Number of items: 854.
Hartley, A and
Kovats, T, eds.
Now here is land.
Victorian Miro, London.
ISBN 9780993179839
Alderman, N
The power.
Viking, London.
ISBN 9780670919987
Almond, D
The savage.
Live Theatre, Newcastle, UK, 30 June - 23 July 2016.
Arscott, C, Pettitt, C, Newland, C, Hume, N and Chapman, A
Victorians Decoded: Art & Telegraphy [curators].
The Guildhall Art Gallery, London, UK, 19 September 2016 - 22 January 2017.
ISBN 9871907485053
Banerjee, S, Ahmad, Z, Gioli, G, Bisht, S, Sharma, S and Tuladhar, S
'An index based assessment of vulnerability to floods in the Upper Indus Sub-basin: what role for remittances?'
Milan, A,
Schraven, B,
Warner, K and
Cascone, N, eds.
Migration, risk management and climate change: evidence and policy responses.
Springer, Cham, pp. 3-23.
ISBN 9783319429205
Barraclough, E.R and Donecker, S
'Europa und die Arktis vor 1800: Entdeckungen, Begegnungen und Kontakte.'
Saxinger, G,
Schweitzer, P and
Donecker, S, eds.
Arktis und Subarktis: Geschichte, Kultur, Gesellschaft.
New Academic Press, Vienna, pp. 24-45.
ISBN 9783700319795
Bastian, M, Jones, O, Moore, N and Roe, E
'Introduction: more-than-human participatory research: contexts, challenges, possibilities.'
Bastian, M,
Jones, O,
Moore, N and
Roe, E, eds.
Participatory research in more-than-human worlds.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 1-16.
ISBN 9781138957350
Bell, A, King, E.G.C and Gee, M
The past, present and future of reading.
In: Making Books: Creativity, Print Culture, and the Digital - Public Launch, 1 December 2016, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK.
Bell, R and Loon, M
'Understanding the context of L&D.'
Loon, M, ed.
Professional practice in learning and development: how to design and deliver plans for the workplace.
Kogan Page, London, pp. 66-103.
ISBN 9780749477424
Belov, V, Kolesova, O, Pomorina, I and Oplakanskaya, R
(НА ПРИМЕРЕ ВЕЛИКОБРИТАНИИ, ГЕРМАНИИ, ФРАНЦИИ И ПОЛЬШИ) = «Town and gown»: university in the city of socio-economic and cultural-historical space of Europe (for example of Great Britain, Germany, France and Poland).'
ВЕСТНИК Томского государственного университета = Tomsk State University Journal, 6 (44).
pp. 87-97.
Bennett, V, Friend, S and Henderson, N
'Holistic development: children playing.'
Trodd, L, ed.
The early years handbook for students and practitioners: an essential guide for the foundation degree and levels 4 and 5.
Routledge, London, pp. 140-158.
ISBN 9781138776395
Bentham, R
Firewater Press.
Please click the title to check availability.
Bildhauer, B, Goebel, S, Laube, S, Marchand, S and Swenson, A
German History, 34 (4).
pp. 646-671.
Binckes, F
'Journalism and periodical culture.'
Marcus, L,
Mendelssohn, M and
Shepherd-Barr, K.E, eds.
Late Victorian into Modern.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
ISBN 9780198704393
Boehm, J.D
In: Find Another Bath, Fringe Arts Bath, 44AD Art Gallery, Bath, UK, 15 - 20 November 2016.
Boehm, J.D
Kot, A,
Williams, R and
Cooper, S.E, eds.
Find another Bath.
ArtWorks, Bath, UK.
ISBN 9781906662189
Brindley, L.M, Koelewijn, L, Kirby, A, Williams, N, Thomas, M, te Water-Naudé, J, Gibbon, F, Muthukumaraswamy, S, Singh, K.D and Hamandi, K
'Ipsilateral cortical motor desynchronisation is reduced in benign epilepsy with centro-temporal spikes.'
Clinical Neurophysiology, 127 (2).
pp. 1147-1156.
Brooks, J
Monika Bobinska/Canal Projects, London, UK, 14 January - 6 February 2016.
Brooks, J
In: DR/OP, Komyoji-Kaikan, Hiroshima, Japan, 3 - 22 May 2016.
Brooks, J
The archivist.
Galerie Laurent Mueller, Paris, France, 14 June - 16 July 2016.
Brooks, S.J, Davies, K.L
ORCID: 0000-0002-1748-9442, Mather, K.A, Matthews, I.P and Lowe, J.J
'Chironomid-inferred summer temperatures for the Last Glacial–Interglacial Transition from a lake sediment sequence in Muir Park Reservoir, west-central Scotland.'
Journal of Quaternary Science, 31 (3).
pp. 214-224.
Brown, A.R
'Un(su)stained class? : figuring out the identity-politics of heavy metal’s class demographics.'
Brown, A.R,
Spracklen, K,
Kahn-Harris, K and
Scott, N.W.R, eds.
Global metal music and culture: current directions in metal studies.
Routledge, New York, NY, pp. 190-206.
ISBN 9781138822382
Brown, A.R
'The ballad of heavy metal: re-thinking artistic and commercial strategies in the mainstreaming of metal and hard rock.'
Walter, B.G,
Riches, G,
Snell, D and
Bardine, B, eds.
Heavy metal studies and popular culture.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 61-81.
ISBN 9781137456670
Brown, A.R, Spracklen, K, Kahn-Harris, K and Scott, N.W.R
'Introduction: global metal music and culture and metal studies.'
Brown, A.R,
Spracklen, K,
Kahn-Harris, K and
Scott, N.W.R, eds.
Global metal music and culture: current directions in metal studies.
Routledge, New York, NY, pp. 1-21.
ISBN 9781138822382
Burgers, J, Crawford, T and Spring, M
'Introduction: the lute in the Netherlands in the 17th century.'
Burgers, J.W.J,
Crawford, T and
Spring, M, eds.
The lute in the Netherlands in the seventeenth century: proceedings of the International Lute Symposium, Utrecht, 30 August 2013.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, ix.
ISBN 9781443890755
Burlando, C, Seagle, C and Sullivan, S
Natural capital: interrogating ‘capital’, ‘valuation’ and the implications for equity, justice and rights.
In: Political Ecologies of Conflict, Capitalism and Contestation (PE-3C) - International Conference, 7 - 9 July 2016, Hotel de Wageningsche Berg, Wageningen, Netherlands.
Burton, E, Dresser, M, Greenacre, F and Otele, O
Talking Colston: memory, commemoration and Bristol's slave legacy.
In: The BIRTHA Annual Debates, 5 May 2016, The Station, Bristol, UK.
Caes, L, Boerner, K.E, Chambers, C.T, Campbell-Yeo, M, Stinson, J, Birnie, K.A, Parker, J.A, Huguet, A, Jordan, A, MacLaren Chorney, J, Schinkel, M and Dol, J
'A comprehensive categorical and bibliometric analysis of published research articles on pediatric pain from 1975-2010.'
PAIN, 157 (2).
pp. 302-313.
Carderera, L, Bryan-Wilson, J, Flood, C, McBrinn, J, Wilson, C.J.R
ORCID: 0000-0003-0084-2198 and Smith, M
Queer craft…?
In: Design Culture Salon 21, 20 May 2016, V&A, London, UK.
Castillo-Morales, A, Monzón-Sandoval, J, de Sousa, A.A
ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894, Urrutia, A.O and Gutierrez, H
'Neocortex expansion is linked to size variations in gene families with chemotaxis, cell–cell signalling and immune response functions in mammals.'
Open Biology, 6 (10).
p. 160132.
Chen, J and Yang, H
'From data reuse to knowledge reuse in web applications: a survey.'
Reisman, S,
Ahamed, S.I,
Liu, L,
Milojicic, D,
Claycomb, W,
Matskin, M,
Sato, H,
Nakamura, M,
Cimato, S,
Lung, C.H and
Zhang, Z, eds.
Proceedings: 2016 IEEE 40th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference Workshops.
IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, pp. 174-179.
ISBN 9781467388450
Christopher, L
'Why the rat-mole stores groundnuts.'
A wisp of wisdom: animal tales from Cameroon.
Lantana, London, pp. 126-140.
ISBN 9781911373063
Please click the title to check availability.
Clabburn, O, O'Brien, M, Jack, B and Knighting, K
Online and offline methods of recruitment for hard to reach populations.
In: FoHSC Post-Graduate Research Student Symposium, 10 May 2016, Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, UK.
Clark, S
The Egg - Theatre Royal, Bath, UK, 2016.
Clarke, R and Fillingham, P
DRIVE THRU [curators].
QPark, Cavendish Square, London, UK, 6 - 9 October 2016.
Dalwood, D
Half moon street (2012).
In: Mon Art à Moi, Musée d’Art Moderne de Troyes, Troyes, France, 21 May - 28 August 2016.
Dalwood, D
Ian Curtis (2001).
In: Happy Ending, FRAC Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, France, 22 January - 24 April 2016.
Dalwood, D
Ian Curtis (2001).
In: Expérience Sonore, Musée d’Art Moderne de Troyes, Troyes, France, 21 May - 28 August 2016.
Davies, D, Earle, S
ORCID: 0000-0002-6155-1098, Collier, C, Digby, R, Howe, A and McMahon, K
'Teacher assessment of science in English primary schools.'
Lavonen, J,
Juuti, K,
Lampiselkä, J,
Uitto, A and
Hahl, K, eds.
Electronic proceedings of the ESERA 2015 Conference - Science Education Research: Engaging Learners for a Sustainable Future.
(co-ed. Jens Dolin & Per Kind)
(Pt. 11).
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, pp. 1577-1588.
ISBN 9789515115416
Davies, K.L
ORCID: 0000-0002-1748-9442, Pancost, R.D, Edwards, M.E, Anthony, K.M.W, Langdon, P.G and Torres, L.C
'Diploptene δ13C values from contemporary thermokarst lake sediments show complex spatial variation.'
Biogeosciences, 13 (8).
pp. 2611-2621.
Deegalle, M, Nanhikkara, J, Loung Hom, N and Brahmaprajnananda Saraswati, S
Interfaith dialogue and coexistance: South Asian experience.
In: G20 Interfaith Summit Preconference (South Asia): Interfaith Harmony and Sustainable Development, 25 -27 July 2016, Hotel Apollo Dimora, Trivandrum, India.
Diduck, A, Johnson, R.M, Edwards, E, Sinclair, J, Dinesh, P and Gardner, J
Assessing small hydro in the Indian Himalaya.
In: IAIA16: Resilience and Sustainability, 11 - 14 May 2016, Nagoya Congress Center, Aichi-Nagoya, Japan.
Dunseath, J and Wilsher, M
'Artist boss.'
Dunseath, J and
Wilsher, M, eds.
Artist boss: Anthony Caro's studio assistants and issues of legacy in British sculpture.
Wunderkammer Press, Bath, pp. 19-27.
ISBN 9780993551109
Dutton, S and Morrad, A
A work in process.
In: Fine Art Research Network Symposium: Research Practice - Practice Research, 15 July 2016, University of Cumbria Institute of the Arts, Lancaster, UK.
Emira, M, Craven, P, Frazer, S and Rahman, Z
'Assessment in the modern age: challenges and solutions.'
Rosen, Y,
Ferrara, S and
Mosharraf, M, eds.
Handbook of research on technology tools for real-world skill development.
Information Science Reference, Hershey, PA, pp. 415-444.
ISBN 9781466694415
Enright, H
Dublin Youth Theatre, Dublin, Ireland, 17 – 20 August 2016.
Etter, C
Shearsman Books, Bristol.
ISBN 9781848614871
Evans, D and Goodsir, K
'Society's expectations of children.'
Trodd, L, ed.
The early years handbook for students and practitioners: an essential guide for the foundation degree and levels 4 and 5.
Routledge, London, pp. 283-297.
ISBN 9781138776395
Filer, N
Nathan Filer.
In: Meet the Writer Series, 4 October 2016, Boston University, London, UK.
Flavel, S
Nihilism and comparative philosophy.
In: International Seminar: Religious Dimensions of Man in the Horizon of Contemporary Challenges, 4-6 June 2016, Vatra Dornei, Romania.
Fonseca, F and Marcinkowski, M
Has (big) data already won?
In: International Symposium on Science of Science, 22 - 23 March 2016, Library of Congress, Washington, DC, USA.
Forna, A
Freeman, J, ed.
Freeman's: the best new writing on family.
Grove Press, New York, NY, pp. 31-53.
ISBN 9781611855401
Garde-Hansen, J, McEwen, L and Jones, O
'Towards a memo-techno-ecology: mediating memories of extreme flooding in resilient communities.'
Hajek, A,
Lohmeier, C and
Pentzold, C, eds.
Memory in a mediated world: remembrance and reconstruction.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 55-73.
ISBN 9781137470119
Garside, D
'Pedagogical judgement.'
Anderson, B, ed.
Philosophy for children: theories and praxis in teacher education.
Routledge, Abingdon.
ISBN 9781138191747
Gee, M
'Writing climate change.'
Groes, S, ed.
Memory in the twenty-first century: new critical perspectives from the arts, humanities, and sciences.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 170-174.
ISBN 9781137520579
Please click the title to check availability.
Georgeson, J, Blandon, C, la Velle, L and Edwards-Jones, A
Teachers’ reflections on professional development during an online international course to promote teaching for 21st century learning: a comparative analysis.
In: European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), 23 - 26 August 2016, University College, Dublin, Ireland.
Glen, N, Chaffey, N, Palmer, J and Warmington, J
Forest portals.
Part of 'Forest Eyes' [app].
Green, J
'Seal song.'
Moonlight magic.
Stripes, London, pp. 65-80.
ISBN 9781847157416
Green, J
Writing the wild.
In: Edinburgh International Book Festival, 13 - 29 August 2016, Baillie Gifford Corner Theatre, Edinburgh, UK.
Green, J, Humphrey, K, Thebo, M and Vick, C
The writers' creative journey.
In: Bath Children’s Literature Festival, 1 - 9 October 2016, Guildhall, Bath, UK.
Griffin, B
Sport during the Great Famine.
In: International Sports and Leisure History Colloquium, 26-27 February 2016, MMU Cheshire, Crewe, UK.
Halliwell, E, Yager, Z, Paraskeva, N, Diedrichs, P.C, Smith, H and White, P
'Body image in primary schools: a pilot evaluation of a primary school intervention program designed by teachers to improve children’s body satisfaction.'
Body Image, 19.
pp. 133-141.
Harman, W.H
Floating Writing.
Bath Spa University Library, Bath, UK, 18 March - 15 April 2016.
Harman, W.H
The Language of Ceramics.
New Taipei City Yingge Ceramic Museum, New Taipei, Taiwan, 20 February - 15 March 2016.
Harris, H
Sion Hill Gallery, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK, 28 February - 8 March 2016.
Harrison, K
Heavy Rock | Mould.
In: Material Language: New Work in Clay, New Art Centre, Salisbury, UK, 14 May - 24 July 2016.
Harrison, K
In: Jerwood Open Forest, Jerwood Space, London, UK, 2 November - 11 December 2016.
Harrison, K
In: Museums, Artists, Audiences: New Expressions, 11 October 2016, The Horniman Museum, London, UK.
Hatley, J
ORCID: 0000-0003-1232-2050, Ahmed Shafi, A, Millican, R, Stapleton, S and Middleton, T
Assessment for resilience.
In: BERA Annual Conference, 13 - 15 September 2016, University of Leeds, UK.
Hayes, S
ORCID: 0000-0001-8633-0155
'Learning from a deceptively spacious policy discourse.'
Ryberg, T,
Sinclair, C,
Bayne, S and
de Laat, M, eds.
Research, boundaries, and policy in networked learning.
Springer, Cham, pp. 23-40.
ISBN 9783319311289
Hayes, S
ORCID: 0000-0001-8633-0155 and Jandrić, P
'Resisting the final word: challenging stale media and
policy representations of students’ performative
technological encounters in university education.'
Cranmer, S,
Bonderup Dohn, N,
de Laat, M,
Ryberg, T and
Sime, J-A, eds.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Networked Learning 2016.
Lancaster University, Lancaster, pp. 150-158.
ISBN 9781862203242
Head, A
Defining elastic space.
In: Elastic 3D Space International Colloquium, 24 - 27 February 2016, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
Head, A
In: Forest of Imagination, Bath Abbey, Bath, UK, 3 June 2016 - 24 June 2016.
Head, A and Sujir, L
Elastic 3D Space.
In: Besides the Screen, 20 - 22 June 2016, Conventry, UK.
Heap, T, Juniper, T, Huxham, M, Mace, G, King, M, Sullivan, S and Hannis, M
Does nature come with a price tag?
In: Earthwatch Debate Series, 5 May 2016, Royal Geographical Society, London, UK.
Heyde, N, Heaton, R, Finnissy, M and Bamon, L
Inventing an ensemble identity.
In: Performance Studies Network: Fourth International Conference, 14 -17 July 2016, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK.
Hills, P.J, Thompson, C, Jones, S.P, Piech, R.M, Painter, L and Pake, M
'Attentional modulation of the carry over of eye-movements between tasks.'
Acta Psychologica, 167.
pp. 1-15.
Hong, Y
Drawing flowers.
In: Making is Thinking is Making: La Nouva Arte Coreana - XXI La Triennale di Milano, Milan, Italy, 2 April - 12 September 2016.
Hong, Y
A Fire That Never Dies.
Cecilia Hillstrom Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden, 14 January - 20 February 2016.
Hong, Y
Let us dance.
In: South Korea Guest of Honour at Art Paris Art Fair, Grand Palais, Paris, France, 3 - 5 March 2016.
Hughes, W
'Jerome K. Jerome (1859-1927).'
McCarthy, E and
Murphy, B.M, eds.
Lost souls of horror and the Gothic: fifty-four neglected authors, actors, artists and others.
McFarland, Jefferson, NC.
ISBN 9781476663142
Hugill, A and Amelides, P
'Audio-only computer games: 'Papa Sangre'.'
Emmerson, S and
Landy, L, eds.
Expanding the horizon of electroacoustic music analysis.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 355-375.
ISBN 9781107118324
Hyde, J
Collective reality.
In: FutureFest, Tobacco Dock, London, UK, 17 -18 September 2016.
Ireland, A.J, Ellis, P, Jordan, A, Bradley, R, Ewings, P, Atack, N.E, Griffiths, H, House, K, Moore, M, Deacon, S, Wenger, N, Worth, V, Scaysbrook, E and Sandy, J.R
'Comparative assessment of chewing gum and ibuprofen in the management of orthodontic pain with fixed appliances: a pragmatic multicenter randomized controlled trial.'
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 150 (2).
pp. 220-227.
Ivic, C
'Literature and nationalism.'
Stone, J,
Rutledge, D.M,
Rizova, P.S,
Smith, A.D and
Hou, X, eds.
The Wiley Blackwell encyclopedia of race, ethnicity, and nationalism.
Wiley, London, pp. 1-2.
ISBN 9781405189781
Jones, O and Jones, K
'On narrative, affect and threatened ecologies of tidal landscapes.'
Thorpe, J,
Rutherford, S and
Sandberg, L.A, eds.
Methodological challenges in nature-culture and environmental history research.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 147-165.
ISBN 9781138956032
Jose, N
'Coetzee in China.'
TSLL: Texas Studies in Language and Literature, 58 (4).
pp. 451-472.
Kerridge, R
Oppermann, S and
Iovino, S, eds.
Environmental humanities: voices from the Anthropocene.
Rowman & Littlefield International, London.
ISBN 9781783489381
Keyte, J, Evans, R and MacQueen, P
'Thinking Keeping: a practice-led research project which focuses on the act of opening or breaking in to product packaging.'
Desmet, P.M.A,
Fokkinga, S.F,
Ludden, G.D.S,
Cila, N and
van Zuthem, H, eds.
Celebration and contemplation: proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Design and Emotion, Amsterdam, September 27-30, 2016.
The Design & Emotion Society, Amsterdam, pp. 744-753.
ISBN 9789461867254
Kidd, N
In: Oriel Davies Open: Painting, Oriel Davies, Newtown, Wales, 16 April - 15 June 2016.
Kovats, T
In: The Resilience of Drawing Symposium, 11 May 2016, UAL Chelsea, London, UK.
Kovats, T
Reef 1 & Reef 2 [2014].
In: Venice Biennale: Vita Vitale, Azerbaijan Pavilion, Venice, Italy, 9 May - 22 November 2015.
Kovats, T, Hartley, A, Doherty, C and Bickerstaff, D
Panel discussion.
In: Now Here is Land, 1 December 2016, Victoria Miro Gallery, London, UK.
Lamont, B.R
Visual Activism [group exhibition].
In: NEFELE Festival: 1st European Art Festival for Mental Health, Bouzianis Museum, Athens, Greece, 1 - 16 October 2016.
Law, M
ORCID: 0000-0002-6127-5353
Glover, G,
Flintoft, P and
Moore, R, eds.
'A mersshy country called Holdernesse': excavations on the route of a National Grid pipeline in Holderness, East Yorkshire.
Archaeopress Publishing, Oxford, pp. 246-247.
ISBN 9781784913137
Lewis-Smith, C
'The dancer camera pas de deux.'
Payri, B and
Arnal, R, eds.
Proceedings of the International Screendance Meeting: Valencia 2016.
Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, pp. 29-37.
ISBN 9788490485453
Please click the title to check availability.
Lewis-Smith, C
The dancer camera pas de deux.
In: III International Meeting of Screendance, 9 - 10 September 2016, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain.
Li, C, Ge, J, Huang, L, Hu, H, Wu, B, Yang, H, Hu, H and Luo, B
'Process mining with token carried data.'
Information Sciences, 328.
pp. 558-576.
Li, C, Ge, J, Li, Z, Huang, L, Yang, H and Luo, B
'Monitoring interactions across multi business processes with token carried data.'
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing.
Li, Z, Ge, J, Yang, H, Huang, L, Hu, H, Hu, H and Luo, B
'A security and cost aware scheduling algorithm for heterogeneous tasks of scientific workflow in clouds.'
Future Generation Computer Systems, 65.
pp. 140-152.
Liu, L, Xu, J, Yang, H, Guo, C, Kang, J, Xu, S, Zhang, B and Si, G
'An effective penetration test approach based on feature matrix for exposing SQL Injection Vulnerability.'
Reisman, S,
Ahamed, S.I,
Liu, L,
Milojicic, D,
Claycomb, W,
Matskin, M,
Sato, H,
Nakamura, M,
Cimato, S,
Lung, C.H and
Zhang, Z, eds.
Proceedings: 2016 IEEE 40th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference Workshops.
IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, pp. 123-132.
ISBN 9781467388450
Loon, M
'Developing professional practice in L&D.'
Loon, M, ed.
Professional practice in learning and development: how to design and deliver plans for the workplace.
Kogan Page, London, pp. 9-65.
ISBN 9780749477424
Luzar, R
Skelf SITE [online], 1 October - 3 November 2016.
Luzar, R
In: About Face Symposium, 21 January 2016, Hauser & Wirth Somerset, Bruton, UK.
Luzar, R
Objectless faith through inaesthetics.
In: Knowledge, Reality, Transcendence: A Dialogue Between East & West, 31 October - 6 November 2016, Constanta, Sinaia, Vatra Dornei, Romania.
Luzar, R
Screened page & Posts retraced.
In: Line, Point, Plane: Minimalism in Architectural Space, Nunnery Gallery, London, UK, 20 – 25 September 2016.
Luzar, R and Gagliardi, F
Two seen, one un-seeing.
In: Duration and Dialogue: Performance Art Festival/Symposium, Katzman Contemporary, Toronto, Canada, 29 - 31 January 2016.
Malik, I.H
Colonial Punjab: multiple facets.
In: Punjab: Past, Present and Future - 33rd International Conference of the Pubjab Research Group, 29 October 2016, Wolfson College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
Malik, I.H
Islam: past and present.
In: From the Ark to the Internet, 30 January 2016, Old School Hall, Sturminster Marshall, UK.
Malik, I.H
'Muslims, migration and settlement of.'
Stone, J,
Dennis, R.M,
Rizova, P,
Smith, A.D and
Hou, X, eds.
The Wiley Blackwell encyclopedia of race, ethnicity and nationalism.
Wiley, London.
ISBN 9781405189781
McCoy, C, Marcinkowski, M, Sawyer, S, Sanfilippo, M.R, Meyer, E.T and Rosenbaum, H
'Social informatics of data norms.'
Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 53 (1).
pp. 1-4.
McGarvey, L.M and Jamison, N.M
'Opportunities for mathematical interaction through preschool routines.'
Wood, M.B,
Turner, E.E,
Civil, M and
Eli, J.A, eds.
Proceedings of the 38th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, pp. 1353-1356.
ISBN 9780692628768
McInnes, K and Yuen, N
Play therapy in the early years.
In: Celebrating Children and Families, Bristol South Nursery Schools and Children’s Centres Annual Conference, 5 February 2016, Bristol, UK.
McInnes, R, Smith, G.M, Greaves, J, Watson, D, Wood, N and Everard, M
'Multicriteria decision analysis for the evaluation of water quality improvement and ecosystem service provision.'
Water and Environment Journal, 30 (3-4).
pp. 298-309.
McMahon, K, Howe, A, Davies, D, Collier, C and Earle, S
ORCID: 0000-0002-6155-1098
'Creative pedagogies in early years science: thematic planning and sustained scientific dialogues.'
Lavonen, J,
Juuti, K,
Lampiselkä, J,
Uitto, A and
Hahl, K, eds.
Electronic proceedings of the ESERA 2015 Conference - Science Education Research: Engaging Learners for a Sustainable Future.
(co-ed.Esmé Glauert & Fani Stylianidou), Pt. 15
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, pp. 2626-2638.
ISBN 9789515115416
Minott, P
Pretty abstract.
Black Swan Arts, Frome, UK, 10 September - 8 October 2016.
Mitchell, J.K, Jeffers, J.M and Brady, M.B
'The changing environment.'
Auerbach, P.S,
Cushing, T.A and
Harris, N.S, eds.
Auerbach's wilderness medicine. 7th ed.
Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 2524-2535.
ISBN 9780323359429
Morey, R.D, Chambers, C.D, Etchells, P.J, Harris, C.R, Hoekstra, R, Lakens, D, Lewandowsky, S, Coker Morey, C, Newman, D.P, Schonbrodt, F, Vanpaemel, W, Wagenmakers, E and Zwaan, R
'The Peer Reviewers’ Openness Initiative: incentivising open research practices through peer review.'
Royal Society Open Science, 3 (1).
Morrad, A and Dutton, S
Words fail me.
In: Fine Art Research Network Symposium: Research Practice - Practice Research, 15 July 2016, University of Cumbria Institute of the Arts, Lancaster, UK.
Mukherjee, R
Oldcastle Books, Harpenden.
ISBN 9781843447429
Neudecker, M
After life.
In: Documenting the World's Vanishing Glaciers, Scheilmünde Pilot Island, Germany, 23 July 2016.
Neudecker, M
Tempest [group exhibition].
Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 10 June - 20 November 2016.
Newman, J
Computer games.
In: New Media Gatekeepers: Ecosystems of Access and Denial Symposium, 22 April 2016, Coventry University, Coventry, UK.
Newman, J
Let videogames die!
In: Game History Symposium: Preserving / Prolonging / Remixing Play, 28 - 30 June 2016, Montreal, Canada.
Newman, J
Playing (with) Star Wars.
In: Clash of Realities: 7th International Conference on the Art, Technology and Theory of Digital Games, 14 - 16 November 2016, Cologne Game Lab, TH Köln, Cologne, Germany.
Newman, J
Lowood, H and
Guins, R, eds.
Debugging game history: a critical lexicon.
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 409-417.
ISBN 9780262034197
Newsinger, J
Orwell and America.
In: George Orwell Studies Conference, 7 January 2016, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK.
Newsinger, J
''The truth, the whole truth...': some British political and military memoirs of the Troubles.'
Dawson, G,
Hopkins, S and
Dover, J, eds.
The Northern Ireland Troubles in Britain: impacts, engagements, legacies and memories.
Manchester University Press, Manchester.
ISBN 9780719096327
Nuhu, L.Y, Loon, M and Bell, R
A systematic review of entrepreneurship education literature in Nigeria: where is the focus of research?
In: UFHRD 2016, Leadership, Diversity and Changing Practices in HRD in a Global Context, 8 - 10 June 2016, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK.
Ordóñez, P.E, Sharma, K.K, Bystrom, L.M, Alas, M.A, Enriquez, R.G, Malagón, O, Jones, D.E, Guzman, M.L and Compadre, C.M
'Dehydroleucodine, a sesquiterpene lactone from Gynoxys verrucosa, demonstrates cytotoxic activity against human leukemia cells.'
Journal of Natural Products, 79 (4).
pp. 691-696.
Please click the title to check availability.
Parry, B
'Theses on urban art intervention.'
Davis, T, ed.
Changing metropolis III.
Kobenhavns International Teater, Copenhagen, pp. 102-106.
ISBN 9788799422920
Please click the title to check availability.
Parry, B and Wodiczko, K
'War veteran vehicle.'
Wodiczko, K, ed.
Transformative avant-garde and other writings.
Black Dog Press, London, pp. 254-262.
ISBN 9781910433270
Pathak, D, Yang, H and Chen, T-K
Neurofeedback and creativity in interceptive human movement: a theoretical model for neurocybernetics based kinaesthetic multimodal learning agent.
In: IEEE International Workshop on Software Cybernetics (IWSC), co-located with the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS 2016), 1 - 3 August 2016, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria.
Pathak, D, Yang, H, Chen, T-K, Fishenden, J and Lee, A
Measuring brain signals to evaluate the
role of creativity in interceptive human movement.
In: International Symposium on Creative Computing, 29 March - 1 April 2016, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
Pathak, D, Yang, H, Chen, T-K, Fishenden, J and Lee, A
'Measuring brain signals to evaluate the
role of creativity in interceptive human movement.'
Guerrero, J.E, ed.
IEEE SOSE 2016: 10th International IEEE Symposium on Service-Oriented Engineering.
IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, pp. 260-269.
ISBN 9781509022533
Please click the title to check availability.
Paulo, R.M
'Confissões [Confessions].'
Maia, R,
Nunes, L,
Caridade, S,
Sani, A,
Estrada, R,
Nogueira, C,
Fernandes, H and
Afonso, L, eds.
Dicionário crime justiça e sociedade.
Edições Sílabo, Lisbon.
Paulo, R.M
'Entrevista investigativa [Investigative interview].'
Maia, R,
Nunes, L,
Caridade, S,
Sani, A,
Estrada, R,
Nogueira, C,
Fernandes, H and
Afonso, L, eds.
Dicionário crime justiça e sociedade.
Edições Sílabo, Lisbon.
Paulo, R.M
'Mentira [Lie].'
Maia, R,
Nunes, L,
Caridade, S,
Sani, A,
Estrada, R,
Nogueira, C,
Fernandes, H and
Afonso, L, eds.
Dicionário crime justiça e sociedade.
Edições Sílabo, Lisbon.
Paulo, R.M, Albuquerque, P.B and Bull, R
'É possível obter um bom testemunho? A entrevista cognitiva melhorada: investigação com uma amostra portuguesa [Is it possible to obtain a good report? The enhanced cognitive interview: research with a Portuguese population].'
Nunes, L,
Sani, A and
Caridade, S, eds.
Crime justiça e sociedade: visões interdisciplinares.
Edições CRIAP, Porto, pp. 159-179.
Peters, F, Evans, M, Troyer, J, Wynne, A and Hughes, W
Felony, fear and forensics.
In: Captivating Criminality 3: Crime Fiction, Felony, Fear and Forensics, 23 -25 June 2016, Bath Spa University, Corsham, UK.
Pisu, M.G, Garau, A, Boero, G, Biggio, F, Pibiri, V, Dore, R, Locci, V, Paci, E
ORCID: 0000-0002-6202-2825, Porcu, P and Serra, M
'Sex differences in the outcome of juvenile social isolation on HPA axis function in rats.'
Neuroscience, 320.
pp. 172-182.
Pomorina, I
'New developments in the UK economics higher education.'
Kameneva, E, ed.
Образовательные программы и профессиональные стандарты: поиск эффективного взаимодействия.
OAO ИТКОР, Moscow, pp. 148-151.
ISBN 9785000820377
Please click the title to check availability.
Pyatt, B, Gillmore, G, Grattan, J, Ivers, M, Gilbertson, D and Phillips, P
'The atmospheric environment of the West Mouth and its human, geomorphic and archaeological implications.'
Barker, G and
Farr, L, eds.
Archaeological investigations in the Niah Caves, Sarawak.
McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge, pp. 201-210.
ISBN 9781902937601
Re Manning, R
'From order to God.'
Cartwright, N and
Ward, K, eds.
Rethinking order after the laws of nature.
Bloomsbury, London, pp. 223-232.
ISBN 9781474244060
Please click the title to check availability.
Reading, K
'A performatic archive.'
Reason, M and
Molle Lindelof, A, eds.
Experiencing liveness in contemporary performance: interdisciplinary perspectives.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 143-148.
ISBN 9781138961593
Rigby, K
Adamson, J,
Pellow, D.N and
Gleason, W.A, eds.
Keywords for environmental studies.
NYU Press, New York, pp. 79-81.
ISBN 9780814760833
Robertson, M
In: The Enemies Project: The South West Poetry Tour, Bath Royal Literary & Scientific Institution, Bath, UK, 6 August 2016.
Robertson, M
In: Vocal Vertebra BCN, Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, 5 October 2016.
Robertson, M and Fontaine, G
Score 11.15.
In: Vocal Vertebra #2 : an Evening of Sound Poetry Performances, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK, 12 May 2016.
Rose, J, Gilbert, L and McGuire-Snieckus, R
Attachment Aware Schools.
In: AERA Annual Meeting: Public Scholarship to Educate Diverse Democracies, 8 - 12 April 2016, American Educational Research Association, Washington DC, USA.
Sacks, R and Loon, M
'Developing and using consultancy skills.'
Loon, M, ed.
Professional practice in learning and development: how to design and deliver plans for the workplace.
Kogan Page, London, pp. 151-206.
ISBN 9780749477424
Sammells, N
Oscar Wilde: be cool.
In: Professorial Lecture Series 2016-17, 14 December 2016, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK.
Scott, L
Digital journeys.
In: Swindon175, STEAM Museum of the Great Western Railway, 11 February 2016.
Simpson, E
Stories are good.
In: Koestler Awards Prize Giving Ceremony, 5 December 2016, HMP Wakefield, Yorkshire, UK.
Skuse, C.J
The deviants.
Mira Ink, Richmond.
ISBN 9781848455269
Slade, C
'Creative industries and global education.'
Stiasny, M and
Gore, T, eds.
Going global : connecting cultures, forging futures.
UCL Institute of Education Press, London, pp. 197-205.
ISBN 9780863557842
Slade, C
'Small, regional and global: Bath Spa University.'
Schulz, L and
Viczko, M, eds.
Assembling and governing the higher education institution: democracy, social justice and leadership in global higher education.
Palgrave Macmillan, New York, NY, pp. 349-360.
ISBN 9781137522603
Snell, R
Stalker (2005).
In: Norwich Contemporary Arts Society Sixty Years On: Treasures from the Castle's Collection, Norwich Castle Museum, Norwich, UK, 26 September 2016 - March 17.
Sookdeo, A, Wacker, L, Büntgen, U, Friedrich, M, Helle, G, Kromer, B, Pauly, M and Reinig, F
Investigating the onset of the Younger Dryas by high temporal resolution of radiocarbon.
In: Goldschmidt, 2016, Yokohama, Japan.
Spring, M
'"A goose among swans": the connections and correspondence between Jacques Gaultier and Constantijn Huygens.'
Burgers, J.W.J,
Crawford, T and
Spring, M, eds.
The lute in the Netherlands in the seventeenth century: proceedings of the International Lute Symposium, Utrecht, 30 August 2013.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, pp. 120-141.
ISBN 9781443890755
Spring, M
'The musical life of Bath, 1800-1850.'
Temperley, N, ed.
The musicians of Bath and beyond: Edward Loder (1809-1865) and his family.
Boydell & Brewer, Martlesham, pp. 24-41.
ISBN 9781783270781
Stakelum, M, Barrios Manzano, P and Gómez-Ullate, M
Music Education Research, 18 (4).
pp. 337-339.
Steadman, M
In: Borderland, University Theatre, Bath Spa University, Bath. UK, 28 - 30 January 2016.
Steadman, M, Bowes, V and Kelly, C
Borderland exhibition.
44AD Gallery, Bath, UK, 26 - 30 January 2016.
Sullivan, S
'(Re-)embodying which body? Philosophical, cross-cultural and personal reflections on corporeality.'
Pellicer-Thomas, R,
De Lucia, V and
Sullivan, S, eds.
Law, philosophy and ecology: exploring re-embodiments.
Routledge, London, pp. 119-138.
ISBN 9781138852877
Please click the title to check availability.
Słowakiewicz, M, Whitaker, F, Thomas, L, Tucker, M.E, Zheng, Y, Gedl, P and Pancost, R.D
'Biogeochemistry of intertidal microbial mats from Qatar: new insights from organic matter characterisation.'
Organic Geochemistry, 102.
pp. 14-29.
Tantony, R, Meseguer, R, Fredericks, S and English, L
All the journeys I never took.
The Wardrobe Theatre, Bristol, UK, 1 - 2 October 2016 [and 9 other venues as a touring production].
Taylor, A
In: Century: 100 Modern British Artists, Jerwood Gallery, Hastings, UK, 23 October 2016 - 8 January 2017.
Thompson, M, Padget, J and Battle, S
'Describing legal policies as story tropes in normative systems.'
Bex, F and
Villata, S, eds.
Legal knowledge and information systems.
Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 207-210.
ISBN 9781614997252
Please click the title to check availability.
Turk, G
Ajar (2011).
In: Sculpture in the City, Square Mile, London, UK, 1 June 2016 - 1 June 2017.
Turk, G
Jablonka Maruani Mercier Gallery, Knokke, Belgium, 6 August - 15 September 2016.
Turk, G
Gav (Library Bar).
Bruchium - Al Forno, Venice, Italy, 7 May - 22 November 2015.
Turk, G
Nomad (2003).
In: Found, The Foundling Museum, London, UK, 27 May - 4 September 2016.
Turk, G
Nomad (black) (2006).
In: In a Dream You Saw a Way to Survive and You Were Full of Joy, Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester, UK, 10 June - 30 October 2016.
Turk, G
One twenty five (2013).
In: NEON: The Charged Line, Grundy Art Gallery, Blackpool, UK, 1 September 2016 - 7 January 2017.
Turk, G
Oscar (1999).
In: Surrealism and Beyond, Von Bartha Collection, Basel, Switzerland, 21 April - 19 June 2016.
Turk, G
The Baldwin Gallery, Aspen, USA, 12 February - 12 March 2016.
Turk, G
Pink Che (2005).
In: Bread and Roses: Artists and the Class Divide, Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw, Poland, 9 February - 1 May 2016.
Turk, G
Pop up (2000).
In: Punk: Its Traces in Contemporary Art, MACBA Museu d´Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 13 May - 25 September 2016.
Turk, G
Water biscuit (2010).
In: The Box, Pippy Houldsworth Gallery, London, UK, 22 January - 13 February 2016.
Turk, G
Yellow fright wig (2014).
In: The Legacy of Andy Warhol, Artipelag, Stockholm, Sweden, 14 April - 25 September 2016.
Turk, G
The shining (2007).
In: Daydreaming with Stanley Kubrick, Somerset House, London, UK, 6 July - 24 August 2016.
Turner, F.A
The defiant English glove revival.
In: X International Fashion Conference: Fashion On The Move - Rethinking Design, 20-21 April 2016, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain.
Tweed, C
Archimeters (2011).
In: Selected VI, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow, UK, 25 May 2016.
Tweed, C
Archimeters (2011).
In: Both Sides Now 3: Screenings in East Asia, Woolloomooloo, Taipei, 19 August - 9 December 2016.
Tweed, C
Artist's talk: Charlie Tweed.
In: LifeSpace Science Art Research Gallery Artist Talks Series, 30 September 2016, LifeSpace Science Art Research Gallery, Dundee, UK.
Tweed, C
In: Cold Bodies, Warm Machines: Art, Technology and the Posthuman, 9 - 11 September 2016, NRW-Forum, Düsseldorf, Germany.
Tweed, C
The signal and the noise.
In: Silent Signal, Quad, Derby, UK, 6 February - 6 March 2016 and 18 March - 23 April 2016.
Tweed, C
The signal and the noise.
In: Silent Signal Symposium, 26 February 2016, College of Arts, University of Derby, UK.
Tweed, C
The signal and the rock.
In: STRATA: Art and Science Collaborations in the Anthropocene, 15 January 2016, Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth, Wales.
Voake, S
'My brother saves things.'
Fanaiyan, N and
Carroll, M, eds.
Tremble: the University of Canberra Vice-Chancellor’s International Poetry Prize.
IPSI, Canberra, pp. 81-82.
ISBN 9781740884488
Walsh, J, Keogh, E, Bartlett, J, Attridge, N and Eccleston, C
Exploring attentional biases to body expressions of pain in men and women.
In: The British Pain Society: 2016 Annual Scientific Meeting, 10 - 12 May 2016, Harrogate International Centre, Harrogate, UK.
Walton, S
In: Wilderness, 4 -7 August 2016, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, UK.
Wang, X and Yang, H
'User query optimisation: a Creative Computing approach.'
Zhang, L and
Xu, C, eds.
Software engineering and methodology for emerging domains: 15th National Software Application Conference, NASAC 2016, Kunming, Yunnan, November 3–5, 2016, proceedings.
Springer, Singapore, pp. 68-79.
ISBN 9789811034824
Weldon, F
Fay Weldon in conversation.
In: Literary Leicester Festival, 19 November 2016, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK.
Weldon, F
A welcome return.
In: Henley Literary Festival, 26 September - 2 October 2016, Kenton Theatre, Henley, UK.
Weldon, F and Greenwood, G
Before the war.
In: Write on Kew Literary Festival, 25 September 2016, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London, UK.
Weldon, F, Renton, R and Newton-Wordsworth, T
I love my love (1980).
Tabard Theatre, London, UK, 26 - 30 April 2016.
Wen, S, Xue, Y, Xu, J, Yang, H, Li, X, Song, W and Si, G
'Toward exploiting access control vulnerabilities within MongoDB backend web applications.'
Reisman, S,
Ahamed, S.I,
Liu, L,
Milojicic, D,
Claycomb, W,
Matskin, M,
Sato, H,
Nakamura, M,
Cimato, S,
Lung, C.H and
Zhang, Z, eds.
Proceedings: 2016 IEEE 40th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference Workshops.
IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, pp. 143-153.
ISBN 9781467388450
Whiting, C
ORCID: 0000-0002-9963-426X, Black, P, Hordern, J, Parfitt, A, Reynolds, K, Sorensen, N and Whitty, G
Towards a new topography of ITT: a profile of Initial Teacher Training in England 2015-16. An Occasional Paper from the IFE No.1.
Bath Spa University, Institute for Education, Bath.
ISBN 9780992633899
Whiting, M and Khatir, L
The Drawing Quilt Project.
In: Konst i Påsk Easter Arts Festival, Aguelimuseet, Sala, Sweden, 20 March 2016 - September 2016.
Whiting, M, Khatir, L and Mars, P
Bad Wilma.
Mars Gallery, Chicago, IL, USA, 16 June - 1 September 2016.
Whitty, G
'My life with the sociology of education.'
Sadovnik, A.R and
Coughlin, R.W, eds.
Leaders in the sociology of education: intellectual self-portraits.
Sense, Rotterdam, pp. 287-300.
ISBN 9789463007153
Whitty, G, Hayton, A and Tang, S
'The growth of participation in higher education in England.'
Burke, P.J, ed.
Widening participation in higher education: international perspectives.
Centre of Excellence for Equity in Higher Education Occasional Paper
Centre of Excellence for Equity in Higher Education, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW, pp. 20-31.
Williamson, C
'R.B. Cunninghame Graham.'
Mitchell, J and
Hassan, G, eds.
Scottish National Party leaders.
Biteback, London, pp. 65-86.
ISBN 9781785900921
Wilson, A
Kitten wars.
Macmillan Children's Books, London.
ISBN 9781509804641
Wilson, A
Puss in Boots.
Collins Educational.
ISBN 9780008147136
Wilson, A
The kitten hunt.
Macmillan Children's Books, London.
ISBN 9781509804627
Wilson, C
Wands & Rabbits.
In: Beep 2016: This must be the place I never wanted to leave, Swansea College of Art, Swansea, Wales (then touring), 6 August - 3 September 2016.
Winlow, H, Simm, D
ORCID: 0000-0002-0440-9546, Marvell, A and Schaaf, R
'Using focus group research to support teaching and learning.'
Haigh, M,
Cotton, D and
Hall, T, eds.
Pedagogic research in geography higher education.
Routledge, London, pp. 100-111.
ISBN 9781138962088
Winton, A
'Violence, borders, and boundaries: reframing young people's mobility.'
Ni Laoire, C,
White, A and
Skelton, T, eds.
Movement, mobilities, and journeys.
Springer, Singapore, pp. 131-149.
ISBN 9789812870285
Withers, R
'Bringing things down to Earth.'
Giusti, L, ed.
Roman Signer : a step towards the sea = un passo verso il mare.
Humboldt Books, Milan, pp. 121-135.
ISBN 9788899385132
Please click the title to check availability.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
Erdkunde (2015).
In: Looking at One Thing and Thinking of Something Else - Part One: Dialogues with Art History, Carroll/Fletcher Gallery, London, UK, 11 November 2016 – 25 February 2017.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
Night and day (2008).
In: Ascents: Light Art Festival, Stuttgart, Germany, 17 September - 9 October 2016.
Wright, E.H
Tom's Quest.
Kingswood Community Centre, 22 - 30 January 2016.
Wright, E.H and Goldman, J
'The Cambridge Woolf.'
Acheson, J, ed.
Virginia Woolf's 'Mrs Dalloway' and 'To the lighthouse': a new casebook.
Palgrave Macmillan.
ISBN 9781137430823
Yhnell, E, Wood, H, Baker, M.D, Amici-Dargan, S, Taylor, C, Randerson, P and Shore, A
'The impact of attaining the Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Diploma on academic performance in bioscience higher education.'
International Journal of Science Education, 38 (1).
pp. 156-169.
Zhang, L, Zou, L, Jing, D and Yang, H
'An approach to constructing a general framework for Creative Computing: incorporating semantic web.'
Guerrero, J.E, ed.
IEEE SOSE 2016: 10th International IEEE Symposium on Service-Oriented Engineering.
IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, pp. 297-306.
ISBN 9781509022533
Please click the title to check availability.
Zheng, S, Zuo, X, Yu, H, Yang, H and Shen, J
'Understanding software reengineering requirements for cloud-oriented service architecture.'
Xu, Z and
Wang, J, eds.
Tackling the new challenges in automation & computing: 22nd International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC).
IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, pp. 48-53.
ISBN 9781862181328
Zou, L, Liu, Q, Zhang, C and Yang, H
'An approach to applying creative computing in tourism by constructing a Big Data based Knowledge System Framework.'
Xu, Z and
Wang, J, eds.
Tackling the new challenges in automation & computing: 22nd International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC).
IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, pp. 244-249.
ISBN 9781862181328
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