Number of items: 251.
King, H,
Bale, R,
Corradini, E,
Fossey, P,
Gannaway, D,
Morantes-Africano, L,
Mudd, S.A and
Potter, J, eds.
The artistry of teaching in higher education: practical ideas for developing creative academic practice.
Routledge, Abingdon.
ISBN 9781032569529
McMahon, K, Howe, A, Collier, C, Earle, S
ORCID: 0000-0002-6155-1098, Davies, D, McKay, D, Barber, K-A and Howarth, L
Science 5-11: a guide for teachers. 4th ed.
Routledge, Abingdon.
ISBN 9781032377704
Wood, J and Harrison, P
a book, obviously.
everyedition, Zurich.
ISBN 9783907384015
Book Chapter or Section
Asali Nuseibeh, R
'Education in Palestine.'
Dumper, M and
Badran, A, eds.
Routledge handbook on Palestine.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 453-470.
ISBN 9780367469238
Bates, D, Prochaska, A, Hitchcock, T, Wilcox, K, Smith, E and Bynoth, R
ORCID: 0000-0002-3349-7709
'The IHR's seminar culture: past, present and future - a roundtable discussion.'
Manning, D, ed.
Talking history: seminar culture at the Institute of Historical Research, 1921–2021.
University of London Press, pp. 243-266.
ISBN 9781915249050
Bhatti, G, Levinson, M and Simmons, B
'Doubly-disadvantaged or even hidden away: the situation of migrant and refugee children with special educational needs and disabilities.'
Hammarén, N,
Ivemark, B and
Stretmo, L, eds.
Migrant youth, schooling and identity: perspectives and experiences from Northern Europe.
Springer, Cham, pp. 127-141.
ISBN 9783031633447
Please click the title to check availability.
Boehnert, J
ORCID: 0000-0002-8990-0325 and Dewberry, E
'Unlearning unsustainability in design education.'
Jones, D,
Börekçi, N.A.G.Z,
Clemente, V,
Carazzo, J,
Lotz, N,
Nielsen, L.M and
Noel, L-A, eds.
Learn X Design 2023: the 7th International Conference for Design Education Researchers, 29 November - 1 December 2023.
Design Research Society.
Connolly, R
'Ulster Kitchen Comedy: ‘a faithful if unpleasant picture of the national fragments’.'
Cochrane, C,
Goddard, L,
Hindson, C and
Reid, T, eds.
The Routledge companion to twentieth century British theatre and performance. Volume one: 1900-1950.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 318-330.
ISBN 9780367487898
Please click the title to check availability.
Coops, F, Lockton, D, Gaziulusoy, İ, Boehnert, J
ORCID: 0000-0002-8990-0325, Ortega Pallanez, M and Overdiek, A
'Designing for transitions and transformations: resistance, recovery, reflection, and reimagination.'
Gray, C,
Hekkert, P,
Forlano, L and
Ciuccarelli, P, eds.
DRS2024: Boston, 23–28 June, Boston, USA.
Design Research Society.
Coops, F, Lockton, D, Gaziulusoy, İ, Tonkinwise, C, Boehnert, J
ORCID: 0000-0002-8990-0325 and Ortega Pallanez, M
'Designing (for) transitions and transformations: imagination, climate futures, and everyday lives.'
Gray, C,
Ciliotta Chehade, E,
Hekkert, P,
Forlano, L,
Ciuccarelli, P and
Lloyd, P, eds.
DRS2024: Boston, 23–28 June, Boston, USA.
Design Research Society.
Crawley, J
'The invisible educators.'
Hopkins, N and
Thompson, C, eds.
Reflections on identity.
Springer, Cham, pp. 95-108.
ISBN 9783031467936
Dieckmann, U, Lendelvo, S and Sullivan, S
'Conclusion: realising conservation, from Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast.'
Sullivan, S,
Dieckmann, U and
Lendelvo, S, eds.
Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast: conservation histories, policies and practices in north-west Namibia.
Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 495-502.
ISBN 9781805112969
Dieckmann, U, Sullivan, S and Lendelvo, S
'Spatial severance and nature conservation: apartheid histories in Etosha-Kunene.'
Sullivan, S,
Dieckmann, U and
Lendelvo, S, eds.
Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast: conservation histories, policies and practices in north-west Namibia.
Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 69-108.
ISBN 9781805112969
Feasey, R
'To scroll, share, and sign: young adults and digital feminist activism.'
Mitra, B,
Young, S and
Mirza, M, eds.
Gender in the digital sphere: representation, engagement, and expression.
Rowman & Littlefield, London, pp. 80-100.
ISBN 9781538155684
Gerrard, C
'Thin places, other worlds, and visual layering in cinema.'
Biotti, G,
Chandra, I.V and
Haouchine, N, eds.
Uncanny perspectives in literature and culture.
Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 165-182.
ISBN 9783031671647
Hoole, A and Sullivan, S
'Living next to Etosha National Park: the case of Ehi-Rovipuka.'
Sullivan, S,
Dieckmann, U and
Lendelvo, S, eds.
Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast: conservation histories, policies and practices in north-west Namibia.
Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 375-402.
ISBN 9781805112969
Hunter, V
'Danser la plage : entre terre, mer et ciel.'
Clavel, J,
Levain, A and
Revelin, F, eds.
Des vies avec des plages: expériences, relations, devenirs.
University of Rennes, Rennes, pp. 131-142.
ISBN 9782753594739
Jones, O
'From ‘smart city’ to wise city? Thinking with ecology, water, and hydrocitizenship.'
Heitlinger, S,
Foth, M and
Clarke, R, eds.
Designing more-than-human smart cities: beyond sustainability, towards cohabitation.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 37-54.
ISBN 9780192884169
King, H, Bale, R, Corradini, E, Fossey, P, Gannaway, D, Morantes-Africano, L, Mudd, S.A and Potter, J
'Introduction: the artistry of teaching in higher education.'
King, Helen, ed.
The artistry of teaching in higher education: practical ideas for developing creative academic practice.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 1-14.
ISBN 9781032569529
Lendelvo, S, Sullivan, S and Dieckmann, U
'CBNRM and landscape approaches to conservation in Kunene Region, post-Independence.'
Sullivan, S,
Dieckmann, U and
Lendelvo, S, eds.
Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast: conservation histories, policies and practices in north-west Namibia.
Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 109-140.
ISBN 9781805112969
Lovett, M
ORCID: 0000-0003-3599-7886
'Artificial creativity and tools for understanding: music, creative labour and AI.'
Gullö, J-O,
Hepworth-Sawyer, R,
Paterson, J,
Toulson, R and
Marrington, M, eds.
Innovation in music: technology and creativity.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 267-277.
ISBN 9780367633363
Please click the title to check availability.
Lovett, M
ORCID: 0000-0003-3599-7886
'The streaming curve: streaming, the S curve and super-abundance.'
Gullö, J-O,
Hepworth-Sawyer, R,
Paterson, J,
Toulson, R and
Marrington, M, eds.
Innovation in music: adjusting perspectives.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 11-25.
ISBN 9781032500249
Please click the title to check availability.
Maoveka, K, Liebenberg, D and Sullivan, S
'Giraffes and their impact on key tree species in the Etendeka Tourism Concession, north-west Namibia.'
Sullivan, S,
Dieckmann, U and
Lendelvo, S, eds.
Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast: conservation histories, policies and practices in north-west Namibia.
Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 257-270.
ISBN 9781805112969
Morrison, R
Morrison, R, ed.
The Oxford handbook of British Romantic prose.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 807-824.
ISBN 9780198834540
Morrison, R
'Nineteenth-century reviews reviewed.'
Gigante, D and
Childs, J, eds.
The Cambridge history of the British essay.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 356-372.
ISBN 9781316516508
Morrison, R
'Romantic cruxes reimagined.'
Morrison, R, ed.
The Oxford handbook of British Romantic prose.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 1-18.
ISBN 9780198834540
Morrison, R
'Tennyson, Dickens, Poe, Browning, and the Brontës:
'Blackwood’s Magazine' and "the foreheads of a new
Gardner, J and
Stewart, D, eds.
Nineteenth-century literature in transition: the 1830s.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 241-262.
ISBN 9781009268516
Petrova, P, Mudd, S.A, Palmer, I and Brown, S
'Developing the artistry of teaching and approaches to learning: what we can learn from those teaching theatre improvisation.'
King, H, ed.
The artistry of teaching in higher education: practical ideas for developing creative academic practice.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 163-177.
ISBN 9781032569529
Please click the title to check availability.
Purcell-Gates, L
'Yūrei and puppetry in Japanese ghost stories: (mis)perception and ambiguous bodies in kaidan.'
Orenstein, C and
Cusack, T, eds.
Puppet and spirit: ritual, religion, and performing objects. Volume II Contemporary branchings: secular benedictions, activated energies, uncanny faiths.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 155-166.
ISBN 9780367713799
Please click the title to check availability.
Sidhu, R.G
'Reimagining higher education: building the informal sofa network - a flipped approach to widening participation student engagement.'
Rahman, M,
Koolmon, G,
Shaikh, S.I and
Munna, A.S, eds.
Optimizing leadership and governance in higher education.
IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 255-280.
ISBN 9798369351857
Strachan, J
'Satire and the essay.'
Gigante, D and
Childs, J, eds.
The Cambridge history of the British essay.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 231-245.
ISBN 9781316516508
Strachan, J
'Sports writing.'
Morrison, R, ed.
The Oxford handbook of British Romantic prose.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 755-772.
ISBN 9780198834540
Sullivan, S
'Historicising the Palmwag Tourism Concession, north-west Namibia.'
Sullivan, S,
Dieckmann, U and
Lendelvo, S, eds.
Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast: conservation histories, policies and practices in north-west Namibia.
Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 343-374.
ISBN 9781805112969
Sullivan, S, Dieckmann, U and Lendelvo, S
'Etosha-Kunene conservation conversations: an introduction.'
Sullivan, S,
Dieckmann, U and
Lendelvo, S, eds.
Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast: conservation histories, policies and practices in north-west Namibia.
Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 1-20.
ISBN 9781805112969
Sullivan, S, Dieckmann, U and Lendelvo, S
'Etosha-Kunene, from “pre-colonial” to German colonial times.'
Sullivan, S,
Dieckmann, U and
Lendelvo, S, eds.
Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast: conservation histories, policies and practices in north-west Namibia.
Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 23-68.
ISBN 9781805112969
Sullivan, S and Ganuses, W.S
'Cultural heritage and histories of the Northern Namib / Skeleton Coast National Park.'
Sullivan, S,
Dieckmann, U and
Lendelvo, S, eds.
Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast: conservation histories, policies and practices in north-west Namibia.
Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 307-342.
ISBN 9781805112969
Wood, J and Harrison, P
'Response to Emily and Emily.'
Furnell, E and
Hawes, E, eds.
what is a studio, anyway?
Press On That, London, pp. 126-133.
ISBN 9781399983273
Akin, I
ORCID: 0000-0003-0918-7441, Akin, M
ORCID: 0000-0002-9021-869X, Ozturk, Z, Hameed, A, Opara, V
ORCID: 0000-0002-5148-3204 and Satiroglu, H
ORCID: 0000-0001-7483-4305
'Exploring fluctuations and interconnected movements
in stock, commodity, and cryptocurrency markets.'
British Actuarial Journal, 29.
De‐Loyde, K, Ferrar, J, Pilling, M.A, Hollands, G.J, Clarke, N
ORCID: 0000-0003-2375-4510, Matthews, J.A, Maynard, O.M, Wood, T, Heath, C, Munafò, M.R and Attwood, A.S
'The impact of introducing alcohol‐free beer options in bars and public houses on alcohol sales and revenue: a randomised crossover field trial.'
Addiction, 119 (6).
pp. 1071-1079.
Graham, A.-M.C, Bystrom, L.M, Rogers, O, Berwick, Z, Akrane, O, Field, A, Zdrava, D and Coe, S
'The impact of Covid-19 on lifestyle and dietary habits during and after lockdown in people with neurological conditions, and their perceptions of how these changes have impacted their physical and mental health: a cross-sectional survey study.'
Clinical Nutrition Open Science, 57.
pp. 109-125.
Hayes, S
ORCID: 0000-0001-8633-0155, Jandrić, P, la Velle, L, Earle, S
ORCID: 0000-0002-6155-1098, Šrajer, F, Dragić, Z, Kubat, S, Peraica, A, Švraka, D, Popović, S, Mumelaš, D, Pospiš, D, Vujanović, B, Lugović, S, Jopling, M, Tolbert, S and Watermeyer, R
'Postdigital citizen science and humanities: dialogue from the ground.'
Postdigital Science and Education.
Hodge, S, Brandi, U, Hoggan-Kloubert, T, Milana, M and Morris, T.H
ORCID: 0000-0002-0100-6434
'Editorial - In times of trouble, what is the role of lifelong education and educators?'
International Journal of Lifelong Education, 43 (2-3).
pp. 87-92.
Karanika-Murray, M, Van Veldhoven, M, Michaelides, G, Baguley, T, Gkiontsi, D and Harrison, N
'Curvilinear relationships between age and job performance and the role of job complexity.'
Work, Aging and Retirement, 10 (2).
pp. 156-173.
Li, L, Liu, L, Walker, A, Wang, J, Pomorina, I and Opara, V
ORCID: 0000-0002-5148-3204
'The agential causes of business management students in the implementation of the full virtual teaching.'
Journal of Modern Educational Research, 3 (1).
Marchuk, O, Melnychuk, L, Paguta, T, Pocheniuk, Y, Bates, A, Paez, Y
ORCID: 0000-0003-0778-5181 and Parfitt, A
'Peace education in a time of war: the Museum of Peace in Rivne, Ukraine as a space of memory making and hope.'
Journal of Peace Education, 21 (1).
pp. 16-33.
McFadden, P, Ross, J, MacLochlainn, J, Mallett, J, McGrory, S, Currie, D, Schroder, H, Nicholl, P, Ravalier, J.M and Manthorpe, J
'COVID-19 impact on children’s social work practice and social worker well-being: a mixed methods study from Northern Ireland and Great Britain during 2020–2022.'
The British Journal of Social Work, 54 (3).
pp. 1170-1190.
Niolaki, G.Z, Terzopoulos, A, Hawkins, W, Hamilton, L, Goff, I, Penketh, C and the Gloucestershire Dyslexia Association
'Increasing awareness of dyslexia; a knowledge exchange
project linking schools, the Gloucestershire Dyslexia
Association (GDA), and Bath Spa University.'
Patoss Bulletin, 37 (1).
Putri, N.F, Hameed, A, Akin, M
ORCID: 0000-0002-9021-869X, Akin, I
ORCID: 0000-0003-0918-7441, Khan, M.Z, Banerjee, S and Zaidi, S.M.T
'Analysing the modest fashion market: an empirical study of
e-commerce best-selling products.'
Journal of Islamic Marketing.
Rowson, B, Law, M
ORCID: 0000-0002-6127-5353, Miller, J.M, White, T, Shipton, C, Crowther, A, Ndiema, E, Petraglia, M and Boivin, N
'A Quaternary sequence of terrestrial molluscs from East Africa: a record of diversity, stability, and abundance since Marine Isotope Stage 5 (78,000 BP).'
Archiv für Molluskenkunde / International Journal of Malacology, 153 (1).
pp. 61-86.
Tolbert, S, Olson, C, Haq, R.U, Evans, L, dos Santos, A.P.O, Franco, A.A, Jager, I, Kovač, M, Orchard, S, Harris, S, Šrajer, F, Santos-Lang, C, Jandrić, P, Hayes, S
ORCID: 0000-0001-8633-0155 and Jopling, M
'‘Citizen scientists’ on citizen science.'
Postdigital Science and Education.
Van Nuland, S, Dinitsa-Schmidt, S, Assunção Flores, M, Hordatt Gentles, C, la Velle, L and Ruttenberg-Rozen, R
'Changes in teacher education provision: comparative experiences internationally.'
Journal of Education for Teaching, 50 (2).
pp. 341-366.
Please click the title to check availability.
Withers, R and Channer, A
'Alice Channer.'
Burlington Contemporary, 22 Feb.
Please click the title to check availability.
Yeo, R, Keogh, M, Geen, E, Eriksen, S.H, Crow, L, Bush, T, Jodoin, S and Bell, S.L
'Beyond the single story of climate vulnerability.'
International Journal of Disability and Social Justice, 4 (2).
pp. 48-70.
Conference or Workshop Item
Dunseath, J, Kidd, N, Addison, J, Large, K and Quiafe, M
Inventory of Behaviours - What conditions (cultural, sociological, economic, political) shape artists’ behaviours, and how can they help us to rethink the ways in which we work, teach, and learn?
In: BSU Research Festival 2024, 5 June 2024, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK.
Filer, N
The imaginary patient.
In: Medicine 360's Bodies: 2 Conference, 22 November 2024, Wills Memorial Building, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK.
Kidd, N, Dunseath, J, Addison, J and Large, K
Pauses - Inventory of Behaviours.
In: Doing Together 2024, 4 - 5 April 2024, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK.
Commissioned Report
Dunseath, J and Squires, K
Touch Type.
In: Ludic Territories, Das LOT, Vienna, Austria, 30 May - 2 June 2024.
Hong, Y
Five Acts.
Spike Island, Bristol, UK, 3 February - 5 May 2024.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
100 boxes (2009).
In: ...daquele que é (des)objeto I - Festa da Arte em Rede da Região do Alentejo (FARRA), Fort Santa Luzia, Elvas, Portugal, 28 June - 25 August 2024.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
100 boxes (2009).
In: ...daquele que é (des)objeto II, Leal Rios Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal, 27 September 2024 - 22 February 2025.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
100 falls (2016).
In: New Grounds, Viewmaster Projects, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 3 - 20 October 2024.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
The magicians (2023).
In: New Ideas for Other Times, Von Bartha, Basel, Switzerland, 8 March - 18 May 2024.
Lewis-Smith, C
Don't worry, this is England ...
In: Embodying Ecocide: Between Hope and Hopelessness, University Theatre, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK, 21 March 2024.
Villierezz, P and Gutarra, S
Panther Panther live performance.
In: Allen Valleys Folk Festival, Village Hall, Allendale, UK, 28 September 2024.
Please click the title to check availability.
Villierezz, P, Gutarra, S and Zubieta, M
Panther Panther live at The Jam Jar.
In: Worm 'Valentines' Club: Pachyman // Miss Mash // Panther Panther, The Jam Jar, Bristol, 14 February 2024.
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