Items where Year is 2001

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Number of items: 177.


Hughes, W, ed. (2001) Bram Stoker's 'The lady of the shroud'. Desert Island Books, Westcliff-on-Sea. ISBN 1874287228

Morrison, R, ed. (2001) The works of Thomas De Quincey, vol. 8. Pickering & Chatto, London. ISBN 9781851965199

Morrison, R, Lindop, G and Symonds, B, eds. (2001) The works of Thomas De Quincey, vol. 9. Pickering & Chatto, London. ISBN 9781851965199

Almond, D (2001) Secret heart. Hodder Children's, London. ISBN 0340743697

Bayley, A (2001) The Cambridge companion to Bartók. Cambridge Companions to Music . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9780521669580

Bizley, K (2001) Examining physical education for AQA A: student book. Heinemann, Oxford. ISBN 9780435506759

Bizley, K (2001) Examining physical education for AQA A: teacher's resource pack. Heinemann, Oxford. ISBN 9780435506766

Brain, T (2001) The other Sylvia Plath. Pearson Education. ISBN 0-582-32730-X

Coulby, D and Jones, C (2001) Education and warfare in Europe. Education and Warfare in Europe. Aldershot: Ashgate.. ISBN 0-7546-1204-X

Davies, D, Ritchie, R and Howe, A (2001) Primary design and technology for the future: creativity, culture and citizenship in the curriculum. David Fulton, London. ISBN 1853467383

English, L (2001) Our dancing days. Fourth Estate, London. ISBN 9781841152424

Gardner, F (2001) Self-harm: a psychotherapeutic approach. Brunner-Routledge, New York, NY. ISBN 0415233038

Jackson, P, Stevenson, N and Brooks, K (2001) Making sense of men's magazines. Polity, Cambridge. ISBN 9780745621760

Kendall, T (2001) The Fabric and Yarn Dyer's Handbook. Collins and Brown. ISBN 1-85585-879-7

McLaren, G (2001) Ceramics of the 1960s. Shire Publications Limited. ISBN 0-7478-0486-9

Mears, R (2001) Assessing sociologists in higher education. Ashgate, Aldershot. ISBN 9780754616450

Middleton, J (2001) Smart things to know about your career. Capstone, Oxford. ISBN 9781841121147

Moss, S, Bridgewater, A and Bridgewater, J (2001) Bird boxes and feeders: featuring 11 step-by-step woodworking projects. New Holland, London. ISBN 9781859741757

Neale, J (2001) The American War: Vietnam, 1960-1975. Bookmarks. ISBN 1898876673

Newsinger, J (2001) United Irishman: the autobiography of James Hope. Merlin, London. ISBN 9780850364965

Spring, M (2001) The lute in Britain: a history of the lute and its music. Oxford Early Music Series . Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 0-19-816620-6

Woodward, G (2001) August. Chatto and Windus. ISBN 701171111

de Oliveira, N and Dutton, S (2001) On vanishing : Dutton & Peacock. Site Gallery; Mid Pennine Gallery, Sheffield; Burnley. ISBN 9781899926800

Book Chapter or Section

Bayley, A (2001) 'The string quartets and works for chamber orchestra.' In: Bayley, A, ed. The Cambridge companion to Bartók. Cambridge companions to music . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 151-174. ISBN 9780521669580

Chalus, E (2001) '"To serve my friends": women and political patronage in eighteenth-century England.' In: Vickery, A, ed. Women, privilege, and power : British politics, 1750 to the present. Stanford University Press, California. ISBN 9780804742849

Davies, D and McMahon, K (2001) 'Using literacy and numeracy skills in science.' In: Alsop, S and Hicks, K, eds. Teaching science. Kogan Page, London.

Davies, P, Haslett, S.K, Davies, C.F.C, Margetts, A.J, Scotney, K.H, Thorpe, D.J and Williams, H.O (2001) 'The changing estuarine environment in relation to Holocene sea-level and the archaeological implications.' In: Rippon, Stephen, ed. Estuarine Archaeology: the Severn and Beyond. Severn Estuary Levels Research Committee, pp. 35-53. ISBN 1354-7089

Edwards, P (2001) 'Science in Hapgood and Arcadia.' In: Kelly, Katherine, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Tom Stoppard. Cambridge University Press, pp. 171-184. ISBN 0-521-64592-1

Etter, C (2001) '"Take the sour if you take me": reading Yeats's Crazy Jane as Ireland.' In: Fleming, D, ed. W.B. Yeats and postcolonialism. Locust Hill, pp. 221-233. ISBN 9780933951884

Gifford, T (2001) ''Fiber': a post-pastoral Georgic.' In: Weltzien, O.A, ed. The literary art and activism of Rick Bass. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, UT, pp. 248-263. ISBN 9780874806977

Gifford, T (2001) 'Foreword.' In: Bates, R.H, ed. Mystery, beauty, and danger: the literature of the mountains and mountain climbing published in English before 1946. Peter E. Randall Publisher, Portsmouth, NH, vii. ISBN 9780914339915

Gifford, T (2001) 'Muir's Ruskin: John Muir's reservations about Ruskin reviewed.' In: Gamble, C, ed. John Ruskin: the Brantwood Years - symposium papers. The Ruskin Programme, Lancaster University, Lancaster, pp. 1-14.

Hill, T (2001) '"Forg'd inuention former time defac'd": representing Tudor history in the 1590s'.' In: Pincombe, M, ed. The anatomy of Tudor literature: proceedings of the first international conference of the Tudor symposium (1998). Aldgate, Aldershot, pp. 195-210. ISBN 0754602435

Hughes, W (2001) 'Fictional vampires in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.' In: Punter, D, ed. Companion to the Gothic. Blackwell companions to literature and culture . Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 143-154. ISBN 9780631231998

Hughes, W (2001) '”A huge prophetic melodrama of the Near East”: reading Bram Stoker’s 'The lady of the shroud'.' In: Hughes, W, ed. Bram Stoker's 'The lady of the shroud'. Desert Island Books, Westcliff-on-Sea, pp. 6-14. ISBN 1874287228

Jackson, B and Anagnostopoulou, K (2001) 'Making the right connections: improving quality in online learning.' In: Stephenson, J, ed. Teaching & learning online: new pedagogies for new technologies. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 53-66. ISBN 9780749435110

Jose, N (2001) 'Giving voice.' In: Indyk, I, ed. David Malouf: a celebration. National Library of Australia, Canberra, pp. 21-28. ISBN 9780642107459

Kerridge, R (2001) 'Too Damn Close': Thresholds and Their Maintenance in Rick Bass's Work.' In: Weltzien, Alan, ed. The Literary Art and Activism of Rick Bass. University of Utah Press, pp. 182-196. ISBN 0-87480-697-6

Marshall, A (2001) 'Anglo Dutch Wars, 1652-1674.' In: Messenger, C, ed. Reader's guide to military history. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781579582418

McGuinness, M (2001) 'Are you afraid of the dark?' In: Howes, N, ed. We are no longer ourselves: Rut Blees Luxemburg, Effie Paleologou, Sophy Rickett. The Gallery/Site Gallery/Turnpike Gallery, Stratford-upon-Avon/Sheffield/Leigh. ISBN 9781899926909

Mears, R (2001) 'Auguste Comte.' In: Michie, J, ed. Reader's guide to the social sciences. Fitzroy Dearborn, London. ISBN 9781579580919

Mears, R (2001) 'Called to account: the last autonomous profession?' In: Mears, R and Harrison, E, eds. Assessing sociologists in higher education. Ashgate, Aldershot. ISBN 9780754616450

Rigby, K (2001) 'The Goddess returns: ecofeminist reconfigurations of gender, nature and the sacred.' In: Devlin-Glass, F and McCredden, L, eds. Feminist poetics of the sacred: creative suspicions. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 23-54. ISBN 9780195144697

Rigby, S and Milsom, C.V (2001) 'The evolutionary history of zooplankton.' In: Briggs, D.E.G and Crowther, P.R, eds. Palaeobiology: a synthesis. 2nd ed. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 451-454. ISBN 9780632051496

Sammells, N (2001) 'The early plays.' In: Kelly, K, ed. The Cambridge companion to Tom Stoppard. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 104-119. ISBN 9780521645928

Slade, C (2001) 'Public faces in private places.' In: Ross, K, Derman, D and Dakovic, N, eds. Mediated identities. Media and culture (1). Istanbul Bilgi University Press, Istanbul, pp. 23-37. ISBN 9756857153

Stamp, R (2001) '"Do not forget the very thing that will make you lose your memory": Blanchot's "Desastre" and the Holocaust.' In: Stone, D, ed. Theoretical Interpretations of the Holocaust. 'Value Inquiry Book Series' & 'Holocaust and Genocide Studies' . Rodopi, Atlanta, GA & Amsterdam. ISBN 9789042015050

Tooby, M (2001) 'Towards a study of Terry Setch.' In: Tooby, M and Holman, M, eds. Terry Setch: a retrospective. Howard Gardens Gallery, pp. 9-33. ISBN 9780951577790

Whitty, G (2001) 'Vultures and third ways : recovering Mannheim's legacy for today.' In: Demaine, J, ed. Sociology of education today. Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 206-222. ISBN 9780333778289

Whitty, G and Power, S (2001) 'Devolution and choice in education: the research evidence to date.' In: Oelkers, J, ed. Futures of education: essays from an interdisciplinary symposium. Peter Lang AG, Bern, pp. 153-178. ISBN 9783906758695


Anderson, R (2001) ''Well disposed to the affairs of Spain?' James VI & I and the propagandists.' British Catholic History, 25 (4). pp. 613-635.

Barrington, R and Harries, A (2001) 'An exploration into the mathematics subject knowledge of students on QTS courses.' Mathematics Education Review (14).

Barrs, M and Nicholson, D (2001) 'Co-ordinating English.' Language Matters.

Barton, A and Quinn, C (2001) 'Mandated ‘joined-up’ working: a Pandora’s Box for welfarist organisations?' Public Policy and Administration, 16 (2). pp. 50-62.

Bhatti, G (2001) 'Social justice, education and inclusion.' The School Field, 12 (3/4). pp. 143-157.

Chaffey, N (2001) 'Cambial cell biology comes of age.' Tree Physiology: Trends in European Forest Tree Physiology Research, 2. pp. 3-18.

Cloke, P and Jones, O (2001) 'Dwelling, place, and landscape: an orchard in Somerset.' Environment and Planning A, 33 (4). pp. 649-666.

Cush, D and Francis, D (2001) ''Positive pluralism' to awareness, mystery and value: a case study in RE curriculum development.' British Journal of Religious Education, 24 (1). pp. 52-67.

Dahn, J and Allen, D (2001) 'Fireworks.' Ceramic Review (191). pp. 44-47.

Davies, D and Williams, J (2001) 'Design and technology: two cultures or unitary concept?' Journal of Design and Technology Education, 6 (3). pp. 213-216.

Davies, P, Haslett, S.K, Davies, C.F.C and Thomas, L (2001) 'Reconstructing Holocene landscape change on Mendip: the potential of tufa deposits.' The Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, XLII (1).

Davies, P and Wolski, C (2001) 'Later Neolithic woodland regeneration in the long barrow ditch fills of the Avebury area: the molluscan evidence.' Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 20. pp. 311-317.

Gadd, I ORCID: 0000-0002-6154-5990 (2001) 'Members of the Pewterers’ Company in 1641 & 1650-51.' Journal of the Pewter Society, 15. pp. 17-28.

Gifford, T (2001) 'Interview with Fay Godwin.' Thumbscrew, 18. pp. 114-117.

Gifford, T (2001) 'Writer/teacher.' Writing in Education, 22. pp. 23-25.

Gillmore, G, Pearce, G and Denman, A.R (2001) 'Radon in a disused mine in Cornwall, UK.' Environmental Management and Health, 12 (5). pp. 500-509.

Gillmore, G, Phillips, P, Denman, A, Sperrin, M and Pearce, G (2001) 'Radon levels in abandoned metalliferous mines, Devon, southwest England.' Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 49 (3). pp. 281-292.

Glen, N and Thompson, S (2001) 'Bluenotes.' New Design, 11. pp. 30-33.

Glen, N and Thompson, S (2001) 'Function shift.' New Design, 10. pp. 30-33.

Griffin, B (2001) 'Ireland and the Crimean War.' The Irish Sword, xxii (89). pp. 281-312.

Griffin, B (2001) 'An Irishman's proposal for aerial bombing during the Crimean War.' The Irish Sword, xxii (90). pp. 427-431.

Hadley, T (2001) 'Dogs and their masters: stories by Thomas Mann and Tibor Dery.' Cambridge Quarterly, 30 (1). pp. 51-63.

Haslett, S.K, Strawbridge, F, Martin, N.A and Davies, C.F.C (2001) 'Vertical saltmarsh accretion and its relationship to sea-level in the Severn Estuary, UK: an investigation using Foraminifera as tidal indicators.' Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 52 (1). pp. 143-153.

Jose, N (2001) 'My federation: 1 January 2001.' Postwest, 18.

Lee, A, Atkinson, E, Fowler, M and Harris, J (2001) 'Disruption of estimation of aperture width in left hemi - Parkinson's disease.' Neuropsychologia, 39 (10). pp. 1097-1104.

Lee, A, Atkinson, E, Fowler, M and Harris, J (2001) 'Evidence from a line bisection task for visuospatial neglect in Parkinson's disease.' Vision Research, 41 (20). pp. 2677-2686.

Lee, S (2001) 'Between a rock and a hard place: The Data Protection Act of 1998 and U.K. fundraising practice.' New Directions for Philanthropic Fundraising (33). pp. 7-26.

Lees, N (2001) 'Figures of fun.' Ceramic Review (190). pp. 50-51.

Lees, N (2001) 'Integrity and interpretation.' Ceramic Review (189). pp. 36-39.

Maidment, C, Dembny, Z and Watts, D I (2001) 'The anti-bacterial activity of 12 Alliums against Escherichia coli.' Nutrition & Food Science, 31 (5). pp. 238-241.

Maidment, C and Ringham, J M (2001) 'A study into the measurement of alpha-amylase activity using phadebas, iodine and gel-diffusion procedures.' Nutrition & Food Science, 31 (3). pp. 141-146.

Marriner, R (2001) 'LA Law: Ingrid Calame, Laura Owens, Monique Prieto.' Contemporary Visual Arts, 32. pp. 36-41.

McGuire-Snieckus, R, McCabe, R and Priebe, S (2001) 'Theoretical frameworks for understanding and investigating the therapeutic relationship in psychiatry.' Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 36 (11). pp. 557-564.

Millard, K (2001) 'The religion of Elizabeth Gaskell.' The Gaskell Society Journal, 15. pp. 1-13.

Morrison, R (2001) '"Abuse wickedness, but acknowledge wit": 'Blackwood's' and the Shelley Circle.' Victorian Periodicals Review, 34 (2). pp. 147-164.

Morrison, R (2001) 'Poe's De Quincey, Poe's Dupin.' Essays in Criticism, 51 (4). pp. 424-441.

Newsinger, J (2001) 'Blackshirts, blueshirts, and the Spanish Civil War.' The Historical Journal, 44 (3). pp. 825-844.

Rigby, K (2001) 'Recovering from the fall: the greening of modernity.' Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association, 96 (1). pp. 35-48.

Rigby, K (2001) 'The rediscovery of (the other) place in European Romanticism.' European Romantic Review, 12 (2). pp. 165-174.

Slade, C (2001) 'Global media generation memories: Australia and Mexico.' Media International Australia, 101. pp. 111-126.

Slade, C (2001) 'What is real? Ontology and the media.' Spiel, 19. pp. 218-237.

Sperrin, M, Gillmore, G and Denman, T (2001) 'Radon concentration variations in a Mendip cave cluster.' Environmental Management and Health, 12 (5). pp. 476-482.

Sullivan, S (2001) 'Difference, identity, and access to official discourses: Hai║om, “Bushmen,” and a recent Namibian ethnography.' Anthropos: International Review of Anthropology and Linguistics, 96. pp. 179-192.

Whitty, G (2001) 'Education, social class and social exclusion.' Journal of Education Policy, 16 (4). pp. 287-295.

Whitty, G, Agalianos, A and Noss, R (2001) 'Logo in mainstream schools: the struggle over the soul of an educational innovation.' British Journal of Sociology of Education, 22 (4). pp. 479-500.

Winlow, H (2001) 'Anthropometric cartography: constructing Scottish racial identity in the early twentieth century.' Journal of Historical Geography, 27 (4). pp. 507-528.

Conference or Workshop Item

Brown, A.R (2001) Punk and metal: antithesis, synthesis or prosthetic? In: No Future? Punk Conference and Festival, 21 -23 September 2001, University of Wolverhampton & Light House, Wolverhampton, UK.

Cologne-Brookes, G (2001) Blondes in black tunnels: Joyce Carol Oates's novels, blonde and black water. In: Prairie Schooner 75th Anniversary Celebration and Conference, 11 - 13 October 2001, University of Nebraska Lincoln.

Dupras, M and Bates-Brkljac, N (2001) The virtual forest: virtual reality and generative music. In: 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Generative Art, 11-13 December 2001, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy.

Edwards, E and Koh, A (2001) Aerial Digital Photography for Change Detection on Coastal Sand Dunes. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Coastal Landscape Conservation and Management.

Edwards, E and Koh, A (2001) Production of Digital Elevation Models and Contoured Orthophotomaps from Medium Format Digital Aerial Photography. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Coastal Landscape Conservation and Management.

Harrod, T (2001) East by south west: The vessel and twentieth century studio ceramics. In: International Ceramic Symposium: To measure the unmeasurable (Korea).

Jones, O and Cloke, P (2001) Trees, place, life, death and order: the abori-culture of a Victorian cemetery. In: First International Conference on Trees and Timber, 2001, Anglia Polytechnic University, Chelmsford, UK.

Reader, D and Watkins, D (2001) The intellectual structure of entrepreneurship: an author co-citation analysis. In: Rent (Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business) XV, 22 - 23 November 2001, Turku,Finland.

Reid-Bowen, P (2001) Men and thealogy. In: Goddess Studies Now, 27th March, 2001, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Bristol.

Rigby, K (2001) Ecocriticism in Australia. In: ASLE 4th Biennial Conference: Making a Start Out of Particulars, 19 - 23 June 2001, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona.

Rigby, K (2001) Ecology and poetry. In: Earth Philosophies Australia Bush Camp, 8 - 12 July 2001, Mullumbimby, New South Wales, Australia.

Slade, C (2001) Cartoons and educating. In: The Fifth Congress of the Americas, 18 - 20 October 2001, University of the Americas, Cholula, Mexico.

Slade, C (2001) Créativité. In: CIRADE 2001 Conference, 21 May 2001, Université de Québec, Montréal.

Slade, C (2001) Frente a frente, desde el otro lado del Pacífico. In: Internation Cervantes Festival 2001, 16 October 2001, Guanajuato, Mexico.

Slade, C (2001) La amplia luminosidad del día de los niňos: los niňos y la literature. In: El derecho a la imaginación, 31 May 2001, Universidad IberoAmericana, Mexico City.

Slade, C (2001) Relativism and narrative ethics. In: 4th OSSA Conference 2001: Argumentation and It's Applications, 17 - 19 May 2001, University of Windsor, Toronto.

Slade, C (2001) Visual argumentation. In: 4th OSSA Conference 2001: Argumentation and It's Applications, 17 - 19 May 2001, University of Windsor, Toronto.

Slade, C (2001) Why does philosophy matter to communication? Paradoxes of popular culture. In: 51st Annual ICA Conference: Communication Research Matters, 24 - 28 May 2001, Washington, DC, USA.

Sullivan, S (2001) The 'wild' and the known: implications of identity and memory for 'community-based natural resource management' in a Namibian landscape. In: Landscape & Politics: A Cross-Disciplinary Conference, 23 - 25 March 2001, Department of Architecture, University of Edinburgh, UK.

Turnbull, O (2001) Changing faces: from Indian to American. In: Far West Popular Culture Association conference, February 2001, Nevada.

Turnbull, O (2001) Picturing the past: dramatically advertising America. In: Mid-America Theatre Conference, March 2001, Chicago.


Johnson, R.M (2001) Torrent erosion in Lake District mountain catchments. PhD thesis, Durham University.

Commissioned Report

Hay, P (2001) Making art work.

Lee, S, Jay, E and Sargeant, A (2001) Stakeholder risk analysis: the impact on charity reputation.

Whitty, G, Campbell, C, Gillborn, D, Lunt, I, Sammons, P, Vincent, C, Warren, S and Robertson, P (2001) Review of developments in inclusive schooling (2001). Scottish Executive Education Department.


Bonnell, M (2001) The Second Life of Shells.

Kendall, T (2001) In the White Room.


Chilver, J (2001) John Chilver, Casey Kaplan. Venue: 416 West 14th Street, New York NY10014..

Dutton, S, Peacock, P and Swindells, S (2001) Kayakoy. Catalyst Arts, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 8 March - 1 April 2001.

Harding, D (2001) The 10th International Biennial Print and Drawing Exhibition 2001, ROC. Taipei Fine Arts Museum, 181, Chung-Shan North Road, Sec. 3, Taipei 104, Taiwan, ROC.

Hyde, J and Rubidge, S (2001) Hidden histories. The Atrium, Theatre Royal, Winchester, UK, November 2001.

Nakayama, K (2001) The Merry Art Project. Selfridges, London; Laforet Harajku, Tokyo.

Neudecker, M (2001) Mariele Neudecker: Until Now. Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, 3 October - 4 November 2001. ISBN 1870282329

Snell, R (2001) Ground Clearance. Venue: Vertigo Gallery, 62 Great Eastern Street, London EC2A 3QR.

Wilson, C (2001) Cultural Advancement [group exhibition]. Century Gallery (ACAVA), London, UK, June 2001.

Wilson, C (2001) Euro Miss. Fordham, London, UK, June 2001.

Wilson, C (2001) Pedigog [group exhibition]. Unit 2 Gallery, London, UK, November 2001.

Wood, J and Harrison, P (2001) Table and chairs (2001). In: Private Utopia: Contemporary Art from the British Council Collection, Tokyo Station Gallery; Itami City Museum of Art; The Museum of Art, Kochi; Okayama Prefectural Museum of Art, 18 January 2014 - 22 February 2015.


Duddell, J (2001) Endgame.

Duddell, J (2001) Generation.

Duddell, J (2001) Tree carving.

Duddell, J (2001) still life.

Hugill, A (2001) Timestretch.

Saunders, J (2001) #010201.

Saunders, J (2001) #010401.

Saunders, J (2001) #030501 [1-2] / #200501 [1-3].

Saunders, J (2001) #080401 / #300501 / #310501.

Saunders, J (2001) #120501.

Saunders, J (2001) #280101.

Saunders, J and Adkins, M (2001) #160301.


Lewis-Smith, C (2001) Gathering of shadows. In: TAN Dance, Hendrefoilan House, University of Wales, Swansea, UK, 2001.


Gittings, L (2001) How many children?

Gittings, L (2001) Mother me daughter.

Gittings, L (2001) A child in the forest.


Moss, S, Watson, C and Paterson, B (2001) Soundscape: the swallow's journey.

Thebo, M (2001) The cave-in area.


Chaffey, N (2001) Hair today (and hair tomorrow...) [book review]. Trends in Plant Science, 6 (5). p. 234.

Chaffey, N (2001) Molecular biology of woody plants, volumes 1 & 2 [book review]. Annals of Botany, 87 (5). pp. 700-701.

Chaffey, N (2001) Plant microtubules: potential for biotechnology [book review]. Annals of Botany, 87 (2). pp. 286-287.

Chaffey, N (2001) Plasmodesmata: structure, function, role in cell communication [book review]. Annals of Botany, 87 (3). pp. 414-415.

Chaffey, N (2001) Putting plant anatomy in its place [book review]. Trends in Plant Science, 6 (9). pp. 439-440.

Chaffey, N (2001) A timely celebration of trees [book review]. New Phytologist, 149 (3). pp. 365-366.

Chaffey, N and Stokes, T (2001) In brief February 2001. Trends in Plant Science, 6 (2). pp. 52-53.

Chaffey, N and Stokes, T (2001) In brief January 2001. Trends in Plant Science, 6 (1). pp. 11-12.

Chaffey, N and Stokes, T (2001) In brief March 2001. Trends in Plant Science, 6 (3). pp. 97-99.

Chaffey, N and Stokes, T (2001) In brief: April - December 2001 [8 entries]. Trends in Plant Science.

Sullivan, S (2001) World savannas: ecology and human use [book review]. Progress in Physical Geography, 25. pp. 299-300.

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