Items where Year is 2021

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Number of items: 495.


Kampe, G and Kampe, T, eds. (2021) Beyond forgetting - persecution/exile/memory: transdisciplinary perspectives on design, performance and education. Cuvillier Verlag, Goettingen. ISBN 9783736973107

Masson, L, Baldwin, L and Booth, N, eds. (2021) Critical reflections on women, family, crime and justice, volume 1. Policy Press, Bristol. ISBN 9781447358695

Whitecross, R, ed. (2021) How bleak is the crow’s nest. Muscaliet Press, Colchester. ISBN 9781912616107

Böhm, S and Sullivan, S, eds. (2021) Negotiating climate change in crisis. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge. ISBN 9781800642621

Collier, M, Hogg, B and Strachan, J, eds. (2021) Songs of place and time: birdsong and the dawn chorus in natural history and the arts. Art Editions North / Gaia Project, Sunderland. ISBN 9780993219290

English, L and McGowan, J, eds. (2021) Spoken word in the UK. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780367352530

Gioli, G and Kallin, H, eds. (2021) Thinking as anarchists: selected writings from Volontà. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474483131

Dunn, L and Gilbert, Z, eds. (2021) A wild and precious life: a recovery anthology. Unbound, London. ISBN 9781783529643

Burke, L, Chapman, H.K and Bales, K (2021) Why she wrote: a graphic history of the lives, inspiration, and influence behind the pens of classic women writers. Chronicle Books, San Francisco, CA. ISBN 9781797202099

Cassidy, G (2021) Contemporary rehearsal practice: Anthony Neilson and the devised text. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780367408527

Christopher, L and Tudor, N (2021) The queen on our corner. Lantana, London. ISBN 9781911373889

Forna, A (2021) The window seat: notes from a life in motion. Grove Press, New York, NY. ISBN 9780802158581

Fuller, P (2021) An introduction to engaged Buddhism. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781350129078

Grimmer, T (2021) Developing a loving pedagogy in the early years: how love fits with professional practice. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780367902667

Hollyman, S (2021) Lairies. Influx Press, London. ISBN 9781910312674

Hunter, V (2021) Site, dance and body: movement, materials and corporeal engagement. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. ISBN 9783030648022

Malik, I.H (2021) Curating lived Islam in the Muslim world: British scholars, sojourners and sleuths. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780367770730

Mitchell, B (2021) Engaging with actor-network theory as a methodology in medical education research. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780367332242

Moss, S (2021) Skylarks with Rosie: a Somerset spring. Saraband, Salford. ISBN 9781913393045

Moss, S (2021) The swan: a biography. Square Peg, London. ISBN 9781529110371

Nadin, J (2021) The talk of pram town. Macmillan, London. ISBN 9781529024623

Nartey, E.K (2021) Accountability and corporate human rights violations in tort and international law. Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle upon Tyne. ISBN 9781527575059

Skuse, C.J (2021) Dead head. HQ, London. ISBN 9780008312589

Skuse, C.J (2021) The alibi girl. HQ, London. ISBN 9780008311391

Strachan, J and Pennie, M (2021) Sunderland gig. QoD Press, Ashburton.

Sullivan, S, !Uriǂkhob, S, Kötting, B, Muntifering, J and Brett, R (2021) Historicising black rhino in Namibia: colonial-era hunting, conservation custodianship, and plural values. Future Pasts Working Paper No.13. ISBN 9781911126188

Sullivan, S, Ganuses, W.S, Olivier, E and ǁHawaxab, F (2021) Tasting the lost flute music of Sesfontein: histories, memories, possibilities. Future Pasts Working Paper No.10. ISBN 9781911126133

Walton, S (2021) Everybody needs beauty: in search of the nature cure. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781526620705

Book Chapter or Section

Aitken, G and Hayes, S ORCID: 0000-0001-8633-0155 (2021) 'Online postgraduate teaching: re-discovering human agency.' In: Fawns, T, Aitken, G and Jones, D, eds. Online postgraduate education in a postdigital world. Springer, Cham, pp. 139-159. ISBN 9783030776725

Alcock, R (2021) 'Somalia: experiments in knowing and doing capacity building.' In: Bueger, C, Edmunds, T and McCabe, R, eds. Capacity building for maritime security: the Western Indian Ocean experience. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 249-280. ISBN 9783030500634

Arndt, S et al (2021) 'Between the blabbering noise of individuals or the silent dialogue of many: a collective response to ‵Postdigital Science and Education′ (Jandrić et al. 2018).' In: Peters, M.A, Besley, T, Tesar, M, Jackson, L, Jandrić, P, Arndt, S and Sturm, S, eds. The methodology and philosophy of collective writing: an educational philosophy and theory reader volume X. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 188-219. ISBN 9780367775803

Baldwin, L, Masson, L and Booth, N (2021) 'Continuing the conversation: reflections from the Women, Family, Crime and Justice network.' In: Masson, L, Baldwin, L and Booth, N, eds. Critical reflections on women, family, crime and justice. Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 219-228. ISBN 9781447358695

Birnie, C and English, L (2021) 'Spoken word in print: instant coffee - a conversation with Clive Birnie from Burning Eye Books.' In: English, L and McGowan, J, eds. Spoken word in the UK. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 449-455. ISBN 9780367352530

Böhm, S and Sullivan, S (2021) 'Introduction: Climate crisis? What climate crisis?' In: Böhm, S and Sullivan, S, eds. Negotiating climate change in crisis. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, xxxiii-lxx. ISBN 9781800642621

Curran, H (2021) 'Developing SENCO resilience: understanding and meeting the challenge of the role.' In: Beaton, M.C, Codina, G.N and Wharton, J.C, eds. Leading on inclusion: the role of the SENCO. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 171-180. ISBN 9780367420505

Cush, D (2021) 'Changing the game in English religious education: 1971 and 2018.' In: Franck, O and Thalén, P, eds. Religious education in a post-secular age: case studies from Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 139-156. ISBN 9783030475055

Cush, D (2021) 'Is Buddhism a religion?' In: Harris, E.J, ed. Buddhism in five minutes. Equinox, Sheffield, pp. 6-9. ISBN 9781800500907

Cush, D (2021) 'Should Buddhism be taught in schools?' In: Harris, E.J, ed. Buddhism in five minutes. Equinox, Sheffield, pp. 332-336. ISBN 9781800500907

Cush, D (2021) 'Time for a change? A case study of the work of the Commission on Religious Education in England.' In: Francis, L.J, Lankshear, D.W and Parker, S.G, eds. New directions in religious and values education: international perspectives. Peter Lang, Oxford, pp. 53-72. ISBN 9781789978766

Cush, D and Owen, S (2021) 'A proposal for an epistemologically humble phenomenology: an interview with Denise Cush.' In: Fujiwara, S, Thurfjell, D and Engler, S, eds. Global phenomenologies of religion: an oral history in interviews. Equinox, Sheffield, pp. 221-224. ISBN 9781781799154

Cush, D and Robinson, C (2021) '"Buddhism is not a religion, but Paganism is": the applicability of the concept of ‘religion’ to Dharmic and nature-based traditions, and the implications for religious education.' In: Biesta, G and Hannam, P, eds. Religion and education: the forgotten dimensions of religious education? Brill / Sense, Leiden, pp. 66-84. ISBN 9789004446373

Deegalle, M (2021) 'Appropriations of Rāvaṇa in political activism and reinventing mythic history: Indian cultural and religious ideas influencing contemporary Sri Lanka.' In: Kim, C and Kim, H, eds. Great transition in Indian humanities. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, pp. 39-86. ISBN 9791155561904

Deegalle, M (2021) 'What is the role of preaching in Buddhism?' In: Harris, E.J, ed. Buddhism in five minutes. Equinox, Sheffield, pp. 176-179. ISBN 9781800500907

Diduck, A.P, Johnson, R.M, Edwards, E, Sinclair, A.J, Gardner, J and Patel, K (2021) 'Small hydro and environmental justice: lessons from the Kullu District of Himachal Pradesh.' In: Diduck, A.P, Patel, K and Malik, A.K, eds. Advancing environmental justice for marginalized communities in India: progress, challenges and opportunities. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 101-118. ISBN 9780367692810

Dowson, P (2021) 'Developing graduates as critical professionals: professional development ++.' In: Black, K and Warhurst, R, eds. Organisation studies and human resource management: an educator's handbook. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 253-266. ISBN 9780367206901

Durand-Delacre, D, Bettini, G, Nash, S.L, Sterly, H, Gioli, G, Hut, E, Boas, I, Farbotko, C, Sakdapolrak, P, de Bruijn, M, Tripathy Furlong, B, van der Geest, K, Lietaer, S and Hulme, M (2021) 'Climate migration is about people, not numbers.' In: Böhm, S and Sullivan, S, eds. Negotiating climate change in crisis. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 63-81. ISBN 9781800642621

Elliott, M (2021) 'Philippe Decouflé.' In: Butterworth, J and Sanders, L, eds. Fifty contemporary choreographers. 3rd ed. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 69-73. ISBN 9780367376765

English, L (2021) 'The Book of Hours: a collaborative online poetry film project between a spoken word poet and poetry film-makers.' In: Tremlett, S, ed. The poetics of poetry film: film poetry, videopoetry, lyric voice, reflection. Intellect, Bristol, pp. 210-213. ISBN 9781789382686

English, L (2021) 'The democracy of poetry: the Bristol spoken word scene.' In: English, L and McGowan, J, eds. Spoken word in the UK. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 88-105. ISBN 9780367352530

English, L and McGowan, J (2021) 'Setting the stage: an introduction to spoken word in the UK.' In: English, L and McGowan, J, eds. Spoken word in the UK. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 1-14. ISBN 9780367352530

Etter, C (2021) 'Taking the poetry exercise online.' In: Girardi, T and Scheg, A.G, eds. Theories and strategies for teaching creative writing online. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780367756116

Feasey, R (2021) 'Single dads in the entertainment arena: hegemonic hierarchies and happy endings.' In: Åström, B and Bergnehr, D, eds. Single parents: representations and resistance in an international context. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 113-131. ISBN 9783030713102

Freeman, M (2021) 'Transmediality as an industrial form.' In: McDonald, P, ed. The Routledge companion to media industries. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780367225261

Gonçalves, D, Rodrigues, A, Richardson, M, de Sousa, A.A ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894, Proulx, M and Guerreiro, T (2021) 'Exploring asymmetric roles in mixed-ability gaming.' In: CHI '21: proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, New York, NY. ISBN 9781450380966 Please click the title to check availability.

Guzel, S.G ORCID: 0000-0002-9216-8112 (2021) 'Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market and freedom of expression: the EU’s online dilemma.' In: Synodinou, T.E, Jougleux, P, Markou, C and Prastitou-Merdi, T, eds. EU Internet law in the digital single market. Springer, Cham, pp. 205-229. ISBN 9783030695828

Hannis, M (2021) 'We'll always have Paris.' In: Böhm, S and Sullivan, S, eds. Negotiating climate change in crisis. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 83-96. ISBN 9781800642621

Hayes, S ORCID: 0000-0001-8633-0155 (2021) 'The value of postdigital humans as objects, or subjects, in McDonaldised society.' In: Savin-Baden, M, ed. Postdigital humans. Springer, Cham, pp. 71-87. ISBN 9783030655914

Hayes, S ORCID: 0000-0001-8633-0155 and Jandrić, P (2021) 'Postdigital artistic positionality and its potentials for cultural education.' In: Ackermann, J and Egger, B, eds. Transdisziplinäre Begegnungen zwischen postdigitaler Kunst und Kultureller Bildung. Springer, VS Wiesbaden, pp. 17-28. ISBN 9783658320782

Hayes, S ORCID: 0000-0001-8633-0155 and Jandrić, P (2021) 'Resisting the iron cage of ‘the student experience’.' In: Sardoč, M, ed. The impacts of neoliberal discourse and language in education. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 141-154. ISBN 9780367415471

Jandrić, P and Hayes, S ORCID: 0000-0001-8633-0155 (2021) 'The blockchain university: disrupting “disruption”?' In: Bonderup Dohn, N, Hansen, J.J, Hansen, S.B, Ryberg, T and de Laat, M, eds. Conceptualizing and innovating education and work with networked learning. Springer, Cham, pp. 159-170.

Kallin, H and Gioli, G (2021) 'The importance of thinking as anarchists.' In: Gioli, G and Kallin, H, eds. Thinking as anarchists: selected writings from Volontà. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 3-37. ISBN 9781474483131

Kampe, T (2021) 'Dancing the soma-ecstatic: Feldenkrais and the modernist body.' In: Scholl, R, ed. The Feldenkrais Method in creative practice: dance, music, theatre. Methuen, London, pp. 17-37. ISBN 9781350158382 Please click the title to check availability.

Kampe, T (2021) 'Displaced/Displayed - surviving dance in exile.' In: Kampe, G and Kampe, T, eds. Beyond forgetting - persecution/exile/memory: transdisciplinary perspectives on design, performance and education. Cuvillier Verlag, Goettingen, pp. 128-143. ISBN 9783736973107 Please click the title to check availability.

Kampe, T (2021) 'The Feldenkrais Method® and a theater of enaction.' In: Elgelid, S and Kresge, C, eds. The Feldenkrais Method®: learning through movement and the brain. Handspring, Fountainhall. ISBN 9781912085699 Please click the title to check availability.

Kampe, T (2021) 'Punti di Fuga / Fluchtpunkte - enacting empathy.' In: Kampe, G and Kampe, T, eds. Beyond forgetting - persecution/exile/memory: transdisciplinary perspectives on design, performance and education. Cuvillier Verlag, Goettingen, pp. 198-207. ISBN 9783736973107 Please click the title to check availability.

Kaznowska, H (2021) 'Women are from Venus: addressing female agency with classical allegory.' In: Decker, J.R and Kirkland-Ives, M, eds. Audience and reception in the early modern period. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780367676261

Kerridge, R (2021) 'All is deep: all is shallow - literary springs, wells and depths, from Shakespeare to ecocriticism.' In: Chiari, S and Cuisinier-Delorme, S, eds. Spa culture and literature in England, 1500-1800. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 263-283. ISBN 9783030665678

Kerridge, R (2021) 'Nature writing.' In: Tyler, D, ed. The Cambridge companion to prose. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 214-232. ISBN 9781108837408

Kuhn, C, Havemann, L, Koseoglu, S and Bozkurt, A (2021) 'Three lenses on lurking: making sense of digital silence.' In: Hoffman, J and Blessinger, P, eds. International perspectives in online instruction. Emerald, Bingley, pp. 83-93. ISBN 9781800436732

Levy, C (2021) 'Playful walks: a methodological approach for analysing the embodied citizenship of young people in the countryside.' In: Bruselius-Jensen, M, Pitti, I and Tisdall, E.K.M, eds. Young people's participation: revisiting youth and inequalities in Europe. Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 255-274. ISBN 9781447345411

Little, L (2021) 'Publishing challenging picturebooks.' In: Ommundsen, A.M, Haaland, G and Kümmerling-Meibauer, B, eds. Exploring challenging picturebooks in education: international perspectives on language and literature learning. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780367856250

Lovett, M ORCID: 0000-0003-3599-7886 (2021) 'Towards a quantum theory of musical creativity.' In: Hepworth-Sawyer, R, Paterson, J and Toulson, R, eds. Innovation in music: future opportunities. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 389-402. ISBN 9780367363352

Marshall, A (2021) '"Halt! Halt!" Oliver Cromwell, Hugh O’Neill and the Siege of Clonmel, April–May 1650.' In: Bennett, M, Gillespie, R and Spurlock, R.S, eds. Cromwell and Ireland: new perspectives. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, pp. 75-110. ISBN 9781789622379 Please click the title to check availability.

Marvell, A and Simm, D ORCID: 0000-0002-0440-9546 (2021) 'Encountering emotions during international fieldwork: using innovative pedagogies to develop emotional intelligence and resilience.' In: Wessell, J.E, ed. Experiential learning in geography: experience, evaluation, and encounters. Springer, Cham, pp. 57-75. ISBN 9783030820862

Mason, M, Galloway, D and Joyce-Gibbons, A (2021) 'Catering for diversity in psychosocial and learning needs in a low-income country.' In: Koh, C, ed. Diversifying learner experience: a kaleidoscope of instructional approaches and strategies. Springer, Singapore, pp. 191-206. ISBN 9789811598609

Masson, L, Booth, N and Baldwin, L (2021) 'Starting the conversation: an introduction to the Women, Family, Crime and Justice network.' In: Masson, L, Baldwin, L and Booth, N, eds. Critical reflections on women, family, crime and justice. Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 1-10. ISBN 9781447358695

Monasterios-Tan, D, Sentler, S and Chittick, G (2021) 'The threshold of language: design and soma.' In: Di Lucchio, L, Imbesi, L, Giambattista, A and Malakuczi, V, eds. Design culture(s) - Cumulus conference proceedings Roma 2021, Volume #2. Cumulus, Aalto, pp. 1063-1081. ISBN 9789526490045

Newman, J (2021) 'Before Red Book: early video game music and technology.' In: Fritsch, M and Summers, T, eds. The Cambridge companion to video game music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 12-32. ISBN 9781108460897

Presley, N (2021) '‘Why aren’t there more women in your books?’ Ann and William Golding.' In: Dresvina, J, ed. Thanks for typing: remembering forgotten women in history. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 211-218. ISBN 9781350150065

Pugh, V and Hatley, J ORCID: 0000-0003-1232-2050 (2021) 'Resilience online.' In: Pugh, V and Hughes, D, eds. Teaching personal, social, health and economic and relationships, (sex) and health education in primary schools: enhancing the whole curriculum. Bloomsbury Academic, London, pp. 169-178. ISBN 9781350129887

Reid-Bowen, P (2021) 'Learning to live and die in the Cthulhucene.' In: Nirta, C and Pavoni, A, eds. Monstrous ontologies: politics, ethics, materiality. Vernon Press, Wilmington, DE, pp. 15-30. ISBN 9781622738908

Relva, I.C, Alarcão, M, Harrison, N and Fernandes, O.M (2021) 'Non-lethal physical abuse of siblings.' In: Shackelford, T.K, ed. The SAGE handbook of domestic violence. Sage, London, pp. 744-757. ISBN 9781526494863

Rohde, R, Hoffman, M.T and Sullivan, S (2021) 'Environmental change in Namibia: land-use impacts and climate change as revealed by repeat photography.' In: Böhm, S and Sullivan, S, eds. Negotiating climate change in crisis. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 173-187. ISBN 9781800642621

Saunders, J (2021) 'Group behaviours as music.' In: Timmers, R, Bailes, F and Deffern, H, eds. Together in music: coordination, expression, participation. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 13-23. ISBN 9780198860761

Simmons, G (2021) 'Walking with RLS.' In: Fortunate voyager: a celebration of Robert Louis Stevenson. Merchiston Publishing, Edinburgh, pp. 172-175. ISBN 9781911524038

Simpson, E (2021) 'Starting at the end: a storyboard.' In: Fruish, A, ed. Tool box: red - ideas, inspirations, games. Arts Council England, pp. 101-103.

Sorensen, N (2021) '"Of course we improvise!" What the best teachers do (and why they do it).' In: Robbins Dudeck, T and McClure, C, eds. The applied improvisation mindset: tools for transforming organizations and communities. Methuen Drama, London, pp. 179-203. ISBN 9781350143609

Sorensen, N (2021) 'The craft of teaching musical improvisation improvisationally: towards a theoretical framework.' In: Holdhus, K, Murphy, R and Espeland, M.I, eds. Music education as craft: reframing theories and practices. Springer, Cham, pp. 165-180. ISBN 9783030677039

Steele, J (2021) 'Political discourse and rhetoric: challenging twenty-first century populism in 'Chez nous/This is our land'.' In: Gergely, G and Hayward, S, eds. The Routledge companion to European cinema. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 437-449. ISBN 9780367461850

Steele, J (2021) '"The scent of a middle-class woman”: desire, family and the adolescent imagination in François Ozon’s 'Dans la maison’.' In: Bourdeau, L, ed. Refocus: the films of François Ozon. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 109-124. ISBN 9781474479912 Please click the title to check availability.

Sullivan, S (2021) 'I’m Sian, and I’m a fossil fuel addict: on paradox, disavowal and (im)possibility in changing climate change.' In: Böhm, S and Sullivan, S, eds. Negotiating climate change in crisis. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 139-156. ISBN 9781800642621

Sullivan, S (2021) 'On climate change ontologies and the spirit(s) of oil.' In: Böhm, S and Sullivan, S, eds. Negotiating climate change in crisis. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 25-36. ISBN 9781800642621

Sullivan, S and Ganuses, W.S (2021) 'Densities of meaning in west Namibian landscapes: genealogies, ancestral agencies, and healing.' In: Dieckmann, U, ed. Mapping the unmappable? Cartographic explorations with indigenous peoples in Africa. Transcript, Bielefeld, pp. 139-191. ISBN 9783837652413

Tembo, S ORCID: 0000-0001-8821-5476 (2021) 'More work to do: thinking through equalities with young children in Scotland.' In: Palmer, S, ed. Play is the way: child development, early years and the future of Scottish education. CCWB Press, Paisley, pp. 186-195. ISBN 9781916009424

Thomas, H (2021) 'Drama in English.' In: Watson, A and Newman, R.G, eds. A practical guide to teaching English in the secondary school. 2nd ed. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 105-115. ISBN 9780367553364

Tweed, C (2021) 'Fictioning the third space.' In: Barranha, H and Henriques, J.S, eds. Art, museums and digital cultures: rethinking change. IHA/NOVA FCSH and maat, Lisbon, pp. 123-135. ISBN 9789895440542

White, R (2021) 'Forced Walks: Honouring Esther.' In: Kampe, G and Kampe, T, eds. Beyond forgetting - persecution/exile/memory: transdisciplinary perspectives on design, performance and education. Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, Germany, pp. 96-115. ISBN 9783736973107

Whitehead, M and Durden-Myers, E.J ORCID: 0000-0001-7705-1138 (2021) 'Physical literacy and the primacy of movement.' In: Mitchell, S and Griffin, L, eds. Lifetime contributions in physical education: celebrating the lives and work of Len Almond (1938-2017) and Joy Butler (1957-2019). Scholary, Radstock, pp. 54-71. ISBN 9781999909215


Akin, I ORCID: 0000-0003-0918-7441 (2021) 'Determination of sovereign credit rating model for European countries.' Financial Markets, Institutions and Risks, 5 (3). pp. 45-58.

Alhawamdeh, M and Lee, A (2021) 'Construction waste minimization: a narrative review.' The International Journal of Environmental Sustainability, 18 (1). pp. 1-33.

Alhawamdeh, M and Lee, A (2021) 'A behavioral framework for construction waste minimization: the case of Jordan.' The International Journal of Environmental Sustainability, 17 (2). pp. 9-32.

Armstrong, S.C, Lensen, S, Vaughan, E, Wainwright, E, Peate, M, Balen, A.H, Farquhar, C.M and Pacey, A (2021) 'VALUE study: a protocol for a qualitative semi-structured interview study of IVF add-ons use by patients, clinicians and embryologists in the UK and Australia.' BMJ Open, 11 (5). e047307.

Barraclough, E.R (2021) 'Trees, woodlands, and forests in Old Norse-Icelandic culture.' JEGP, Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 120 (3). pp. 281-301. Please click the title to check availability.

Bate, S, Mestry, N, Atkinson, M, Bennetts, R.J and Hills, P.J (2021) 'Birthweight predicts individual differences in adult face recognition ability.' British Journal of Psychology, 112 (3). pp. 628-644.

Bates, A, Choi, T-H and Kim, Y (2021) 'Outsourcing education services in South Korea, England and Hong Kong: a discursive institutionalist analysis.' Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 51 (2). pp. 259-277.

Bates, A and Slater, B (2021) 'Personal principles for a roadmap to educational recovery in the 'Covid decade'.' FORUM, 63 (3). pp. 37-45. Please click the title to check availability.

Bell, S.L and Bush, T (2021) '‘Never mind the bullocks’: animating the go-along interview through creative nonfiction.' Mobilities, 16 (3). pp. 306-321.

Blaisdell, C, Kustatscher, M, Zhu, Y and Tisdall, E.K.M (2021) 'The emotional relations of children's participation rights in diverse social and spatial contexts: advancing the field.' Emotion, Space and Society, 40. e100816.

Booth, N and Masson, I (2021) 'Loved ones of remand prisoners: the hidden victims of COVID-19.' Prison Service Journal, 253. pp. 23-31.

Bosson, J.K et al (2021) 'Psychometric properties and correlates of precarious manhood beliefs in 62 nations.' Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 52 (3). pp. 231-258.

Bovill, H, Harrison, N, Smith, H, Bennett, V and McKenzie, L (2021) 'Mature female learners activating agency after completion of an education foundation degree: professional progression and the teacher shortage crisis.' Research Papers in Education, 36 (2). pp. 196-215.

Bremner, N (2021) 'Learner-centredness.' ELT Journal, 75 (2). pp. 213-215.

Brown, A. G, Van Hardenbroek, M, Fonville, T, Davies, K ORCID: 0000-0002-1748-9442, Mackay, H, Murray, E, Head, K, Barratt, P, McCormick, F, Ficetola, G.F, Gielly, L, Henderson, A.C.G, Crone, A, Cavers, G, Langdon, P.G, Whitehouse, N.J, Pirrie, D and Alsos, I.G. (2021) 'Ancient DNA, lipid biomarkers and palaeoecological evidence reveals construction and life on early medieval lake settlements.' Scientific Reports, 11 (1). e11807.

Brownsword, R and Wale, J ORCID: 0000-0002-9210-029X (2021) 'In ordinary times, in extraordinary times: consent, newborn screening, genetics, and pandemics.' BioLaw Journal - Rivista di BioDiritto, 1 (Sp). pp. 129-153.

Burnard, P, Sorensen, N, Gill, S and Rabinowitch, T-C (2021) 'Identifying new parameters informing the relationship between silence and sound in diverse musical performance practices and perception.' International Journal of Music Science, Technology and Art, 3 (1). pp. 7-17.

Castro-Castellon, A.T, Hughes, J.M.R, Read, D.S, Azimi, Y, Chipps, M.J and Hankins, N.P (2021) 'The role of rhizofiltration and allelopathy on the removal of cyanobacteria in a continuous flow system.' Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28 (22). pp. 27731-27741.

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Curran, H (2021) The National SENCO Workload Survey 3 years on: what have we learnt and where do we go from here? In: nasen Live!, 24 September 2021, Vox Conference Centre, Birmingham, UK.

Cush, D (2021) Authority in religions/worldviews and RE. In: NASACRE Annual Conference: Authority in RE, 24 May 2021, Nottingham, UK [online].

Cush, D (2021) Hindu worldview traditions. In: In Conversation: Online Seminar Series, April 2021, RE:ONLINE [online].

Cush, D (2021) One discipline, many methods: disciplinary futures for religion and worldviews (RE). In: BASR Annual Conference, 6 - 7 September 2021, University of Edinburgh, UK [online].

Cush, D (2021) Religion and worldview(s): a new approach for RE. In: Wessex Sea of Faith Group Meeting, May 2021, Bath, UK [online].

Cush, D (2021) Religion and worldviews: the further adventures of the first recommendation of the Commission on RE in England. In: The Twenty Second Session of the International Seminar on Religious Education and Values, 26 - 30 July 2021, University of Gothenburg, Sweden [online].

Duggan, M (2021) 'Against the odds': insights from Black, Asian and minority ethnic teachers. In: BERA Annual Conference, 13 - 16 September 2021, [online].

Dunseath, J and Squires, K (2021) As seen. In: Issues in Creative Practice Research: Creativity and Crisis Symposium, 9 February 2021, Bath Spa University, UK [online].

Filer, N (2021) Storytellers on schizophrenia. In: Mental Health Association of San Mateo County: Speaker Series, 4 March 2021, Redwood City, CA, USA [online].

Francis, D and Cush, D (2021) Solidarity - the story so far. In: Sea of Faith Summer Conference: Talking Allowed, 19 - 23 July 2021, Leicester University, UK [online].

Haslett, S.K and Wong, B.R (2021) A Froude number approach to the possible causes of incipient boulder displacement due to wave impact. In: Persidangan Fizik Kebangsaan (PERFIK) / Malaysian National Physics Conference, 29 - 30 June 2021, online.

Hattingh, L (2021) Time to play, time to think. In: The IX Conference on Childhood Studies, 10 - 12 May 2021, Tampere University, Finland [online].

Heffer, N ORCID: 0000-0002-6597-0134, Dennie, E, Ashwin, C, Petrini, K and Karl, A (2021) Multisensory processing of emotional cues predicts psychological distress following exposure to a virtual reality stressor. In: Society for Affective Science Conference, 13 - 16 April 2021, [online].

Heffer, N ORCID: 0000-0002-6597-0134, Karl, A, Tsaneva-Atanasova, K, Ashwin, C and Petrini, K (2021) Investigating audiovisual emotion processing using EEG. In: 5th HBP Student Conference on Interdisciplinary Brain Research, 1 - 4 February 2021, [online].

Jeffers, J.M (2021) Historical perspectives on wildfires in Ireland and their importance for contemporary adaptation. In: 52nd Annual Conference of Irish Geographers, 18 - 21 May 2021, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland [online].

Johnson, R.M (2021) Reflections on the global Covid-19 journey: linkage to ‘SDGs’ & Flood ‘Disaster Risk Reduction’. In: ICDP International Conference on Future Challenges and Sustainable Development Goals: Science to Policy Framework, 16 - 18 April 2021, University of Delhi, Delhi, India [online].

Keyte, J (2021) Material meaning: investigating how meaning is organised and interpreted in industrial design practice. In: [ _ ] With Design: Reinventing Design Modes. IASDR 2021, 5 - 9 December 2021, Hong Kong / online.

Li, L (2021) From conceptualization to methodology. In: International Association for Critical Realism Annual Conference: (Re) Envisaging Emancipatory Research, Science and Practice, 20 – 24 September 2021, Rhodes University and the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa [online].

Li, L (2021) Re-engaging with ‘tourism experience’ through a realist lens. In: International Association for Critical Realism Annual Conference: (Re) Envisaging Emancipatory Research, Science and Practice, 20 – 24 September 2021, Rhodes University and the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa [online].

Liu, L, Opara, V ORCID: 0000-0002-5148-3204, Pomorina, I and Walker, A (2021) What do business students value in the emerging virtualisation of learning and teaching that is accelerated by COVID-19? A pilot. In: Developments in Economics Education Conference, 2 - 3 September 2021, online. Please click the title to check availability.

Luzar, R (2021) Thanks for waiting. In: Work and Working Through, a Sympoesis, 26 June 2021, Bristol, UK [online].

Marshall, A (2021) Intelligence, espionage and the Cromwellian Protectorate. In: Cromwell Museum Autumn Lecture Series, 3 November 2021, Huntingdon, UK [online].

Marshall, A (2021) Oliver Cromwell and the secret arts of government: intelligence and espionage in the early modern state. In: Historical Association: Hampstead & North West London Branch Programme, 15 April 2021, Fellowship House, London [online].

Marvell, A and Simm, D ORCID: 0000-0002-0440-9546 (2021) The emotional geographies of place: developing innovative learning and teaching strategies for international fieldwork. In: Danish Network for Educational Development in Higher Education Special Interest Group on Laboratory and Fieldwork - Competence Development from Lab Work and Fieldwork, 8 March 2021, University of Copenhagen, Denmark [online].

McMahon, K, Howarth, L, McKay, D, Lee, A, Asprey, E, Arblaster, E and Barber, K-A (2021) The learning sciences in Initial Teacher Education - responding to the Core Content Framework. In: Teacher Education Advancement Network (TEAN) Conference, 6 - 7 May 2021, University of Cumbria, UK [online].

Newman, J (2021) Fearful harmonies: composing and decomposing the PlayStation startup sound. In: Ludo2021, 23 - 25 April 2021, [online].

Reading, K (2021) Absence in/of the body: theatre praxis and embodied knowledge. In: TaPRA Conference, 6 - 10 September 2021, Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool, UK [online].

Thomas, M. (2021) Restricted mothering. In: SOCSCI Doctoral Conference, 28 June 2021, Cardiff University, UK [online].

Thomas, M. (2021) "Straight away I was aware that I was black": narratives from black mothers in and after prison. In: Race, Racism, Gender and Prisons, 28 November 2021, Black Criminology Network [online].

Vitale, A (2021) Using the arts to promote health, healing, and inclusion for migrants and refugees. In: Culture, Health and Wellbeing International Conference, 21 - 23 June 2021, Arts & Health South West, Exeter, UK [online].

Vitale, A (2021) The effectiveness of narrative therapy interventions to support migrants’ mental health. In: 11th International Congress on Migration and Mental Health, 30 - 31 October 2021, Bath Spa University, UK [online].

Wale, J ORCID: 0000-0002-9210-029X (2021) Clinical legal education: conflicting aims, political activism and extraordinary times thinking. In: Legal Ethics / Ethics in Law Conference, 29 - 30 November 2021, Stellenbosch University Law Clinic, South Africa [online].

Wale, J ORCID: 0000-0002-9210-029X and Rowlands, S (2021) When worlds collide - non-state actors, philanthropy, and the commercial promotion of fertility control options in low- and middle-income countries. In: Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, 30 March - 1 April 2021, Cardiff University, UK [online].

Whiting, C ORCID: 0000-0002-9963-426X and McKay, D (2021) Assessment without levels – tracking progress in key stages 1-3. In: BERA Annual Conference, 13 - 16 September 2021, London, UK [online].

Williams, J (2021) Fashion's hidden carbon footprint. In: United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), 17 - 21 May 2021, Glasgow, Scotland & online.

Wood, J, Harrison, P and De Wachter, E.M (2021) We don't like each other: John Wood and Paul Harrison in conversation with Ellen Mara De Wachter. In: Design and Artists Copyright Society: DACS Meets Series, 3 June 2021, London, UK [online].


Maia, H (2021) Developing a vigilant musical practice. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University. doi: 10.17870/bathspa.00013785

Scott, L.T.D (2021) Online opera: an applied collision of opera and web creativity. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University. doi: 10.17870/bathspa.00014406

Xu, Z ORCID: 0000-0002-7819-4517 (2021) Techno-choreography and the embodiment of Chineseness. PhD thesis, Brunel University London.

Commissioned Report

Boddison, A, Curran, H and Moloney, H (2021) National SENCO Workforce Survey 2020: time to review 2018-2020. Bath Spa University and nasen, Bath. Please click the title to check availability.

Levy, C (2021) Create Futures Evaluation Report: June 2021. Create Studios. Please click the title to check availability.

McMahon, K (2021) How shall we address the Learning Sciences in ITE? Bath Spa University, Bath.

McMahon, K, Lee, A, Etchells, P.J, Howarth, L, Humphreys, K, McKay, D, Arblaster, E, Asprey, E, Barber, K-A and Salter, L (2021) The Learning Sciences and the Core Content Framework for Initial Teacher Training. Bath Spa University, Bath.

McMahon, K, Lee, A and McKay, D (2021) The Learning Sciences and Primary School Science. Bath Spa University, Bath.

Simpson, E (2021) An evaluation of the National Criminal Justice Arts Alliance’s Professional Mentoring Scheme 2020/21. NCJAA. Please click the title to check availability.


Herrema, R (2021) Cornflower.

Lewis-Smith, C (2021) SIX (2014) [REF2021 collection].

Neudecker, M (2021) CERN (2020) [REF2021 collection].

Wood, J and Harrison, P (2021) A film about a city (2015) [REF2021 collection].


Bonnell, M (2021) Imparaticci. Eagle Gallery EMH Arts, London, UK, 15 September – 8 October 2021.

Brien, P (2021) Invoking Absence [curator]. Hallidays Mill Gallery, Chalford, UK, 3 - 26 September 2021.

Dalwood, D (2021) 2059. Simon Lee Gallery, Hong Kong, 10 September - 30 October 2021.

Dalwood, D (2021) Dexter Dalwood: Collages 1999-2011. Simon Lee Gallery, London, UK, 12 April - 8 May 2021.

Dalwood, D (2021) Esto no me pertenece = This does not belong to me. National Art Museum (Munal), Mexico City, Mexico, 24 September 2021 - ongoing.

Dalwood, D (2021) Next to You [group exhibition]. McEvoy Foundation for the Arts, San Francisco, California, US, 28 May - 4 December 2021.

Dunseath, J and Squires, K (2021) As seen. In: In Touch, CICA Museum, Gimpo, South Korea, 24 November – 12 December 2021.

Dunseath, J and Squires, K (2021) ‘ave a look! Six Second Gallery, London, UK, 6 - 21 November 2021. Please click the title to check availability.

Halcrow, L (2021) Landlinks: Landscape and Attachment [group exhibition]. Groundworks, Three Storeys, Nailsworth, UK., 17 - 27 June 2021.

Lucas, A, Stidolph, M and Walton, A (2021) A Strong Defence of Delicate Things. Auction House, Redruth, UK, 23 - 27 June 2021.

Luzar, R (2021) Traced papers: Leuchter. In: Passive Aggressive, 36 Gallery, Newcastle, UK, 1 - 10 December 2021.

Neudecker, M (2021) CERN | ALICE Detector. In: Alice: curiouser and curiouser, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK, 22 May - 31 December 2021.

Neudecker, M (2021) Diversity united: contemporary European art - 90 artists, 34 countries, 1 continent in dialogue [group exhibition]. Tempelhof Airport, Hangar 2 + 3, Berlin, Germany, 19 June - 30 September 2021.

Neudecker, M (2021) Light and transparency: the art exhibition for the reopening of the renovated Bonn Cathedral [group exhibition]. Bonn Cathedral, Bonn, Germany, 1 November 2021 - 31 January 2022.

Neudecker, M (2021) SEDIMENT. Hestercombe Gallery, Taunton, UK, 14 August - 24 October 2021.

Patterson, D and Vyner, T (2021) Artistic travels on Mount Athos. Sismanogleio Mansion, Istanbul, Turkey, 28 November 2021 - 28 January 2022.

Tooby, M (2021) Broken Angel [curator]. Coventry Cathedral, Coventry, UK, 6 November 2021 - 1 February 2022.

Walters, V (2021) The pangolin's tale. In: Lost Wax for Lost Species, Founders' Hall, London, UK, 4 - 5 November 2021.

Wood, J and Harrison, P (2021) 10x10 (2011) & Fan/paper/fan (2007) & One more kilometre (2009). In: Video Now, 375 Hudson St, New York, NY, USA, April – June, 2021.

Wood, J and Harrison, P (2021) Beano: The Art of Breaking the Rules [group exhibition]. Somerset House, London, UK, 21 Oct 2021 - 6 Mar 2022.

Wood, J and Harrison, P (2021) Bored. Cristin Tierney Gallery, New York, NY, USA, April 16 - June 12 2021.

Wood, J and Harrison, P (2021) Everything is Black and White. Galeria Vera Cortês, Lisbon, Portugal, 25 November 2021 - 22 January 2022.

Wood, J and Harrison, P (2021) Mori Art Museum Collection: John Wood and Paul Harrison - Photocopier, 1%. In: MAM Digital Screenings, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan, 30 April - 1 August 2021.

Wood, J and Harrison, P (2021) Words made of atoms. In: Imaginary Collection IV, 2112, Copenhagen, Denmark, 5 May – 26 June 2021.

Wood, J and Harrison, P (2021) The first thirty years (2020). In: Artecinema 26: 26th International Contemporary Art Film Festival, Teatro Augusteo, Naples, Italy, 15 - 8 October 2021.


Saunders, J (2021) canons.

Saunders, J (2021) guided sequences.

Saunders, J (2021) nine labyrinths.

Saunders, J (2021) social studies.


Poster-Su, T (2021) Chang and Eng and Me (and Me) [creator, performer]. Online, 8 February 2021.


Lewis-Smith, C (2021) Kilve.

Lewis-Smith, C (2021) Sandline.

Lewis-Smith, C (2021) Shuffle.

Lewis-Smith, C (2021) Sonic dancer.


Filer, N and Burgin, K.W (2021) Why Do I Feel? [5-part series].


Bynoth, R ORCID: 0000-0002-3349-7709 (2021) Emotions in Europe 1517–1914, Vol. 4, Transformations 1789–1914 [book review]. Emotions: History, Culture, Society, 5 (2). pp. 355-357.

Chua, C.J, Sentler, S and Forth, J (2021) On movement, rhythm and data [blog post]. SO-FAR.

Dunn, L (2021) Idealising the predator [essay]. Aeon, Dec.

Etchells, P.J, Davidson, B.I, Kaye, L.K, Ellis, D.A and Lieberoth, A (2021) Researchers should avoid causally attributing suicide to video game play as a single factor. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. doi: 10.1111/ppc.12762

Filer, N (2021) Modern-day sin-eaters [blog post]. Psychology Today.

Hordern, J (2021) Education and expertise [book review]. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 73 (1). pp. 185-186.

Liardet, T (2021) Elegy for Jacques-of-Jacques-and-Jack. Poetry Ireland Review, 135.

Liardet, T (2021) From Petrarch redux: three poems. Bad Lilies, 5.

Liardet, T (2021) On hearing Mr Blum the funeral director. Poetry Review, 111 (3).

Liardet, T (2021) The crowd's enthusiasm was unimaginable. The London Magazine. June/July.

Liardet, T (2021) The haptic fugues, (a sequence of 32 tercets). Long Poem Magazine, 26.

Lloyd, N (2021) The novel [video essay]. Romanticism.

Nita, M (2021) Divination as storytelling: dealing (with) death and extinction [blog post]. Contemporary Religion in Historical Perspective.

Poster-Su, T (2021) Casting Fu Manchu by Eelyn Lee [performance review]. Theatre Journal, 73 (2). pp. 247-249.

Presley, N (2021) Toward a digital poetics: electronic literature & literary games [book review]. C21 Literature: Journal of 21st-Century Writings, 9 (1). pp. 1-4.

Sorensen, N (2021) Exploring teacher recruitment and retention: contextual challenges from international perspectives [book review]. Journal of Education for Teaching, 47 (2). pp. 300-301.

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