Number of items: 551.
Alderman, N
Borrowed time.
Doctor Who
BBC, London.
ISBN 9781849902335
Almond, D
My name is Mina.
Hachette Children's Books, London.
ISBN 9780340997260
Hare, L and Goode, A
Harsent, D
Faber and Faber, London.
ISBN 9780571255634
Kerridge, R, Campbell, S, Hunt, A, Lynch, T and Wohl, E
The face of the Earth: natural landscapes, science, and culture.
University of California Press, Berkeley.
ISBN 9780520269262
Kovats, T, Millar, J and Hoare, P
Tania Kovats.
Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, Oxford.
ISBN 9781908612250
Sarma, U and Garcia Lorca, F
Oberon modern plays
Oberon Books, London.
ISBN 9781849430432
Skuse, C.J
Chicken House, Frome.
ISBN 9781906427528
Strachan, J and O'Malley-Younger, A
Ireland at war and peace.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
ISBN 9781443826334
Strachan, J and Terry, R
Poetry. 2nd ed.
Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
ISBN 9780748644018
Voake, S
Dark woods.
Faber & Faber, London.
ISBN 9780571260058
Wilson, A
Monkey business.
Macmillan Children's Books, London.
ISBN 9780330509282
Book Chapter or Section
Brain, T
'Fictionalising Sylvia Plath.'
Bayley, S and
Brain, T, eds.
Representing Sylvia Plath.
Cambridge University Press, Cambrige.
ISBN 9781107006751
Brain, T
'Hughes and feminism.'
Gifford, T, ed.
The Cambridge companion to Ted Hughes.
Cambridge Companions to Literature
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
ISBN 9780521145763
Brown, A.R
'No method in the madness? The problem of the cultural reading in Robert Walser's 'Running with the devil': power madness and gender in heavy metal music and recent metal studies.'
McKinnon, C,
Scott, N and
Sollee, K, eds.
Can I play with madness? Metal, dissonance, madness and alienation.
Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, pp. 63-72.
ISBN 9781848880573
Cologne-Brookes, G
'Joyce Carol Oates.'
O'Donnell, P,
Madden, D and
Nieland, J, eds.
The encyclopedia of twentieth-century fiction : volume 2 twentieth-century American fiction.
Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, pp. 750-753.
ISBN 9781405192446
Cologne-Brookes, G
'William Styron.'
O'Donnell, P,
Madden, D and
Nieland, J, eds.
The encyclopedia of twentieth-century fiction : volume 2 twentieth-century American fiction.
Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, pp. 858-861.
ISBN 9781405192446
Dafydd, S.M
'Je ne parle pas français.'
Rāṇiyuṭan̲ oru tēnīr viruntu : velṣ mol̲ic cir̲ukataikaḷ.
Kalachuvadu Publications.
ISBN 9789380240688
Dahn, J
'A far cry from throwing a pot.'
Livingstone, A, ed.
Parallax view.
Learning Development Services, University of Sunderland, pp. 62-67.
ISBN 9781906832056
Evans, P
'Lost Places.'
On Nature, Unexpected Ramblings on the British Countryside.
Collins, London.
ISBN 9780007424986
Gee, M
'Living with insects.'
Page, R, ed.
Litmus: short stories from modern science.
Comma Press, Manchester.
ISBN 9781905583331
Gibson, H and Backus, J
'Trust and rationality: epistemic tensions in managerialism and pupil voice in schools.'
Satterthwaite, J,
Piper, H,
Sikes, P and
Webster, S, eds.
Trust in education: truths and values.
Trentham Books, Stoke on Trent.
ISBN 9781858564883
Gifford, T
'Ted Hughes's social ecology.'
Gifford, T, ed.
The Cambridge companion to Ted Hughes.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 81-93.
ISBN 9780521145763
Gillmore, G, Stevens, T, Buylaert, J.P, Coningham, R.A.E, Batt, C, Fazeli, H, Young, R and Maghsoudi, M
'Geoarchaeology and the value of multidisciplinary palaeoenvironmental approaches: a case study from the Tehran Plain, Iran.'
Wilson, L, ed.
Human interactions with the geosphere: the geoarchaeological perspective.
Geological Society, London, pp. 49-67.
ISBN 9781862393257
Gimona, A, Polhill, G and Davies, B.B
'Sinks, sustainability, and conservation incentives.'
Liu, J,
Hull, V,
Morzillo, A.T and
Wiens, J.A, eds.
Sources, sinks and sustainability.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 155-184.
ISBN 9780521199476
Green, L, Cullen, F and Bradford, S
'Working as a practitioner-researcher.'
Bradford, S and
Cullen, F, eds.
Research and research methods for youth practitioners.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 5-24.
ISBN 9780415571036
Hadley, T
Eva Trout.
Vintage, London, ix-xviii.
ISBN 9780099287742
Haslett, S.K
'Holocene sedimentation in a pericoastal river system (South Wales, UK): relationship to sea level, human activity, and coastal sediment flux.'
Brown, A.G,
Basell, L.S and
Butzer, K.W, eds.
Geoarchaeology, climate change, and sustainability.
Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO, US, pp. 93-104.
ISBN 9780813724768
Head, A
'3D weather – towards a real-time 3D simulation of localised weather.'
Dunn, S,
Bowen, J.P and
Ng, K, eds.
Electronic Visualisation and the Arts, EVA 2011, London, UK, 6-8 July 2011.
British Computer Society, Swindon.
ISBN 9781906124885
Hyland, P, Brawley, S, Pace, D, Richardson, S, Timmins, G and Mills Kelly, T
'Embracing failure: a workshop on the failure in SOTL and learning from mistakes.'
Rust, C, ed.
Global theories and local practices : institutional, disciplinary and cultural variations.
Improving student learning
Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development, Oxford, UK.
ISBN 9781873576809
Jenkins, C
Geraghty, L, ed.
Directory of world cinema: American Hollywood.
Directory of world cinema, 5
Intellect, Bristol, pp. 208-210.
ISBN 9781841504155
Jose, N
'What love tells me.'
Kennedy, C, ed.
The best Australian stories 2011.
Black, Collingwood, Vic, pp. 180-188.
ISBN 9781863955485
Karantonis, P and Robinson, D
Karantonis, P and
Robinson, D, eds.
Opera indigene: re/presenting first nations and indigenous cultures.
Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 1-14.
ISBN 9780754669890
Kerridge, R
'An ecocritic's Macbeth.'
Bruckner, L and
Brayton, D, eds.
Ecocritical Shakespeare.
Ashgate, Farnham; Burlington, VT.
ISBN 9780754669197
Lawrence, S, Barbin, E, Furinghetti, F and Smestad, B
'The role of history and epistemology of mathematics in teacher training.'
Barbin, E,
Kronfellner, M and
Tzanakis, C, eds.
History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education: Proceedings of the 6th European Summer University.
Holzhausen, Vienna.
ISBN 9783854932086
Lawrence, S and Ransom, P
'How much meaning can we construct around geometric constructions?'
Pytlak, M,
Rowland, T and
Swoboda, E, eds.
Proceedings of the seventh congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. cerme 7, Rzeszow, Poland, 9-13 February 2011.
University of Rzeszow, Rzeszow, pp. 1730-1739.
ISBN 9788373386839
McInnes, K
'Policy context and current issues.'
Moyles, J,
Georgeson, J and
Payler, J, eds.
Beginning teaching, beginning learning in early years and primary education. 4th ed.
McGraw-Hill Open University Press, Maidenhead, pp. 11-20.
ISBN 9780335244126
Mitchell, J.K and Jeffers, J.M
'The changing environment.'
Auerbach, P, ed.
Wilderness medicine. 6th ed.
Elsevier/Mosby, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 2134-2144.
ISBN 9781437716788
Newman, J and Simons, I
'Using the Force: Star Wars: the video game, intertextuality, narrative, and play.'
Page, R and
Thomas, B, eds.
New narratives: stories and storytelling in the digital age.
Frontiers of Narrative
University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Nebraska, pp. 239-253.
ISBN 9780803217867
Pullinger, K, Thomas, S, Joseph, C, Laccetti, J, Mason, B and Perril, S
'Transliteracy as a unifying perspective.'
Hatzipanagos, S and
Warburton, S, eds.
Handbook of research on social software and developing community ontologies.
Information Science Reference, London, pp. 448-465.
ISBN 9781605662084
Reeve, K
'An introduction.'
Sense and sensibility.
Palazzo, Bath.
ISBN 9780956494245
Rigby, K
'In a eucalypt forest.'
Campbell, S, ed.
The face of the Earth: natural landscapes, science, and culture.
University of California Press, Berkeley, pp. 274-277.
ISBN 9780520269262
Skellern, A, Haslett, S.K, Chilcott, M and Longman, D
'Climate change education through a blended learning Google Earth exercise.'
Haslett, S K,
France, D and
Gedye, S, eds.
Pedagogy of climate change.
Higher Education Academy, Plymouth.
ISBN 9781841022734
Turnbull, O
'dreamthinkspeak: a new vision for theatre.'
Paterson, R, ed.
Stages to performance: in the rehearsal room.
McNidder & Grace, Carmarthen.
ISBN 9781904794301
Please click the title to check availability.
Turney, J
'Dressing like Grandad.'
Dirix, J, ed.
Unravel: knitwear in fashion.
Editions Lannoo, Tielt, Belgium.
ISBN 9789020995992
Wainwright, E, Wainwright, D, Black, R and Kenyon, S
'Reconstructing the self and social identity: new interventions for returning long-term incapacity benefit recipients to work.'
Vickerstaff, S,
Phillipson, C and
Wilkie, R, eds.
Work, health and wellbeing: the challenges of managing health at work.
Policy Press, Bristol.
ISBN 9781847428080
Whitty, G
'Securing the future of postgraduate education.'
Coiffait, L, ed.
Blue skies: new thinking about the future of higher education - a collection of short articles by leading commentators.
Pearson, London, pp. 99-102.
ISBN 9780997863789
Wright, E.H
'Bloomsbury at play.'
Woolf studies annual.
Pace University Press, New York.
ISBN 9781935625056
Davies, L, Bell, J.N.B, Bone, J, Head, M, Hill, I, Howard, C, Hobbs, S.J, Jones, D.T, Power, S.A, Rose, N, Ryder, C, Seed, L, Stevens, G, Toumi, R, Voulvoulis, N and White, P.C.L
'Open Air Laboratories (OPAL): a community-driven research programme.'
Environmental Pollution, 159 (8-9).
pp. 2203-2210.
Farrer, R.A, Weinert, L.A, Bielby, J, Garner, T.W.J, Balloux, F, Clare, F, Bosch, J, Cunningham, A.A, Weldon, C, du Preez, L.H, Anderson, L.G, Pond, S.L.K, Shahar-Golan, R, Henk, D.A and Fisher, M.C
'Multiple emergences of genetically diverse amphibian-infecting chytrids include a globalized hypervirulent recombinant lineage.'
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108 (46).
pp. 18732-18736.
Gillmore, G, Alizadeh Gharib, H, Denman, A, Phillips, P and Bridge, D
'Radon concentrations in abandoned mines, Cumbria, UK: safety implications for industrial archaeologists.'
Natural Hazards and Earth Systems Science, 11 (5).
pp. 1311-1318.
Hadley, T
New Yorker, 86 (47).
p. 66.
Snooks, H, Russell, D, Brown, C, Nair, A, Moore, C, Lewis, A, Thomas, G, al-Sulaiti, M, Thomas, M and Griffith-Noble, C
'Posters: 015 How can we prevent overdoses and what works? A systematic review of interventions for non fatal poisonings.'
Emergency Medical Journal, 28 (3).
Sullivan, S, Frenzel, F, Böhm, S, Quinton, P, Spicer, A and Young, Z
'Comparing alternative media in North and South: the cases
of IFIWatchnet and Indymedia in Africa.'
Environment and Planning A, 43.
pp. 1173-1189.
Switzer, A.D, Mamo, B.L, Dominey-Howes, D, Strotz, L.C, Courtney, C, Jones, B.G, Haslett, S.K and Everett, D.M
'On the possible origins of an unusual (Mid to Late Holocene) coastal deposit, Old Punt Bay, south-east Australia.'
Geographical Research, 49 (4).
pp. 408-430.
Conference or Workshop Item
Barratt, R, Barratt-Hacking, E, McGuinness, M, Barratt-Hacking, E and Black, P
Developing a community place-based curriculum through science and technology.
In: Association for Science Education Annual Conference, 5 - 10 January 2011, University of Reading.
Brindley, L, Thomas, M, Muthukumaraswarmy, S, Gibbon, F, Kirby, A, Perry, G, Peters, L, te Water Naudé, J, Williams, N, Singh, K and Hamandi, K
Motor cortex oscillations and motor control in rolandic epilepsy.
In: International League Against Epilepsy UK Chapter: Annual Scientific Meeting, 9 - 11 November 2011, York Racecourse, York, UK.
Dickinson, J
Infinite Process in Finite Form.
In: Sound, Sight, Space and Play, 8-10 June 2011, Music, Technology and Innovation Research Centre, De Montford University, Leicester UK.
Dutton, S
Untitled conference paper.
In: Creativity, Play, and the Imagination across Disciplines, 26 - 28 May 2011, Columbia University, New York City, NY, USA.
Fishenden, J and Hugill, A
Palimpsests of time and place.
In: IEEE 35th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference - COMPSAC 2011, 18 - 22 July 2011, Holiday Inn, Munich.
Hay, P
5x5x5 = creativity.
In: Creativity conference: shaping the future, 15 July 2011, Newton Park, Bath Spa University.
Hugill, A
Digital musicianship.
In: The Seventh Biennial International Conference on Music Since 1900, 28-31 July 2011, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.
Jury, C
Narrative And Moral Meaning.
In: Sixth International Conference on the Arts In Society, 9-11 May 2011, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science & Humanities, Berlin, Germany.
Malik, I.H, Khan, S, Khan, R and Gul, M
Shared values, shared experiences: Pakistan - London.
In: Religion, Identity, Citizenship, 16 July 2011, Tooting, London.
Marshall, R and Schmal, J M B
How sustainable is fair trade?
In: 6th International CIGR Technical Symposium: Towards a Sustainable Food Chain Food, 18 - 20 April 2011, Nantes, France.
Slade, C and Volkmer, I
Behind the veil.
In: IAMCR Conference: Cities, Creativity, Connectivity, 13 - 17 July 2011, Kadir Has University, Istanbul.
Spring, M
18th-century music in Bath.
In: CHOMBEC lectures & the Music Research Seminar Series, 3 May 2011, Victoria's Room, Victoria Rooms, Bristol, England.
Sullivan, S
Natures [speaker].
In: Natures at Wilderness Festival, 12 - 14 August 2011, Cornbury Park, Oxfordshire, UK.
Thebo, M
Going native.
In: AWP Conference & Bookfair, 2 - 5 February 2011, Washington DC, USA.
Vyner, T
DesignInquiry; and two-week workshop.
In: DesignInquiry/The Second International Print Exchange, May 2011, Oct 2010, Montreal, Canada, Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, Xi'an, China.
Wright, E.H
Bloomsbury at play.
In: 'What Signifies A Theatre?' Conference, 17-18 June 2011, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK.
Yang, H, Chen, F, Zhou, H, Ward, M and Chu, W. C
Requirements recovery by matching domain ontology and program ontology.
In: IEEE 35th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 18 - 22 July 2011, Munich, Germany.
Commissioned Report
Wood, E, Levinson, M.P, Postlethwaite, K and Black, A
Equity matters: a report.
Education International.
ISBN 9789295089693
Bandookwala, F, Boos, E, Brachlow, H and Harrison, K
Jerwood Makers Open: Farah Bandookwala, Emmanuel Boos, Heike Brachlow, Keith Harrison.
In: Jerwood Makers Open, JVA at Jerwood Space, 13 July - 28 August 2011.
Bonnell, M
The Exchange Gallery, Cornwall, UK, 9 April - 2 July 2011.
Bradley, S
Material Actions.
Centre for Contemporary Art and the Natural World, Exeter, UK, 27 November 2010 - 27 February 2011.
Christie, C
Color Movement.
Flowers Gallery, New York, USA, 28 October-3 December 2011.
Cockayne, A
Solo exhibition.
In: Dominion, Peninsula Arts, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK, 21 January - 5 March 2011.
Dalwood, D
Dichter und Drogen.
Gallery Judin, Berlin, Germany, 10 September - 17 December 2011.
Dutton, S and Swindells, S
The Stag and Hound.
Project Space, Leeds, UK, 20 January - 14 April 2011.
ISBN 9781899926138
Goode, A, Johnson, S, Curtis, K, Akram, S, Cappello, F, Chambers, J, Kendall, T, Loder, C, Miles, J and Nicol, K
The Mantelpiece.
Bath, UK, 7 - 20 November 2011.
Lalic, M
Landscape Paintings.
Galerie Renate Bender, Munich, Germany, 30 June – 30 July 2011.
Luzar, R
In: London International, KKKC, Klaipėda, Lithuania, June 2011.
McLaren, G
In: BathByMobile, Stuff Bath, Milsom Street, 7 - 11 November 2011.
Medjesi-Jones, A
Backestrasse 4 Gallery, Vienna, Austria, February 2011.
Medjesi-Jones, A
Mediated image.
In: Correspondences, Bäckerstrasse 4 Gallery, Vienna, Austria, 11 September - 9 December 2011.
Parry-Williams, T
Bite size.
Touring exhibition, 2011-2012.
Parry-Williams, T and Ida, I
Plain, Stripe, Check.
Museum in the Park, Stroud, UK, 8 January-20 February 2011.
Taylor, A
Jerwood Drawing Prize 2011.
JVA at Jerwood Space, London (then touring), 14 September - 30 October 2011.
ISBN 9781908331014
Wood, J and Harrison, P
10 x 10.
Von Bartha Gallery, Chesa, Switzerland, 26 August - 4 September 2011.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
Bored astronauts on the moon.
In: Le Voyage dans la Lune, The Centre D’Arts Plastiques Albert Chanot, Paris, France, 26 January - 30 March 2013.
Woods, C
The Unquiet Head.
The Hepworth, Wakefield, 22 October 2011 - 29 January 2012.
Clayden, P
Chimp juice.
In: Maker Festival, Cornwall, UK, 2011.
Duddell, J and Goodwin, J
Ghost of gone birds.
In: The Bird Effect, Liverpool School of Art & Design, Liverpool, UK, 12 May 2011.
Duddell, J and Nero
Dubstep Symphony.
BBC Media City, Saltford, UK, 6 June 2011.
Evans, P
Hy Brasil.
BBC Radio 4, 5 September 2012.
Harsent, D
In the locked room.
In: Edinburgh International Festival, Edinburgh, UK, 30 August 2012.
Hugill, A
Animal stories.
In: Animal Stories, New Walk Museum & Art Gallery, Leicester, UK, 25th June 2011 – 26th February 2012.
Hugill, A
City soundings.
In: International Radiophonic Creation Day, 4 June 2011.
Hyde, J
Anatomica #3.
Korzo Theater, Den Haag, The Netherlands, 27 May 2011.
Hyde, J
Seven waves.
In: BEAST Rumours series, Midlands Arts Centre, Birmingham, UK, May 2011.
Jeune, N
From Page to Screen.
Bridport Arts Centre/Electric Palace, Bridport, UK, 13-17 April 2011.
Keep, A
In: Rumor Festival 65: "Breaking the Waves", Utrecht, The Netherlands, May 2011.
Sarma, U
West Yorkshire Playhouse, Leeds, UK.
Steadman, M
Fugitive Songs.
In: Houston Fringe Festival, Houston TX, USA, August-September 2011.
Lewis-Smith, C
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