Number of items: 596.
Smith, A and
Hughes, W, eds.
Manchester University Press, Manchester.
ISBN 9780719086571
Peters, G and
Peters, F, eds.
Thoughts of love.
Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle upon Tyne.
ISBN 9781443848718
Pascal, J and
Kampe, T, eds.
The secret listeners.
Pascal Theatre Company, London.
ISBN 9780992775100
Please click the title to check availability.
Allen, D
In: Hospitality, Bath Abbey, Bath, UK, 5 June - 21 July 2013.
Allen, D
Recent Work.
Howard Gardens Gallery, Cardiff, UK, 2013.
Ashton, D
Researching media education.
In: Media Education Research Journal (MERJ)/HEA Researchers' retreat, 17 May 2013, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK.
Ashton, D and Noonan, C
'Cultural work and higher education.'
Ashton, D and
Noonan, C, eds.
Cultural work and higher education.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 1-21.
ISBN 9781137013934
Banissy, M.J, Tester, V, Muggleton, N.G, Janik McErlean, A.B, Davenport, A, Franklin, A, Walsh, V and Ward, J
'Synesthesia for color is linked to improved color perception but reduced motion perception.'
Psychological Science, 24 (12).
pp. 2390-2397.
Barton, A and Johns, N
'Engaging the citizen.'
Brown, J. M, ed.
The future of policing.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 417-429.
ISBN 9780203435946
Bauernfeind, A.L, de Sousa, A.A
ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894, Avasthi, T, Dobson, S.D, Raghanti, M.A, Lewandowski, A.H, Zilles, K, Semendeferi, K, Allman, J.M, Craig, A.D, Hof, P.R and Sherwood, C.C
'A volumetric comparison of the insular cortex and its subregions in primates.'
Journal of Human Evolution, 64 (4).
pp. 263-279.
Bayley, A
Discourses in the recording studio.
In: Online Conference on Performance in the Studio. Convened by the (UK) AHRC-funded Research Network on Performance in the Studio (PitS), 29 April-5 May 2013.
Bayley, A and Elverdam, B
Rehearsal as creative process.
In: CMPCP Performance Studies Network Second International Conference, 4-7 April 2013, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
Bignold, W, Bamber, P, Guilherme, A, Rao, N, Su, F and Yuan, T
Teaching the disciplines in Education Studies.
The Higher Education Academy, York.
Brown, A.R
'Suicide solutions? Or, how the emo class of 2008 were able to contest their media demonization, whereas the headbangers, burnouts or 'children of ZoSo' generation were not.'
Hjelm, T,
Kahn-Harris, K and
Levine, M, eds.
Heavy metal: controversies and countercultures.
Equinox, London.
ISBN 9781845539412
Brown, A.R, Dawes, L and Fellezs, K
Race with the devil: the racial politics of heavy metal music and fandom or, who gets to play with heavy metal, anyway?
In: Popular Culture Association of Canada (PCAC), 3rd Annual Conference, 9 - 11 May 2013, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Brown, B.M and Crouch, M
Arkansas achievement data review.
In: Arkansas Rural Education Association Fall Conference, November 2013, Embassy Suites, Hot Springs, AR, USA.
Brown, B.M and Ritter, G
Student achievement and NSLA funding.
In: Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Fall Conference, 24 - 25 October 2013, Double Tree Hotel, Little Rock, AR, USA.
Chaffey, N
'Secondary growth of tree roots.'
Eshel, A and
Beeckman, T, eds.
Plant roots: the hidden half. 4th ed.
CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, p. 8.
ISBN 9781439846483
Clayden, P
La luna cabaret.
In: Shambala Festival, Northamptonshire, UK, 22-25 August 20013.
Crawley, J
'The further education and skills sector.'
Ward, S,
Curtis, W,
Sharp, J and
Hankin, L, eds.
Education studies: an issue based approach. 3rd ed.
Learning Matters, London.
ISBN 9781446267431
Dafydd, S.M
The White Review, 8.
Dafydd, S.M
'Hospital field.'
Norminton, G, ed.
Beacons: stories for our not so distant future.
Oneworld, Richmond, pp. 211-215.
ISBN 9781851689699
Dalwood, D
Keynote address.
In: Contemporary Painting’s Relationship with Art History, 2013, Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK.
Dalwood, D
Solo exhibition.
Kunsthaus CentrePasquArt, Biel, Switzerland, 21 April - 16 June 2013.
ISBN 978869844268
Davies, D, Jindal-Snape, D, Collier, C, Digby, R, Hay, P and Howe, A
'Creative learning environments in education: a systematic literature review.'
Thinking Skills and Creativity, 8 (April).
pp. 80-91.
Please click the title to check availability.
Davies, D, Jindal-Snape, D, Collier, C, Digby, R, Hay, P and Howe, A
'The impact of creative learning environments on learners: a systematic literature review.'
Improving Schools, 16 (1).
pp. 21-31.
Davies, P
Brunning, R, ed.
Somerset's peatland archaeology: managing and investigating a fragile resource: the results of the Monuments at Risk in Somerset Peatlands (MARISP) Project.
Oxbow Books, Oxford.
ISBN 9781842174883
Deegalle, M
'Sri Lankan diaspora in the United Kingdom.'
Reeves, P, ed.
The encyclopedia of the Sri Lankan diaspora.
Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore and Editions Didier Millet, Singapore, pp. 117-123.
Deegalle, M
'Warfare: Buddhism.'
Sharma, A, ed.
Encyclopedia of Indian religions.
Springer, New Delhi.
Demetriou, P.A
Love Letters.
In: Performance and Live Art Platform, Point Centre for Contemporary Arts, Nicosia, Cyprus, 7 September 2013.
Devadason, R, Williams, S, Bradley, H and Erickson, M
Globalization and work.
Polity Press, Cambridge.
ISBN 9780745652115
Dickinson, J
Dynamic process in static form.
In: The Noises of Art: Audiovisual Practice in History, Theory and Culture. Aberystwyth University in collaboration with the Courtauld Institute of Art, 4-6 September 2013, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, UK.
Dickinson, J
System vs. self.
In: International Conference On Analysing Popular Music, 2 - 4 July 2013, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK.
Dickinson, J, Dickinson, B, Jepson, T, Plunkett, M and Richardson, M
Little Angels.
Dunseath, J
Bored game.
In: The Imaginary App, Museum London, Ontario, Canada, 28 September - 20 October 2013.
Dutton, S and Curtin, B
Possession (1) [curators].
Bangkok Arts and Culture Centre, Bangkok, Thailand, 4 March - 26 May 2013.
ISBN 9783033037809
Evans, B.A, Bedson, E, Bell, P, Hutchings, H, Lowes, L, Rea, D, Seagrove, A, Siebert, S, Smith, G, Snooks, H, Thomas, M, Thorne, K and Russell, I
'Involving service users in trials: developing a standard operating procedure.'
Trials, 14 (219).
Evans, P
Chapel of Skins.
In: Afternoon Drama, BBC Radio 4, 22 January 2013.
Farrar, R
From Bristol to Brooklyn: in search of soundmarks.
In: The Noises of Art: Audiovisual Practice in History, Theory and Culture. Aberystwyth University in collaboration with the Courtauld Institute of Art, 4 - 6 September 2013, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, UK.
Feasey, R
'Tweens and tween fashion.'
Stange, M,
Oyster, C and
Sloan, J, eds.
The multimedia encyclopedia of women in today's world. 2nd ed.
ISBN 9781452270388
Forna, A
The hired man.
Bloomsbury Publishing.
ISBN 9781408817667
Gadd, I
ORCID: 0000-0002-6154-5990
'‘At four shillings per year, paying one quarter in hand': reprinting Swift’s Examiner in Dublin, 1710-11.'
Juhas, K,
Real, H. J and
Simon, S, eds.
Reading Swift: papers from the Sixth Münster Symposium on Jonathan Swift.
Wilhelm Fink, Munich, pp. 75-94.
ISBN 9783770554300
Gifford, T
'Cyprus souvenir.'
Cadences: A Journal of Literature and the Arts in Cyprus, 9.
pp. 105-106.
Gifford, T
Cadences: A Journal of Literature and the Arts in Cyprus, 7.
pp. 105-106.
Gifford, T and Kerslake, L
Feminismo/s (22).
pp. 13-16.
Glowacki, D.R, Tew, P, Hyde, J, Kriefman, L, Mitchell, T.J, Price, J and McIntosh-Smith, S
'Using human energy fields to sculpt real-time molecular dynamics.'
Weibel, P and
Fruk, L, eds.
Molecular aesthetics.
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 248-257.
ISBN 9780262018784
Green, J
Sylvie and Star.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
ISBN 9780192757968
Hackett, S
Hackett, S,
Nash, G and
Kerr Koch, K, eds.
Postcolonialism and Islam: theory, literature, culture, society and film.
Islamic Studies Series
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 1-14.
ISBN 9780415710572
Hackley, C, Bengry-Howell, A, Griffin, C, Mistral, W, Szmigin, I and Hackley, R.A
'Young adults and ‘binge’ drinking: a Bakhtinian analysis.'
Journal of Marketing Management, 29 (7-8).
pp. 933-949.
Please click the title to check availability.
Hadley, T
Clever girl.
Jonathan Cape, London.
ISBN 9780224096522
Harrison, K
Blanks in between.
In: London Design Festival, Paper Tiger, London, 14 - 22 September 2013.
Harrison, K
Lucie Rie vs grindcore [2012].
In: Sound Matters: Exploring Sound Through Forms, touring exhibition, 1 June 2013 - 24 May 2014.
ISBN 9781903713372
Harrison, K
Lucie Rie vs grindcore [2012].
In: Conversations with Lucie Rie, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 17 October 2013 - 9 March 2014.
Haslett, S.K
'Foraminifera analysis.'
Bell, M, ed.
The Bronze Age in the Severn Estuary.
Council for British Archaeology, York, p. 139.
ISBN 9781902771946
Head, A
The Digitrope.
Roman Baths, Stall Street, Bath, 15 - 16 March 2013.
Head, A and Gardiner, J
'Light years: Jurassic coast.'
Bowen, J P,
Keene, S and
Ng, K, eds.
Electronic Visualisation in Arts and Culture.
ISBN 9781447154051
doi: 9781447154051
Hugill, A and Rieser, M
Secret Garden.
Phoenix Digital Arts Centre, Leicester, UK, 10 September - 1 October 2012.
Hugill, A and Rieser, M
'Secret Garden.'
Media-N, Journal of the New Media Caucus, 9 (3).
Hugill, A and Rieser, M
'Secret garden.'
Digital Creativity, 24 (3).
pp. 264-267.
Hyde, J
'Oskar Fischinger's synthetic sound machine.'
Keefer, C and
Guldemond, J, eds.
Oskar Fischinger 1900-1967: experiments in cinematic abstraction.
Eye Filmmuseum ; Center for Visual Music, Amsterdam ; Los Angeles.
ISBN 9789071338007
Hyde, J, Mitchell, T and Thom, J
Alchemy of Chaos.
In: 'Tourette's syndrome -- why it doesn’t define me' as part of TEDxAlbertopolis, Royal Albert Hall, London, UK, 23 September 2013.
Jose, N
'Angela and Hossein Valamanesh.'
Cumpston, N and
Slade, L, eds.
Heartland: contemporary art from South Australia.
Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide.
ISBN 9781921668142
Jose, N
Rooney, B and
Dixon, R, eds.
Scenes of reading: is Australian literature a world literature?
Australian Scholarly, North Melbourne, Vic, pp. 189-196.
ISBN 9781925003031
Jose, N
Wheeler, B, ed.
A companion to Australian Aboriginal literature.
Camden House Companion Volumes
Camden House, Rochester, NY, viii-xii.
ISBN 9781571135216
Jose, N
'Stewart MacFarlane.'
Cumpston, N and
Slade, L, eds.
Heartland: contemporary art from South Australia.
Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide.
ISBN 9781921668142
Kampe, T
'Measuring moves.'
Wanek, R and
White, A, eds.
Migratory lines: navigations across disciplines.
Broadcast Gallery, Dublin, pp. 64-73.
ISBN 9781900454520
Please click the title to check availability.
Karantonis, P
Transcribing vocality.
In: Re-Routing Performance: Conference of the International Federation for Theatre Research (IFTR), 22 - 26 July 2013, Institute del Theatre, Barcelona, Spain.
Kerridge, R
The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory, 21 (1).
pp. 345-374.
Lax, A
Agar & The Offering.
In: British Ceramic Biennial Award, The Potteries Museum and Art Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent, UK, 28 September - 10 November 2013.
MacVean, A
'Critical incidents.'
Harfield, C, ed.
Blackstone's police operational handbook: practice and procedure. 2nd ed.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 563-568.
ISBN 9780199662944
Marcinkowski, M
Data, dialogue, and the intelligibility of socio-material design.
In: Data, Data, Data: The HCIC 2013 Workshop, 23 - 27 June 2013, Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, CA, USA.
May, S
'Writing for sound/radio.'
Harper, G, ed.
A companion to creative writing.
Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, pp. 86-97.
ISBN 9780470656938
McCarney, D, Peters, L, Jackson, S, Thomas, M and Kirby, J
'Does poor handwriting conceal literacy potential in primary school children?'
International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 60 (2).
pp. 105-118.
McGuire-Snieckus, R and Bates, E
Employability in psychology.
In: Higher Education Academy STEM: Employability in Psychology, Issues and Practice, 16 July 2013, Aston University, Birmingham.
Medjesi-Jones, A
'Mediated image.'
Journal of Visual Art Practice, 12 (1).
pp. 101-107.
Medjesi-Jones, A
Laurent Delaye Gallery, London, UK, 28 June - 27 July 2013.
Minott, P
Duchamp in Herne Bay.
In: Duchamp in Herne Bay, Kings Hall, Herne Bay, Kent, 31 July - 17 August 2013.
Neudecker, M
Kunstmuseum, Trondheim, Norway, 16 February –15 September 2013.
Newman, J
Game(play) preservation.
In: International Conference for Game Preservation, 18 January 2013, Shigureden, Kyoto.
Newman, J
'The great gaming crash of '83'.'
Blain, L, ed.
Guinness world records 2014: gamer's edition.
Guinness World Records, London, pp. 82-83.
ISBN 9781904994749
Newman, J, Simons, I and Kim, S
Modern playing.
In: EKC 2013 conference in 'EU Korea Conference on Science and Technology: Open Innovation, Science and Technology Closer to Humanity), Brighton, 24-26 July 2013.
Newsinger, J
'Jim Larkin and the Irish worker.'
Devine, F, ed.
A capital in conflict: Dublin city and the 1913 Lockout.
Four Courts Press, Dublin, pp. 193-214.
ISBN 9781907002106
Parfitt, R
Into the mythic.
In: International Conference on Analyzing Popular Music, 2-4 July 2013, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK.
Parker, R and Smith, H
Emotion coaching revisited.
In: 9th Annual British Education Studies Association (BESA) conference, 27-28 June 2013, Swansea Metropolitan University, Swansea, UK.
Parry-Williams, T and Ida, I
Plain, Stripe, Check.
Textile Centre Haslech, Austria, 15 July-15 September 2013.
Presley, N
The book app: an exploration.
In: E-Reading Between the Lines: C21 Literature, Digital Platforms and Literacies, 5 July 2013, University of Brighton, UK.
Purves, P
In: Digital Researchers Seminar, April 2013, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK.
Shepley, A and Dutton, S
The Institute of Ruin.
In: Sensuous Knowledge 7, 23 - 25 January 2013, Kunsthgskolen/National Institute for the Arts, Bergen, Norway.
Skuse, C.J
Dead romantic.
Chicken House, Frome.
ISBN 9781908435415
Slade, C
Global citizenship.
In: ESRC, 7 December 2013, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Slade, C
Media and citizenship.
In: Pre-Conference of the 63rd Annual ICA Conference - Global Communications and National Policies: The Return of the State, Hilton London Metropole Hotel, London, 14 - 16 June 2013.
Snell, R and Neudecker, M
Between Two Tides.
Motorcade/FlashParade, Bristol, UK, 14 - 23 June 2013.
Stakelum, M
''James Culwick', 'Victor Herbert', 'Kodály Method', 'Suzuki Method', 'Association of Irish Choirs', 'Culwick Choral Society' and 'St James Gate Choir'.'
White, H and
Boydell, B, eds.
The encyclopaedia of music in Ireland.
University College Dublin Press, Dublin.
ISBN 9781906359782
Steadman, M
'Getting off the island: cross-cultural exchange and drama pedagogy.'
Baldwin, J,
Brannen, R,
Horne, M.S and
Page, C, eds.
Theatre pedagogy = Pédagogie théâtrale = Pedagogía teatral.
AITU-IUTA, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, pp. 136-144.
ISBN 9782981386526
Strachan, J
'John Wilson and sport.'
Morrison, R and
Roberts, D, eds.
Romanticism and Blackwood's Magazine: 'an unprecedented phenomenon'.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 215-226.
ISBN 9780230304413
Sukhdev, P, Sullivan, S, Selvin Pérez, E, Hickey, V, Sekhran, N and Cox, A
Trade-offs in national policies.
In: 7th Trondheim Conference on Biodiversity on Ecology and Economy for a Sustainable Society, 27 - 30 May 2013, Trondheim, Norway.
Swenson, A
Gange, D and
Ledger-Lomas, M, eds.
Cities of God: the Bible and archaeology in nineteenth-century Britain.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 197-227.
ISBN 9781107004245
Swenson, A
'The heritage of empire.'
Swenson, A and
Mandler, P, eds.
From plunder to preservation: Britain and the heritage of empire, c.1800-1940.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 3-28.
ISBN 9780197265413
Symonds, D and Karantonis, P
'Empty houses, booming voices.'
Symonds, D and
Karantonis, P, eds.
The legacy of opera: reading music theatre as experience and performance.
Rodopi Press, Amsterdam/New York, pp. 11-24.
ISBN 9789042036918
Taylor, A
Aerial (2013) and Preparations (2013).
In: Great and Small: An Exploration of the Way Artists Work on a Large Scale and in More Concentrated Formats, Peter Pinson Gallery, Waterloo, Australia, 28 May - 15 June 2013.
Taylor, A
The Jerwood Drawing Prize.
In: The Legacy of the Cleveland International Drawing Biennale, 27 June 2013, mima, Middlesbrough.
Taylor, A
The Drawing Room, Sydney, Australia, 4 August - 16 September 2012.
Taylor, A
The insistence of drawing.
In: The Insistence of Drawing: A Symposium, 11 July 2013, The School of Arts, University of Northampton.
Tooby, M
At the mad shepherdess.
In: Diffusion: Cardiff International Festival of Photography., Chapter, Cardiff, 12 - 19 May 2013.
Tooby, M
'Simplicity and subject.'
William Scott: simplicity and subject.
Bath & North East Somerset Council, Bath, pp. 14-23.
Turk, G
The Years.
Ben Brown Fine Arts, London, UK, 26 April - 14 June 2013.
Turk, G, Curtis, D, Collins, J and Sinclair, I
Gavin Turk.
Prestel, London.
ISBN 9783791348346
Tweed, C
I am the tantalum.
In: Geologies of Value and Vestige Symposium, 10 July 2013, Centre for Useless Splendour, Kingston University, UK.
Tweed, C
Re-writing the overcode.
In: Trans – what? Across and Beyond (Artistic) Research: Symposium, 28 July 2013, Supermarkt Creative Resource Centre, Berlin, Germany.
Tweed, C
i am algorithm.
Aspex Gallery, Portsmouth, UK, 26 April - 7 July 2013.
Walters, V
'Opening up the field: Joseph Beuys’ anthropological art.'
Johler, R,
Marchetti, C,
Tschofen, B and
Weith, C, eds.
Kultur_Kultur: Denken. Forschen. Darstellen.
Waxmann Verlag, Münster, pp. 311-317.
ISBN 9783830928478
Wilson, A
The smug pug.
Macmillan Children's Books, London.
ISBN 9781447200758
Woiwode, C
'Increasing urban resilience: towards an integral
perspective of climate change response.'
Bäumer, K,
Jacob, D,
Reicher, C,
Schmidt-Kallert, E and
Sinemillioglu, H, eds.
Planning education for Iraq: German and Iraqi planners in dialogue.
Klartext Verlag, Essen.
ISBN 9783837508116
Wood, J and Harrison, P
Voorkamer Gallery, Lier, Belgium, 13 October - 17 November 2013.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
Work of Fiction.
Studio Trisorio, Naples, 19 April - 31 May 2013.
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