and
Harrison, B, eds.
Oxford dictionary of national biography: from the earliest times to the year 2000.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
ISBN 9780198614111
Sammells, N
'Oscar Wilde and the politics of style.'
Richards, S, ed.
The Cambridge companion to twentieth-century Irish drama.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 109-121.
ISBN 9780521008730
Saunders, J
'Rebecca Saunders.'
2004 Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival Programme Book.
hcmf, Huddersfield, p. 13.
Sewell, R.D.E, Lane, S and Nicholls, P
'Investigation into the biological contamination of cotton fibres, as an indicator of quality and safety.'
Schneider, T,
Heap, S and
Stevens, J, eds.
Proceedings of the 27th International Cotton Conference.
Faserinstitut, Bremen, Germany, pp. 55-61.
Sullivan, S
''Namibia' and 'Damara'.'
Skutsch, C, ed.
Encyclopedia of the world's minorities.
Routledge, New York.
ISBN 157958392X
Sullivan, S and Homewood, K
'Natural resources: use, access, tenure and management.'
Potts, D and
Bowyer-Bower, T, eds.
Eastern and southern Africa : development challenges in a volatile region.
DARG regional development series
Pearson Education, New York.
ISBN 9780130264688
Ward, S
'Education policy in England.'
Ward, S, ed.
Education Studies: A Student's Guide.
London: RoutledgeFalmer, pp. 81-91.
ISBN 415321190
Whittaker, E, Edwards, E, Ager, T, Frey, E, Toth, C, Walker, S, Zavattero, P and Zeugge, H
'Cameras and sensing systems: overview of state-of-the-art sensors.'
McGlone, C,
Mikhail, E and
Bethel, J, eds.
Manual of photogrammetry, fifth edition.
American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Bethesda, MD.
ISBN 1570830711
Whitty, G
'Karl Mannheim (1893-1947).'
Matthew, H.C.G and
Harrison, B, eds.
Oxford dictionary of national biography : from the earliest times to the year 2000.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
ISBN 9780198614111
Woodward, G
Sweeney, M and
Shapcott, J, eds.
Emergency kit : poems for strange times.
Faber and Faber, London, pp. 99-100.
ISBN 9780571223008
Albertson, D.N, Pruetz, B, Schmidt, C.J, Kuhn, D.M, Kapatos, G and Bannon, M.J
'Gene expression profile of the nucleus accumbens of human cocaine abusers: evidence for dysregulation of myelin.'
Journal of Neurochemistry, 88 (5).
pp. 1211-1219.
Grattan, J.P, Gillmore, G, Gilbertson, D.D, Pyatt, F.B, Hunt, C.O, McLaren, S.J, Phillips, P.S and Denman, A.R
'Radon and 'King Solomon's miners': Faynan Orefield, Jordanian Desert.'
Science of the Total Environment, 319 (1-3).
pp. 99-113.
Johnson, R.M
Planet Earth.
pp. 14-15.
Jones, O
'Places of trees.'
Trees: Journal of the International Tree Foundation, 64.
pp. 18-19.
Jordan, A, Eccleston, C, McCracken, L, Connell, H, Clinch, J, Sourbut, C and Sleed, M
'Other psychological approaches: a qualitative investigation of parents' experiences of caring for an adolescent with chronic pain.'
The Journal of Pain, 5 (3, sup).
p. 97.
Slade, C, Marie-France, D, Splitter, L, Lafortune, L, Pallascio, R and Mongeau, P
'Dialogical critical thinking: elements of definitions emerging in the analysis of transcripts from pupils aged 10 to 12 years.'
Australian Journal of Education, 48 (3).
pp. 295-313.
Conference or Workshop Item
Atkinson, N and Harrington, C
Collaborative learning.
In: PALATINE conference, January 2004, York St John University, York, UK.
Davies, P
PhD withdrawal rates.
In: UKGCE Summer Conference, 7 July - 8 July 2004, Imperial College, London, England.
McGuinness, M
Landscapes of sustainable mobility.
In: Cycling and Society Research Group Symposium, 2004, Centre for Mobilities Research, Lancaster University, Lancaster, England.
Neale, J
In: World Social Forum, January 2004, Mumbai, India.
Rigby, K
Reconciliation with the earthly.
In: Australian Chaplains’ Association Annual Conference, 5 February 2004, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
Rigby, K
Whose body?
In: Women Scholars in Religion and Theology Conference, 25 January 2004, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia.
Rigby, K
A place in time.
In: Environments and Ecologies in an Expanded Field, 3 - 4 July 2004, Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.
Winlow, H
Shifting symbolic landscapes? Belfast, Northern Ireland.
In: 30th IGU (International Geographical Union) Congress incorporating RGS (Royal Geographical Society) - IGB (Institute of British Geographers) Annual Conference: One Earth - Many Worlds, 15 - 20 August 2004, Glasgow.
Commissioned Report
Dalwood, D
Dexter Dalwood.
Gagosian Gallery, New York, NY, 24 June - 31 July 2004.
ISBN 1932598022
Dutton, S and Swindells, S
Host 4.
In: Cornwall Film Festival, Falmouth Arts Centre, Falmouth, UK, 12 - 14 November 2004.
Dutton, S and Swindells, S
In: [shift] - EmergeD, Merrion Centre, Leeds, UK, 15 March - 3 April 2004.
Dutton, S and Swindells, S
The green text.
In: Alternative Action Plan, S1 Artspace, Sheffield, UK, 20 November - 18 December 2004.
Kidd, N
Rising main.
The Bonington Gallery, Nottingham.
ISBN 1842330470
Neudecker, M
Over and over, again and again.
In: Elemental Insight: A Met Office Exhibition Featuring 27 Artists from the South West, Met Office, Exeter, UK, 17 May - 12 September 2004.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
Tate Britain, London, UK, 16 August 2004.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
MIMA, Middlesbough, UK, 9 - 19 December 2004.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
Selected Works.
MOMA, New York, NY, USA, 2004.
Kampe, T
In: Feldenkrais Centenary Conference, Munich University, Munich,Germany, 2004.
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