Number of items: 544.
Hughes, W and
Smith, A, eds.
Suicide and the Gothic.
Manchester University Press, Manchester.
ISBN 9781526120083
Abou-Elnaga, A.F, Rehan, I.F, Thompson, R.R.J, Abou-Ismail, U.A, Mahmoud, M.E, Mohamed, R.A, Mohammed, H.H, Sabek, A.A and Elhussiny, M.Z
'The effects of group versus single housing on home cage behaviour in two strains of laboratory mice.'
Slovenian Vetinary Research, 56 (22-Sup).
pp. 39-49.
August, T.A, West, S.E, Robson, H, Lyon, J, Huddart, J, Velasquez, L.F and Thornhill, I
'Citizen meets social science: predicting volunteer involvement in a global freshwater monitoring experiment.'
Freshwater Science, 38 (2).
pp. 321-331.
Barbour, K, Hunter, V and Kloetzel, M
'Introduction: (re)positioning site dance: local acts, global perspectives.'
Barbour, K,
Hunter, V and
Kloetzel, M, eds.
(Re)positioning site dance: local acts, global perspectives.
Intellect, Bristol, pp. 1-20.
ISBN 9781783209989
Beauchamp, G, Joyce-Gibbons, A, McNaughton, J, Young, N and Crick, T
'Exploring synchronous, remote collaborative interaction between learners using multi‐touch tables and video conferencing in UK primary schools.'
British Journal of Educational Technology, 50 (6).
pp. 3214-3232.
Boas, I et al
'Climate migration myths.'
Nature Climate Change, 9 (12).
pp. 901-903.
Please click the title to check availability.
Boehm, J.D and Glen, N
'Student engagement, mobile technologies, and changing
curriculum delivery.'
Ørngreen, R,
Buhl, M and
Meyer, B, eds.
Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on e-Learning: ECEL 2019.
ACPI, Reading, pp. 86-92.
ISBN 9781912764419
Please click the title to check availability.
Bonnell, M
Moth & Jasmine flowers.
In: 25th Anniversary: Celebrating Our Collectors, One Off Contemporary, Nairobi, Kenya, 15 May - 16 June 2019.
Bonnell, M and Horstman, F
Bethany Grasses.
In: Special Editions, Eagle Gallery EMH Arts, London, UK, 28 March – 20 April 2019.
Bower, G.J
'Living without.'
Gallix, A, ed.
We'll never have Paris.
Repeater, London, UK, pp. 150-152.
ISBN 9781912248384
Please click the title to check availability.
Brain, T
'Sylvia Plath and you.'
Brain, T, ed.
Sylvia Plath in context.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 84-93.
ISBN 9781108470131
Brown, A, Cocker, E, Dutton, S, Hock, K, Mackenna, T, Maier, D, Pepper, A, Reynolds, E and Sprawson, D
No Telos.
BEAM Editions, Nottingham.
Brown, A, Cocker, E, Hock, K, Maier, D, Reynolds, E, Dutton, S, Mackenna, T, Pepper, A and Sprawson, D
No Telos.
In: Convocation: On Expanded Language-Based Practices, as part of the Venice Bienniale 2019, Sala del Camino, Venice, Italy, 16 – 18 June 2019.
Brown, C, Hanley, B, Haysom, I, Dodd, C, Khan, I, Goodburn, K, Manning, L, Walker, M, Peck, M, Wareing, P and Atterbury, R
Science policy report: food manufacturing and processing.
Society for Applied Microbiology, London.
Bull, R, Paulo, R.M and Albuquerque, P.B
'The impact of the cognitive interview in the UK and recent research in Portugal.'
Dickinson, J.J,
Compo, N.S,
Carol, R,
Schwartz, B.L and
McCauley, M.R, eds.
Evidence-based investigative interviewing: applying cognitive principles.
Routledge, New York, NY, pp. 29-41.
ISBN 9781138064690
Bystrom, L.M, Bezerra, D.P, Hsu, H-T, Zong, H, Lara-Martínez, L.A, De Leon, J.P, Emmanuel, M, Méry, D, Gardenghi, S, Hassane, D, Neto, C.C, Cunningham-Rundles, S, Becker, M.W, Rivella, S and Guzman, M.L
'Cranberry A-type proanthocyanidins selectively target acute myeloid leukemia cells.'
Blood Advances, 3 (21).
pp. 3261-3265.
Caulfield, L.S and Simpson, E
'Arts-based interventions in the justice system.'
Ugwudike, P,
Graham, H,
McNeill, F,
Raynor, P,
Taxman, F.S and
Trotter, C, eds.
The Routledge companion to rehabilitative work in criminal justice.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 396-408.
ISBN 9781138103320
Christopher, L and Suvorova, A
Lantana, London.
ISBN 9781911373834
Clarke, N
ORCID: 0000-0003-2375-4510, Pechey, R, Pilling, M, Hollands, G.J, Mantzari, E and Marteau, T.M
'Wine glass size and wine sales: four replication studies in one restaurant and two bars.'
BMC Research Notes, 12.
Clarke, R
Broomhill spinning sculpture.
In: National Sculpture Prize Summer Exhibition, Broomhill Sculpture Garden, Barnstaple, UK, Summer 2019.
Compton, A, Crawley, J, Curtis, F, Douglas, A.S, Eaude, T, Jackson, A, Philpott, C, Plater, M, Powell, D, Sewell, A and Vincent, K
'What are the characteristics of a professional teacher
educator? A think piece.'
TEAN Journal, 11 (2).
pp. 3-11.
Cormier, D, Jandrić, P, Childs, M, Hall, R, White, D, Phipps, L, Truelove, I, Hayes, S
ORCID: 0000-0001-8633-0155 and Fawns, T
'Ten years of the postdigital in the 52group: reflections and developments 2009–2019.'
Postdigital Science and Education, 1 (2).
pp. 475-506.
Davies, D, Howe, A, Collier, C, Digby, R, Earle, S
ORCID: 0000-0002-6155-1098 and McMahon, K
Teaching science and technology in the early years (3-7). 3rd ed.
Routledge, Abingdon.
ISBN 9781138613058
De Angeli, D, Finnegan, D.J and Scott, L
'Agonistic games.'
Berger, S,
Grütter, H.T and
Kansteiner, W, eds.
Krieg, Macht, Sinn: Krieg und Gewalt in der europäischen Erinnerung = war and violence in European memory.
Klartext Verlag, pp. 168-184.
ISBN 9783837520996
Debrenne, M, Pogorelskaya, A.M, Pomorina, I and Skalaban, I.A
'Сравнительный анализ факторов, определяющих выбор университета для обучения британскими, российскими и французскими абитуриентами = A comparative analysis of the factors determining the way British, Russian and French university entrants choose the university.'
ВЕСТНИК Томского государственного университета = Tomsk State University Journal, 446.
pp. 90-95.
Denman, A.R, Crockett, R.G.M, Groves-Kirkby, C.J, Phillips, P.S and Gillmore, G
'Exploring the relationship between social deprivation and domestic radon levels in the East Midlands, UK.'
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 199.
pp. 84-98.
Dutton, S, Xu, A, Liu, C, Xu, F, Xiaohong, Z and Hongtao, Z
A Share of a Future [curators].
China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing, China, 9 March - 30 April 2019.
Please click the title to check availability.
Filer, N
Empathy and creativity.
In: Anxiety, Culture and the Future Conference, 18 October 2019, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
Filer, N
The Heartland.
In: Author Talks Series, 21 November 2019, Red Lion Books, Colchester, UK.
Filer, N
Life with schizophrenia.
In: Cheltenham Festival of Literature, 12 October 2019, Cheltenham Town Hall, Cheltenham, UK.
Filer, N
RCNF annual lecture.
In: World Mental Health Day Event, 10 October 2019, Royal College of Nursing, London, UK.
Filer, N
The language of madness.
In: Department of Psychology Seminar Series, 31 October 2019, University of Bath, Bath, UK.
Filer, N and O'Neill, J
Mind matters.
In: Stroud Book Festival, 10 November 2019, Stroud, UK.
Filer, N and Walters, J
Finding and losing schizophrenia.
In: National Centre for Mental Health Event Series, 8 August 2019, Big Moose Coffee Co, Cardiff, Wales.
Forna, A
'On happiness.'
Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Enquiry, 6 (3).
pp. 418-422.
Gee, M
Fentum Press.
ISBN 9781909572126
Gee, M
'The visitation.'
Miller, G, ed.
Kiss and part.
Canterbury Press, Norwich.
ISBN 9781786221926
Gifford, T
'Changing ideas of pastoral.'
Haynes, K, ed.
The Oxford history of classical reception in English literature. Volume 5: After 1880.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
ISBN 9780199585106
Gioli, G, Thapa, G, Khan, F, Dasgupta, P, Nathan, D, Chhetri, N, Adhikari, L, Mohanty, S.K, Aurino, E and Mapstone Scott, L
'Understanding and tackling poverty and vulnerability in mountain livelihoods in the Hindu Kush Himalaya.'
Wester, P,
Mishra, A,
Mukherji, A and
Shrestha, A, eds.
The Hindu Kush Himalaya assessment.
Springer, Cham, pp. 421-455.
ISBN 9783319922874
Goodman, H
'‘A story of treasure, war, and wild adventure’: hero-worship, imperial masculinities, and inter-generational ideology in H. Rider Haggard’s 1880s fiction.'
Brown, M,
Barry, A.M and
Begiato, J, eds.
Martial masculinities: imagining and experiencing the military in the long nineteenth century.
Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 232-254.
ISBN 9781526135629
Griffin, B
'The early history of cycling in Ireland: hobby-horses, tricycles, quadricycles and other velocipedes.'
Sanderson, G,
Baker, T and
Sanderson, P.P, eds.
Cycle History 29: 29th International Cycling History Conference, London, England, 2018.
ICHC Publications Committee, Verona, pp. 116-121.
ISBN 9780578209562
Griffin, B and Strachan, J
'Leaving in Irish history, politics and culture.'
Finnerty, K, ed.
The 11th Percy French Festival - taking French leave: leaving in Irish history, politics and culture.
Percy French School, Castlecoote, Ireland, pp. 2-9.
Please click the title to check availability.
Harris, C
SCRUB workshop.
In: SAPling Innovation, 30 March 2019, Hypatia Trust, Penzance, UK.
Harris, C
SCRUB: a management handbook [2018].
In: Radical Landscapes: Innovation in Landscape & Language Art, The Plough Arts Centre, Great Torrington, UK, 22 March - 21 April 2019.
Harris, H
In: Royal Photographic Society (Western Region) Day, 13 October 2019, Bath, UK.
Harris, H
Inland workshop.
In: Schools Without Walls, 13 June 2019, St Andrew’s Primary School, Bath, UK.
Harris, H
Marine memory.
In: Wells Art Contemporary Installations, Wells Cathedral, Wells, UK, 20 July - 11 August 2019.
Harrison, K
God’s House Tower, Southampton, UK, 16 November 2019 – 16 January 2020.
Harrison, K
Conductor | 8 movements.
In: Beautiful and Brutal: 50 years in the life of Preston Bus Station, Harris Museum, Art Gallery and Library, Preston, UK, 21 September – 24 November 2019.
Heffer, N
ORCID: 0000-0002-6597-0134, Jicol, C, Karl, A, Ashwin, C and Petrini, K
Examining multisensory processing of social and non-social information in relation to the degree of trait anxiety in a non-clinical sample.
In: BNA2019 Festival of Neuroscience, 14 - 17 April 2019, Dublin, Ireland.
Heslop, P, Turner, S, Read, S, Tucker, J, Seaton, S and Evans, B
'Implementing reasonable adjustments for disabled people in healthcare services.'
Nursing Standard.
Please click the title to check availability.
Holbourne, Z, Vitale, A and Ryde, J
Arts against racism and borders.
In: Migration Mobilities Bristol Events Series, 13 May 2019, University of Bristol, UK.
Hong, Y
Let us dance.
In: Still I Rise, Arnolfini, Bristol, UK, 14 September - 15 December 2019.
Hong, Y
Sadang B.
In: Korea Artist Prize 2019, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea, 11 Oct 2019 - 1 March 2020.
Hordern, J and McMahon, K
'Professionalism and education.'
Simon, C.A and
Ward, S, eds.
A student's guide to education studies. 4th ed.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 246-257.
ISBN 9780367276690
Hunter, V
'Performing parks and squares.'
Barbour, K,
Hunter, V and
Kloetzel, M, eds.
(Re)positioning site dance: local acts, global perspectives.
Intellect, Bristol, pp. 187-216.
ISBN 9781783209989
Hunter, V
'Sited English folk dance as a form of site dance: heritage, tradition and resistance.'
Barbour, K,
Hunter, V and
Kloetzel, M, eds.
(Re)positioning site dance: local acts, global perspectives.
Intellect, Bristol, pp. 77-102.
ISBN 9781783209989
Jandrić, P, Ryberg, T, Knox, J, Lacković, N, Hayes, S
ORCID: 0000-0001-8633-0155, Suoranta, J, Smith, M, Steketee, A, Peters, M, McLaren, P, Ford, D.R, Asher, G, McGregor, C, Stewart, G, Williamson, B and Gibbons, A
'Postdigital dialogue.'
Postdigital Science and Education, 1 (1).
pp. 163-189.
Johnson, R.M, Edwards, E, Jeffers, J.M, Kuniyal, J.C, Mishra, H, Pandey, B.W, Phillips, V, Roy, N, Seviour, J, Sharma, D.D, Sharma, P, Sharma, V, Singh, H and Singh, R.B
HiFlo-DAT: Indian Himalayan Flood Database, for Disaster Risk Reduction in the Kullu District.
In: British Society for Geomorphology Meeting, 9 - 11 September 2019, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.
Jones, O
Kobayashi, A, ed.
International encyclopaedia of human geography, 2nd ed.
Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 399-405.
ISBN 9780081022955
Jones, O, Gorell Barnes, L and Lyons, A
'Voicing waters: (co-)creative reflections on sound, water, conversations and hydrocitizenship.'
Doherty, K,
Duffy, M and
Harada, T, eds.
Sounding places: more-than-representational geographies of sound and music.
Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 76-96.
ISBN 9781788118927
Kampe, T
'Body-soma-self: re-embodying dance research.'
Bacon, J,
Hilton, R,
Kramer, P and
Midgelow, V.L, eds.
Researching (in/as) motion: a resource collection, artistic doctorates in Europe.
Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts, Helsinki.
ISBN 9789523530126
Kendal, C
I spy.
Harper Collins, London.
ISBN 9780008256838
Kerridge, R
'Plath and nature.'
Brain, T, ed.
Sylvia Plath in context.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 221-232.
ISBN 9781108470131
Khouja, J.N, Munafò, M.R, Tilling, K, Wiles, N.J, Joinson, C, Etchells, P.J, John, A, Hayes, F.M, Gage, S.H and Cornish, R.P
'Is screen time associated with anxiety or depression in young people? Results from a UK birth cohort.'
BMC Public Health, 19.
Kinnear, F.J, Wainwright, E, Perry, R, Lithander, F.E, Bayly, G, Huntley, A, Cox, J, Shield, J.P.H and Searle, A
'Enablers and barriers to treatment adherence in heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia: a qualitative evidence synthesis.'
BMJ Open, 9 (7).
Knox, S and Cassidy, G
'Game of Thrones: investigating British acting.'
Hilmes, M,
Hills, M and
Pearson, R, eds.
Transatlantic television drama: industries, programs and fans.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 181-200.
ISBN 9780190663131
Please click the title to check availability.
Kovats, T
Drawing water.
In: Thinking Drawing 1960 to Now: A Symposium on Contemporary Drawing, 10 May 2019, Courtauld Institute of Art, London, UK.
Kovats, T
Head to Mouth.
The Gymnasium Gallery, Berwick upon Tweed, UK, 15 June - 8 September 2019.
Kovats, T
Something against nothing.
In: Tania Kovats: Drawing Water, 22 February 2019, City Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand.
Kovats, T
In: Design Exhibition Scotland, Lyon & Turnbull, Edinburgh, UK, 28 June - 2 July 2019.
Kuhn, C, Havemann, L, Koseoglu, S, Bozkurt, A and Watling, S
Recentering open for those at the margins: three lenses on lurking [workshop].
In: OER19: Recentering Open - Critical and Global Perspectives, 10-11 April 2019, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland.
Lack, J, Bell, S, Wood, J, Harrison, Paul and Williams, B
Panel discussion.
In: Making a Mockery: Exploring Humour and Satire in ArtPanel, 10 July 2019, Royal Academy, London, UK.
Lamont, B.R
Sad Girl Cinema.
In: Matchbox Cineclub, BFI Film Feels Season, 21 July 2019, CCA Theatre, Glasgow, Scotland.
Lewis, J, Rosen, C, Booth, R, Davies, P, Allen, M and Law, M
ORCID: 0000-0002-6127-5353
'Making a significant place: excavations at the Late Mesolithic site of Langley’s Lane, Midsomer Norton, Bath and North-East Somerset.'
Archaeological Journal, 176 (1).
Looseley, A, Wainwright, E, Cook, T.M, Bell, V, Hoskins, S, O’Connor, M, Taylor, G and Mouton, R
'Stress, burnout, depression and work-satisfaction amongst UK anaesthetic trainees; a quantitative analysis of the Satisfaction and Wellbeing in Anaesthetic Training study.'
Anaesthesia, 74 (10).
pp. 1231-1239.
Lovett, M
ORCID: 0000-0003-3599-7886
'Disruption as contingency: music, blockchain, wtf?'
Hepworth-Sawyer, R,
Hodgson, J,
Paterson, J and
Toulson, R, eds.
Innovation in music: performance, production, technology, and business.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 467-480.
ISBN 9781138498198
Lucas, A
One Second Feature.
The Gallery, De Montford University, Leicester, UK, 9 March – 27 April 2019.
Luzar, R
In: Roja Art Lab 2019, Roja, Latvia, 21 July - 3 August 2019.
Luzar, R
In: Restless Linings, Kosar Contemporary, Bristol, UK, 1 - 22 November 2019.
McCormack, J
Dance as dialogue.
In: Dance Studies Association Conference (Dancing in Common 2019), 7 - 11 August 2019, Northwestern University, Chicago, USA.
McGrogan, N and Earle, S
'Formative use of assessment by pupils.'
Earle, S, ed.
Assessment in the primary classroom: principles and practice.
Learning Matters, London, pp. 33-45.
ISBN 9781526449986
McInnes, K
'Being a playful therapist.'
Ayling, P,
Armstrong, H and
Gordon Clark, L, eds.
Becoming and being a play therapist: play therapy in practice.
Routledge, Abingdon.
ISBN 9781138560970
McMahon, K and Collier, C
'A thematic approach to humans and animals in Early Years education.'
Davies, D,
Collier, C,
Digby, R,
Earle, S and
McMahon, K, eds.
Teaching science and technology in the early years (3-7). 3rd ed.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 134-158.
ISBN 9781138613058
McMahon, K and Rose, J
'Talk, narrative and sustained shared thinking.'
Davies, D,
Howe, A,
Collier, C,
Digby, R,
Earle, S and
McMahon, K, eds.
Teaching science and technology in the early years (3-7). 3rd ed.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 36-56.
ISBN 9781138613058
Please click the title to check availability.
Mitchell, B
'Health education and behaviour.'
Simon, C.A and
Ward, S, eds.
A student's guide to education studies. 4th ed.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 224-232.
ISBN 9780367276690
Morris, T.H
ORCID: 0000-0002-0100-6434
'An analysis of Rolf Arnold's systemic-constructivist perspective on self-directed learning.'
Rohs, M,
Schüßler, I,
Müller, H-J and
Schiefner-Rohs, M, eds.
Pädagogische Perspektiven auf Transformationsprozesse: Reflexionen auf Rolf Arnolds Forschen und Wirken.
wbv, Bielefeld, Germany, pp. 301-313.
ISBN 9783763958399
Mustafa, D, Gioli, G, Memon, M, Noshirwani, M, Idris, I and Ahmed, N
'Pinning down social vulnerability in Sindh Province, Pakistan: from narratives to numbers, and back again.'
Disasters, 43 (2).
pp. 311-335.
Neimark, B, Childs, J, Nightingale, A.J, Cavanagh, C.J, Sullivan, S, Benjaminsen, T.A, Batterbury, S, Koot, S and Harcourt, W
'Speaking power to "post-truth": critical political ecology and the new authoritarianism.'
McCarthy, J, ed.
Environmental governance in a populist/authoritarian era.
Routledge, Abingdon.
Neimark, B, Childs, J, Nightingale, A.J, Cavanagh, C.J, Sullivan, S, Benjaminsen, T.A, Batterbury, S, Koot, S and Harcourt, W
'Speaking power to ‘post-truth’: critical political ecology and the new authoritarianism.'
Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 109 (2).
pp. 613-623.
Newman, J
Games preservation.
In: Insert Coin to Continue: a Briefing Day on Software Preservation, 7 May 2019, Digital Preservation Coalition, London, UK.
Otele, O
'The guerrilla arts in Brexit Bristol.'
Ward, S and
Rasch, A, eds.
Embers of empire in Brexit Britain.
Bloomsbury, London, pp. 133-142.
ISBN 9781350113794
Please click the title to check availability.
Paulo, R.M
Nunes, L,
Fonte, C,
Alves, S,
Sani, A,
Estrada, R and
Caridade, S, eds.
Dicionário enciclopédico comportamento e saúde mental.
Pactor, Lisboa.
Paulo, R.M
Nunes, L,
Fonte, C,
Alves, S,
Sani, A,
Estrada, R and
Caridade, S, eds.
Dicionário enciclopédico comportamento e saúde mental.
Pactor, Lisboa.
Pecorelli, J.P, Macphie, K.H, Hebditch, C, Clifton-Dey, D.R.J, Thornhill, I and Debney, A.J
'Using citizen science to improve the conservation of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in the Thames River Basin District.'
Freshwater Science, 38 (2).
pp. 281-291.
Pike, S
Muncie, J and
McLaughlin, E, eds.
The Sage dictionary of criminology. 4th ed.
Sage, London.
ISBN 9781526436726
Presley, N
'Plath and television.'
Brain, T, ed.
Sylvia Plath in context.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 148-157.
ISBN 9781108470131
Ralph, T and Levinson, M.P
'Conflicting communication about the ownership and meaning of places in a school in south west England.'
Collins, P,
Igreja, V and
Danaher, P.A, eds.
The nexus among place, conflict and communication in a globalising world.
Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, pp. 79-98.
ISBN 9789811359248
Ramsay, B and Dolphin, A
Regan, J and Bricheno, T
Riddell, R
'Social mobility and education.'
Simon, C.A and
Ward, S, eds.
A student's guide to education studies. 4th ed.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 51-62.
ISBN 9780367276690
Rigby, K
'"Piping in their honey dreams": towards a creaturely ecopoetics.'
Middelhoff, F,
Schönbeck, S,
Borgards, R and
Gersdorf, C, eds.
Texts, animals, environments: zoopoetics and ecopoetics.
Rombach Verlag, Freiburg, Germany, pp. 281-295.
ISBN 9783793099284
Robertson, M
Log (August) [2018].
In: A Share of the Future, China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing, China, 2019.
Rose, J, Hattingh, L and McInnes, K
'Young children as scientists, designers and technologists – theories of learning.'
Davies, D,
Howe, A,
Collier, C,
Digby, R,
Earle, S and
McMahon, K, eds.
Teaching science and technology in the early years (3-7). 3rd ed.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 17-35.
ISBN 9781138613058
Sedgmond, J, Lawrence, N.S, Verbruggen, F, Morrison, S, Chambers, C.D and Adams, R.C
'Prefrontal brain stimulation during food-related inhibition training: effects on food craving, food consumption and inhibitory control.'
Royal Society Open Science, 6 (1).
Sentler, S
'Softening the borders of codification.'
Svendler Nielsen, C and
Burridge, S, eds.
Dancing across borders: perspectives on dance, young people and change.
Routledge, Abingdon.
ISBN 9780367442590
Simon, C.A
'Education and social justice.'
Simon, C.A and
Ward, S, eds.
A student's guide to education studies. 4th ed.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 20-28.
ISBN 9780367276690
Simon, C.A
'Work-based learning.'
Simon, C.A and
Ward, S, eds.
A student's guide to education studies. 4th ed.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 235-245.
ISBN 9780367276690
Smith, C, Reeve, K, Vassilopoulos, M and Bhatt, S
How to get into publishing.
In: London International Book Fair, 13 March 2019, Olympia, London, UK.
Sookdeo, A, Kromer, B, Büntgen, U, Friedrich, M, Friedrich, R, Helle, G, Pauly, M, Nievergelt, D, Reinig, F, Treydte, K, Synal, H-A and Wacker, L
'Quality dating: a well-defined protocol implemented at ETH for high-precision 14c-dates tested on late glacial wood.'
Stakelum, M
'James Cooksey Culwick: the rudiments of music (1882).'
Houston, K,
McHale, M and
Murphy, M, eds.
Documents of Irish music history in the long nineteenth century.
Irish Musical Studies
Four Courts Press, Dublin, pp. 75-84.
ISBN 9781846827242
Please click the title to check availability.
Sullivan, S, Ganuses, W.S, Hannis, M, Impey, A, Low, C and Rohde, R
Future pasts: landscape, memory and music in West Namibia. 2nd ed.
Future Pasts, Bath Spa University, Bath.
ISBN 9781911126140
Turk, G
En Oeuf.
Maruani Mercier Gallery, Brussels, Belgium, 14 January - 14 February 2019.
Turk, G
Oi! [1998].
In: In My Shoes: Art & The Self Since the 1990s, an Arts Council Collection touring exhibition, 30 March - 22 September 2019.
Turk, G
Portrait of an Egg.
In: Photo London, Somerset House, London, UK, 16 - 19 May 2019.
Visser, F, Woodget, A, Skellern, A, Forsey, J, Warburton, J and Johnson, R.M
'An evaluation of a low-cost pole aerial photography (PAP) and structure from motion (SfM) approach for topographic surveying of small rivers.'
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 40 (24).
pp. 9321-9351.
Wainwright, E, Looseley, A, Mouton, R, O’Connor, M, Taylor, G and Cook, T.M
'Stress, burnout, depression and work satisfaction among UK anaesthetic trainees: a qualitative analysis of in‐depth participant interviews in the Satisfaction and Wellbeing in Anaesthetic Training study.'
Anaesthesia, 74 (10).
pp. 1240-1251.
Waterworth, D and Wilson, C
About the Heads [curators].
Old Royal Naval College, University of Greenwich, London, UK, 18 April - 24 May 2019.
White, R
Sweet Waters: walking-with reluctant heritage.
In: 7th EUGEO Congress in conjunction with the 51st Conference of Irish Geographers: Re-imagining Europe’s Future Society and Landscapes, 15 - 19 May 2019, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland.
White, R
Untitled artwork.
In: Confluence: Interconnectivity and Interdependency, Museum in the Park, Stroud, UK, 30 March - Sunday 28 April 2019.
White, R and Brunstein, L
7 films.
In: After Auschwitz..., Hundred Years Gallery, London, UK, 5 - 8 September 2019.
Williams, T, Gaffney, K, Wadeley, A, Cavill, C, Freeth, M, Brooksby, A and Sengupta, R
'THU0408 Achieving disease remission in axial spondyloarthritis: a two-centre retrospectice analysis of relevant baselines patient characteristics.'
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 78 (Sup. 2).
p. 490.
Williams, T, Wadeley, A, Cavill, C, Freeth, M and Sengupta, R
269 - In axial spondyloarthritis, magnitude of improved disease activity after six months of biologic disease-modifying treatment may be more relevant to short-term functional outcome than achieving an inactive disease state [conference abstract].
Rheumatology, 58 (Sup. 3).
Please click the title to check availability.
Williams, T, Wadeley, A, Hardcastle, S, Webb, J, Shipley, J and Ahmed, T
'Does measuring the bone mineral density of patients identified as having an osteopaenic X-ray appearance affect bone health treatment decisions? A real-world retrospective analysis.'
Clinical Medicine, 19 (Sup. 3).
pp. 16-17.
Wills, A.J, Edmunds, C.E.R
ORCID: 0000-0002-0524-8756, Le Pelley, M.E, Milton, F, Newell, B.R, Dwyer, D.M and Shanks, D.R
'Dissociable learning processes, associative theory, and testimonial reviews: a comment on Smith and Church (2018).'
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 26 (6).
pp. 1988-1993.
Winlow, H
'Darwinism and social Darwinism.'
Kobayashi, A, ed.
International encyclopedia of human geography. 2nd ed.
Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 149-158.
ISBN 9780081022955
Winlow, H
Kobayashi, A, ed.
International encyclopedia of human geography. 2nd ed.
Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 77-86.
ISBN 9780081022955
Winlow, H
'Mapping, race and ethnicity.'
Kobayashi, A, ed.
International encyclopedia of human geography. 2nd ed.
Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 309-321.
ISBN 9780081022955
Wood, J and Harrison, P
Blind/Spot (2007).
In: Deep Deep Down, Far Far In (and Out), Fundação Leal Rios, Lisbon, Portugal, 15 May - 15 December 2019.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
Considering collaboration.
In: CONFESSIONS: Jerwood Collaborate!, 25 November 2019, Jerwood Arts, London, UK.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
Harry Houdini (1994).
In: Being Human: An Exhibition of Modern Sculpture, Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, Bristol, UK, 5 October 2019 — 4 October 2020.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
Six boxes (1997).
In: Mere Constructions, KANAL - Centre Pompidou, Brussels, Belgium, 23 January - 30 June 2019.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
This is a projection (2018).
In: Inside Baseball, Cristin Tierney Gallery, New York, USA, April 26 – June 1, 2019.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
This is a projection (2018).
In: 16th International Festival for Short Film, Animation & Music Video, Museumsplatz, Vienna, Austria, 28 May - 2 June 2019.
Woodward, G
'Plath and food.'
Brain, T, ed.
Sylvia Plath in context.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 117-125.
ISBN 9781108470131
Wright, E.H
'Women, drama and print culture 1890–1929.'
Binckes, F and
Snyder, C, eds.
Women, periodicals and print culture in Britain, 1890s-1920s: the modernist period.
Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 92-105.
ISBN 9781474450645
Please click the title to check availability.
Yohani, S, Kirova, A, Georgis, R, Gokiert, R, Mejia, T and Chiu, M
'Cultural brokering with Syrian refugee families with young children: an exploration of challenges and best practices in psychosocial adaptation.'
Journal of International Migration and Integration, 20.
pp. 1181-1202.
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