Number of items: 773.
Gifford, T, ed.
Ted Hughes.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.
ISBN 9781137301116
Ansell, C and Nicholson, D
'The national context for the curriculum.'
Cremin, T and
Arthur, J, eds.
Learning to teach in the primary school. 3rd ed.
Routledge, London, pp. 283-299.
ISBN 9780415818193
Ansell, K
'Active learning with ICT.'
Vickery, A, ed.
Developing active learning in the primary classroom.
Sage, London, pp. 114-130.
ISBN 9781446255469
Barks, S.K, Bauernfeind, A.L, Bonar, C.J, Cranfield, M.R, de Sousa, A.A
ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894, Erwin, J.M, Hopkins, W.D, Lewandowski, A.H, Mudakikwa, A, Phillips, K.A, Raghanti, M.A, Stimpson, C.D, Hof, P.R, Zilles, K and Sherwood, C.C
'Variable temporoinsular cortex neuroanatomy in primates suggests a bottleneck effect in eastern gorillas.'
Journal of Comparative Neurology, 522 (4).
pp. 844-860.
Bergthaller, H, Emmett, R, Johns-Putra, A, Kneitz, A, Lidström, S, McCorristine, S, Pérez Ramos, I, Phillips, D, Rigby, K and Robin, L
'Mapping common ground: ecocriticism, environmental history, and the environmental humanities.'
Environmental Humanities, 5.
pp. 261-276.
Bizley, K
Hodder Education, London.
ISBN 9781471806513
Boehnert, J
ORCID: 0000-0002-8990-0325
'Ecological perception: seeing systems.'
Lim, Y,
Niedderer, K,
Redström, J,
Stolterman, E and
Valtonen, A, eds.
Design's Big Debates - DRS International Conference 2014, 16-19 June, Umeå, Sweden.
Design Research Society.
Bonnell, M, Fairman, E, McCracken Peck, R, Duggins, M and Burnett, D
Of green leaf, bird, and flower: artists' books and the natural world.
Yale Centre for British Art, New Haven, 15 May - 10 August 2014.
ISBN 9780300204247
Brown, B.M, Boyd, A, Burks, S and Vasile, A
The effectiveness of alternatively certified teachers from rigorous programs on math and literacy achievement: a systematic review.
In: 41st Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Political Science Association (ArkPSA), 28 February - 1 March 2014, American Heritage Center, Searcy, AR, USA.
Brown, B.M, Crouch, M, Boyd, A.M, Deck, C and Bowen, D.H
An experimental analysis of teacher risk preferences, ambiguity preferences, over-confidence, and competitiveness.
In: The Association for Education Finance and Policy 39th Annual Conference: New Players in Education Finance and Policy, 13 - 15 March 2014, Marriott Rivercenter, San Antonio, TX, USA.
Brown, B.M, Ritter, G, Crouch, M and Boyd, A.M
Finding quality: does one’s path to certification matter?
In: The Association for Education Finance and Policy 39th Annual Conference: New Players in Education Finance and Policy, 13 - 15 March 2014, Marriott Rivercenter, San Antonio, TX, USA.
Caes, L, Boerner, K.E, Chambers, C.T, McGrath, P.J, Stinson, J.N, Campbell-Yeo, M, Birnie, K.A, Dol, J, Jordan, A, Huguet, A, MacLaren Chorney, J, Parker, J.A and Schinkel, M.G
A bibliometric analysis illustrating trends in pediatric pain research between 1975 and 2010.
In: IASP 15th World Congress on Pain, 6-11 October 2014, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Caulfield, L.S and Wilkinson, D
Forensic psychology.
Psychology Express
Pearson, Harlow.
ISBN 9781447921677
Chalus, E
'The Burcott bear: gender, power and belonging in the Wells election of 1765.'
Cowman, K,
Koefoed, N and
Sjogren, A, eds.
Gender in urban Europe: sites of political activity and citizenship, 1750-1900.
Routledge research in gender and history
Routledge, New York, pp. 77-92.
ISBN 9780415868892
Please click the title to check availability.
Clarke, R
Accidents will happen.
In: We Could Not Agree, QPark, Cavendish Square, London, 13 -19 October 2014.
Clayden, P
Tarantino Cabaret.
In: Shambala Festival, Northamptonshire, UK, 21-24 August 2014.
Cockayne, A
Angela Cockayne: solo exhibition.
In: Bournemouth Arts by the Sea Festival, Bournemouth Natural Science Society (BNSS) & Museum, 11-12 October 2014.
Collier, C and McMahon, K
'A thematic approach to humans and animals in Early Years education.'
Davies, D,
Howe, A,
Collier, C,
Digby, R,
Earle, S
ORCID: and
McMahon, K, eds.
Teaching science and technology in the early years (3-7). 2nd ed.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 125-144.
ISBN 9780415825580
Conole, G
'The 7Cs of learning design: a new approach to rethinking design practice.'
Bayne, S,
Jones, C,
de Laat, M,
Ryberg, T and
Sinclair, C, eds.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Networked Learning 2014.
Networked Learning Conference, Lancaster University, pp. 502-509.
ISBN 9781862203044
Please click the title to check availability.
Conole, G
'The use of technology in distance education.'
Zawacki-Richter, O and
Anderson, T, eds.
Online distance education: towards a research agenda.
Issues in distance education
Athabasca University Press.
ISBN 9781927356623
Cottam, L, Gibson, E, Harnett, J, Spiers, R, Thomas, L, Watson, D, Watts, D and Weiss, M
The feasibility of biodiversity enhancements in woodland ground flora around Whatley Quarry: final report submission to the Quarry Life Award Project.
Dafydd, S.M
'Big cats.'
Ford, M, ed.
The best British poetry 2014.
Salt, London, p. 29.
ISBN 9781907773686
Dafydd, S.M
'Diving for starters.'
Wild, S, ed.
Rarebit: new Welsh fiction.
Parthian, Cardigan.
ISBN 9781909844407
Dafydd, S.M
g39, Cardiff.
ISBN 9780956495242
Dafydd, S.M
'Hospital field.'
Royle, N, ed.
The best British short stories 2014.
Salt, London.
ISBN 9781907773679
Dalwood, D
Ezra Pound (2011).
In: The Venice Syndrome: Grandeur and Fall in the Art of Venice, Gl Holtegaard, Holte, Denmark, 22 August–14 December 2014.
ISBN 9788788499803
Dalwood, D
Ian Curtis (2001).
In: Paintings: 30 Years of FRAC Champagne Ardennes, Musee d'art moderne, Troyes, France, 23 June - 29 September 2014.
Dalwood, D
London Paintings.
Simon Lee Gallery, London, 18 November 2014-24 January 2015.
Dalwood, D
Robert Walser (2012).
In: Paying No Attention I Notice Everything: Robert Walser and the Visual Arts, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, Switzerland, 10 May – 27 July 2014.
ISBN 9783716517963
Please click the title to check availability.
Davies, D, Earle, S
ORCID: 0000-0002-6155-1098, Collier, C, Digby, R, Howe, A and McMahon, K
Teaching science and technology in the early years (3-7). 2nd ed.
Routledge, Abingdon.
ISBN 9780415825580
Davies, D, Jindal-Snape, D, Digby, R, Howe, A, Collier, C and Hay, P
'The roles and development needs of teachers to promote creativity: a systematic review of literature.'
Teaching and Teacher Education, 41 (July).
pp. 34-41.
Dunseath, J
From growth and form.
In: Richard Hamilton, Tate Modern, London, 13 February - 26 May 2014.
Dunseath, J, Ayling, N, Bax, O, Black, H and Wallbank, J
Making sculpture: views from the studio.
In: Collaborating with Caro, 10 October 2014, Central St Martins, London.
Enright, H
Watermark [group exhibition].
In: Academy 20: Convocation Between the Poetic and the Practical, Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, 14 - 16 November 2014.
Enright, H
The river.
Custom House Quay, Limerick, Ireland, 13 August - 1 September 2014.
Evans, P
Little Toller Books, Toller Fratrum, Dorset.
ISBN 9781908213167
Fatehrad, A, Burgin, V, Richon, R, Mavor, C and Wilson, C.J.R
ORCID: 0000-0003-0084-2198
The production of images.
In: So Far/So Good, 10 - 11 January 2014, Royal College of Art, London, UK.
Fishenden, J
Interactive palimpsests.
In: IEEE SOSE 2014, 8th International Symposium On Service-oriented System Engineering, 7 - 10 April 2014, St. Catherine's College, Oxford University, Oxford.
Fonseca, F and Marcinkowski, M
'Who is the big data student?'
Lane, J.E and
Zimpher, N.L, eds.
Building a smarter university: big data, innovation, and analytics.
SUNY Press, Albany, pp. 121-142.
ISBN 9781438454535
Gardenghi, S, Renaud, T.M, Meloni, A, Casu, C, Crielaard, B.J., Bystrom, L.M, Greenberg-Kushnir, N, Sasu, B.J, Cooke, K.S and Rivella, S
'Distinct roles for hepcidin and interleukin-6 in the recovery from anemia in mice injected with heat-killed Brucella abortus.'
Blood, 123 (8).
pp. 1137-1145.
Garside, D
'Philosophy for children.'
Vickery, A, ed.
Developing active learning in the primary classroom.
Sage, London, pp. 174-193.
ISBN 9781446255469
Gibson, H
'Education for citizenship and democracy.'
Curtis, W,
Ward, S,
Sharp, J and
Hankin, L, eds.
Education studies: an issues-based approach. 3rd ed.
Sage, Los Angeles, pp. 191-201.
ISBN 9781446267424
Gifford, T
'All souls’ day 2010, Sella.'
North, C, ed.
Red rock dreaming: evocations of life on the Levant coast.
McFarlands Publishing, Isle of Man, p. 27.
Gifford, T
Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, 21 (1).
p. 143.
Gifford, T
'On Monday in the mountains.'
North, C, ed.
Red rock dreaming: evocations of life on the Levant Coast.
McFarlands Publishing, Isle of Man, p. 13.
Gifford, T
'Pastoral, anti-pastoral, post-pastoral.'
Westling, L, ed.
The Cambridge companion to literature and the environment.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 17-30.
ISBN 9781107628960
Gifford, T
'The bull of the Bernia.'
North, C, ed.
Red rock dreaming: evocations of life on the Levant Coast.
McFarlands Publishing, Isle of Man, p. 22.
Glowacki, D.R, O'Connor, M, Calabró, G, Price, J, Tew, P, Mitchell, T, Hyde, J, Tew, D.P, Coughtrie, D.J and McIntosh-Smith, S
'A GPU-accelerated immersive audio-visual framework for interaction with molecular dynamics using consumer depth sensors.'
Faraday Discussions, 169.
pp. 63-87.
Gokiert, R.J, Georgis, R, Tremblay, M, Krishnan, V, Vandenberghe, C and Lee, C
'Evaluating the adequacy of social-emotional measures in early childhood.'
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 32 (5).
pp. 441-454.
Grant, A, Foster, T.M, Temple, W, Jackson, S, Kinloch, J.M and Poling, A
'Reinforcer magnitude and demand under fixed-ratio schedules with domestic hens.'
Behavioural Processes, 103.
pp. 199-210.
Green, J
Seal Island.
Oxford University Press.
ISBN 9780192735669
Guan, H, Yang, H and Hakeem, H
'Reverse engineering web applications for security mechanism enhancement.'
Chang, C.K,
Gao, Y,
Hurson, A,
Matskin, M,
McMillin, B,
Okabe, Y,
Seceleanu, C and
Yoshida, K, eds.
Proceedings: IEEE 38th Annual International Computers, Software and Applications Conference Workshops.
IEEE Computer Society, Tokyo, pp. 492-497.
ISBN 9781479935789
Guo, C, Xu, J, Yang, H, Zeng, Y and Xing, S
'An automated testing approach for inter-application security in Android.'
Zhu, H,
Gao, J,
Sinha, S and
Zhang, L, eds.
AST 2014: proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Automation of Software Test.
ACM, New York, pp. 8-14.
ISBN 9781450328586
Hakeem, H, Guan, H and Yang, H
'A framework of patterns applicability in software development.'
Chang, C.K,
Gao, Y,
Hurson, A,
Matskin, M,
McMillin, B,
Okabe, Y,
Seceleanu, C and
Yoshida, K, eds.
Proceedings: IEEE 38th Annual International Computers, Software and Applications Conference Workshops.
IEEE Computer Society, Tokyo, pp. 486-491.
ISBN 9781479935789
Harman, W.H
In: Art on a Postcard, Whitfield Fine Art, London, UK, 11 -13 November 2014.
Harman, W.H
The sculptural spoons.
In: Muse: The Collection Inspires, Holburne Museum, Bath, UK, 10 - 24 October 2014.
Harman, W.H
The white bananas.
In: Annual Open: The 30th Year, CGP London Gallery, London, UK, 26 November - 14 December 2014.
Harrison, K
Bustleholme: site and sound.
In: SITE: Situating Ceramics Colloquium (CARCuos), 9 May 2015, Ceramic Arts Research Centre, University of Sunderland, UK.
Harvey, S
Dear thief.
Jonathan Cape.
ISBN 9780224101721
Hasson, S, Lucarini, V, Khan, M.R, Petitta, M, Bolch, T and Gioli, G
'Early 21st century snow cover state over the western river basins of the Indus River system.'
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18 (10).
pp. 4077-4100.
Hayes, S
ORCID: 0000-0001-8633-0155
'Learning from a deceptively spacious policy discourse.'
Bayne, S,
Jones, C,
de Laat, M,
Ryberg, T and
Sinclair, C, eds.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Networked Learning 2014.
Lancaster University, pp. 153-161.
ISBN 9781862203044
Head, A
Stories on walls.
In: ISEA 2014, 30 October - 8 November 2014, Dubai, UAE.
Head, A
Text and Texture.
In: Shakespeare's Birthplace Lightshow, Stratford upon Avon, UK, 27 November-14 December 2014.
Herrema, R, Alarcón, X, Hardie-Bick, T and Chirimini, S
4 4 Flow.
In: 4 4 Flow, Chisenhale Dance Space, London, 28 March, 2014.
Herrema, R, Armitage, G, Kirves, M and Clark, G
Hill, T
Hadfield, A,
Dimmock, M and
Shinn, A, eds.
The Ashgate research companion to popular culture in early modern England.
Ashgate, Basingstoke, pp. 43-58.
ISBN 9781409436843
Honan, N, Wescott, E, Burgess, R, Martin, H, MacDonald, J, Hooper, E and Abel, S
Death, treason, rhyme and reason.
Bristol Old Vic, Bristol, 7-10 May 2014.
Hong, Y
Image Unidentified.
Art Sonje Center, Seoul, South Korea, 1 March - 30 April 2014.
Hong, Y
Let us dance.
In: Spectrum Spectrum, Plateau Museum, Seoul, Korea, 4 July - 12 October 2014.
Hordern, J
'Productive systems of professional formation.'
Billett, S,
Harteis, C and
Gruber, H, eds.
International handbook of research in professional and practice-based learning.
Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 163-193.
ISBN 9789401789011
Howard, R
Artist talk.
In: Bluecoat Display Centre Artist Talks, 23 September 2014, Athenaeum Club, Liverpool, UK.
Howard, R
Artist's talk on Red Work.
In: Red Work, Rachael Howard, 27 November 2014, Waterside Arts Centre, Manchester, UK.
Howard, R
Found friends.
CIT Crawford College of Art, Cork, Ireland, 7 - 14 April 2014.
Howard, R
PSS workshop.
In: Making an Impact, 28 March 2014, PSS, Liverpool, UK.
Howard, R
Red work.
Waterside Arts Centre, Sale, Manchester, 11 October 2014 - 31 January 2015.
Hughes, W
'The Gothic.'
Latham, R, ed.
The Oxford handbook of science fiction.
Oxford handbooks of literature
Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 463-474.
ISBN 9780199838844
Hugill, A
Pataphysics and computing.
In: Philadelphia à la Pataphysique, March 21st - 23rd 2014, University of Pennsylvania.
Hunter, M.S, Sharpley, C.F, Stefanopoulou, E, Yousaf, O, Bitsika, V and Christie, D.R.H
'The Hot Flush Beliefs and Behaviour Scale for Men (HFBBS-Men) undergoing treatment for prostate cancer.'
Maturitas, 79 (4).
pp. 464-470.
Hyde, J
Molecular music.
In: Bristol Proms, Bristol Old Vic, Bristol, UK, August 2014.
Hyland, P
What was the Enlightenment?
In: Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution (BRLSI) Christmas Lecture, 12 December 2014, Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution (BRLSI), Bath, UK.
Janik McErlean, A.B, Susilo, T, Rezlescu, C and Banissy, M.J
Enhancing facial emotion recognition with tACS induced gamma oscillations.
In: Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, 16 - 21 May 2014, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA.
Johnson, R.M, Edwards, E, Gardner, J and Mohan, B
'Village heritage and resilience in damaging floods and debris flows, Kullu Valley, Indian Himalaya.'
Convery, I,
Corsane, G and
Davis, P, eds.
Displaced heritage: responses to disaster, trauma, and loss.
Boydell Press, Woodbridge, pp. 207-224.
ISBN 9781843839637
Please click the title to check availability.
Jones, O
'8 (urban) places of trees: affective embodiment, politics, identity and materiality.'
Sandberg, L.A,
Bardekjian, A and
Butt, S, eds.
Urban forests, trees and greenspace: a political ecology perspective.
Routledge, London, pp. 111-131.
ISBN 9780415714105
Jones, S, Cotterill, R, Dewdney, N, Muir, K and Joinson, A
'Finding Zelig in text: a measure for normalising linguistic accommodation.'
Tsujii, J and
Hajic, J, eds.
Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: technical papers.
Dublin City University/ACL, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 455-465.
ISBN 9781941643266
Please click the title to check availability.
Jose, N
'Ah Xian.'
Mitzevich, N, ed.
Dark heart : 2014 Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art.
Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide.
ISBN 9781921668173
Jose, N
Giramondo, Artamon, NSW.
ISBN 9781922146632
Jose, N
'Metamorphic Malouf.'
Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 14 (2).
Kampe, T
'From the field: community dance and emerging values.'
Proceedings of international symposium 'Inquiry into Community Dance - Art of the Public Dance Activity.
Korean National University of The Arts, Seoul, Korea, pp. 5-26.
Please click the title to check availability.
Karantonis, P
'Cathy Berberian and the performative art of voice.'
Karantonis, P,
Placanica, F,
Sivuoja-Kauppala, A and
Verstraete, P, eds.
Cathy Berberian: pioneer of contemporary vocality.
Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 151-168.
ISBN 9781409469834
Karantonis, P
Karantonis, P,
Placanica, F,
Sivuoja-Kauppala, A and
Verstraete, P, eds.
Cathy Berberian: pioneer of contemporary vocality.
Ashgate, Farnham.
ISBN 9781409469834
Karantonis, P
'Special transcript - Cathy’s solo talk show.'
Karantonis, P,
Placanica, F,
Sivuoja-Kauppala, A and
Verstraete, P, eds.
Cathy Berberian: pioneer of contemporary vocality.
Ashgate, Farnham.
ISBN 9781409469834
Kelker, M.S, Berry, C, Evans, S.L, Pai, R, McCaskill, D.G, Wang, N.X, Russell, J.C, Baker, M.D, Yang, C, Pflugrath, J.W, Wade, M, Wess, T.J and Narva, K.E
'Structural and biophysical characterization of bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal proteins Cry34Ab1 and Cry35Ab1.'
PLoS ONE, 9 (11).
Kerridge, R
'Ecocritical readings.'
Gifford, T, ed.
Ted Hughes.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 176-190.
ISBN 9781137301116
Keyte, J
Hardware Hopes.
In: Manchester Mini Maker Faire, Museum of Science of Industry, Manchester, UK, 26 July 2014.
Kidd, N
Inflate automated.
In: Test Run, Modern Art Oxford, Oxford, 2 May - 8 June 2014.
Kidd, N, Addison, J and Dunseath, J
About making.
In: Noticing Making Summer School, July 2014, Tate Modern, London.
Kinloch, J.M, McEwan, J.S and Foster, T.M
Methods in stimulus equivalence research.
In: The Psychological Society of Ireland Division of Behaviour Analysis Conference, 4-5 April 2014, Sheraton Hotel, Athlone, Ireland.
Kovats, T
In: Drawing Research Network Symposium, 13 December 2014, Coventry University, UK.
Kovats, T
The Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh, UK, 15 March – 25 May 2014.
Krom, M.D, Ben David, A, Ingall, E.D, Benning, L.G, Clerici, S, Bottrell, S, Davies, C.L, Potts, N.J, Mortimer, R.J.G and van Rijn, J
'Bacterially mediated removal of phosphorus and cycling of nitrate and sulfate in the waste stream of a “zero-discharge” recirculating mariculture system.'
Water Research, 56.
pp. 109-121.
Lalic, M
Heavy metal?
Galerie Renate Bender, Munich, 14 November 2014 - 17 January 2015.
Lalic, M
History painting. Purple (2013).
In: Faszination farbe: monochrom, minimal, konkret. Internationale positionen, Kunsthaus Furstenfeldbruck, Germany, 3 October - 16 November 2014.
Lalic, M
Maria Lalic: artists talk.
In: Curators Day, 9 October 2014, Royal Albert Memorial Museum and Art Gallery, Exeter..
Lamont, B.R
Women and mental health.
In: Feminism in Theory and Action, 1 November 2014, Wadham College, University of Oxford, UK.
Law, M
ORCID: 0000-0002-6127-5353
'Mollusc shells from archaeological building materials.'
Szabo, K,
Dupont, C,
Dimitrijevic, V,
Gomez Gastelum, L and
Serrand, N, eds.
Archaeomalacology: shells in the archaeological record.
Archaeopress, Oxford, pp. 253-256.
ISBN 9781407313085
Lefevre, C.E, Etchells, P.J, Howell, E.C, Clark, A.P and Penton-Voak, I.S
'Facial width-to-height ratio predicts self-reported dominance and aggression in males and females, but a measure of masculinity does not.'
Biology Letters, 10 (10).
Lewis-Smith, C
Liardet, T
'Viginty Alley.'
Hannah, S, ed.
The poetry of sex.
Penguin, London.
ISBN 9780670921836
Little, L, Morgan, P, Fahey, T, Kang, J, Sailsbury, M and Palmer, B
Pen to page: making and creating books.
In: The 2nd Limerick International Publishers' Salon (LIPS 2), 7 -11 October 2014, Ormston House, Limerick, Ireland.
Liu, L, Yang, C, Wang, J, Ye, X, Liu, Y, Yang, H and Liu, X
'Requirements model driven adaption and evolution of Internetware.'
Science China Information Sciences, 57 (6).
pp. 1-19.
Liu, R and Yang, H
'Chaos and fractal for Creative Computing.'
Bari, E,
Duce, D and
Wang, H, eds.
Proceedings: IEEE Eighth International Symposium on Service Oriented System Engineering.
IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, pp. 470-473.
ISBN 9781479936168
Lovell, N, Croft, P, Bennett, S and Newman, J
Next generation - mobile gaming, 'connected consoles’ and digital distribution.
In: Westminster Media Forum Keynote Seminar: The UK Video Games Industry - Innovation, Commercial Opportunities and Next Steps for Policy, 16 October 2014, Royal Aeronautical Society, London, UK.
Lundskaer-Nielsen, M
'The Prince-Sondheim legacy.'
Gordon, R, ed.
The Oxford handbook of Sondheim studies.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 97-116.
ISBN 9780195391374
Manuel, M, Coningham, R, Gillmore, G and Fazeli, H
'Societal change and sustainability within the Central Plateau of Iran: an archaeological viewpoint.'
Sillitoe, P, ed.
Sustainable development: an appraisal from the Gulf Region.
Berghahn, Oxford, pp. 38-61.
ISBN 9781782383710
Marshall, R, Mistrello, J, Sirisena, S.D, Ghavami, A and Krishnamoorthy, S
'Determination of the antioxidant capacity, total phenolic and
avonoid contents of seeds from three commercial varieties of
culinary dates.'
International Journal of Food Studies, 3 (1).
pp. 34-44.
Massoumi, N
Home and diasporic memories.
In: Journeys Across Media: Memory and Imagination, 25 April 2014, University of Reading, Reading, UK.
McGuire-Snieckus, R, Markopoulos, G, Coombs, M, Stevens, D, Vitale, A and Wainwright, E
Differences between placement and non-placement students: a mixed methods approach.
In: BPS (British Psychological Society) Mathematical, Statistical and Computing Psychology Section: Scientific Meeting, 13 December 2014, Keele University, Keele, UK.
McInnes, R, Smith, G.M, Greaves, J, Watson, D, Wood, D and Everard, M
Defra Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES): Pilot PES Research Project. The Tortworth Brook Project: Final Report.
Bristol Avon Rivers Trust (BART), Bristol.
McKeown, M, Cresswell, M and Spandler, H
'Deeply engaged relationships: alliances between mental health workers and psychiatric survivors in the UK.'
Burstow, B,
LeFrançois, B.A and
Diamond, S, eds.
Psychiatry disrupted: theorizing resistance and crafting the (r)evolution.
McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal, Canada, pp. 145-161.
ISBN 9780773543300
Please click the title to check availability.
Mears, R and Harrison, E
'Researching changes in higher education occupations.'
Gornall, L,
Cook, C and
Daunton, L, eds.
Academic working lives: experience, practice and change.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, London: New York, pp. 280-287.
ISBN 9781441185341
Merron, J, Simpson, E, McKenzie, M and Harman, W.H
Crime waves.
In: Creative Sparks: Commons Launch Event, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK, 6 June 2014.
Morgan, C
'Extended sentences for public protection.'
Taylor, P,
Corteen, K and
Morley, S, eds.
A companion to criminal justice, mental health and risk.
Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 101-102.
ISBN 9781447310334
Morgan, C
'Populist punitiveness.'
Taylor, P,
Corteen, K and
Morley, S, eds.
A companion to criminal justice, mental health and risk.
Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 216-217.
ISBN 9781447310334
Neudecker, M
Cook and Peary (2013).
In: RE-THINK: Environment, National Maritime Museum, London, December 2014 – Spring 2015.
Neudecker, M
Some things happen all at once.
In: The Antarctic Pavillion Presents...Antarctopia: Venice Architecture Biennale, Fondaco Marcello, Venice, Italy, 7 June – 23 November 2014.
Parfitt, R
No guru, no method, no teacher.
In: Teaching, Learning & Assessing Songwriting in Higher Education, 10 January 2014, Liverpool Institute for the Performing Arts, Liverpool, UK.
Parfitt, R
Scary monsters.
In: Heroes and monsters: extraordinary tales of learning and teaching in the Arts and Humanities, 2-4 June 2014, Salford Quays, Manchester, UK.
Parfitt, R
Songwriter as seeker.
In: International Association for the Study of Popular Music (UK & Ireland) Biennial Conference, 12-14 September 2014, University College Cork , Cork, Ireland.
Parry-Williams, T
'Made-by-hand: [re]valuing traditional (Japanese) textile practices for contemporary design.'
Miles, J,
Harris, J and
Sinha, P, eds.
Proceedings for Transition: Re-thinking Textiles and Surfaces, 26-27 November 2014, University of Huddersfield, UK.
University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield.
ISBN 9781862181274
Prince, J, Austin, J, Shewring, L, Birdsey, N, McInnes, K and Roderique-Davies, G
Attitudes to parenting practices and child discipline.
Welsh Government Social Research.
Purcell-Gates, L
Puppetry workshop / Demo and discussion.
In: Performing the Freak: a Dialogue Between Theatre and Science About Monstrosity, 29 March 2014 & 13 June 2014, Tobacco Factory Theatres, Bristol, UK.
Rigby, K
'Animal calls.'
Moore, S.D, ed.
Divinanimality: animal theory, creaturely theology.
Fordham University Press, New York, pp. 116-131.
ISBN 9780823263196
Rigby, K
Pastoral under pressure.
In: Encountering Australia: Transcultural Conversations, 24 - 26 September 2014, Monash University Prato Centre, Prato, Italy.
Rigby, K
'Romanticism and ecocriticism.'
Garrard, G, ed.
The Oxford handbook of ecocriticism.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 60-79.
ISBN 9780199742929
Rigby, K
'Writing after nature.'
Hiltner, K, ed.
Ecocriticism: the essential reader.
Routledge, London, pp. 357-367.
ISBN 9780415508599
Rigby, K
The poetics of decolonisation.
In: The Fifth Biennial International Conference of the Contemporary Women’s Writing Association (CWWA) : Contemporary Women's Writing and Environments, 3 - 5 July 2014, State Library of New South Wales, Melbourne, Australia.
Rigby, K, Robin, L and Wehner, K
In: The Fifth ASLEC-ANZ Biennual Conference: Affective Habitus: New Environmental Histories of Botany, Zoology and Emotions, 19 - 21 June 2014, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
Robertson, M
No Aorid.
In: It Was Amazing, 44AD Artspace, Bath, UK, 24 - 30 May 2014.
Rose, J, Black, P, Hughes, S and McMahon, K
'Talk, narrative and sustained shared thinking.'
Davies, D,
Howe, A,
Collier, C,
Digby, R,
Earle, S and
McMahon, K, eds.
Teaching science and technology in the early years (3-7). 2nd ed.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 33-53.
ISBN 9780415825580
Rose, J, Fuller, M, Gilbert, L and Palmer, S
'Early childhood education for sustainability in the United Kingdom: generating professional capital.'
Davis, J and
Elliott, S, eds.
Research in Early Childhood Education for Sustainability: International perspectives and provocations.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 294-308.
ISBN 9780415854498
Rose, J and Hattingh, L
'Young children as scientists, designers and technologists: theories of learning.'
Davies, D,
Howe, A,
Collier, C,
Digby, R,
Earle, S and
McMahon, K, eds.
Teaching science and technology in the early years (3-7). 2nd ed.
Routledge, London.
ISBN 9780415825580
Schreurs, B, Van den Beemt, A, Prinsen, F, De Laat, M, Witthaus, G and Conole, G
'Investigating the social configuration of a community to
understand how networked learning activities take place:
the OERu case study.'
Bayne, S,
Jones, C,
de Laat, M,
Ryberg, T and
Sinclair, C, eds.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Networked Learning 2014.
Networked Learning Conference, Lancaster University, pp. 261-270.
ISBN 9781862203044
Schreurs, B, Van den Beemt, A, Prinsen, F, Witthaus, G, Conole, G and De Laat, M
'An investigation into social learning activities by practitioners in open educational practices.'
The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 15 (4).
Semerciyan, S
The tinderbox.
Bristol Old Vic Theatre, Bristol, UK, 23 - 26 April 2014.
Semerciyan, S
The window.
Bristol Old Vic Theatre, Bristol, UK, 22 - 25 October 2014.
Slade, C
Space for women.
In: Gender Equality and Careers in Arts and the Humanities, 7 March 2014, James Callaghan Lecture Theatre, Swansea University.
Slade, C
A model of PPP.
In: The Future of Public-Private Partnerships in Higher Education, 4 December 2014, Regent’s University, London.
Sowden, T
Fortynine coach seats travelling along the M4 (2003).
In: RUKSSIAN Artists’ Books: Artists’ Books from the UK and Russia, Tsaritsyno State Historical, Architectural, Art and Landscape Museum-Reserve, Moscow, Russia, March - May 2014 & August – September 2014.
Sullivan, S, Bracking, S, Bond, P, Brockington, D, Büscher, B, Igoe, J and Woodhouse, P
Initial research design: ‘Human, non-human and environmental value systems: an impossible frontier?’.
LCSV working paper series no. 1.
ISBN 9780992818906
Sullivan, S, Fredriksen, A, Bracking, S, Greco, E, Igoe, J and Morgan, R
A conceptual map for the study of value. An initial mapping of concepts for the project ‘Human, non-human and environmental value systems: an impossible frontier?’.
LCSV working paper series no. 2.
ISBN 9780992818913
Sullivan, S, Hannis, M, Jutta, K, O'Neill, J and Robertson, M
New directions in conservation: a closer look at ‘value’ and offsetting.
In: 2nd Forum on Natural Commons, on Challenging Biodiversity Offsetting and the Financialisation of Nature, 2 June 2014, Regents Park Hub, London, UK.
Surridge, B, Gooddy, D.C, Newton, R, Moore, O, Heaton, T.H.E, Lapworth, D.J and Davies, C.L
Development and initial application of δ18Op to understand phosphorus cycling in river, lake and groundwater ecosystems.
In: EGU General Assembly, 27 April - 2 May 2014, Vienna, Austria.
Słowakiewicz, M, Thomas, L, Tucker, M.E, Zheng, Y, Whitaker, F and Pancost, R.D
Biogeochemistry of Holocene intertidal microbial mats of Qatar: implications for petroleum source rock
formation in carbonate-evaporite systems.
In: 19th International Sedimentological Congress: Sedimentology at the Crossroads of New Frontiers, Geneva, Switzerland, 18 - 22 August 2014.
Taylor, A
William Wright Artists Projects, Sydney, Australia, 31 July - 21 August 2014.
Taylor, A
A place for drawing.
In: Art School Educated, 11-12 September 2014, Tate Britain, London.
Taylor, A, Cockayne, A, Kidd, N and Nicol, G
Artists, makers, and museums in the 21st century.
In: Futurkammer, 7 - 15 June 2014, The Holburne Museum, Bath.
Taylor, A, Skipper, S and Neudecker, M
In visible nature – a conversation.
In: Contemporary Artists in the Environment, 16 May 2014, The Gallery at The Sidney Nolan Trust, Presteigne, Powys.
Thomas, L, Slowakiewicz, M, Pancost, R, Tucker, M, Sher May, D and Whitaker, F
'Holocene intertidal microbial mats of Qatar and their implications for petroleum source rock formation in carbonate-siliciclastic-evaporite systems.'
International Petroleum Technology Conference 2014 (IPTC) Proceedings: Unlocking Energy Through Innovation, Technology and Capability, Doha, Qatar, 19-22 January 2014.
Society of Petroleum Engineers, Richardson, Texas.
ISBN 9781632660053
doi: IPTC-17400-MS
Please click the title to check availability.
Tooby, M
Storio - store.
In: Settlement, Spit and Sawdust Skatepark, Cafe and Artspace, Roath, Cardiff, 17 October 2014.
Turk, G
100 years.
In: Paper, Smac Gallery, Capetown, South Africa, 24 January - 9 March 2014.
Turk, G
Ben Brown Gallery, Hong Kong, China, 13 September - 15 November 2014.
Turk, G
Identity crisis (1994).
In: Paparazzi! Photographers, Stars and Artists, Centre Pompidou Metz, France, 28 February - 9 June 2014.
Turk, G
Painted bronze III (2004).
In: Sculpture Show, Patricia Low Contemporary, St. Moriz, Switzerland, 8 February - 16 March 2014.
Turk, G
Pense Bête.
LARM Galleri, Copenhagen, Denmark, 11 April - 17 May 2014.
Turk, G
In: Futurkammer, The Holburne Museum, Bath, 7 June - 15 June 2014.
Turk, G
Smiley cup (2003).
In: Lifelike, Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix, USA, 5 February - 18 May 2014.
Turk, G
Fondation Frances, Senlis, France, 7 February - 17 May 2014.
Turk, G
We Are One.
New Art Centre Park & Gallery, Roche Court, UK, 8 November 2014 - 8 February 2015.
Turney, J
'(S)mother's love, or, baby knitting.'
Moran, A and
O'Brien, S, eds.
Love objects : emotion, design, and material culture.
Bloomsbury, London, pp. 21-30.
ISBN 9780857858467
Tweed, C
Charlie Tweed.
In: Art in the City Talks, 12 November 2014, Arnolfini, Bristol.
Walton, S
In: Poetry in Collaboration, Southbank centre, London, 20 May 2014.
Walton, S and Lindsay, J
In: Enemies: Hidden Door Arts Festival, Edinburgh, 29 April 2014.
Whiting, M
Lost [curator].
In: Lost, Salisbury Arts Centre, Wiltshire, UK, 21 August - 28 September 2014.
Please click the title to check availability.
Whitty, G, Weis, L, David, M and Apple, M
'Tributes to Jean Anyon.'
British Journal of Sociology of Education, 35 (3).
pp. 449-456.
Williamson, C
'The Ted scare.'
Revue Francaise de Civilisation Britannique, XIX (1).
pp. 49-66.
Wilson, A
Monkey madness.
Macmillan Children's Books, London.
ISBN 9781447236641
Wilson, A
Summer's shadow.
Macmillan Children's Books, London.
ISBN 9781447241812
Wood, J and Harrison, P
1000 songs.
In: Conversations Sur L’Invisible, Galerie Martine Aboucaya, Paris, 31 January-11 April 2015.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
66.86m (2003).
In: A Book Between Two Stools, Boghossian Foundation, Villa Empain, Brussels, 1 March-7 September 2014.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
In some film.
In: Site Festival, SVA (Stroud Valleys Artspace), Stroud, 10-25 May 2014.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
Six boxes (1997).
In: Why Can’t Minimal, Justina M. Barnicke Gallery, Toronto, Canada, 2 September-19 October 2014.
Woods, V, Osborne, N, Enright, H and Ó Conchúir, F
The role of artist as citizen.
In: Academy 20: Convocation Between the Poetic and the Practical, 14 -16 November 2014, Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.
Woodward, G
Picador, London.
ISBN 9780330518642
Wright, E.H
Bloomsbury influences.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
ISBN 9781443854344
Yang, H and Zhang, L
'Controlling and being creative: software cybernetics and creative computing.'
Chang, C.K,
Gao, Y,
Hurson, A,
Matskin, M,
McMillin, B,
Okabe, Y,
Seceleanu, C and
Yoshida, K, eds.
Proceedings: IEEE 38th Annual International Computers, Software and Applications Conference Workshops.
IEEE Computer Society, Tokyo, pp. 19-24.
ISBN 9781479935789
von Busch, O, Holroyd, A.T, Keyte, J, Yin, S.C, Ginsburg, H, Earley, R, Ballie, J and Hansson, H
'In the making: the ‘Power to the People’ workshop track at Crafting the Future.'
The Design Journal, 17 (3).
pp. 379-401.
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