Number of items: 495.
Hollyman, S
Influx Press, London.
ISBN 9781910312674
Skuse, C.J
Dead head.
HQ, London.
ISBN 9780008312589
Sullivan, S, !Uriǂkhob, S, Kötting, B, Muntifering, J and Brett, R
Historicising black rhino in Namibia: colonial-era hunting, conservation custodianship, and plural values.
Future Pasts Working Paper No.13.
ISBN 9781911126188
Book Chapter or Section
Arndt, S et al
'Between the blabbering noise of individuals or the silent dialogue of many: a collective response to ‵Postdigital Science and Education′ (Jandrić et al. 2018).'
Peters, M.A,
Besley, T,
Tesar, M,
Jackson, L,
Jandrić, P,
Arndt, S and
Sturm, S, eds.
The methodology and philosophy of collective writing: an educational philosophy and theory reader volume X.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 188-219.
ISBN 9780367775803
Baldwin, L, Masson, L and Booth, N
'Continuing the conversation: reflections from the Women, Family, Crime and Justice network.'
Masson, L,
Baldwin, L and
Booth, N, eds.
Critical reflections on women, family, crime and justice.
Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 219-228.
ISBN 9781447358695
Cush, D
'Is Buddhism a religion?'
Harris, E.J, ed.
Buddhism in five minutes.
Equinox, Sheffield, pp. 6-9.
ISBN 9781800500907
Diduck, A.P, Johnson, R.M, Edwards, E, Sinclair, A.J, Gardner, J and Patel, K
'Small hydro and environmental justice: lessons from the Kullu District of Himachal Pradesh.'
Diduck, A.P,
Patel, K and
Malik, A.K, eds.
Advancing environmental justice for marginalized communities in India: progress, challenges and opportunities.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 101-118.
ISBN 9780367692810
Durand-Delacre, D, Bettini, G, Nash, S.L, Sterly, H, Gioli, G, Hut, E, Boas, I, Farbotko, C, Sakdapolrak, P, de Bruijn, M, Tripathy Furlong, B, van der Geest, K, Lietaer, S and Hulme, M
'Climate migration is about people, not numbers.'
Böhm, S and
Sullivan, S, eds.
Negotiating climate change in crisis.
Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 63-81.
ISBN 9781800642621
Elliott, M
'Philippe Decouflé.'
Butterworth, J and
Sanders, L, eds.
Fifty contemporary choreographers. 3rd ed.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 69-73.
ISBN 9780367376765
Etter, C
'Taking the poetry exercise online.'
Girardi, T and
Scheg, A.G, eds.
Theories and strategies for teaching creative writing online.
Routledge, Abingdon.
ISBN 9780367756116
Gonçalves, D, Rodrigues, A, Richardson, M, de Sousa, A.A
ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894, Proulx, M and Guerreiro, T
'Exploring asymmetric roles in mixed-ability gaming.'
CHI '21: proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
ACM, New York, NY.
ISBN 9781450380966
Please click the title to check availability.
Guzel, S.G
ORCID: 0000-0002-9216-8112
'Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market and freedom of expression: the EU’s online dilemma.'
Synodinou, T.E,
Jougleux, P,
Markou, C and
Prastitou-Merdi, T, eds.
EU Internet law in the digital single market.
Springer, Cham, pp. 205-229.
ISBN 9783030695828
Hannis, M
'We'll always have Paris.'
Böhm, S and
Sullivan, S, eds.
Negotiating climate change in crisis.
Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 83-96.
ISBN 9781800642621
Jandrić, P and Hayes, S
ORCID: 0000-0001-8633-0155
'The blockchain university: disrupting “disruption”?'
Bonderup Dohn, N,
Hansen, J.J,
Hansen, S.B,
Ryberg, T and
de Laat, M, eds.
Conceptualizing and innovating education and work with networked learning.
Springer, Cham, pp. 159-170.
Kallin, H and Gioli, G
'The importance of thinking as anarchists.'
Gioli, G and
Kallin, H, eds.
Thinking as anarchists: selected writings from Volontà.
Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 3-37.
ISBN 9781474483131
Kampe, T
'Displaced/Displayed - surviving dance in exile.'
Kampe, G and
Kampe, T, eds.
Beyond forgetting - persecution/exile/memory: transdisciplinary perspectives on design, performance and education.
Cuvillier Verlag, Goettingen, pp. 128-143.
ISBN 9783736973107
Please click the title to check availability.
Kampe, T
'The Feldenkrais Method® and a theater of enaction.'
Elgelid, S and
Kresge, C, eds.
The Feldenkrais Method®: learning through movement and the brain.
Handspring, Fountainhall.
ISBN 9781912085699
Please click the title to check availability.
Kampe, T
'Punti di Fuga / Fluchtpunkte - enacting empathy.'
Kampe, G and
Kampe, T, eds.
Beyond forgetting - persecution/exile/memory: transdisciplinary perspectives on design, performance and education.
Cuvillier Verlag, Goettingen, pp. 198-207.
ISBN 9783736973107
Please click the title to check availability.
Kerridge, R
'Nature writing.'
Tyler, D, ed.
The Cambridge companion to prose.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 214-232.
ISBN 9781108837408
Kuhn, C, Havemann, L, Koseoglu, S and Bozkurt, A
'Three lenses on lurking: making sense of digital silence.'
Hoffman, J and
Blessinger, P, eds.
International perspectives in online instruction.
Emerald, Bingley, pp. 83-93.
ISBN 9781800436732
Little, L
'Publishing challenging picturebooks.'
Ommundsen, A.M,
Haaland, G and
Kümmerling-Meibauer, B, eds.
Exploring challenging picturebooks in education: international perspectives on language and literature learning.
Routledge, Abingdon.
ISBN 9780367856250
Marshall, A
'"Halt! Halt!" Oliver Cromwell, Hugh O’Neill and the Siege of Clonmel, April–May 1650.'
Bennett, M,
Gillespie, R and
Spurlock, R.S, eds.
Cromwell and Ireland: new perspectives.
Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, pp. 75-110.
ISBN 9781789622379
Please click the title to check availability.
Masson, L, Booth, N and Baldwin, L
'Starting the conversation: an introduction to the Women, Family, Crime and Justice network.'
Masson, L,
Baldwin, L and
Booth, N, eds.
Critical reflections on women, family, crime and justice.
Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 1-10.
ISBN 9781447358695
Monasterios-Tan, D, Sentler, S and Chittick, G
'The threshold of language: design and soma.'
Di Lucchio, L,
Imbesi, L,
Giambattista, A and
Malakuczi, V, eds.
Design culture(s) - Cumulus conference proceedings Roma 2021, Volume #2.
Cumulus, Aalto, pp. 1063-1081.
ISBN 9789526490045
Pugh, V and Hatley, J
ORCID: 0000-0003-1232-2050
'Resilience online.'
Pugh, V and
Hughes, D, eds.
Teaching personal, social, health and economic and relationships, (sex) and health education in primary schools: enhancing the whole curriculum.
Bloomsbury Academic, London, pp. 169-178.
ISBN 9781350129887
Relva, I.C, Alarcão, M, Harrison, N and Fernandes, O.M
'Non-lethal physical abuse of siblings.'
Shackelford, T.K, ed.
The SAGE handbook of domestic violence.
Sage, London, pp. 744-757.
ISBN 9781526494863
Saunders, J
'Group behaviours as music.'
Timmers, R,
Bailes, F and
Deffern, H, eds.
Together in music: coordination, expression, participation.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 13-23.
ISBN 9780198860761
Simmons, G
'Walking with RLS.'
Fortunate voyager: a celebration of Robert Louis Stevenson.
Merchiston Publishing, Edinburgh, pp. 172-175.
ISBN 9781911524038
Thomas, H
'Drama in English.'
Watson, A and
Newman, R.G, eds.
A practical guide to teaching English in the secondary school. 2nd ed.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 105-115.
ISBN 9780367553364
Tweed, C
'Fictioning the third space.'
Barranha, H and
Henriques, J.S, eds.
Art, museums and digital cultures: rethinking change.
IHA/NOVA FCSH and maat, Lisbon, pp. 123-135.
ISBN 9789895440542
White, R
'Forced Walks: Honouring Esther.'
Kampe, G and
Kampe, T, eds.
Beyond forgetting - persecution/exile/memory: transdisciplinary perspectives on design, performance and education.
Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, Germany, pp. 96-115.
ISBN 9783736973107
Armstrong, S.C, Lensen, S, Vaughan, E, Wainwright, E, Peate, M, Balen, A.H, Farquhar, C.M and Pacey, A
'VALUE study: a protocol for a qualitative semi-structured interview study of IVF add-ons use by patients, clinicians and embryologists in the UK and Australia.'
BMJ Open, 11 (5).
Brown, A. G, Van Hardenbroek, M, Fonville, T, Davies, K
ORCID: 0000-0002-1748-9442, Mackay, H, Murray, E, Head, K, Barratt, P, McCormick, F, Ficetola, G.F, Gielly, L, Henderson, A.C.G, Crone, A, Cavers, G, Langdon, P.G, Whitehouse, N.J, Pirrie, D and Alsos, I.G.
'Ancient DNA, lipid biomarkers and palaeoecological evidence reveals construction and life on early medieval lake settlements.'
Scientific Reports, 11 (1).
Castro-Castellon, A.T, Hughes, J.M.R, Read, D.S, Azimi, Y, Chipps, M.J and Hankins, N.P
'The role of rhizofiltration and allelopathy on the removal of cyanobacteria in a continuous flow system.'
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28 (22).
pp. 27731-27741.
Clarke, N
ORCID: 0000-0003-2375-4510, Blackwell, A.K.M, De‐loyde, K, Pechey, E, Hobson, A, Pilling, M, Morris, R.W, Marteau, T.M and Hollands, G.J
'Health warning labels and alcohol selection: a randomised controlled experiment in a naturalistic shopping laboratory.'
Addiction, 116 (12).
pp. 3333-3345.
Clarke, N
ORCID: 0000-0003-2375-4510, Marteau, T.M, Pilling, M, Roberts, N.W, Jebb, S.A and Hollands, G.J
'Energy (calorie) labelling for healthier selection and consumption of food or alcohol.'
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 6.
Clarke, N
ORCID: 0000-0003-2375-4510, Pechey, E, Kosīte, D, König, L.M, Mantzari, E, Blackwell, A.K.M, Marteau, T.M and Hollands, G.J
'Impact of health warning labels on selection and consumption of food and alcohol products: systematic review with meta-analysis.'
Health Psychology Review, 15 (3).
pp. 430-453.
Clarke, N
ORCID: 0000-0003-2375-4510, Pechey, E, Mantzari, E, Blackwell, A.K.M, De‐loyde, K, Morris, R.W, Munafò, M.R, Marteau, T.M and Hollands, G.J
'Impact of health warning labels communicating the risk of cancer on alcohol selection: an online experimental study.'
Addiction, 116 (1).
pp. 41-52.
Clarke, Z, Darley, S, Wright, A, Surridge, J, Martindale, A, Simmons, B, Hunnisett, S and Dukas, T
'Where next for people with cognitive disabilities and
electronic assistive technology?'
Communication Matters Journal, 35 (3).
pp. 32-34.
Please click the title to check availability.
Costa, G, Spulber, S, Paci, E
ORCID: 0000-0002-6202-2825, Casu, M.A, Ceccatelli, S, Simola, N and Morelli, M
'In utero exposure to dexamethasone causes a persistent and age-dependent exacerbation of the neurotoxic effects and glia activation induced by MDMA in dopaminergic brain regions of C57BL/6J mice.'
NeuroToxicology, 83.
pp. 1-13.
Daniels, J, Ingram, J, Pease, A, Wainwright, E, Beckett, K, Iyadurai, La, Harris, S, Donnelly, O, Roberts, T and Carlton, E
'The COVID-19 Clinician Cohort (CoCCo) Study: empirically grounded recommendations for forward-facing psychological care of frontline doctors.'
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (18).
Hallett, N, Duxbury, J, McKee, T, Harrison, N, Haines, A, Craig, E and O'Brien, A.J
'Taser use on individuals experiencing mental distress: an integrative literature review.'
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 28 (1).
pp. 56-71.
Hayes, S
ORCID: 0000-0001-8633-0155, Jopling, M, Hayes, D, Westwood, A, Tuckett, A and Barnett, R
'Raising regional academic voices (alongside data) in higher education (HE) debate.'
Postdigital Science and Education, 3 (1).
pp. 242-260.
Hill, M.J, White, J, Biggs, J, Briers, R, Gledhill, D, Ledger, M, Thornhill, I, Wood, P.J and Hassall, C
'Local contributions to beta diversity in urban pond networks: implications for biodiversity conservation and management.'
Diversity and Distributions, 27 (5).
pp. 887-900.
Hills, P.J, Arabacı, G, Fagg, J, Canter, L, Thompson, C and Moseley, R
'Low-frequency rTMS to the parietal lobe increases eye-movement carryover and decreases hazard rating.'
Neuropsychologia, 158.
Hills, P.J, Vasilev, M.R, Ford, P, Snell, L, Whitworth, E, Parsons, T, Morisson, R, Silveira, A and Angele, B
'Sensory gating is related to positive and disorganised schizotypy in contrast to smooth pursuit eye movements and latent inhibition.'
Neuropsychologia, 161.
Jandrić, P, Jaldemark, J, Hurley, Z, Bartram, B, Matthews, A, Jopling, M, Mañero, J, MacKenzie, A, Irwin, J, Rothmüller, N, Green, B, Ralston, S.J, Pyyhtinen, O, Hayes, S
ORCID: 0000-0001-8633-0155, Wright, J, Peters, M.A and Tesar, M
'Philosophy of education in a new key: who remembers Greta Thunberg? Education and environment after the coronavirus.'
Educational Philosophy and Theory, 53 (14).
pp. 1421-1441.
Keogh, E, Attridge, N, Walsh, J, Bartlett, J, Francis, R, Bultitude, J.H and Eccleston, C
'Attentional biases towards body expressions of pain in men and women.'
The Journal of Pain.
Laurentino, T.G, Xavier, M, Ronco, F, Pina-Martins, F, Domingues, I, Penha, B, Dias, M, de Sousa, A.A
ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894, Carrilho, T, Rodrigues, L.R, Pinheiro, C, Rato, D, Balata, D, Ayala-Botto, G, Matos, M, Campelo, M and Botelho, R
'evALLution: making basic evolution concepts accessible to people with visual impairment through a multisensory tree of life.'
Evolution: Education and Outreach, 14.
Law, M
ORCID: 0000-0002-6127-5353, Corbin, S, Wilkins, M, Harris, V, Martin, G and Lowe, R
'The Last Hurrah (and The Long Haul): co-creation of theatre as climate change education.'
Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 45 (4).
pp. 549-562.
McFadden, P, Neill, R.D, Moriarty, J, Gillen, P, Mallett, J, Manthorpe, J, Currie, D, Schroder, H, Ravalier, J.M, Nicholl, P, McFadden, D and Ross, J
'A cross-sectional examination of the mental wellbeing,
coping and quality of working life in health and social care
workers in the UK at two time points of the COVID-19
Epidemiologia, 2 (3).
pp. 227-242.
McFadden, P, Ross, J, Moriarty, J, Mallett, J, Schroder, H, Ravalier, J.M, Manthorpe, J, Currie, D, Harron, J and Gillen, P
'The role of coping in the wellbeing and work-related quality of life of UK health and social care workers during COVID-19.'
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (2).
Miyashita, L, Foley, G, Gill, I, Gillmore, G, Grigg, J and Wertheim, D
'Confocal microscopy 3D imaging of diesel particulate matter.'
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28 (23).
pp. 30384-30389.
Mostallino, M.C, Secci, P.P, Paci, E
ORCID: 0000-0002-6202-2825, Mura, M.L, Maciocco, E, Sanna, E and Biggio, G
'The plastic and functional changes in hippocampal neurons during pregnancy, delivery and postpartum are reversed by offspring deprivation.'
Current Psychopharmacology, 10 (1).
pp. 73-83.
Pauly, M, Turney, C.S.M, Palmer, J.G, Büntgen, U, Brauer, A and Helle, G
'Kauri tree‐ring stable isotopes reveal a centennial climate downturn following the Antarctic Cold Reversal in New Zealand.'
Geophysical Research Letters, 48 (2).
Shearer, C, Goss, H.R, Boddy, L.M, Knowles, Z.R., Durden-Myers, E.J
ORCID: 0000-0001-7705-1138 and Foweather, L
'Assessments related to the physical, affective and cognitive domains of physical literacy amongst children aged 7–11.9 years: a systematic review.'
Sports Medicine - Open, 7.
Thornhill, I, Cornelissen, J.H.C, McPherson, J.M, MacBride‐Stewart, S, Mohamad, Z, White, H.J and Wiersma, Y.F
'Towards ecological science for all by all.'
Journal of Applied Ecology, 58 (2).
pp. 206-213.
Whitehead, P.G, Bussi, G, Hughes, J.M.R, Castro-Castellon, A.T, Norling, M.D, Jeffers, E.S, Rampley, C.P.N, Read, D.S and Horton, A.A
'Modelling microplastics in the River Thames: sources, sinks and policy implications.'
Water, 13 (6).
Conference or Workshop Item
Dunseath, J and Squires, K
As seen.
In: Issues in Creative Practice Research: Creativity and Crisis Symposium, 9 February 2021, Bath Spa University, UK [online].
Filer, N
Storytellers on schizophrenia.
In: Mental Health Association of San Mateo County: Speaker Series, 4 March 2021, Redwood City, CA, USA [online].
Francis, D and Cush, D
Solidarity - the story so far.
In: Sea of Faith Summer Conference: Talking Allowed, 19 - 23 July 2021, Leicester University, UK [online].
Hattingh, L
Time to play, time to think.
In: The IX Conference on Childhood Studies, 10 - 12 May 2021, Tampere University, Finland [online].
Heffer, N
ORCID: 0000-0002-6597-0134, Dennie, E, Ashwin, C, Petrini, K and Karl, A
Multisensory processing of emotional cues predicts psychological distress following exposure to a virtual reality stressor.
In: Society for Affective Science Conference, 13 - 16 April 2021, [online].
Heffer, N
ORCID: 0000-0002-6597-0134, Karl, A, Tsaneva-Atanasova, K, Ashwin, C and Petrini, K
Investigating audiovisual emotion processing using EEG.
In: 5th HBP Student Conference on Interdisciplinary Brain Research, 1 - 4 February 2021, [online].
Li, L
From conceptualization to methodology.
In: International Association for Critical Realism Annual Conference: (Re) Envisaging Emancipatory Research, Science and Practice, 20 – 24 September 2021, Rhodes University and the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa [online].
Li, L
Re-engaging with ‘tourism experience’ through a realist lens.
In: International Association for Critical Realism Annual Conference: (Re) Envisaging Emancipatory Research, Science and Practice, 20 – 24 September 2021, Rhodes University and the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa [online].
Luzar, R
Thanks for waiting.
In: Work and Working Through, a Sympoesis, 26 June 2021, Bristol, UK [online].
McMahon, K, Howarth, L, McKay, D, Lee, A, Asprey, E, Arblaster, E and Barber, K-A
The learning sciences in Initial Teacher Education - responding to the Core Content Framework.
In: Teacher Education Advancement Network (TEAN) Conference, 6 - 7 May 2021, University of Cumbria, UK [online].
Thomas, M.
Restricted mothering.
In: SOCSCI Doctoral Conference, 28 June 2021, Cardiff University, UK [online].
Commissioned Report
McMahon, K, Lee, A, Etchells, P.J, Howarth, L, Humphreys, K, McKay, D, Arblaster, E, Asprey, E, Barber, K-A and Salter, L
The Learning Sciences and the Core Content Framework for Initial Teacher Training.
Bath Spa University, Bath.
Bonnell, M
Eagle Gallery EMH Arts, London, UK, 15 September – 8 October 2021.
Dalwood, D
Simon Lee Gallery, Hong Kong, 10 September - 30 October 2021.
Dunseath, J and Squires, K
As seen.
In: In Touch, CICA Museum, Gimpo, South Korea, 24 November – 12 December 2021.
Dunseath, J and Squires, K
‘ave a look!
Six Second Gallery, London, UK, 6 - 21 November 2021.
Please click the title to check availability.
Neudecker, M
CERN | ALICE Detector.
In: Alice: curiouser and curiouser, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK, 22 May - 31 December 2021.
Neudecker, M
Hestercombe Gallery, Taunton, UK, 14 August - 24 October 2021.
Walters, V
The pangolin's tale.
In: Lost Wax for Lost Species, Founders' Hall, London, UK, 4 - 5 November 2021.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
Cristin Tierney Gallery, New York, NY, USA, April 16 - June 12 2021.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
Words made of atoms.
In: Imaginary Collection IV, 2112, Copenhagen, Denmark, 5 May – 26 June 2021.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
The first thirty years (2020).
In: Artecinema 26: 26th International Contemporary Art Film Festival, Teatro Augusteo, Naples, Italy, 15 - 8 October 2021.
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