Items where Year is 2020

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Abba, T, Dovey, J and Pullinger, K, eds. (2020) Ambient literature: towards a new poetics of situated writing and reading practices. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. ISBN 9783030414559

Rojas Wiesner, M.L and Winton, A, eds. (2020) Contornos : historias de vida y trabajo entre Guatemala y México. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias de Información Geoespacial, A.C., Ciudad de México. ISBN 9786079831042

Azadpour, L, Flavel, S and Re Manning, R, eds. (2020) Differences in identity in philosophy and religion: a cross-cultural approach. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781350076501

Jones, N.J and Withers, R, eds. (2020) Don't rest, narrate. Torpedo Press, Oslo, Norway. ISBN 978­82­93104­26­1 Please click the title to check availability.

Re Manning, R, ed. (2020) Mutual enrichment between psychology and theology. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781472415899

Rosquvist, H, Chown, N and Stenning, A, eds. (2020) Neurodiversity studies: a new critical paradigm. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780367338312

Simon, C.A and Downes, G, eds. (2020) Sociology for education studies: connecting theory, settings and everyday experiences. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780367028404

Loon, M, Stewart, J and Nachmias, S, eds. (2020) The future of HRD, volume I: innovation and technology. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. ISBN 9783030524098

Loon, M, Stewart, J and Nachmias, S, eds. (2020) The future of HRD, volume II: change, disruption and action. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. ISBN 9783030524586

Booth, N (2020) Maternal imprisonment and family life: from the caregiver's perspective. Policy Press, Bristol. ISBN 9781447352297

Curry, J ORCID: 0000-0003-2872-0678 and Drage, N (2020) The handbook of cyber wargames: wargaming the 21st century. History of Wargaming Project, London. ISBN 9798644730209

Cuthew, L (2020) Blood moon. Walker, London. ISBN 9781406393446

Etchells, P.J (2020) Lost in a good game: why we play video games and what they can do for us. Icon Books, London. ISBN 9781785786143

Etter, C (2020) The shooting gallery. Verve Poetry Press, Birmingham. ISBN 9781912565450

Glaser, E (2020) Elitism: a progressive defence. Biteback Publishing, London. ISBN 9781785906077

Gregg, S.H (2020) Old books and digital publishing: Eighteenth-Century Collections Online. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781108767415

Hackett, S (2020) Britain’s rural Muslims: rethinking integration. Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 9781526110145

Harvey, S (2020) The shapeless unease: a year of not sleeping. Jonathan Cape. ISBN 9781787332027

Haslett, S.K (2020) Somerset landscapes: geology and landforms. 3rd ed. Blackbarn Books, Llandysul. ISBN 9781910244043

Hensher, P (2020) A small revolution in Germany. Fourth Estate, London. ISBN 9780008323073

Ivic, C (2020) The subject of Britain: 1603-25. Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 9780719088704

Malik, I.H (2020) The silk road and beyond: narratives of a Muslim historian. Oxford University Press, Karachi. ISBN 9780199405961

Moss, S (2020) The accidental countryside: hidden havens for Britain's wildlife. Faber, London. ISBN 9781783351640

Moss, S (2020) The swallow: a biography. Square Peg, London. ISBN 9781529110265

Nadin, J (2020) A life story: Alan Turing. Scholastic, London. ISBN 9781407193199

Pullinger, K (2020) Forest green. Doubleday Canada, Toronto. ISBN 9780385683043

Rigby, K (2020) Reclaiming Romanticism: towards an ecopoetics of decolonization. Bloomsbury Academic, London. ISBN 9781474290593

Walton, S (2020) The living world: Nan Shepherd and environmental thought. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781350153226

Winstanley-Chesters, R (2020) Fish, fishing and community in North Korea and neighbours: vibrant matter(s). Springer, Singapore. ISBN 9789811500411 doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-0042-8 Please click the title to check availability.

Winstanley-Chesters, R (2020) New goddess on Mount Paektu: myth and transformation in North Korean landscape. Black Halo, Sheffield. ISBN 9781838070205 Please click the title to check availability.

Book Chapter or Section

Akin, I ORCID: 0000-0003-0918-7441 (2020) 'Adaptif piyasa hipotezi.' In: Buğan, M.F, ed. Davranişsal finans: homo economicus, psikoloji, irrasyonalite. Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara, pp. 79-98. ISBN 9786257216777

Barraclough, E.R (2020) 'The ice giant cometh: the Far North in the Old Norse-Icelandic sagas.' In: Figenschow, S, Holt, R and Tveit, M, eds. Myths and magic in the medieval Far North: realities and representations of a region on the edge of Europe. Brepols, Turnhout, pp. 71-94. ISBN 9782503588230

Barton, A (2020) 'Intoxication and harm reduction.' In: Hutton, F, ed. Cultures of intoxication: key issues and debates. Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 311-333. ISBN 9783030352837

Beattie, A.R and Hayes, S ORCID: 0000-0001-8633-0155 (2020) 'Whose domain and whose ontology? Preserving human radical reflexivity over the efficiency of automatically generated feedback alone.' In: Bonderup Dohn, N, Jandrić, P, Ryberg, T and de Laat, M, eds. Mobility, data and learner agency in networked learning. Springer, Cham, pp. 83-99. ISBN 9783030369101

Bird, D.A and Curry, J ORCID: 0000-0003-2872-0678 (2020) 'A case for using blended learning and development techniques to aid the delivery of a UK cybersecurity core body of knowledge.' In: Cyber warfare and terrorism: concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 964-984. ISBN 9781799824664

Booth, N (2020) 'Maintaining family ties: how family practices are renegotiated to promote mother-child contact.' In: Lockwood, K, ed. Mothering from the inside: research on motherhood and imprisonment. Emerald, Bingley, pp. 31-48. ISBN 9781789733440

Crawley, J (2020) 'Analysing and interpreting data.' In: Burnell, I and Roffey-Barentsen, J, eds. Completing your EdD: the essential guide to the Doctor of Education. Emerald, Leeds, pp. 163-189. ISBN 9781789735666

Curry, J ORCID: 0000-0003-2872-0678 (2020) 'Wargaming national cyber emergencies.' In: Austin, G, ed. National cyber emergencies: the return to civil defence. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 198-210. ISBN 9780367360344

Dickinson, J (2020) 'Mechanical – magical: the shared creative vision of Harrison Birtwistle and Paul Klee.' In: Gartmann, T, ed. Von der Fuge in Rot bis zur Zwischermaschine: Klee und die Musik. Schwabe, Basel, pp. 123-139. ISBN 9783796542558 Please click the title to check availability.

Dovey, J and Pullinger, K (2020) ''Breathe': an artist interview with Kate Pullinger.' In: Abba, T, Dovey, J and Pullinger, K, eds. Ambient literature: towards a new poetics of situated writing and reading practices. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 263-274. ISBN 9783030414559

Earle, S ORCID: 0000-0002-6155-1098 (2020) 'Principles of assessment.' In: The early career framework handbook. Sage, London, pp. 111-118. ISBN 9781529724561

Feasey, R (2020) 'Fathers in the media.' In: Ross, K, ed. The international encyclopedia of gender, media, and communication. Wiley, London. ISBN 9781119429104 doi: 10.1002/9781119429128.iegmc146

Feasey, R (2020) 'Infertility and the barren woman.' In: Ross, K, ed. The international encyclopedia of gender, media, and communication. Wiley, London. ISBN 9781119429104

Feasey, R (2020) 'TV representations of mothers.' In: Ross, K, ed. The international encyclopedia of gender, media, and communication. Wiley, London. ISBN 9781119429104 doi: 10.1002/9781119429128.iegmc171

Fumagalli, A and Johnson, C (2020) 'The role of geography and time in property crime.' In: Burrell, A and Tonkin, M, eds. Property crime: criminological and psychological perspectives. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 95-114. ISBN 9781138632479

Gadd, I ORCID: 0000-0002-6154-5990 (2020) 'Ready reader one: recovering reading as an ambient practice.' In: Abba, T, Dovey, J and Pullinger, K, eds. Ambient literature: towards a new poetics of situated writing and reading practices. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 27-51. ISBN 9783030414559

Gee, M (2020) 'Onceness, biofiction and the living body.' In: Layne, B, ed. Biofiction and writers’ afterlives. Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 82-97. ISBN 9781527549678

Haas, J, Hass, R, Spocter, M.A and de Sousa, A.A ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894 (2020) 'Human visual neurobiology.' In: Shackelford, T and Weekes-Shackelford, V, eds. Encyclopedia of evolutionary psychological science. Springer, Cham. ISBN 9783319169996 Please click the title to check availability.

Hannis, M (2020) 'Why virtue is good for you: the politics of ecological eudaimonism.' In: Bai, H, Chang, D and Scott, C, eds. A book of ecological virtues: living well in the Anthropocene. University of Regina Press, Regina. ISBN 9780889777569 Please click the title to check availability.

Harris, C (2020) 'The real new publishing: how interconnected 'outsiders' are setting the trends.' In: Baverstock, A, Bradford, R and Gonzalez, M, eds. Contemporary publishing and the culture of books. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 185-205.

Hatley, J ORCID: 0000-0003-1232-2050 (2020) 'Developing an emergent resilience through self-organised learning environments.' In: Ahmed Shafi, A, Middleton, T, Millican, R and Templeton, S, eds. Reconsidering resilience in education: an exploration using the dynamic interactive model of resilience. Springer, Cham, pp. 185-197. ISBN ‎9783030492359

Head, A and Sujir, L (2020) 'Researching virtual, augmented and mixed realities or, how the Elastic 3D Spaces project emerged from an outdoor projection event.' In: Menotti, G and Crisp, V, eds. Practices of projection: histories and technologies. Oxford University Press, New York, NY, pp. 155-172. ISBN 9780190934125

Hill, T (2020) '"To the Honour of our Nation abroad": the merchant as adventurer in civic pageantry.' In: Finlayson, J.C and Sen, A, eds. Civic performance: pageantry and entertainments in early modern London. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 13-31. ISBN 9781138228399

Hunter, V (2020) 'Dancing-walking with trees.' In: Billinghurst, H, Hind, C and Smith, P, eds. Walking bodies: papers, provocations, actions from Walking’s New Movements, the conference. Triarchy Press, Charmouth. ISBN 9781913743093

Hyde, J (2020) 'The new analogue: media archaeology as creative practice in 21st century audiovisual art.' In: Knight-Hill, A, ed. Sound and image: aesthetics and practices. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 188-205. ISBN 9780367271466 Please click the title to check availability.

Jandrić, P and Hayes, S ORCID: 0000-0001-8633-0155 (2020) 'Technological unemployment and its educational discontents.' In: Stocchetti, M, ed. The digital age and its discontents: critical reflections in education. Helsinki University Press, Helsinki, pp. 161-182. ISBN 9789523690127

Jones, O (2020) 'Pragmatism, anti-representational theory, and local methods for critical-creative ecological action.' In: Wills, J and Lake, B, eds. The power of pragmatism: knowledge production and social inquiry. Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 9781526134943 Please click the title to check availability.

Kampe, T and Batson, G (2020) 'Dancing critical somatics – an emancipatory education for the future?' In: David, A.R, Huxley, M and Whatley, S, eds. Dance fields: staking a claim for dance studies in the twenty-first century. Dance Books, Binsted, pp. 154-184. ISBN 9781852731816 Please click the title to check availability.

Lamont, B.R (2020) 'Uncertain abuse and insider credentials: examining ambiguous cultural representations of childhood sexual abuse in the 2005 British comedy series 'Nathan Barley'.' In: Tsaliki, L and Chronaki, D, eds. Discourses of anxiety over childhood and youth across cultures. Springer, Cham, pp. 279-295. ISBN 9783030464356

Law, M ORCID: 0000-0002-6127-5353 (2020) 'Molluscs.' In: Young, A, ed. Eckweek, Peasedown St John, Somerset: survey and excavations at a shrunken medieval hamlet 1988-90. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 233-236. ISBN 9780367860318 Please click the title to check availability.

Levinson, M.P (2020) 'Spaces of invisibility and marginalisation in schools.' In: Simon, C.A and Downes, G, eds. Sociology for education studies: connecting theory, settings and everyday experiences. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 38-47. ISBN 9780367028404

Lloyd, N (2020) 'Lady Morgan and "the babbling page of history": cultural transition as performance in the Irish national tale.' In: Connolly, C, ed. Irish literature in transition, 1780-1830. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 206-225. ISBN 9781108492980 Please click the title to check availability.

Lloyd, N (2020) 'The fiction of Mary Julia Young: female trade Gothic and Romantic genre-mixing.' In: Hudson, K, ed. Women's authorship and the early Gothic: innovations and legacies. University of Wales Press, Cardiff. ISBN 9781786836106

Loon, M (2020) 'Self-directed learning and absorptive capacity: the mediating role of trust and human capital.' In: Loon, M, Stewart, J and Nachmias, S, eds. The future of HRD, volume II: change, disruption and action. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 75-111. ISBN 9783030524586

Loon, M (2020) 'The future of HRD in a post-pandemic world: insights from Dr Wilson Wong.' In: Loon, M, Stewart, J and Nachmias, S, eds. The future of HRD, volume I: innovation and technology. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 237-252. ISBN 9783030524586

Luzar, R (2020) 'Events of excess, being and existence in Jean-Luc Nancy and Jean-Luc Marion's philosophies.' In: Azadpour, L, Flavel, S and Re Manning, R, eds. Differences in identity in philosophy and religion: a cross-cultural approach. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 175-200. ISBN 9781350076501

Ma, F, Ma, S and Liu, Q (2020) 'Graphical probability model and heritage tourism routine design.' In: 2020 IEEE 20th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C). IEEE, pp. 535-541. ISBN 9781728189154

Malik, I.H (2020) 'Political Islam in South Asia.' In: South Asia 2021. 18th ed. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780367440398

Marshall, A (2020) '‘Faisons meieux’: Henry Bennet, Earl of Arlington and his political tactics.' In: Eagles, R and Dennehy, C.A, eds. Henry Bennet, Earl of Arlington, and his world: Restoration court, politics and diplomacy. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780367513108 Please click the title to check availability.

Marshall, A (2020) '‘Secret wheeles’: clandestine information, espionage, and European intelligence.' In: Ebben, M.A and Sicking, L, eds. Beyond ambassadors: consuls, missionaries and spies in premodern diplomacy. Brill, Leiden. ISBN 9789004438842 doi: 10.1163/9789004438989_010 Please click the title to check availability.

McCree, M (2020) 'Future shock, generational change and shifting eco-social identities: forest school leaders’ reasons to train.' In: Cutter-Mackenzie, A, Malone, K and Barratt Hacking, E, eds. Research handbook on childhoodnature: assemblages of childhood and nature research. Springer, Cham, pp. 925-952. ISBN 9783319672854

McGuire-Snieckus, R (2020) 'Presenting the self in online relationships.' In: Curtis, A and Satchwell, M, eds. Psychology review: A-level exam skills and practice. Hodder Education, London, pp. 85-93. ISBN 9781398308015

Mitchell, T.J, Jones, A.J, O'Connor, M.B, Wonnacott, M.D, Glowacki, D.R and Hyde, J (2020) 'Towards molecular musical instruments: interactive sonifications of 17-alanine, graphene and carbon nanotubes.' In: Groß-Vogt, K and Höldrich, R, eds. AM '20: proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Audio Mostly. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, pp. 214-221. ISBN 9781450375634

Morton, S (2020) 'Inside the human remains store: the impact of repatriation on museum practice in the United Kingdom.' In: Fforde, C, Keeler, H and McKeown, T, eds. The Routledge companion to indigenous repatriation: return, reconcile, renew. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 902-917. ISBN 9781138303584

Moss, S (2020) '‘Writing in the field’: the importance of a local patch.' In: Burt, T and Thompson, D, eds. Curious about nature: a passion for fieldwork. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 275-279. ISBN 9781108448642

Mudd, S.A, Narborough, J and O’Leary, R (2020) 'PGCert transformation: from award to apprenticeship and dissemination of practice.' In: Poot, A, ed. Charting new courses in learning and teaching: case studies from the PebblePad Community - the pioneers of exceptional learning experiences. PebblePad Learning, Telford, pp. 71-76. ISBN 9780956564160

Nanson, A (2020) '"The future has gone bad; we need a new one": neoliberal science fiction and the writing of ecotopian possibility.' In: Molthan-Hill, P, Luna, H, Wall, T, Puntha, H and Baden, D, eds. Storytelling for sustainability in higher education: an educator's handbook. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 130-142. ISBN 9780367260262

Newland, C (2020) 'Economic objects.' In: White, C.L, ed. A cultural history of objects: in the age of industry - volume 5. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 57-76. ISBN 9781474298797

Nita, M (2020) '‘Inside story’: participatory storytelling and imagination in eco-pedagogical contexts.' In: Molthan-Hill, P, Luna, H, Wall, T, Puntha, H and Baden, N, eds. Storytelling for sustainability in higher education: an educator's handbook. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 154-167. ISBN 9780367260262

Ofori, D.W and Antwi, J (2020) 'Educational reforms and well-being.' In: Hus, V, ed. Modern perspectives in language, literature and education vol. 2. Book Publisher International, Hooghly. ISBN 9789390516445

Parfitt, A (2020) 'Pre-service teacher education in English secondary schools: opportunities for intergenerational learning through mentoring.' In: Dorczak, R and Portela Pruaño, A, eds. Generational diversity and intergenerational collaboration among teachers: perspectives and experience. Jagiellonian University Institute of Public Affairs, Kraków, pp. 45-60. ISBN 9788365688651 Please click the title to check availability.

Peters, F (2020) 'Uncanny snails: Patricia Highsmith and the allure of the gastropods.' In: Heholt, R and Edmundson, M, eds. Gothic animals: uncanny otherness and the animal with-out. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 159-171. ISBN 9783030345396 Please click the title to check availability.

Peters, M.A, Jandrić, P and Hayes, S ORCID: 0000-0001-8633-0155 (2020) 'The curious promise of educationalising technological unemployment: what can places of learning really do about the future of work?' In: Bradley, J.P.N and Argenton, G, eds. Educational ills and the (im)possibility of utopia. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 74-86. ISBN 9780367458652

Pike, S, Allsop, C and Brookman, F (2020) 'Homicide in context.' In: Loucks, N, Smith Holt, S and Adler, J.R, eds. Why we kill: understanding violence across cultures and disciplines. 2nd ed. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 19-33. ISBN 9780367271664

Pullinger, K and Attlee, J (2020) ''The cartographer’s confession': an artist interview with James Attlee.' In: Abba, T, Dovey, J and Pullinger, K, eds. Ambient literature: towards a new poetics of situated writing and reading practices. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 187-197. ISBN 9783030414559

Pullinger, K and Speakman, D (2020) ''It must have been dark by then': an artist interview with Duncan Speakman.' In: Abba, T, Dovey, J and Pullinger, K, eds. Ambient literature: towards a new poetics of situated writing and reading practices. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 103-113. ISBN 9783030414559

Purcell-Gates, L (2020) 'Spectacular bodies, unsettling objects: material performance as intervention in stereotypes of refugees.' In: Meerzon, Y, Dean, D and McNeil, D, eds. Migration and stereotypes in performance and culture. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 39-55. ISBN 9783030399146

Read, S, Miles, C and Merchant, W (2020) 'Dilemmas of self-identification and provision of disability support.' In: Burke, C and Byrne, B, eds. Social research and disability: developing inclusive research spaces for disabled researchers. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 64-77. ISBN 9781138387652 Please click the title to check availability.

Regan, J (2020) 'Three pronged attack: the pincer movement of gender allies, tempered radicals and pioneers.' In: Hepworth-Sawyer, R, Hodgson, J, King, L and Marrington, M, eds. Gender in music production. Routledge, New York, NY, pp. 187-198. ISBN 9781138613362

Semerciyan, S (2020) 'Witches can't be burned.' In: National Theatre Connections 2020: plays for young people. Methuen Drama, London. ISBN 9781350161009

Sentler, S and Batson, G (2020) 'Human Origami: uncovering meta-levels of corporeal embodiment through movement improvisation.' In: Burridge, S, ed. Embodied performativity in southeast Asia: multidisciplinary corporealities. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780367820473

Simmons, B (2020) 'Enacting the international vision of inclusive education: a UK case study of profound and multiple learning difficulties.' In: Simon, C.A and Downes, G, eds. Sociology for education studies: connecting theory, settings and everyday experiences. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 135-149. ISBN 9780367028404

Simmons, B (2020) 'Exploring the situated social being of children with profound and multiple learning difficulties across educational contexts: a study of belonging.' In: Nind, M and Strnadova, I, eds. Belonging for people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: pushing the boundaries of inclusion. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 27-40. ISBN 9780367202958

Spencer, A ORCID: 0000-0002-6786-4706 and Abba, T (2020) 'Writing ambient literature.' In: Abba, T, Dovey, J and Pullinger, K, eds. Ambient literature towards a new poetics of situated writing and reading practices. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 275-318. ISBN 9783030414559

Stenning, A (2020) 'Understanding empathy through a study of autistic life writing: on the importance of neurodiverse morality.' In: Rosquvist, H, Chown, N and Stenning, A, eds. Neurodiversity studies: a new critical paradigm. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 108-124. ISBN 9780367338312

Sullivan, S and Ganuses, W.S (2020) 'Understanding Damara / ǂNūkhoen and ǁUbun indigeneity and marginalisation in Namibia.' In: Odendaal, W and Werner, W, eds. ‘Neither here nor there’: indigeneity, marginalisation and land rights in post-independence Namibia. Land, Environment and Development Project, Legal Assistance Centre, Windhoek, pp. 283-324. ISBN 9789994561582

Swenson, A (2020) 'Under false pretenses.' In: Buckland, A and Qureshi, S, eds. Time travelers: Victorian encounters with time and history. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. ISBN 9780226676791 Please click the title to check availability.

Tooby, M (2020) '"Who me?": the individual experience in participative and collaborative projects.' In: O'Neill, M and Hooper, G, eds. Connecting museums. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781138490024 Please click the title to check availability.

Walker, A and Derbyshire, P (2020) 'The role of HRD in developing capabilities for creativity and innovation at work: a multilevel approach.' In: Loon, M, Stewart, J and Nachmias, S, eds. The future of HRD, volume I: innovation and technology. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 115-141. ISBN 9783030524586

Walters, V (2020) 'On learning to say longing: drawing on the power of fado.' In: Kockel, U, McDermott, P and Campbell, L, eds. Per scribendum, sumus: ethnopoesis, or: writing heritage. a cèilidh in honour of Mairéad Nic Craith. Lit Verlag, Zürich, pp. 128-143. ISBN 9783643913579

Walton, S (2020) 'Feminism's critique of the Anthropocene.' In: Cooke, J, ed. The new feminist literary studies. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 113-128. ISBN 9781108471930

White, R (2020) 'Walking-with whiteness.' In: Billinghurst, H, Hind, C and Smith, P, eds. Walking bodies: papers, provocations and actions from Walking's New Movements, the conference. Triarchy Press, Axminster, pp. 204-213. ISBN 9781913743093

Worthington, M, Carruthers, E and Hattingh, L (2020) '"This is the safe. It has a number and no one else knows it": playing with mathematics.' In: Thiel, O, Severina, E and Perry, B, eds. Mathematics in early childhood: research, reflexive practice and innovative pedagogy. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 167-186. ISBN 9780367370503

Wright, E.H (2020) '“Cry with the pack and kill what we fear”: Woolf ’s pacifism and contemporary women dramatists.' In: Mildenberg, A and Novillo-Corvalán, P, eds. Virginia Woolf, Europe and peace. Vol 1: transnational circulations. Clemson University Press, Clemson, SC, pp. 129-144. ISBN 9781949979350

Zhu, Y (2020) 'Who are ‘good’ friends? Chinese parents’ influences on children’s friend selection.' In: Frankel, S and McNamee, S, eds. Bringing children back into the family: relationality, connectedness and home. Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, Vol. 27 . Emerald, Bingley, pp. 113-129. ISBN 9781838671976

la Velle, L and Kendall, A (2020) 'A high status, research-informed profession: the foundation for successful teacher recruitment and retention?' In: Ovenden-Hope, T and Passy, R, eds. Exploring teacher recruitment and retention: contextual challenges from international perspectives. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 46-58. ISBN 9780367076450 Please click the title to check availability.

la Velle, L and Reynolds, K (2020) 'Reframing the professionalism of teachers.' In: Hudson, B, Leask, m and Younie, S, eds. Education system design: foundations, policy options and consequences. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780367203771


Ahmed Shafi, A, Templeton, S, Middleton, T, Millican, R, Vare, P, Pritchard, R and Hatley, J ORCID: 0000-0003-1232-2050 (2020) 'Towards a dynamic interactive model of resilience (DIMoR) for education and learning contexts.' Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 25 (2). pp. 183-198.

Allen, C, Viola, T, Irvine, E, Sedgmond, J, Castle, H, Gray, R and Chambers, C.D (2020) 'Causal manipulation of feed-forward and recurrent processing differentially affects measures of consciousness.' Neuroscience of Consciousness, 2020 (1). niaa015.

Asimakopoulos, G, Revilla, A.J and Slavova, K (2020) 'External knowledge sourcing and firm innovation efficiency.' British Journal of Management, 31 (1). pp. 123-140.

Astles, C, Fisher, E, Purcell-Gates, L and Sextou, P (2020) 'Editorial - Applied puppetry in health.' Journal of Applied Arts and Health, 11 (1 & 2). pp. 3-13.

Bain, P.G and Bongiorno, R (2020) 'It's not too late to do the right thing: moral motivations for climate change action.' WIREs Climate Change, 11 (1). e615.

Bartles-Smith, A, Crosby, K, Harvey, P, Premasiri, P.D, Tilakaratne, A, Ratheiser, D, Deegalle, M, Trew, N.M, Travagnin, S and Harris, E (2020) 'Reducing suffering during conflict: the interface between Buddhism and international humanitarian law.' Contemporary Buddhism, 21 (1-2). pp. 369-435.

Bettini, G, Gioli, G and Felli, R (2020) 'Clouded skies: how digital technologies could reshape "Loss and Damage" from climate change.' WIREs Climate Change, 11 (4). e650.

Bongiorno, R, Langbroek, C, Bain, P.G, Ting, M and Ryan, M.K (2020) 'Why women are blamed for being sexually harassed: the effects of empathy for female victims and male perpetrators.' Psychology of Women Quarterly, 44 (1). pp. 11-27.

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Niolaki, G.Z, Terzopoulos, A and Masterson, J (2020) 'Intervention for a visual attention span processing deficit in a Greek-speaking child with slow reading speed.' Προσχολική & Σχολική Εκπαίδευση = Preschool and Primary Education, 8 (1). pp. 1-30.

Niolaki, G.Z, Vousden, J, Terzopoulos, A.R, Taylor, L.M, Sephton, S and Masterson, J (2020) 'Predictors of single word spelling in English speaking children: a cross sectional study.' Journal of Research in Reading, 43 (4). pp. 577-596.

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Conference or Workshop Item

Beale, R (2020) Lockdown unlocking change in music education practice. In: Annual EdD Conference: Sculpting Change, 20 June 2020, University of Cambridge, UK [online].

Curran, H (2020) Identifying SEN in the Early Years. In: nasen Live, 23 October 2020, [online].

De Angeli, D, Finnegan, D.J and Scott, L (2020) Sacred springs: teaching children local history via a game jam. In: World’s Most Inclusive PD Project Workshop as part of IDC2020: Designing for the Future, 17 - 24 June 2020, [online].

Johnson, R.M and Edwards, E (2020) Accelerating Disaster Risk Reduction in the Indian Himalayan Region. In: GB Pant NIHE Webinar - Adaptation & Resilience Building Challenges for the Himalayan Communities: Climate Change & Covid-19, 4 September 2020, Almora, India [online].

Keyte, J (2020) Waste and makers: problem-based learning to address sustainability. In: Teaching and Learning Conference 2020. Teaching in the spotlight: creative thinking to enhance the student experience – from curriculum design to student success, 7 July 2020, AdvanceHE [online].

Lamont, B.R (2020) ‘Arab Blues’ Scottish premiere with Sad Girl Cinema. In: Dardishi Festival, 22 February 2020, CCA Theatre, Glasgow, UK.

Li, L (2020) Critical realist approach: a solution to tourism’s most pressing matter. In: International Association for Critical Realism Annual Conference: The Human Person in Times of Civilization Change, 14 - 16 October 2020, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Poland [online].

Li, L (2020) Moral agency in tourism: is there a future for ethical tourism? In: International Association for Critical Realism Annual Conference: The Human Person in Times of Civilization Change, 14 - 16 October 2020, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Poland [online].

Li, L, Hazra, S and Wang, J (2020) Social moral mechanisms in tourism development in China. In: International Association for Critical Realism Annual Conference: The Human Person in Times of Civilization Change, 14 - 16 October 2020, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Poland [online].

Marshall, A (2020) Oliver Cromwell and the secret arts of government. In: Public Lecture Series, 19 March 2020, Hampstead & North West Branch of the Historical Association.

McInnes, K (2020) Playfulness in environments of creative learning. In: Sightlines Initiative Network, 6 October 2020, [online].

McMahon, K (2020) The learning sciences in the Initial Teacher Education Curriculum. In: BERA - Education Futures: Neuroscience, Climate Change and Learning, 12 October 2020, London, UK [online].

McMahon, K, McKay, D, Howarth, L, Barber, K-A, Humphreys, K, Lee, A, Etchells, P.J, Black, P and Yeh, C.S.-H ORCID: 0000-0002-8717-0568 (2020) The learning sciences in the (Primary) Initial Teacher Education curriculum. In: Universities' Council for the Education of Teachers (UCET) Annual Conference, 3 - 4 November 2020, London, UK [online].

Satiroglu, H ORCID: 0000-0001-7483-4305 and Akin, M ORCID: 0000-0002-9021-869X (2020) The barriers of income equality: comparison of Turkish and British investments within the telecommunication sector. In: GELISIM-UWE 2020: 4th International Conference on Economics and Finance, 22 - 23 October 2020, Istanbul Gelisim University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Scott, T and Tooby, M (2020) Caretaking relations: sharing the outcomes of participatory research and curating, and how methodologies interact with local and professional ecologies. In: British Art Network Conference: Research and the Museum Ecosystem, 19 March 2020 [cancelled], National Museum Cardiff, Wales.

Thomas, M. (2020) Getting on to get out. In: SOCSCI Doctoral Conference, 27 July 2020, Cardiff University, UK [online].

Thomas, M. (2020) Unlocking stories and conducting race conscious research. In: Migration, Ethnicity, Race and Diversity Research Group (MEAD) Webinar Series, 8 April 2020, Cardiff University, UK [online].

Wale, J ORCID: 0000-0002-9210-029X (2020) Negotiating interests: revisiting the role of consent in newborn genetic screening. In: The Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, 1 - 4 September 2020, University of Exeter, UK [online].

Williams, C (2020) Writing futures: ‘hopeful’ interactions in cultural work. In: MeCCSA Conference, January 2020, Brighton, UK.

Xu, Z ORCID: 0000-0002-7819-4517 (2020) Cultural identity and intangible cultural heritage of Yangge in techno-choreography. In: Performance Knowledges: Transmission, Composition, Praxis, 11 - 13 March 2020, University of Malta, Msida, Malta.

Yeh, C.S.-H ORCID: 0000-0002-8717-0568 and Ravalier, J.M (2020) Teacher wellbeing and resilience building. In: Universities' Council for the Education of Teachers (UCET) Annual Conference, 3 - 4 November 2020, London, UK [online].


Dimolareva, M (2020) Animal-assisted interventions in special needs schools: what works? PhD thesis, University of Lincoln.

Forna, A (2020) Civil conflict, trauma and resilience: a reflection on my own work. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University.

Hsu, T-C (2020) An IoT-based cloud-fog computing platform for creative service. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University.

Langham, K.H (2020) Play as a design tool: co-designing shared community space. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University.

Liu, Q (2020) A new system for approaching artificial creativity. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University.

Pickering, P (2020) Sympathy for the devil: Faust, history and poetics in my novels. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University.

Presley, N (2020) Anne Sexton, Sylvia Plath and media culture. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University.

Smith Daniels, S (2020) Letting go of a concept: finding 'I remember, I forget'. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University. Please click the title to check availability.

Stillwater, G (2020) Drawing with time. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University.

White, R (2020) (Dis)enchantments and perambulations: 'walking-with' intangible cultural heritage, coerced walking and reluctant heritage. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University. doi: 10.17870/bathspa.00013359 Please click the title to check availability.

Yakubov, D (2020) The wandering song of the Nogais: contemporary interpretations of an epic tradition. M.Phil thesis, Bath Spa University.

d'Heudières, L.P.M.L (2020) Scores in time: exploring the use of sound as a medium for notation in musical composition. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University.

Commissioned Report

Chadderton, C (2020) A longitudinal study of young women’s transitions in Tower Hamlets in an age of austerity. Aldgate and Allhallows Foundation, London. ISBN 9781998991419 Please click the title to check availability.

Curran, H, Moloney, H, Heavey, A and Boddison, A (2020) The time is now: addressing missed opportunities for Special Educational Needs Support and Coordination in our schools. Bath Spa University, Bath. Please click the title to check availability.

Dennis, A, Choak, C, Edwards-Evans, C and Elhaggagi, E (2020) 50 Narratives @50: An exploration of if, when and how a short learning episode may lead to positive outcomes. PRAXIS: Open University.


Kampe, T, Pascal, J, Goldstein, S, Kozokaro, R, Kraft Levene, S, Mijit, S, Emeny, M, Beech, N, Sassoon, A and Morris, F (2020) ONE LOST STONE.

Lamont, B.R (2020) Final Boy Zine.


Lax, A (2020) Repository. In: Splitting the Atom, Contemporary Arts Centre CAC, Vilnius, Lithuania, 18 September - 25 October 2020.

Luzar, R (2020) Decameron-19 [group project]. In: Centre of Gravity, The Soapworks, Bristol, UK, 3 October - 1 November 2020.

Luzar, R (2020) Drawing bureau, Bristol – traced papers. In: Centre Of Gravity, The Soapworks, Bristol, UK, 3 October - 1 November 2020.

Squires, K and Dunseath, J (2020) As seen. In: Ways and Means, Skelf [online], 22 July - 20 October 2020. Please click the title to check availability.

Walton, A and Lucas, A (2020) Together With Them She Went. Tintype Gallery, London, UK, 1 April – 30 May 2020.

Wood, J and Harrison, P (2020) 10x10 (2011) & Semi automatic painting machine (2014). In: Manifesta 13 Marseille: L’Effet Domino, Le 109, Nice, France, 17 October - 5 December 2020.

Wood, J and Harrison, P (2020) Car/Lake (2014). In: Formula for Fantasy, Quadrum Gallery Gardens, Lisbon, Portugal, 9 July 2020.

Wood, J and Harrison, P (2020) Erased clocks (2019) & 100 boxes (2009). In: Quarantine Quotidian, Cristin Tierney Gallery, New York, NY, USA, 15 September – 23 November 2020.

Wood, J and Harrison, P (2020) Square buildings (2019). In: Group Show, Galeria Vera Cortês, Lisbon, Portugal, 2 July - 23 September 2020.

Wood, J and Harrison, P (2020) This is a projection (2018). In: The Backward Glance can be a Glimpse into the Future, Von Bartha Gallery, Basel, Switzerland, 5 September - 7 November 2020.

Wood, J and Harrison, P (2020) Volunteer (1998). In: Nuovo Cinema Galleria, Galeria Vera Cortês, Lisbon, Portugal, 23 January – 5 February 2020.

Wood, J and Harrison, P (2020) What's Left [group exhibition]. In: Centre of Gravity, The Soapworks, Bristol, UK, 3 October - 1 November 2020.

Wood, J and Harrison, P (2020) Words Made of Atoms. Von Bartha Gallery, Basel, Switzerland, 19 December 2020 – 27 February 2021.


Saunders, J (2020) conversation with activities.

Saunders, J (2020) sequence studies.

Saunders, J (2020) things to do.


Semerciyan, S (2020) Witches can't be burned. In: National Theatre Connections Festival, Royal & Derngate, Northampton, UK [online], February - March 2020.


English, L, Falkenberg, P and Cochran, J (2020) I Want to Breathe Sweet Air.

Hooper, E, Moure, E, Pato, C, Panforreteiro, M and Veres Gesto, A (2020) Almorfe Ottawa.

Lewis-Smith, C (2020) Boneline.

Tweed, C (2020) Notes from the subsurface.

Walton, A and Lucas, A (2020) 113.


Hooper, E (2020) Quartet for the end of time.


Beale, R (2020) Lockdown unlocking change in music education practice [blog post]. Incorporated Society of Musicians.

Booth, N (2020) Staying in touch [blog post]. Sensory Criminology: Exploring Sensory Experience of the Criminological, Feb 3.

Brooks, K (2020) Making a stand with Mary [blog post]. Research Exchange - The Social History Society. Please click the title to check availability.

Campbell, A (2020) Climate crisis and the 21st-century British novel [book review]. Green Letters, 24 (1). pp. 79-81.

Dunn, L (2020) My sister, my mirror [essay]. Aeon, Oct.

Dunn, L (2020) The joy of intimacy [essay]. Aeon, Feb.

Earle, S ORCID: 0000-0002-6155-1098 (2020) We need formative assessment now more than ever [blog post]. Research Hub - The Chartered College of Teaching.

Johnson, R.M and Edwards, E (2020) Pathways to Resilience [webpage].

Johnson, R.M, Kuniyal, J.C, Chand, K, Diduck, A, Edwards, E, Gardner, J, Pandey, B.W, Sharma, D.D and Singh, P (2020) Accelerating change: engaging local communities in disaster risk reduction in the Indian Himalayan region. Science Policy Brief,.

Liardet, T (2020) Prayer to mother serotonin. The London Magazine. June/July.

Liardet, T (2020) Self-portrait with multiple yells; Aisling. Poetry Review, 110 (3).

Lloyd, N (2020) Christina Morin, 'The Gothic novel in Ireland, c. 1760–1829' [book review]. Irish University Review, 50 (1). pp. 243-245. Please click the title to check availability.

Loon, M (2020) Critical thinking in business research. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management. doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190224851.013.277

Marshall, A (2020) Invisible agents: women and espionage in seventeenth-century Britain [book review]. Journal of Social History, 53 (4). pp. 1099-1101.

Nita, M (2020) High religiosity and “resisting” Covid 19 governmental advice in Romania [blog post]. Contemporary Religion in Historical Perspective.

Robinson, C and Cush, D (2020) Hindu worldview traditions [online essay]. RE:ONLINE.

Thomas, M. (2020) Should schools be colorblind? [book review]. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 6 (3). pp. 431-432.

Tracy, D.K, Joyce, D.W, Albertson, D.N and Shergill, S.S (2020) Kaleidoscope: January - ongoing [multiple entries]. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 216 (1-12).

Tristram, E (2020) My name, my age, my favourite colour... [blog post]. In Media Res. Please click the title to check availability.

Tristram, E (2020) The tipping point of Kate Marsh: an imbalance of power in 'Life is strange' (2015) [blog post]. In Media Res. Please click the title to check availability.

White, R (2020) Thinking continental: writing the planet one place at a time [book review]. Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism, 24 (2). pp. 225-227.

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