Items where Year is 2015

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Number of items: 784.

Peters, F and Stewart, R, eds. (2015) Anti-hero. Crime uncovered series . Intellect, Bristol. ISBN 9781783205196

Cush, D, ed. (2015) Celebrating planet Earth, a Pagan/Christian conversation: first steps in interfaith dialogue. Moon Books, Winchester. ISBN 9781782798309

Economidou Stavrou, N and Stakelum, M, eds. (2015) European perspectives on music education 4. Every learner counts. Democracy and inclusion. Helbling, Innsbruck. ISBN 9783990353813

Tooby, M and Shalgosky, S, eds. (2015) Imagining a university: fifty years of the University of Warwick Art collection. University of Warwick, Warwick. ISBN 9780957040472

Lawrence, S and McCartney, M, eds. (2015) Mathematicians and their gods: interactions between mathematics and religious beliefs. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780198703051

Hunter, V, ed. (2015) Moving sites: investigating site-specific dance performance. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780415713252

Hensher, P, ed. (2015) The Penguin book of the British short story. Volume 1: from Daniel Defoe to John Buchan. Penguin Classics, London. ISBN 9780141395999

Hensher, P, ed. (2015) The Penguin book of the British short story. Volume 2: from P.G. Wodehouse to Zadie Smith. Penguin Classics, London. ISBN 9780141396019

Re Manning, R, ed. (2015) Retrieving the radical Tillich: his legacy and contemporary importance. Radical theologies . Palgrave Macmillan, New York. ISBN 9781137380838

Deegalle, M, ed. (2015) Vesak, peace and harmony: thinking of Buddhist heritage. Nagananda International Buddhist University, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. ISBN 9780692424513

Etter, C, ed. (2015) A crater the size of Calcutta by Linda Lamus. Mulfran Press, Cardiff. ISBN 9781907327261

Albers, R and May, S (2015) 'Revelation, transgression, disclosure and the tyranny of truth.' In: Harper, G, ed. Creative writing and education. Multilingual Matters, pp. 17-28. ISBN 9781783093533

Alcock, R (2015) Fragments of faith in futures [book review]. Resilience, 3 (2). pp. 145-148.

Alderman, N (2015) Zombies, run! 4.

Alderman, N (2015) Zombies, run! 5k training.

Almond, D (2015) Harry Miller's run. Walker Books, London. ISBN 9781406362244

Anderson, L.G, Dunn, A.M, Rosewarne, P.J and Stebbing, P.D (2015) 'Invaders in hot water: a simple decontamination method to prevent the accidental spread of aquatic invasive non-native species.' Biological Invasions, 17 (8). pp. 2287-2297.

Anderson, L.G, Rocliffe, S, Haddaway, N.R and Dunn, A.M (2015) 'The role of tourism and recreation in the spread of non-native species: a systematic review and meta-analysis.' PLoS ONE, 10 (10). e0140833.

Anderson, R (2015) "His credentials are in order": Catholic ambassadors at the English court, 1603–1625. In: Splendid Encounters 4: Diplomats and Diplomacy in the Early Modern World, 25 - 26 September 2015, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary.

Anderson, R (2015) 'John Foxe’s seely, poore women.' The Downside Review, 133 (467). pp. 4-40.

Andrews, G (2015) Making business graduate employability work. In: MBACADEMY 2015: 1st Annual International Business Conference of the Management and Business Academy, 3 -5 July 2015, Brunel University.

Ares Fandiño, L, Trigo Miranda, M, Fernández Morante, C, Fraga Lago, B, Cebreiro López, B, Dwyer, C, Tuckwell, G, la Velle, L, Georgeson, J, Blandon, C and Horrell, J (2015) Improving attitudes and learning in a second Language through the increased use of ICT - IALICT. Xunta de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

Arthurs, Y (2015) 'Psychophysical and psychological approaches to consonance and dissonance.' In: Ruggiero, G and Bruni, D, eds. Il ritmo della mente : la musica tra scienza cognitiva e psicoterapia. Mimesis, Milan, pp. 49-72. ISBN 9788857525464

Arthurs, Y (2015) The creation of consonance: how musical context influences chord perception. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Asali Nuseibeh, R (2015) Political conflict and exclusion in Jerusalem: the provision of education and social services. Routledge, Abingon. ISBN 9781138848733

Ashton, D (2015) ''Creative Contexts': reflecting on work placements in the creative industries.' Journal of Further and Higher Education, 39 (1). pp. 127-146.

Ashton, D (2015) 'Creative work careers: pathways and portfolios for the creative economy.' Journal of Education and Work, 28 (4). pp. 388-406.

Ashton, D (2015) 'A bottle of white spirit, a pair of Marigolds and a scraper': contesting career pathways in film and television production. In: New Directions in Film and Television Production Studies, 14-15 April 2015, Watershed, Bristol, UK.

Austin, C, Knowles, Z, Richards, K, McCree, M, Sayer, J and Ridgers, N (2015) 'Play and learning outdoors: engaging with the natural world using forest school in the UK.' In: Skelton, T, Nairn, K and Kraftl, P, eds. Space, place, and environment. Geographies of children and young people (3). Springer. ISBN 9789814585903

Bain, P.G and Bongiorno, R (2015) 'Are individualism and “masculinity” related when controlling for regional proximity? A reappraisal of Barry (2015).' Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 46 (9). pp. 1226-1231.

Barton, A and Doughty, M (2015) An evaluation of the LIFT programme. NHS SWLA, Taunton.

Bates, A (2015) 'The ‘Great Refusal’? A Marcusian response to the Bright Blue vision of education in the ‘Big Society’.' Journal of Educational Administration and History, 47 (4). pp. 350-366.

Bates, A (2015) Transforming education: meanings, myths and complexity. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781138920132

Bates, A (2015) 'The curious case of 'trendy theory', training and targets in the reform of university-based teacher education in England.' Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny = The Pedagogical Quarterly, 235 (1). pp. 113-126.

Bayley, A (2015) Women and analysis. In: KeeleMAC 2015: The Keele Music Analysis Conference, 8-10 July 2015, Keele Hall, Keele University, UK.

Bayley, A and Dutiro, C (2015) Creating new music across cultural boundaries: mbira and string quartet. In: Tracking the Creative Process in Music: Third International Conference, 8-10 October 2015, Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique, Paris, France.

Bell, R and Loon, M (2015) 'The impact of critical thinking disposition on learning using business simulations.' The International Journal of Management Education, 13 (2). pp. 119-127. Please click the title to check availability.

Bennett, J (2015) 'Creativities in popular songwriting curricula: teaching or learning?' In: Burnard, P and Haddon, E, eds. Activating diverse musical creativities: teaching and learning in higher education. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781472589132

Bernard, P (2015) Colour.

Binckes, F (2015) ''Harsh laughter': reading Tarr.' In: Gasiorek, A and Waddell, N, eds. Wyndham Lewis: a critical guide. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748685684

Binckes, F (2015) Making faces: caricature, tradition & periodical culture from Victorian to Modern. In: Making It New: Victorian and Modernist Literature and Periodicals 1875-1935, 28 February 2015, De Montfort University.

Bishop, D (2015) 'Small firms and the failure of national skills policies: adopting an institutional perspective.' International Journal of Training and Development, 19 (1). pp. 69-80.

Bodman, S and Sowden, T (2015) 'Artists’ books at the Centre for Fine Print Research.' The New Bookbinder, 35. pp. 73-80. Please click the title to check availability.

Boehm, J.D (2015) Sonata for three.

Bonnell, M (2015) Contemporary Printmaking [group exhibition]. Gus Fisher Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand, 2015.

Bonnell, M and Farrer, J (2015) Seeds and Syntax. Eagle Gallery EMH Arts, London, UK, 6 February – 6 March 2015.

Borodale, S (2015) Human work. Jonathan Cape, London. ISBN 9780224099844

Bowe, D (2015) Word of mouth in communicating sustainability via packaging in destination branding. In: 5th International Colloquium on Place Brand Management (ICPBM) - Governance and branding of destinations: relationships and impacts for successful brands, 3-4 September 2015, University of Aosta Valley, Aosta, Italy.

Bracey, A and Dutton, S (2015) Midpointness [curators]. Lock Up Gallery, Newcastle, Australia, 23 – 27 September 2015.

Breel, A ORCID: 0000-0001-6262-7413 (2015) 'Aesthetic relationships and ethics in 'The Oh Fuck Moment'.' Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 20 (1). pp. 39-49. Please click the title to check availability.

Breel, A ORCID: 0000-0001-6262-7413 (2015) 'Audience agency in participatory performance: a methodology for examining aesthetic experience.' Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies, 12 (1). pp. 368-387. Please click the title to check availability.

Brice, J, Dudley, M and Jones, O (2015) Public talk. In: Landscaping Change: Water, 19 November 2015, Arnolfini, Bristol, UK.

Brown, A.R (2015) 'Everything louder than everyone else: the origins and persistence of heavy metal music and its global cultural impact.' In: Bennett, A and Wacksman, S, eds. The SAGE handbook of popular music. SAGE, London, pp. 261-277. ISBN 9781446210857

Brown, A.R (2015) Heavy genealogy: reflections on metal studies and the MMSDB. In: IAML (UK & Irl) Annual Study Weekend, 25 -26 April 2015, Aston University, Birmingham, UK.

Brown, A.R (2015) "Metal for the masses": or, will metal ever be mainstream again? (and why we should want it to be…). In: Modern Heavy Metal: Markets, Practices and Cultures - International Academic Research Conference, 8 - 12 June 2015, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland.

Brown, A.R (2015) '"Metal for the masses": or, will metal ever be mainstream again? (and why we should want it to be…).' In: Karjalainen, T-M and Kärki, K, eds. Modern heavy metal: markets, practices and cultures - International Academic Research Conference, June 8–12, 2015, Helsinki, Finland: proceedings. International Institute for Popular Culture, Turku, pp. 454-464. ISBN 9789526062174

Brown, A.R (2015) Metal genre nomenclature: etymology vs. genealogy approaches to the naming of thrash, death and black metal. In: Mind Over Metal: Metal Music and Culture from a Cross-Disciplinary Perspective, 3 - 4 December 2015, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.

Brown, Andy R. (2015) Metal thrashing methodology: etymology vs. genealogy approaches to the naming of the SF Bay Area style. In: Legion of Steel Metalfest and Conference, 22 – 24 October 2015, Alternative Music Foundation, Berkeley, CA, USA. Please click the title to check availability.

Brownsword, R and Wale, J ORCID: 0000-0002-9210-029X (2015) 'Compromise medicalisation.' In: Stanton, C, Devaney, S, Farrell, A-M and Mullock, A, eds. Pioneering healthcare law: essays in honour of Margaret Brazier. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 292-304. ISBN 9781138861091

Bruce, D, Ikoko, T, Lomas, L, Odimba, C and Sarma, U (2015) Joanne: five monologues. NHB modern plays . Nick Hern Books, London. ISBN 9781848425446

Butterworth, W and Scott, L (2015) Float a lotus. In: Chelsea Fringe, London, UK, 16 May - 7 June 2015.

Bystrom, L.M and Rivella, S (2015) 'Cancer cells with irons in the fire.' Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 79. pp. 337-342.

Caldecott, E (2015) Crowns and codebreakers. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781408852712

Caldecott, E (2015) Diamonds and daggers. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781408847527

Calvert-Ennals, S (2015) The Depraved Appetite of Tarrare the Freak: an investigation into the dramaturgy of puppetry, music and historical archive material in live performance. In: Bristol Festival of Puppetry, Tobacco Factory Theatre, Bristol, UK, 2-3 September 2015.

Camp, J (2015) Bath water: the seventeenth century panacea. In: Beyond Leeches and Lepers: Medieval and Early Modern Medicine, 2 May 2015, University of Edinburgh, UK.

Camp, J (2015) The treacherous road to rememdium: Bath and the seventeenth century lure of spa towns. In: Social History Society Annual Conference, 31 March - 2 April 2015, University of Portsmouth, UK.

Carver, D, Yang, H, Chan, W.K and Chang, C (2015) 'Message from SETA Symposium Organizing Committee.' In: Ahamed, S.I, Chang, C.K, Chu, W, Crnkovic, I, Hsiung, P-A, Huang, G and Yang, J, eds. Proceedings: 2015 IEEE 39th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference Workshops. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, pp. 60-61. ISBN 9781467365642

Casale, A (2015) House of windows. Faber, London. ISBN 9780571321537

Caulfield, L.S (2015) Women, the criminal justice system and the arts. In: Women, The Criminal Justice System & The Arts, 4 March 2015, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, London.

Chadderton, C (2015) 'Civil defence pedagogies and narratives of democracy: disaster education in Germany.' International Journal of Lifelong Education, 34 (5). pp. 589-606.

Chadderton, C (2015) 'UK secondary schools under surveillance: what are the implications for race? A Critical Race and Butlerian analysis.' In: Kupfer, A, ed. Power and education: contexts of oppression and opportunity. Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 128-145. ISBN 9781349569595

Chadderton, C and Edmonds, C (2015) 'Refugees and access to vocational education and training across Europe: a case of protection of white privilege?' Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 67 (2). pp. 136-152.

Chaffey, N (2015) Plant cuttings: January - October [10 entries]. Annals of Botany.

Chalus, E (2015) Intimacy, love & loneliness: coping with separation during the Napoleonic Wars (the Fremantle Papers, c.1801–14). In: Turku Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (TUCEMEMS) Seminar, 25 February 2015, University of Turku, Finland.

Chalus, E (2015) Social credit: Englishwomen in expatriate Florence post-1815. In: ISECS 2015 – 14th International Congress for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 27-31 July 2015, Erasmus University, Rotterdam.

Chalus, E (2015) 'We were very sociable together’: sociability and meaning in the life of Elizabeth Wynne Fremantle (1778-1857). In: Life-Cycles seminar series, 17 March 2015, Institute of Historical Research (IHR), London.

Chalus, E (2015) 'A most sociable & cheerful eveng': considering sociability across a female life — Elizabeth (née Wynne), Lady Fremantle (1778–1857). In: Towards a British Model of Sociability: Adaptation and Opposition [Vers un Modèle de Sociabilité Britannique: Dynamiques et Conflits], 13 March 2015, Université Paris 13, France.

Chang, W.H and Harman, W.H (2015) Good to Eat: A Dialogue Between Two Taiwanese Artists in the UK. PAPER Arts, Bristol, UK, 4 - 10 August 2015.

Christie, C (2015) It's your move (2013). In: Small is Beautiful, Flowers Gallery, London, 9 December 2015 - 9 January 2016.

Christie, C (2015) A Massive Retrospective - Up to Now. Sidney Cooper Gallery, Canterbury Christ Church University, Kent, UK, 17 April-16 May 2015.

Christie, C and Rousson, P (2015) Club Banger 1 [group exhibition]. Updown Gallery, Ramsgate, Kent, UK, 25 April-31 May 2015.

Churchwell, S, Champion, J, Eve, M, Gregg, S.H, Stonebridge, L and Willcox, P (2015) Opening the book: reading and the evolving technology(ies) of the book. In: Academic Book Week, 9 - 16 November 2015, School of Advanced Study, University of London, London.

Clabburn, O and O'Brien, M (2015) 'Exploring the impact on young people who are caring and grieving for a parent with motor neurone disease.' British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 11 (5). pp. 243-248.

Clabburn, O, O'Brien, M, Jack, B and Knighting, K (2015) Digital legacies for people affected by Motor Neurone Disease (MND). In: Digital Legacy Conference, 23 May 2015, University College London, UK.

Clabburn, O, O'Brien, M, Jack, B and Knighting, K (2015) Investigating the use of digital legacies with people affected by Motor Neurone Disease. In: Sue Ryder Centre for the Study of Supportive, Palliative and End of Life Care and the Palliative Care Research Society PhD/MD Student Conference, 8 December 2015, Nottingham University, UK.

Clabburn, O, O'Brien, M, Jack, B and Knighting, K (2015) Investigating the views and experiences of using a digital legacy with people affected by Motor Neurone Disease (MND). In: FoHSC Post-Graduate Research Student Symposium, 18 June 2015, Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, UK.

Clark, S (2015) Over the hill there’s something better. New Diorama Theatre, London, UK, 24 - 28 November 2015.

Clark, S (2015) The stick house. The Loco Klub, Bristol, UK, 7 September - 17 October 2015.

Clarke, R (2015) Pearl necklace. In: The Fall Of The Rebel Angels, Castello 1610/A, Venice, Italy, 9 May - 23 June 2015.

Clarke, R (2015) Silent Movies [group exhibition]. Q PARK, Level -3, Cavendish Square, London, 16-18 October 2015.

Clayden, P (2015) Lords of lightning. The Venetian Macau, MSAR, 14 April 2014.

Coast, D (2015) The Duke of Buckingham, secrecy and the ‘crisis of counsel’ in the 1620s. In: News, Secrecy and Foreign Policy in Early Modern England, 24 October 2015, Bath Royal Science and Literary Institution, Bath, UK.

Coast, D and Fox, J (2015) 'Rumour and politics.' History Compass, 13 (5). pp. 222-234.

Collier, J (2015) Bluestockings displayed: portraiture, performance and patronage [book review]. Early Modern Women, 10 (1). pp. 242-245.

Collier, J (2015) Jane Austen and the Enlightenment. In: BRLSI Enlightenment Lecture Series in conjunction with the Jane Austen Society, 25 January 2015, Bath Royal Literary & Scientific Institution, Bath, UK.

Collier, J (2015) Women, rank and marriage in the British aristocracy, 1485–2000. An open elite? [book review]. The Economic History Review, 68 (2). pp. 726-727.

Collier, J (2015) 'A mere country boarding house’ or a Protestant nunnery?: Lady Isabella King and the fashioning of the Ladies’ Association, 1815-1835. In: Women’s History Network Annual Conference, 4 - 6 September 2015, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK.

Cologne-Brookes, G (2015) (Re)imagining the city through literature: Jose Saramago's Lisbon and Orhan Pamuk's Istanbul. In: Writing and the City, March 2015, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain.

Conole, G (2015) 'Theoretical underpinnings of learning design.' In: Dalziel, J, ed. Learning design: conceptualizing a framework for teaching and learning online. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 42-62. ISBN 9781138910966

Cook, J, Nichol, L and Loon, M (2015) An exploration of the use of coaching and mentoring in the supervision of doctoral students in UK university business schools. In: UFHRD 2015 16th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice, 3 - 5 June 2015, University College Cork, Ireland.

Cotterill, R, Muir, K, Joinson, A and Dewdney, N (2015) 'Identifying linguistic correlates of power.' International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Applications, 6 (1). pp. 11-24. Please click the title to check availability.

Craft, A, Cremin, T, Hay, P and Clack, J (2015) 'Creative primary schools: developing and maintaining pedagogy for creativity.' In: Chappell, K, Cremin, T and Jeffrey, B, eds. Creativity, education and society: writings of Anna Craft. Trentham Books, London. ISBN 9781858566665

Crawford, I and Wang, Z (2015) 'The effect of work placements on the academic performance of Chinese students in UK higher education.' Teaching in Higher Education, 20 (6). pp. 569-586.

Crawford, I and Wang, Z (2015) 'The impact of individual factors on the academic attainment of Chinese and UK students in higher education.' Studies in Higher Education, 40 (5). pp. 902-920.

Crawley, J (2015) 'Growing connections – the connected professional.' Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 20 (4). pp. 476-498.

Crosby, C, Hartley, G, Medjesi-Jones, A, Ryan, D and Turner, A (2015) Panel discussion. In: At the Point of Gesture, 23 January - 11 February 2015, Wimbledon College of Art, London, UK.

Crowley, K, McInnes, K, Crabbe, J, Murphy, M and Terry, V (2015) Progress of children participating in the Chatty Chimps Early Language Intervention: an initial evaluation. University of South Wales.

Cullinan, V, Veale, A and Vitale, A (2015) 'Irish General Practitioner referrals to psychological therapies.' Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 33 (2). pp. 73-80.

Curran, H (2015) SEND reforms 2014 and the narrative of the SENCO: early impact on children and young people with SEND, the SENCO and the school. In: BERA Annual Conference, 15-17 September 2015, Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Curry, J ORCID: 0000-0003-2872-0678 (2015) 'Donald Featherstone, 1918- 2013: iconic wargaming author.' Simulation & Gaming, 46 (1). pp. 3-18.

Curry, J ORCID: 0000-0003-2872-0678, Mouat, T, King, R and Downes-Martin, S (2015) Exercises in cyber resilience. In: Cities2050: Securing the Future in a Connected World, 19 - 20 May 2015, RSA, London, UK.

Cush, D (2015) Encountering the new religious landscape. In: Challenges for Religious Education, 3 June 2015, Uppsala Religion and Society Research Centre, Uppsala University, Sweden.

Cush, D (2015) Forest church or Anglican Druids? Developments at the interface of Christianity and Paganism. In: Foundations and Futures: British Sociological Association Sociology of Religion Study Group Annual Conference, 7 - 9 July 2015, Kingston University, UK.

Cush, D (2015) 'Introduction: setting the scene, issues and challenges.' In: Cush, D, ed. Celebrating planet Earth, a Pagan/Christian conversation: first steps in interfaith dialogue. Moon Books, Winchester, pp. 1-12. ISBN 9781782798309

Cush, D (2015) What works for religious education: issues, challenges and successes. In: Meeting the Challenge: NASACRE AGM & Conference, 21 May 2015, Birmingham, UK.

Cush, D (2015) 'Where next? Suggestions for practical ways of going forward.' In: Cush, D, ed. Celebrating planet Earth, a Pagan/Christian conversation: first steps in interfaith dialogue. Moon Books, Winchester, pp. 162-167. ISBN 9781782798309

Dahn, J (2015) New directions in ceramics : from spectacle to trace. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781472526717

Dahn, J (2015) 'Politics and meaning in transferware: the period eye.' In: Bull, K.A and Scott, P, eds. Horizon: transferware and contemporary ceramics. Arnoldsche, pp. 170-183. ISBN 9783897904255

Dalwood, D (2015) Faux amis. In: Faux Amis, Simon Lee Gallery, London, UK, 8 September – 7 October 2015.

Dalwood, D (2015) Grosvenor Square (2002). In: Reality: Modern and Contemporary British Painting, Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich, UK, 27 September - 1 March 2015. ISBN 9780946009640

Dalwood, D (2015) Marquee (2012). In: Duddell’s presents: ICA Off-Site: Hong Kongese, Duddell’s, Hong Kong, China, 12 March – 28 June 2015.

Dalwood, D (2015) Poll tax riots (2005) & Deluge (2006). In: Fighting History, Tate Britain, London, UK, 9 June – 13 September 2015. ISBN 9781849763585

Dalwood, D (2015) Re-enactment and disruption: collaging a history in the studio. In: The Evolution of a Genre: History Painting, Traditional and Modern - A Research and Academic Program Colloquium, 30 -31 October 2015, Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, MA, USA.

Dalwood, D (2015) Room 100, Chelsea Hotel (1999). In: Zabludowicz Collection: 20 Years, Zabludowicz Collection, London, UK, 30 April – 16 August 2015. ISBN 9781907921209

Dalwood, D (2015) Rosa Luxemburg (1999) and Whistler’s Mirror (2014). In: Absence (Looking for Hammershøi), David Risley Galery, Copenhagen, 16/1/15 - 28/2/15.

Dalwood, D (2015) Washington Crossing the Delaware (2013). In: Painting about Painting, Simmons and Simmons, London, UK, September 2014 - March 2015.

Dalwood, D (2015) Washington crossing the Delaware (2013). In: Homeland, Simon Lee Gallery, Hong Kong, China, 30 April – 16 August 2015.

Dalwood, D, Bickers, P, Philp, S and Popova, Y (2015) In an increasingly competitive and professionalised art world, what mechanisms need to be put in place to ensure that artists continue to be supported? In: New Contemporaries 1949 to Now, 26 November 2015, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, UK.

Dalwood, D, Stonard, J and Scott, J (2015) A product of their time? Modern British art in context. In: Bath Literature Festival, 27 February - 8 March, 2015, Bath, UK.

Dalziel, J, Conole, G, Wills, S, Walker, S, Bennett, S, Dobozy, E, Cameron, L, Badilescu-Buga, E and Bower, M (2015) 'The Larnaca declaration on learning design – 2013.' In: Dalziel, J, ed. Learning design: conceptualizing a framework for teaching and learning online. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 1-41. ISBN 9781138910966

Dalziel, J, Wills, S, Conole, G, Walker, S, Bennett, S, Dobozy, E, Cameron, L, Badilescu-Buga, E, Bower, M and Pegler, C (2015) 'Learning design: where do we go from here?' In: Dalziel, J, ed. Learning design: conceptualizing a framework for teaching and learning online. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 256-262. ISBN 9781138910966

Darren, G (2015) Instrumentalism and purpose in philosophy with children. In: PESGB Annual Conference 2015, 26-29 March 2015, New College, Oxford, UK. Please click the title to check availability.

Davies, D, Collier, C, Earle, S ORCID: 0000-0002-6155-1098, Howe, A and McMahon, K (2015) 'Preparing science teachers for assessment without levels.' Science Teacher Education, 72 (Feb). pp. 9-16.

Davies, D, McMahon, K, Howe, A, Collier, C, Digby, R and Earle, S ORCID: 0000-0002-6155-1098 (2015) Teacher assessment of science in English primary schools. In: ESERA2015 : 11th Biannual Conference of the European Science Education Research Association, 31 August - 4 September 2015, Helsinki, Finland.

De Sequeira, A, Haysom, I and Marshall, R (2015) 'Food safety training and teaching in UK/Europe.' In: Ricke, S.C, Donaldson, J.R and Phillips, C.A, eds. Food safety: emerging issues, technologies and systems. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 427-439. ISBN 9780128002452

Deegalle, M (2015) 'Buddhists on religious conversion: a critical issue.' In: Premawardhana, S, ed. Religious conversion: religion scholars thinking together. Wiley Blackwell, Malden, MA: USA, pp. 63-82. ISBN 9781118972373

Deegalle, M (2015) 'Hospitality, religious respect and historical recognition of non-Buddhist minorities in Sri Lanka.' In: De Silva, K.M, ed. Ethnic conflict in Buddhist societies in south and southeast Asia: the politics behind religious rivalries. International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Colombo, pp. 143-156. ISBN 9789555801652

Deegalle, M (2015) 'Introduction: internationalization of Vesak.' In: Deegalle, M, ed. Vesak, peace and harmony: thinking of Buddhist heritage. Nagananda International Buddhist University, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, pp. 1-30. ISBN 9780692424513

Deegalle, M (2015) Mind at the centre of post-war healing process: a Buddhist perspective on the significance of mind for communal healing. In: Body, Mind and Healing: Reflections on Post-disaster Responses in Sri Lanka, 21-23 August 2015, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka (SEUSL), Oluvil, Sri Lanka.

Deegalle, M (2015) Nirvanaya saha sadacaraya. Contemporary Research in Buddhist Studies, 3 . Stamford Lake, Pannipitiya, Sri Lanka. ISBN 9789556584028

Deegalle, M (2015) 'The analysis of social conflicts in three Pāli canonical discourses.' In: Vuddhikaro, P.S, Dhammahaso, P.H, Cittapalo, P.R and Peoples, D, eds. Buddhism and world crisis. Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Lamsai, Thailand, pp. 87-95.

Deegalle, M (2015) 'The significance of Vesak as public celebration.' In: Deegalle, M, ed. Vesak, peace and harmony: thinking of Buddhist heritage. Nagananda International Buddhist University, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, pp. 31-49. ISBN 9780692424513

Demetriou, P.A (2015) Love Letters. In: Latitude Festival, Henham Park, Suffolk, UK, 16 - 19 July 2015.

Devadason, R (2015) The global imperative: choice, reflexivity and relocation amongst transnational professionals. In: GSA Conference - Living the Global: the Cultural Experience of Globalization, 2-4 July 2015, Roehampton University, London, UK.

Dickinson, J (2015) Pastorale-mechanical: imagined landscapes, between determinate systems and poetic fantasy. In: INTIME Symposium : Landscapes and Environments: Experimentation and Transformation in Sound and Music, 24 -25 October 2015, Coventry University, UK.

Dowson, P (2015) Personal and professional development for business students. Sage, London. ISBN 9781446282205

Duddell, J and Garry, M (2015) St Anthony: an ode to Anthony H. Wilson.

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Taylor, A (2015) Jerwood Drawing Prize 2015. Jerwood Space, London (then touring), 16 September 2015 - 4 June 2016.

Thebo, M (2015) 'Scribing lines [group poem].' In: Hryciuk, M, ed. Petals in the dark. Catkin Press, Ontario.

Thebo, M (2015) 'The Swansea pantoum.' In: Head, K.J and Blessinger, P, eds. Teaching as a human experience: an anthology of contemporary poems. Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle upon Tyne. ISBN 9781443876551

Thomas, J and Lloyd, N (2015) Lost visions: the digital image archive and illustration studies. In: Digital Material Conference, 21 - 22 May 2015, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland.

Thomas, M and Christopher, G (2015) The impact of social problem solving on reported symptomatology in chronic fatigue syndrome. In: The Inaugural International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), 12 - 14 March 2015, Beurs Van Berlage, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Thomas, M and Christopher, G (2015) The influence of emotion-processing on symptom severity in chronic fatigue syndrome. In: The Inaugural International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS) 2015, 12 - 14 March 2015, Beurs Van Berlage, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Thomas, M, Christopher, G, Williams, N and Heirene, R (2015) 'Measuring fatigue and related symptoms in adults with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD).' Journal of Comorbidity, 5 (2). pp. 102-103.

Thomas, M, Williams, N and Kirby, A (2015) 'Supporting students with specific learning difficulties in higher education: a preliminary comparative study of executive function skills.' The Journal of Inclusive Practice in Further and Higher Education, 6 (1). pp. 36-47.

Thompson, M, Battle, S and Padget, J (2015) 'Telling non-linear stories with interval temporal logic.' In: Schoenau-Fog, H, Bruni, L, Louchart, S and Baceviciute, S, eds. Interactive storytelling. ICIDS 2015. Lecture notes in computer science (9445). Springer, Cham, pp. 370-373. ISBN 9783319270357

Thompson, M, Padget, J and Battle, S (2015) 'Governing narrative events with institutional norms.' In: Finlayson, M.A, Miller, B, Lieto, A and Ronfard, R, eds. 6th Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative (CMN’15). Open access series in informatics (45). Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl, Germany, pp. 142-151. ISBN 9783939897934

Thompson, M, Padget, J and Battle, S (2015) 'An interactive, generative Punch and Judy show using institutions, ASP and emotional agents.' In: Dignum, V, Noriega, P, Sensoy, M and Sichman, J, eds. Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Agent Systems XI: COIN 2015. Lecture notes in computer science (9628). Springer, Cham, pp. 396-417. ISBN 9783319426907

Tooby, M (2015) Another side of Stanley Royle. In: Lunchtime Talk Series, 29 April 2015, Graves Art Gallery, Sheffield, UK.

Tooby, M (2015) 'Do not call it fixity.' In: James Hugonin: binary rhythm: paintings 2010-2015. Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh, pp. 7-37. ISBN 9780993155130

Tooby, M (2015) 'Veronica Ryan.' In: Making it: sculpture in Britain 1977–1986. Hayward Publishing. ISBN 9781853323294

Tooby, M (2015) wavespeech [curator]. The Pier Arts Centre, Stromness, UK, 20 June - 12 September 2015.

Tooby, M, Smith, R and O’ Keeffe, D (2015) A journey with T. S. Eliot’s 'The Waste Land'. In: Ilkley Literature Festival, 8 October 2015, Ilkley Playhouse, Ilkley, UK.

Turk, G (2015) Brillo (V) (2003). In: Falling Fictions, Me Collectors Room, Berlin, Germany, 12 June - 30 August 2015.

Turk, G (2015) Geometric surface (2014). In: The Fall Of The Rebel Angels, Castello 1610/A, Venice, Italy, 9 May - 23 June 2015.

Turk, G (2015) Golden Delicious. Louisa Guinness Gallery, London, UK, 26 February - 2 April 2015.

Turk, G (2015) ID (2013) & Parapraxis (2013). In: Photography Now: An International Survey, Ben Brown Gallery, London, UK, 23 April - 27 April 2015.

Turk, G (2015) The Mechanical Turk. Metropole Hotel, Venice, Italy, 1 May - 30 June 2015.

Turk, G (2015) Ostrich egg (2011) & Geometric surface (2014) & Rich tea biscuit (2006) & Signed egg (2011). In: Extraordinary: Objects & Actions in Contemporary Art, The Lowry, Salford, UK, 25 July - 18 October 2015.

Turk, G (2015) Portrait of something that I’ll never really see (1997). In: Self: Image and Identity, Turner Contemporary, Margate, UK, 24 January - 10 May 2015.

Turk, G (2015) Ragut kirn & Takun girv & Trik ungav & Tug vrinak (2010). In: Chercher Le Garçon, MAC VAL Musée d’Art contemporain Val-de-Marne, Paris, France, 7 March - 31 August 2015.

Turk, G (2015) Rosette (2013). In: Embracing Modernism: Ten Years of Drawings Acquisitions, The Morgan Library and Museum, New York, USA, 13 February - 24 May 2015.

Turk, G (2015) Self portrait (fountain) (2012). In: Watershed: Art, Play and the Politics of Water, Hall Place & Gardens, Bexley, UK, 28 March - 6 September 2015.

Turk, G (2015) A Vision. Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna, Austria, 17 September - 31 October 2015.

Turk, G (2015) Wittgenstein’s Dream. Freud Museum, London, UK, 26 November 2015 - 7 February 2016.

Turk, G (2015) Yard. CCA Andratx, Mallorca, Spain, 25 July - 15 December 2015.

Turk, G (2015) The swimmer (2003) & Rough sleeper (2003). In: The Wanderer’s Nightsong II, C&C Gallery, London, UK, 3 April - 10 May 2015.

Tweed, C (2015) The signal and the rock: performative lecture. In: Charlie Tweed at CAFA, Central Academy of Fine Art, Beijing, 14 December 2015.

Vandekerckhove, W and Rumyantseva, N (2015) Freedom to speak up - qualitative research. The Freedom to Speak Up Review, University of Greenwich.

Vangen, S, Hayes, J.P and Cornforth, C (2015) 'Governing cross-sector, inter-organizational collaborations.' Public Management Review, 17 (9). pp. 1237-1260.

Vitale, A (2015) Refugees' multiple levels of stress in resettling in the UK. In: IV International Mental Migrant Health Congress, 17 October 2015, SOAS, University of London, UK.

Vitale, A, Mannix-McNamara, P and Cullinan, V (2015) 'Promoting mental health through multidisciplinary care: experience of health professionals working in community mental health teams in Ireland.' International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 17 (4). pp. 188-200.

Vitale, A and Ryde, J (2015) Analyzing the experience of male refugees who have been recently granted Leave to Remain: a qualitative study. In: Realizing the Potential of Cultural Diversity in the Society and at the Workplace: The 9th Biennial Congress of the International Academy for Intercultural Research (IAIR), 28 June - 2 July 2015, University of Bergen, Norway.

Vitale, A and Ryde, J (2015) Male refugees and psychotherapists’ perspective on vulnerability factors after being granted Leave to Remain (refugee status) in the UK. In: The European Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences, 6-8 July 2015, Brighton, UK.

Walton, S (2015) Guilty but insane: mind and law in golden age detective fiction. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780198723325

Walton, S (2015) 'Scottish modernism, kailyard fiction and the woman at home.' In: Macdonald, K and Christoph, S, eds. Transitions in middlebrow writing, 1880-1930. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 141-160. ISBN 9781137486769

Wang, X and Yang, H (2015) 'Applying semantic web techniques to poem analysis.' In: Luo, X and Gu, D, eds. Automation, computing and manufacturing for new economic growth: 21st International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC). IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9780992680114

Waycott, L, Carbis, C and McInnes, K (2015) 'Developmental trauma and attachment: an integrative therapeutic approach.' In: Archer, C, Drury, C and Hills, J, eds. Healing the hidden hurts: transforming attachment and trauma theory into effective practice with families, children and adults. Jessica Kingsley, London, pp. 102-117. ISBN 9781849055482

Weldon, F (2015) Fay Weldon: bliss is.. editing. In: The Independent Bath Literature Festival, 27 February - 8 March 2015, Guildhall, Bath, UK.

Weldon, F (2015) Mischief. Head of Zeus. ISBN 9781784081027

Weldon, F and Clark, A (2015) Fay Weldon in conversation. In: Stoke Newington Literary Festival, 5 - 7 June 2015, The Unitarian Chapel on Newington Green, London, UK.

Weldon, F and Loudon, M (2015) Fay Weldon in conversation with Mary Loudon. In: Wantage (not just) Betjemen Literary Festival, 24 October - 1 November 2015, The Beacon, Wantage, UK.

Westwood, B and Moss, S (2015) Natural histories: 25 extraordinary species that have changed our world. John Murray, London. ISBN 9781473617018

Whistler, D (2015) Turner's Wessex.

White, R and Brunstein, L (2015) Forced Walks: Honouring Esther. 44AD Gallery, Bath, UK, July 2015.

White, R and Brunstein, L (2015) Forced Walks: Honouring Esther. Somerset, England 2015 - Lower Saxony, Germany 2017. Somerset, England and Lower Saxony Germany, April 2015 and February 2016.

White, R and Pretty, A (2015) Lost walks of Rochford. In: River Crouch Festival: Lost Walks & Ghost Crossings, Summer 2015, Rochford, UK.

Whiting, M (2015) Space Place Practice. In: The Museum Box Project, Aberystwyth University, UK, 8 April - 8 May 2015.

Whiting, M and Khatir, L (2015) Flying the black (selected). In: Wells Arts Contemporary, Bishop's Palace, Wells, Somerset, October 2015.

Whiting, M and Khatir, L (2015) Phoebus and the crow. In: Engagement and Entrapment, Zmart Gallery, Loukia & Michael Zampelas Art Museum, Nicosia Cyprus, 24 July - 7 August 2015.

Whitty, G and Clement, N (2015) 'Getting into Uni in England and Australia: who you know, what you know or knowing the ropes?' International Studies in Widening Participation, 2 (2). pp. 44-55.

Whitty, G and Power, S (2015) 'Selective, comprehensive and diversified secondary schooling in England: a brief history.' In: de Waal, A, ed. The ins and outs of selective secondary schools: a debate. Civitas, London, pp. 9-28. ISBN 9781906837716

Williams, N, Thomas, M and Kirby, A (2015) Investigating the association between rolandic epilepsy and Developmental Coordination Disorder. In: International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS) 2015, 12 - 14 March 2015, Beurs Van Berlage, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Williams, N, Thomas, M and Kirby, A (2015) 'The lived experiences of female adults seeking a diagnosis of Developmental Coordination Disorder.' The Dyspraxia Foundation Professional Journal, 13. pp. 21-31.

Williamson, C (2015) 'The quiet time? Pay-beds and private practice in the National Health Service: 1948–1970.' Social History of Medicine, 28 (3). pp. 576-595.

Wilson, A (2015) Pup idol. Macmillan Children's Books, London. ISBN 9781447279822

Wilson, A (2015) Puppy party. Macmillan Children's Books, London. ISBN 9781447276159

Wilson, A (2015) Puppy power. Macmillan Children's Books, London. ISBN 9781447276135

Wilson, A (2015) The puppy plan. Macmillan Children's Books, London. ISBN 9781447276111

Wilson, C.J.R ORCID: 0000-0003-0084-2198 (2015) 'Sensory states and objects.' In: Mayo, N and Preece, Z, eds. The sensorial object: exhibition catalogue. Makers Guild of Wales, Cardiff. ISBN 9780956686886

Wilson, C.J.R ORCID: 0000-0003-0084-2198 (2015) A cup is a. In: Many a Slip: Invited Artists Juggle with the Domestic Symbol of ‘The Cup’, Marsden Woo Gallery, London, UK, 22 July - 4 September 2015.

Wilson, C.J.R ORCID: 0000-0003-0084-2198, Larocque, J-P, Thompson, K and Wilson, P (2015) 'Sloppy craft and interdisciplinarity: the conversation.' In: Paterson, E.C and Surette, S, eds. Sloppy craft: postdisciplinarity and the crafts. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 151-178. ISBN 9781472533074

Winstanley-Chesters, R (2015) 'The socialist modern at rest and play.' Akademisk kvarter = Academic Quarter, 11. pp. 196-211. Please click the title to check availability.

Witcombe, M (2015) 'Counter-reading Kepesh: textual subversion in Philip Roth’s 'The dying animal'.' Litteraria Pragensia, 25 (49). pp. 60-72.

Withers, R (2015) Roman Signer's Library of Marvels. The Rose Lipman Building, London, UK, 4 March - 31 May 2015.

Withers, R (2015) 'Slow movement.' In: Roman Signer: slow movement. Ridinghouse, London, pp. 13-19. ISBN 9781909932081

Withers, R (2015) 'Why talk to artists?' In: Jones, N.J and Liotchev, I, eds. COLLABORATE! JKL Books, London.

Withers, R (2015) 'A matter of life and death.' In: Neudecker, M, Lambert, S and McClean, V, eds. Plastic vanitas: Mariele Neudecker. text + work, Bournemouth, pp. 22-28. ISBN 9780901196675 Please click the title to check availability.

Woiwode, C (2015) Climate change responsive urban planning: discovering the significance of interiority for sustainable urban development. In: Climate Change and the Developing World, 21 - 25 January 2015, Kottayam, India.

Woiwode, C (2015) Peri-urban dynamics and sustainability in Chennai: the case of Sriperumbudur. In: 16th N-AERUS Conference, 19 - 21 November 2015, Dortmund, Germany.

Wood, J and Harrison, P (2015) 360 points (2011). In: Thirty Shades of White, Praz-Delavallade, Paris, France, 28 November 2015 - 23 January 2016.

Wood, J and Harrison, P (2015) An Almost Identical Copy. Carroll/Fletcher, London, 24 April - 30 May 2015.

Wood, J and Harrison, P (2015) Erdkunde: the study of the Earth. In: Bristol 2015: European Green Capital, Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, Bristol, UK, 19 September 2015 - 3 January 2016.

Wood, J and Harrison, P (2015) Photocopier (2007). In: Tune in, Tune Out at the Tromsø International Film Festival, Kurant Visningsrom, Tromsø, Norway, 15 - 19 January 2015.

Wood, J and Harrison, P (2015) Some Things are Hard to Explain. ICC, Tokyo, Japan, 21 November 2015 - 21 February 2016.

Wood, J and Harrison, P (2015) Some Things are Undesigned. Von Bartha Gallery, Basel, Switzerland, 7 November 2015  - 23 January, 2016.

Wood, J and Harrison, P (2015) A selection of works from '500 Drawings' (2011 onwards). In: Diamonds Always Come in Small Packages, Kunstmuseum Luzern, Switzerland, 4 July - 11 October 2015.

Wright, E.H (2015) Virginia Woolf and music [book review]. Women: A Cultural Review, 26 (1-2). pp. 185-188.

Wright, E.H (2015) 'The resurrection of the author: on 'Virginia Woolf in Manhattan'.' In: Dillon, S and Edwards, C, eds. Maggie Gee: critical essays. Gylphi, Canterbury, pp. 229-260. ISBN 9781780240336

Wright, E.H, King, R.J and Jackson, C (2015) '"She became a ship passing in the night": charting Virginia Woolf's 'The voyage out'.' The Nautilus, VI (Spring). pp. 55-93.

Xing, W, Marcinkowski, M and Goggins, S (2015) Collaborative assessment tool: a data-centric approach. In: AERA Annual Meeting: Toward Justice - Culture, Language, and Heritage in Education Research and Praxis, 16 - 20 April 2015, Marriott Downtown, Chicago, IL, USA.

Xing, W, Marcinkowski, M and Goggins, S (2015) Simplifying complexity for assessment automation in computer-supported collaborative learning. In: AERA Annual Meeting: Toward Justice - Culture, Language, and Heritage in Education Research and Praxis, 16 - 20 April 2015, Marriott Downtown, Chicago, IL, USA.

Xolocotzin, U, Yeh, C.S.-H ORCID: 0000-0002-8717-0568 and Erduran, S (2015) 'Emotional modulation of perspective taking: implications for computer-supported argumentation.' In: Tettegah, S.Y and Espelage, D.L, eds. Emotions, technology, and behaviors. Elsevier Academic Press, London, pp. 3-20. ISBN 9780128018736

Xu, S, Xu, J, Yang, H, Yang, J, Guo, C, Yuan, L, Song, W and Si, G (2015) 'An improvement to fault localization technique based on branch-coverage spectra.' In: Ahamed, S.I, Chang, C.K, Chu, W, Crnkovic, I, Hsiung, P-A, Huang, G and Yang, J, eds. Proceedings: 2015 IEEE 39th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference Workshops. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, pp. 282-287. ISBN 9781467365642

Yousaf, O, Grunfeld, E.A and Hunter, M.S (2015) 'A systematic review of the factors associated with delays in medical and psychological help-seeking among men.' Health Psychology Review, 9 (2). pp. 264-276.

Yousaf, O and Popat, A (2015) 'The bolstering effect of conceptual priming on psychological help-seeking attitudes in men.' Journal of Mental Health, 24 (6). pp. 347-350.

Yousaf, O, Popat, A and Hunter, M.S (2015) 'An investigation of masculinity attitudes, gender, and attitudes toward psychological help-seeking.' Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 16 (2). 234 -237.

Yuan, T (2015) ‘Teaching to fish’ rather than ‘giving a fish’: is China contributing to the global sustainable futures? In: 13th UKFIET International Conference on Education and Development, 15 - 17 September 2015, Oxford, UK.

Yuan, T (2015) 'Teaching to fish’ rather than ‘giving a fish’: is China contributing to the global sustainable futures?' Academics in China, 12. pp. 257-266. Please click the title to check availability.

Zhang, L and Yang, H (2015) 'Knowledge discovery in Creative Computing for creative tasks.' In: Kravets, A, Shcherbakov, M, Kultsova, M and Shabalina, O, eds. Creativity in intelligent, technologies and data science. Communications in Computer and Information Science (535). Springer, Cham, pp. 93-104.

Zhao, J, Zhou, J and Yang, H (2015) 'Modularizing legacy system through an improved Bunch clustering method in cloud migration.' International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing, 8 (4). pp. 1-10.

Zhao, J, Zhou, J, Yang, H and Liu, G (2015) 'An orthogonal approach to reusable component discovery in cloud migration.' China Communications, 12 (5). pp. 134-151.

Zhou, L, Xu, L, Xu, B and Yang, H (2015) 'Generating test cases for composite web services by parsing XML documents and solving constraints.' In: Ahamed, S.I, Chang, C.K, Chu, W, Crnkovic, I, Hsiung, P-A, Huang, G and Yang, J, eds. Proceedings: 2015 IEEE 39th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference Workshops. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, pp. 304-309. ISBN 9781467365642

Zou, L and Yang, H (2015) 'Creative Computing for decision making: combining game theory and lateral thinking.' In: Luo, X and Gu, D, eds. Automation, computing and manufacturing for new economic growth: 21st International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC). IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos. ISBN 9780992680114 doi: 10.1109/IConAC.2015.7313962

la Velle, L and Ovenden-Hope, T (2015) 'Translational research in education for knowledge mobilisation: a study of use and teacher perception in primary schools in England, UK.' Journal of Education for Teaching, 41 (5). pp. 574-585.

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